《Ruins of Isulia ~ Book 1 : Awakening of the Emarine》Chapter 9 : The Capital
Part 1
Henry arrived in front of the castle where Gus and Kyburn waited. Leaving Sasha had been harder for him than he realized, but felt comforted by the fact that once he returned, she would be waiting for him.
Kyburn was muttering to himself within the carriage, looking exhausted.
Gus stood next to the horses with his back hunched over, “There you are.”
“Sorry I’m late. I went to see Mrs. Kebin and Sasha.” Henry explained.
“Ah, I see. No need to apologize.” He waved a hand in dismissal. “Hurry along now, Kyburn is waiting.” they both looked over at the lord of Zulin, who was snoring now.
“Alright. Good luck, boy. And thank you. I know how hard it must be to leave your home.” Gus said, then turned and left for the castle. “May Hashem give you safe travels,” he said over his shoulder.
Professor Gould stepped up to him an instant later, “Don’t mind him, he was always a strange one. Here, these are for you. Gus’s books and notes are already in the carriage.” Professor Gould explained.
Henry looked down at the items which Gould had bestowed on him. Two apples and a small bag of dried meat.
“From Zip and Kip.” Gould shrugged. “I guess those two hoodlums will miss you.”
“Ha.” Henry chuckled, grabbing the items from the professor. “Please let them know I will miss them too. And thank you.”
The professor merely smiled and extended his hand. He grasped it firmly and shook several moments before separating.
“You be careful now,” he said, clearing his throat. “Your desk will be waiting for you when you get back.”
“Thank you, Professor.” Henry smiled back.
A carriage had been brought with the finest horses and driver in the town. Henry didn’t know anything about horses, but they were magnificent beasts. Two had jet black coats, one was brown and white and the last was nearly pure white except for the side of its head. He admired their beauty before stepping into the carriage.
“I imagine my class will be much less interesting without you,” Gould said. “Take care of yourself.”
“I will professor, thank you again,” Henry replied, waving a hand.
Kyburn had woken up and looked grumpy, “Let’s get a move on, shall we?”
“Hyah!” the driver yelled and snapped the reins.
The carriage justled forward, rocking him back into his seat. It was quite cozy besides the jolting start and Henry found himself enjoying the luxurious ride once they got underway. Kyburn had arranged a small makeshift table to be installed in the middle of the cabin, so as to give space for Henry’s books and papers. Though bumpy at times, the brick roads made it much easier on everyone. The speed at which they traveled was amazing. King Xerath had had the entire kingdom paved with roads on each major path to and from cities and towns.
Kyburn sat across from Henry looking awkward. Henry felt as if the lord felt guilty for throwing this responsibility onto him. His attitude and extra politeness towards him gave off a feeling of gratitude. It got Henry thinking of the responsibilities thrust onto Kyburn as well. He wasn’t a young man, thirty-five but was a strong and just lord. Henry couldn’t help himself from feeling sorry for him as well. King Xerath must be pressing him for answers, which only Gus really knew in detail. Now, Henry must take his place and fill in for the Historian Kyburn was supposed to be bringing to the capital.
Henry figured it was a waste of time worrying about something out of his control now. He had agreed to help his lord and he would stick to it. His goal now was to read up on all the research and histories.
Several days passed quickly but Henry grew weary of all the reading. The number of books and notes from Gus was astounding. The level of detail went beyond what Henry could understand at times. Henry made keynotes for himself, jotting down dates and locations.
On occasion, Kyburn would ask how he was getting along and Henry would answer with long and detailed explanations.
Upon reading more, Henry slowly came to the realization there was more than one type of creature other than the Vog. This had come to a shock to him and Henry read on with greater focus and intrigue. A significant amount of the information was incomplete, however.
As far as the Historians recorded, there seemed to be at least three different types of creatures. All confirmed to be different species. They varied in size. Some were small, half a grown man’s height, coming up to his waist, and others larger than humans such as the Vog.
These small creatures had long thin arms with short legs, almost resembling a monkey in figure but had no fur. They had black leather-like skin with long claws, their mouths were filled with teeth. Belthar had compared it to a leech's mouth, with rows of sharp teeth, circling the mouth. They were also believed to travel in packs, similar to wolves. Prawlers, they were called, had last been seen thirty or so years ago.
