《Reincarnation: EVOLUTION.》Chapter 17: Gang hideout raid and an old friend.
What do those freaks want? Should I stall for some time?
Let’s do this!
I walked on the streets, browsing some goods and eating some food from the stalls.
It seems that they really are stalking me. Creepy! I should find out what they want.
Walking like I didn’t sense them I turned to the nearest dark alley. Then I jumped to the roof and waited in ambush. And it didn’t take long for them to show up.
“Shit! Where did he go?!” (stalker #1)
“He walked to this alley didn’t he?” (stalker #2)
“….” (stalker #3)
So they really are stalking me.
“Boss will kill us if he’s gonna find out that we lost him!” (stalker #2)
Boss eh? Let’s interrogate them.
With that thought I jumped from the roof right on the stalker #3.
“GHA…” (stalker #3)
“WHAT?!” (stalker #2)
“From whe….” (stalker # 1)
He didn’t finish his sentence as I knocked him out.
“W-Wait!” (stalker #2)
“Shut up.”
I told him as I sliced his head off.
Now to bring them home.
“Where tha fuck are those bastards?!” (???)
“They went missing boss. It’s possible that he discovered them.” (random thug)
“Fuck! those useless sons of a bitch!” (boss)
“Didn’t you say that those three are best if it comes to stalking brother?” (soon to be dead)
Congratulations by torturing 3 living humans you gained 6 levels due to the bonus of villainy! You have gained 90 stat points and 60 skill points.
It seems that those three were from a gang called ‘Green Fish’….
What the hell is that name?!
I don’t know that…. But I know that I even I have a better naming sense than the one who named that gang.
It’s unfortunate but those weakling did not last enough for me to acquire information about their base…But enough to gain some levels!
So add 30 to agility 40 to endurance and 20 to strength.
Done! What about skill points?
Hmm… Upgrade necromancy one time and buy me the darkness magic.
You now are able to control 15 undead, and now able to create ghoul (weak)!
Darkness magic LvL 1Darkness is one of the primordial energies. Darkness magic allows you to cast spells of this element! Races like demon, dark elf, undead and dragon hove bonus spells for this element.(Cost 50pt.) (Upgrade 40pt.)
You have gained new spells
Show me the spell list.
SPELL LISTSPELLSELEMENTIgnite; Fire arrowFireWater ball; Water healing (weak)WaterWind slice; Wind arrowWindEarth lance; Earth wallEarthRise undeadNecromancyDark arrow; Dark sword; Dark circle (Demon)Darkness
Good. Now it’s pretty late, so let’s go to bed.
Now today is some thing different!
What do you mean?
Oh? You want to know? You really want to know?
Come on!!! Tell me already!
Fine, fine! If you insist.
Today I will enchant a skeleton!
Not possible.
Eh? Meaning?
Its pretty easy you can’t enchant a living creature. Well skeletons are undead but still.
Heh that’s it? then it is easy!
Hey hey hey! Those are the rules of the world! You can’t just break them!
Who said anything about breaking the rules? I will just bypass them!
Just watch.
As I said that I get down to business! First you need a skeleton! Not undead one but normal skeleton. Then you just enchant it! But be careful! Because if enchantment is too strong then you will not be able to reanimate it! And also you can’t enchant every bone.
And done.
Enchanted skeleton.Skeleton of a former adventurer that was enchanted with intention of making it stronger after reanimation.Enchantment: +10 Agi; +10 Str; +10 Int; +10 End; Health absorption 1%/sec
And now to reanimate it!
“Rise undead!”
As I cast a spell the skeleton slowly rose on his legs.
Now to verify if enchantments are working.
“Can you understand me?”
“*nod*” (skeleton)
“How much is 1+1?”
He rose his bony hand with a V sign. Success!
How ridiculous can you get?!
Congratulations! By combining enchantment and necromancy you have created an (somewhat) intelligent skeleton! By meeting criteria you have unlocked ability ‘Intelligent Creation’! With this ability you are now able to create intelligent undead and items by meeting some conditions!
That’s too overpowered for ability!
You said it!
I should level up some more.
“Titania Tamamo I’m going out to hunt some monsters. You both should stay at home, it seems that the racist bastard have sent some thugs to kill me. So just to be safe please stay home.”
“Will you be okay?” (Titania)
“Yes don’t worry with every killed thug I become stronger so you shouldn’t worry.”
“If you say so dear.” (Titania)
“Yes master.”
And so I headed out of the city…With some free levels tailing me.
Are they only tailing me? It’s been two hours and they didn’t do anything!
Maybe they are cautious of you because you already killed some of their members?
Newer mind…
If you are wondering why she said that, it’s because those idiots surrounded me.
“So you are that Oberon bastard. You look like weakling!” (thug #1)
“Let’s just kill him and go back.” (thug #2)
“If it isn’t the green fish gang! How may I help you?”
Manners manners you always should mind your manners.
“Shut it! Were here to kill you beast!” (thug #3)
*bang**bang* Two down one to go!