Fossils and remains of these mysterious creatures had been found across all of Isulia. This indicated they had been here for a very long time. It made Henry cringe inwardly, just thinking about them.
Kyburn’s face distorted in disgust at the description of these monkey-like vermin when Henry told him of them. But in truth, he still found it all fascinating to read.
This worried both of them. If these creatures too hadn’t gone extinct, it could create even more problems for them. The idea of fighting several different species for survival felt like a grim one. Adding to their worries, the Ruins had mentioned these creatures through pictures and moving images.
Another strange giant whale-like creature had been found fossilized in Xer. Paleontologists had also made this discovery. Only two have ever been recorded and both were the size of large castles. The first had been found, fossilized at the base of the Fossland mountains in Xer. The second, in the northern mountains of Vulkira.
Due to being in the far north, the second whale-like creature had been mostly frozen in ice. Paleontologists recorded them having large tentacles stretching up to the length of twenty horses. First to be believed as water animals, the contradiction of finding both in the mountains had baffled researchers.
Last of the creatures were massive lizard-like beasts, the Vog. Sightings have been recorded within the last twenty years. All in Vulkira. Large armor plating protected their backs making them extremely hard to pierce their hides. Their bodies were covered in scales, this only added to their toughness. Long teeth protruded from their mouths, also making them dangerous. Many Vog fossils had been recorded but what surprised Henry was that not all of them were in Vulkira.
That meant the Vog had once lived in the other countries to the south and east. It had confused him at first, for he had always believed the Vog were only cold climate mountain-dwelling animals. The more he read, the more he realized how little he knew.
There had been a part of him that wasn’t entirely sure what king Xerath had mentioned in the letter were actually Vog. But ultimately, he concluded the Vulkirian people were describing the Vog and the king had been right to believe so.
In all Gus’s notes, the Vog were peaceful and secluded themselves from humans, which didn’t align with what was happening now. Whatever happened in Vulkira piqued Henry’s interest greatly.
After a week and a half of traveling, Henry moved onto the topic of ‘The Ancients’. Time was short as they drew nearer to Xerixes. They would be arriving in four days and he needed to pour through three more books and dozens of notes. As he read, he came across many detailed facts, but he could tell there was something missing. The Historians left some key details out that misled many theories. This was most assuredly the secret Kyburn was keeping from him. It made the process extremely frustrating.
The kingdom of Xer was keeping secrets, and king Xerath was enforcing it.
“What aren’t you telling me?” Henry asked for the millionth time.
Kyburn sighed, placing his hand to his head while rolling his eyes. “For the last time Henry, we will tell you everything when we get there. It is not up to me to tell you.”
“But, if you are going to tell me everything, why not tell me right now?” Henry pleaded.
“Oh, Hashem save me! Will your curiosity never end? King Xerath will inform anyone he deems worthy. End! Of! Discussion!” Kyburn finished red-faced.
Henry frowned, feeling guilty for pushing his lord. He couldn’t stop thinking about the Vog. Couldn’t believe they actually existed. The Ancients, the Prawlers, all real and all in extremely detailed notes. The whale-like creatures with tentacles. Most of this wasn’t public knowledge. Only for his eyes. Henry’s mind raced at all the possibilities.
The ruins scattered over the world had been excavated, revealing metal tunnels and massive rooms underground. There was still so much to learn. So much concealed. “What was the kingdom of Xer hiding from the rest of the world? Why weren’t the other kingdoms talking about this? Were the other countries in on the big secret?” he asked himself.
He remembered Xerath’s letter saying ‘We might need to visit our ‘Friends’ in Kligira’, which Henry also asked Kyburn and was met with a frown and stern face.
Kligira had been silent for many years, keeping to themselves. After the war, most, if not all, issues between Xer and Kligira had been resolved. Apart from the skirmishes still going on to the east on the border of Tykin, Kligira was dormant and no word came out of the country.
“How is Kligira involved in all this?” he thought.
Traveling day and night, Kyburn and Henry only stopped at small towns or cities for fresh horses and food. Replacing the coach driver at each stop allowed them for continued travel.
Two weeks of intense riding took a toll on both Kyburn and Henry. Being confined to a carriage left their bones aching from sitting for so long. It gave Henry ample opportunity to read everything that Gus had provided but was extremely taxing on him mentally and physically.
Nearing the capital, Kyburn sat up and hung his head out the window to address the driver.
“Pull over!” he shouted. “We need a break.”
Coming to a quick stop, the carriage pulled off the brick road near a small stream. Kyburn looked over at Henry then opened the door and jumped out.
“Is something wrong?” Henry asked. “Aren’t we almost there?”
“Come on. Let’s stretch our legs,” Kyburn said enthusiastically. “We need a quick rest stop don’t you think?”
Henry jumped out after him, eager to stretch his legs and breath in the cool air. “How much further till we reach Xerixes?”
“My guess is... around five hours,” Kyburn replied.
“I can’t wait to see the city,” Henry said excitedly.
“Have you never seen it?” Kyburn cocked his head questioningly.
“No sir,” Henry reported. “The largest city I’ve been to is Ipoth and that was during my visit to the ruin in the Fossland Mountains. My parents took me there once too when I was a young boy. Beautiful city.”
“I see.” Kyburn turned serious at the mention of his parents.
Henry walked over to a bush to relieve himself while Kyburn walked over to the small stream and stood gazing into the clear water.
A soft breeze blew through the trees above and birds sang in their nests. It was quiet except for the natural noises of nature.
After they had relieved themselves, Henry came up next to Kyburn, silently, and took in the small stream, admiring the small fish that swam against the current.
Without looking at him, Kyburn surprised him by speaking to him. The sound of his voice shocked him out of his light daydreaming.
“I’m responsible for your father’s death,” Kyburn stated out of nowhere.
Henry stiffened, frozen in place. Not trusting himself to speak or move, he listened to his lord silently.
“Xerath asked for good men to guard Buxmar. The town was being threatened by bandits, I knew your father was the right man to lead, that I could rely on him to get the job done. So... I chose him to lead men to protect Buxmar. It was my orders.”
Still frozen in shock and confused, he looked up at Kyburn. The confession and explanation came out of nowhere, he wasn’t expecting it at all. His parents were a subject they never touched upon in all his years living in Zulin.
“When I heard he had been killed, I couldn’t face you and your mother,” Kyburn continued. “I sent gifts and money but, I couldn’t bring myself to…” he trailed off, guilt gripped his face.
“I’m sorry Henry. If I had only taken responsibility and taken care of you and your mother from the beginning then maybe she wouldn’t have…” Kyburn trailed off again, searching for the right words.
Henry could feel the conflict and guilt inside Kyburn. It had been all these years and Kyburn still blamed himself for their deaths. Sudden emotions hit Henry like a punch to the gut. He could barely breathe from the pain. Memories of his father’s cold dead body being brought back to them, of finding his mother hanging from the tree. He struggled to maintain control of himself.
“I know, words can’t fix what happened but I hope that someday you will forgive me,” Kyburn’s face contorted in guilt.
It had never occurred to Henry that Kyburn was to blame. He just blamed it on the way of the world. Life was full of death and pain and Henry had grown accustomed to the world and the loneliness he felt inside that came with it.
“I-I don’t blame you,” Henry gasped. Tears spilled from his eyes uncontrollably. “It wasn’t your fault,” he sobbed, trying to get his words out. “It wasn’t your fault,” he repeated with a whisper.
Kyburn looked over at him, tears in his own eyes, and embraced the young boy in his arms. They both stood there for several minutes. Henry slumped into his arms and wept.
Not realizing all the emotions and pain, Henry had shoved it down for years, avoiding it. Until it was forgotten, bearable. A dull ache. It wasn’t till Kyburn’s words of recognition on his part that Henry truly faced his pain. Forgiving his mother for leaving him alone. Forgiving his father for not teaching him how to be a man. It all left his body like a physical thing releasing his mind and soul of the agony within.
Kyburn’s warm embrace reminded him of his father’s love for him. His mother’s gentleness and kindness. It had all been ripped away from him in an instant. Some resemblance of his parents, Henry believed, was in that hug.
Letting go of Henry, Kyburn stepped back from him. “I know you didn’t have to forgive me but I am glad you did. You are a good man, Henry. You have a sharp mind and a bright future awaits you. I look forward to watching you grow up.”
Henry thought he would feel embarrassed for showing such weakness in front of him. Normally he felt ashamed to cry in front of someone but Kyburn didn’t make him feel that way. Instead, a feeling of acceptance and love emanate from the man in front of him. Kyburn suddenly changed in Henry’s eyes, he felt like he could trust this man with his life. Something about being hugged while emotionally vulnerable broke his walls down, but Kyburn seemed to pick all the pieces back up and restore it.
Trying to break the awkwardness that followed, Kyburn fake coughed and took a few steps backward. “I uh, well good talk Henry. We should probably get going.”
Henry sniffed, wiping away tears from his eyes. “Thank you, sir. For saying that.”
“Yes… right well, of course,” Kyburn said awkwardly, unsure how to proceed and connect with the boy. “It’s something I should have done a long time ago.”
They both looked back to the stream and at the fish for several more minutes. Reconciling their emotions to the fact that there was a bond between them now. Kyburn had, in a way, taken on the role of father in that moment.
“Well. We should get going.” Kyburn repeated, turned away, and walked back to the carriage.
Henry agreed and they both jumped back into their seats. The driver clicked his mouth and the horses started to pull, quickly gaining speed.
Part 2
After several hours, Henry stuck his head out the window to get a look at the capital. They were still miles away but he could see the giant city with massive walls surrounding it. The royal palace in the center stood so high you could see it from leagues away. As they drew closer Henry could see more detail, the walls were at least thirty feet high and Kyburn mentioned the walls were ten feet thick. An enormous steel gate had been lowered for passage to and from the city. He saw long lines of people in single file waiting to gain entry and another staggered line as people left.
“How big is Xerixes?” Henry asked excitedly. “Is it bigger than Ipoth?”
“Hmm,” Kyburn pondered. “It’s roughly ten times bigger than Ipoth,” he guessed.
“The capital is ten times bigger?” Henry choked.
“Give or take... yes,” Kyburn smiled at his excitement.
The breeze on Henry’s face was wonderful, it wasn’t freezing but just cool enough to make his face turn red. Amazement showed on his face as he gazed in awe of the sheer size and magnificence of the city.
Coming up to the gate, they were forced to slow due to the crowds blocking their way. Several guards saw the sigil flag and instantly knew it was lord Kyburn, as they were on the lookout for any lord coming into the city. Swiftly spreading out, the guards began shouting orders to the crowd.
“Clear the way!” a tall soldier yelled. “Move!”
“Clear the road for lord Kyburn!” another shouted. “Clear the road!” they shouted repeatedly.
With little effort, the crowd shuffled out of the way of the incoming carriage. Everyone wanted to avoid making anyone angry so they complied without complaint.
Henry noticed many poor people with little to wear and some with no shoes. The peasants looked grimy and mud covered their feet. “Living conditions must be hard for them,” he thought. It wasn’t like Zulin, the poor were still well looked after. No one starved but here it seemed to be the opposite. Henry felt sympathy for the poor in Xerixes, their lives a constant struggle.
“I noticed there are many poor people here and they look like they are starving and ill. Is king Xerath doing anything about them?” Henry asked Kyburn.
“Careful with what you say, Henry. King Xerath has many spies and doesn’t take kindly to criticism. However, he has taken steps to deal with the poverty in his kingdom, it takes time.”
“Forgive me, I did not mean to be critical of him,” Henry replied.
“It’s quite alright Henry, I’m just warning you to keep your words in check. No need to get yourself in trouble over something out of your control,” Kyburn said, relaxed.
“Besides, many of these people are from Vulkira who were allowed entry in the country. Xerath is a good man, an old friend but he has many flaws just like the rest of us. He doesn’t shut down anyone who disagrees with him, but that doesn’t mean he likes it.”
“I see. I will be sure to take your advice sir,” Henry promised.
“It’s the other lords you’ll need to look after. They are the true enemy of the people. They don’t care for the poor or anything that doesn’t benefit them. Sly and vile, most will sweet talk you, so be careful Henry. Don’t trust anyone but me and the king. Understood?”
Henry hung on every word. His eyes widened as Kyburn continued to talk. A mixture of fear, curiosity, and mischief made Henry doubt ever coming to Xerixes. Kyburn’s words frightened him, but he didn’t want to admit it to his lord.
“We are almost there. I suspect we will be escorted immediately to the throne room to greet Xerath. Let me do the talking,” Kyburn said.
“Yes, sir,” Henry replied.
Driving through the city was a slow process, as there were thousands of people walking about, all clogging the road with their daily activities and work. It took nearly an hour to reach the palace but Henry didn’t mind because he found it interesting to watch the people and to see the city.
As they drove up to the palace entrance, several guards came to meet them, along with a palace rhetorician. Eager to escape the carriage Kyburn and Henry swiftly stepped out and onto the cobblestone road.
“Greetings, lord Kyburn. Your presence is most welcome. Our beloved king, Xerath has been eagerly awaiting your arrival,” the rhetorician said in a high-pitched voice. “I see you brought… your son with you?”
“Greetings,” Kyburn nodded. “Not my son, but he is an important guest.”
“Ah-ha,” the slim man chimed. “Wonderful. My name is Cassius, if you would follow me. Please, come. He is waiting.”
Kyburn sighed then walked after the strange man. He led them up a large marble staircase, which led to the main door. The rhetorician had a long slim robe that flopped at his feet each time he took a step.
The palace was made of marble, every inch it seemed. Bending his head skyward, Henry got a good look up close at the enormous building. He turned his head to the city and was met with a wondrous sight. The palace was elevated above the rest of the buildings, giving him a view to behold. He could still see people moving through the streets below, buzzing around like bees.
“Henry?” Kyburn pulled him out of his gaze.
Without a word, Henry turned to follow behind them. Stepping through large metal doors, from bright to dim, he squinted, waiting for his eyes to adjust. They adjusted quickly and Henry gawked at the beauty of the palace.
The hall had dozens of chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, giving the room a beautiful glow that bounced off the marble. Numerous paintings lined the walls, each having its own unique feel. Long flowing curtains hung down at the sides of every entrance with the banner of the kingdoms sowed into them.
Paintings of each major city hung to one side of the hall, whereas the opposite side held paintings of all the lords and ladies throughout history, giving dates at the bottom. Henry couldn’t get a good look at them all but his gaze stopped on Kyburn. He looked much younger in the picture and thinner too but he would never say that out loud. Catching a glimpse of Zulin made him stop in his tracks but realized no one was looking where he was pointing. Everyone was a good ten paces ahead of him, not waiting up for him.
Henry rushed to catch up with them but kept getting distracted by the paintings, halls, and lights. Countless suits of armor and weapons lined several halls, displaying the many different types and unique craftsmanship of each piece.
He wondered if the palace had a library and the thought excited him further, imagining the size of the room and wondered how many books it would contain. Judging from the rest of the rooms, it would more than likely hold countless books in which he could lose himself in.
After several minutes the rhetorician stopped at another large door, this one was wooden with patterns edged into it. “The King awaits,” he bowed as they passed him.
The throne room resembled the rest of the palace, with chandeliers hanging everywhere, curtains draped down the sides and behind the throne itself.
A beautiful portrait hung above the throne, which Henry guessed to be king Xerixes himself, who the capital was named after. King Xerixes was the first king to divide Isulia between the four kingdoms, and his face was famous for it.
King Xerath was talking to someone as they entered and he quickly waved him away. He gazed at the two of them as they walked closer. His piercing brown eyes making Henry even more uncomfortable.
Kyburn stopped ten feet from the throne and bowed, which Henry copied a second behind him.
“I am glad to see you, Kyburn. You’ve kept me waiting. Many of the lords on the north have been in constant contact with me and I have just been informed of much more important news,” Xerath said sternly.
“I have received your troubling letter, my king. I came as quickly as I could. I pray you are in good health and your kingdom is prospering,” Kyburn said, still bowing.
“Please, stand straight. There is no need for all that,” Xerath waved his hands again. “I am grateful for your quick response to my letter dear friend. I am afraid I will be needing your assistance immediately. I know you have come a long way but we will leave here soon for Calchester.”
“Of course, my lord. My assistant and I are at your disposal,” Kyburn stated.
“Good man. Who do you have with you?” Xerath asked. “Is Gus with you? Where is he?”
“This is... Henry,” Kyburn emphasized his name strangely. “Gus was unable to travel, he stayed in Zulin for his health.”
“I see. So that’s him.” Xerath said in a low voice, looking directly at Henry. “He’s grown.”
“Henry has grown into a fine young man. He aims to be the next professor of our school in Zulin.” Kyburn’s tone was bizarre as if he was propositioning Henry for something.
“Enough Kyburn. I know the boy’s worth.” Xerath stared intimidatingly at them both. “He is welcome here.”
“Thank you sire.” Kyburn nodded.
“Tell me. What has Gus said about the situation? I’m sure he is frantic.” Xerath said. “Wanting to rub it in my face that he was right? Huh?”
Kyburn looked a bit uncomfortable but replied honestly. “Yes… sire. He may have mentioned you when speaking about the issue,” he admitted.
“Does he still hate me that much?” Xerath asked.
Kyburn coughed, clearly still uncomfortable talking of Gus Opin’s disdain for the king. “Very much so.”
“Haha!” he laughed loudly. “This is why I need you by my side, Kyburn. I know I can trust you,” Xerath praised. “You don’t hold back and mince words. Straight to the point and honest.”
“Thank you, sire,” he responded to the king’s praise.
“Stop that nonsense Kyburn. Call me by my name, that’s an order.” he smiled at his old friend. “And stop bowing.”
“My king,” Cassias interrupted during the pause in the conversation. “Perhaps you would like to get to the matter at hand?”
“Oh, stop it, Cassius. I don’t need you talking to me like a child.” Xerath scolded.
“Forgive me, my lord.” Cassius nodded his head.
“Cassius is right though. It was just brought to my attention that several of my scouts located a large army and a mass of civilians approaching the border from the north near Calchester.”
“Have they been identified?” Kyburn asked quickly. “What of the civilians?”
“Yes. They are Vulkirian soldiers as we expected but that’s not all. Erik is leading them. However, it is not surprising that the king is with them and obviously is not dead as previously presumed. He is a survivor, I’ll give him that.” Xerath sighed, obviously bothered by something other than an army approaching. “Once they arrive, I’ll have many questions for Erik as to the state of his kingdom. I am extremely curious about what he has to say.”
“I’m sure queen Cara is at ease now that she knows her brother lives,” Kyburn stated, half questioned.
“I’m sure she is.” Xerath lowered his head, something obviously bothering him.
Henry looked up in bewilderment, this was an odd conversation and the air in the room seemed tense. The relationship between Xerath and Kyburn was far stronger and strange than he had realized. Kyburn had mentioned in the past that he saved Xerath’s life once on the field of battle during the war but never would have guessed their bonds of friendship spanned decades later.
Kyburn seemed to change his attitude and mannerisms, much more relaxed as if he was more comfortable here, talking of armies and battle than being in Zulin where it was peaceful.
“They are setting up camp outside of Nolvis,” Xerath said. “If they were forced to flee from Vlakias I would have done the same.”
“Yes, as would I if I were in his position.” Kyburn agreed. “Tykin would take it as a hostile act whereas we would be more understanding.”
“Nolvis doesn’t have many defenses though,” Henry added suddenly. “Why would they come to an undefended town if they were fleeing from an enemy?”
All eyes locked onto Henry. Cassius sneered at him but kept his mouth shut. Kyburn encouraged him to continue with a nudge.
“What are you getting at boy?” Xerath asked, curiously. “You don’t think they are truly headed for Nolvis?”
Henry’s nervousness shot through the roof and he wished he had never spoken but continued with his thought. “No, I believe your scouts reported what they saw. But why are they not running to a well-fortified city such as Rostone or Anria. Perhaps even Zidyria if they wished to escape into Tykin. If the Vog have taken their capital and are running them down, why go to Nolvis, an undefendable town?”
He paused, waiting to be scolded for speaking out of turn but no one did. Xerath leaned forward and gestured for him to get to the point.
“I have done extensive research in the last two weeks and I have come up with a theory.” Henry gulped then took a deep breath. “What if king Erik isn’t fleeing but rather… leaving.”
“What are you talking about?” Kyburn looked worried.
“What is the difference?” Xerath began to get annoyed.
“From what I know, there are two types of creatures from the histories that could’ve overtaken Vulkira. For argument's sake, we can assume they both exist.”
“They do exist.” Xerath frowned. “I’ve seen them myself. What is the second creature you speak of? There are more?”
“The Prawlers are the vicious and destructive ones, whereas the Vog have always been peaceful. Why would they attack if not for a reason? As far as we know the Vog are not pursuing the Vulkirians so what made them leave?” Henry paused again for breath.
“Prawlers?” Kyburn furrowed his brow. “You think Prawlers attacked Vulkira, not the Vog?”
“No. I do think the Vog did this. But we are missing something.” Henry bit his lip.
“What’s your point?” Xerath asked.
“According to your information, there was an incident in the mining village of Vori. Correct?” Henry asked.
“Yes. What of it?” Xerath replied.
“It is fairly common knowledge that the Vog are believed to live underground and inhabit the mountains. I think they ran into a group of them which sparked something. If Erik is leading his people, unpursued then why would they leave in the first place?” he asked no one in particular. “I think the Vog have shown themselves to be far more intelligent than we believed. The books I have been studying have hinted at them being extremely astute creatures.” Henry’s face began to turn red despite himself. “What if the Vog are forcing them to leave… but peacefully. That would coincide with everything we have learned about them.”
“Hmm,” Xerath pondered, scratching at his chin. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at.” Xerath squinted his eyes. “So what if they are intelligent?”
“It might be possible to communicate with them. Perhaps resolve our issues.” Henry bit his lip, realizing the leap he took.
“I’m guessing you read this in one of Gus’s books?” Xerath raised an eyebrow. “With all that is happening, I wouldn't rule out the possibility but even for Gus that is a bit of a stretch. Regardless, we must meet Erik on the border swiftly. He will have answers.”
“We ride for Calchester then?” Kyburn asked.
“I’m afraid so. I know you just got off the road but I will need you there with me.” Xerath said. “There's not a man I trust more than you, Kyburn.”
“Of course Xerath, you have my sword and my council whenever you require.” Kyburn knelt to one knee, graciously accepting the praise once again.
“The sun is nearly down. We will leave for Calchester in the morning.” Xerath declared. “And by Hashem! Stop bowing Kyburn.”
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8 134 - In Serial80 Chapters
The Desecrator's Tomb - A Numbers Lit-aRPG
A man appears in a dungeon full of undead. He tries to leave. This is my attempt at writing a litrpg where the system is more formalized. This means that there will be a fair amount of min-maxing and we will hopefully be able to calculate the dps of every ability by the time I am done. Expect math. The main character will become a Drain Tank. This story uses an aRPG item and stat system. Oh and one last thing. Beware the penguins. update 1/8/22: I am trying to simulate things as faithfully as is reasonable. As of chapter 17 there are animated gifs depicting Chilly's life throughout encounters. update 1/11/22: Kreksyte drew me a cover! All hail our artist overlords! update 5/25/22: Going on hiatus for a bit. The second arc is complete. Will come back for the 3rd and final arc soon. update 7/15/22: ayy...I've returned. Starting the third and final arc. [was once a participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 134 - In Serial52 Chapters
Technically Abroad
This is the story about Victor who is Technically Abroad and how he is adjusting to this one simple fact. Going to college is a hard time for a lot of people. You just became an adult in society’s eyes, but people still treat you like a kid. A year ago you might have had to ask for permission to use the bathroom, but now you can vote, legally buy most things and work, marry, etc. Even if some people still treat you like a kid. So in the simplest non-spoilery terms, this story is about Victor finding himself in a world that isn’t his, with a lot of rules that weren’t given to him upon arrival. Instead, he has to take the cards he was dealt and do the best that he can, even though he never asked to be part of this game that turned into his life. He has to just hope he can live up to his name. This story will be one that can be found in its entirety here, but thanks to multiple people asking the story to be put here it will be, albeit with a delay compared to the main site. Discord is here if you wish to join the community in a more direct fashion. I'd love to talk with more people who read the story. Also if you wish to aid in the series getting noticed please visit here and give it a boost. Every vote is greatly appreciated.
8 64 - In Serial6 Chapters
Guilder Story
The Guild, the world's largest and most evil Sect, destroys the memories of its applicants to ensure their loyalty. For one lizardman, that may not be enough.
8 156 - In Serial9 Chapters
فرشته گیر افتاده ✨
جانگ کوک پسری که از ۵ سالگی خانواده خودش رو بخاطر جن گیری از دست داد و قسم خورد تا با جن گیر ها کار کنه تا انتقام خودش رو بگیره قسم خورد تا اون جن رو گیر بندازه و انتقام خانواده بی گناهش رو بگیره چی میشه اگر جانگ کوک مراسم رو اشتباه انجام بده و فرشته ای رو اشتباه به این دنیا بیاره ؟#کوکمین. #بی دی اس ام #هپی اند #تخیلیوضعیت : پایان یافته
8 128