Congratulations you have gained a level! You have gained 20 stat points and 15 skill points!
Just one level? Well it doesn’t matter.
Seeing that his comrades have already fallen last thug started to run away.
“You ain’t going anywhere!”
“GYAAAAAAA! My leg!” (thug #3)
“Eh? Sorry I didn’t intend to pierce your leg with a kunai.”
You sure didn’t.
“So you have two choices first is that you shall tell me about your hideout, second I shall torture you and then you will tell me about your hideout.”
“It’s at the biggest building at the north side of the slums! Please don’t kill me!”
“Don’t worry I won’t kill you…But I WILL torture you!”
Congratulations by torturing and crippling a member of the gang that attacked you, you have gained 5 levels due to the bonus of villainy! You have gained 100 stat points and 75 skill points.
So from now on I will not just simply kill but I will play with my prey! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
Evo-chan please add 20 points to strength, 50 to intellect and 25 to agility and endurance, as for skill points leave them for now I want to save them for later.
Done! What now?
Well I do need to hunt some monsters.
Wait wait wait! Why? You can just gain levels by destroying that gang!
It’s not for levels but for materials! Especially I have plans for those monster cores.
So? What are you gonna make?
Don’t know jet.
(Next morning)
Time for some raid!
“Girl’s, I don’t know how long I will be absent today. So don’t drink too much without me.”
“Sure dear.” (Titania)
“Yes master!” (Tamamo)
Should I buy some alcohol on my way back? Yes let’s do it!
Making my way to the slums I didn’t even know what kind encounter is waiting for me later.
??? POV
So he finally left. Hmm…He looks like someone I know? Must be my imagination. If it was really that guy then he would already be bringing destruction to this town.
You sure have some interesting friends.
You don’t even have any idea of our plans back on Earth.
Well you are not on Earth, your friend could be in any different world with or without his memories.
Spec-chan you are right it’s unlikely that he is here.
But this guy something else to so casually sell such expensive ores and then buy a house at his first stay at unknown city.
He also must be pretty powerful to kill some thugs and then to casually walk in their territory.
You’re right if it comes to a fight I don’t stand a chance. For a thief to beat a magic swordsman is just unbelievable.
Hmm I should probably head back to his house as he will be pretty occupied right now.
Hmm? Did he leave? Strange, I thought that the guy who was stalking me right now was one of the green fish guys. But well the feeling from him was indeed different. I didn’t feel any hostility or killing intent.
Probably just some random lunatic.
Well it isn’t a time for this as I am right in the front of those thugs base. And it seems there are some guards standing at the main entrance.
(From this point onward till the end of this POV I will mark only mc’s speech as there will be too many random thugs and I am pretty lazy.)
Is that something new?
(You want me to make you a slave to some perverted gay?)
(Onward with the story!)
“Halt! Who goes there?!”
“Just a future demonlord.” (Oberon)
“What are you blabbering about?”
Those ignorant fools…
“Just die.” (Oberon)
*slash* *slash*
Aaaand they’re dead. I wonder why those fish guys are so weak?
Its just you are now stronger than normal soldier.
Just a soldier huh? Well it seems I have still a long way to go to become a real demonlord.
With those thoughts I entered their base. And what welcomed me was a group of armed men.
“What are those guys doing to let someone inside?”
“Oh don’t blame them they are dead.” (Oberon)
“What?! Did guards finally decided to take action and eliminate us?”
“No. It’s just you guys started to stalk me that I decided to kill you. Well I would kill you all anyway.” (Oberon)
“Kill this bastard!”
“Me kill you good!”
“Let’s hang his head near the fireplace!”
Wow one of them is really stupid.
Congratulations you have gained a level! You have gained 20 stat points and 15 skill points!
Great! Add all points to strength and buy me THE MOTHERFUCKING UNHOLY MAGIC!
Unholy magic LVL 1If holy magic comes from good gods then unholy magic comes from the evil gods. This is one of the strongest magic elements! (Cost 100pt.) (Upgrade 80pt.)
You have gained new spells!
Show me!
Alright! Alright! Hold your pants!
SPELL LISTSPELLSELEMENTIgnite; Fire arrowFireWater ball; Water healing (weak)WaterWind slice; Wind arrowWindEarth lance; Earth wallEarthRise undeadNecromancyDark arrow; Dark sword; Dark circle (Demon)DarknessUnholy devourer [/td3][td] Unholy
*slash* *slash* *stab* *slash*
“GHA! Y-You bastard!”
What’s unholy devourer?
Unholy devourerSummon the maw of the unholy abyss! The maw of abyss will devour one enemy doesent matter how strong or how big he is! After that the enemy will be tortured for 100 years in the depts. of abyss! This spell can be cast only one time at a month at this level.
Wow this spell is fucking overpowered! But this restriction…
What did you expect!? The unholy is one of the most powerful elements!
Well yeah true. Oh its looks like everybody is dead but the boss and the soon to be dead human.
??? POV
Well that was easy. Is he stupid not to invest in house security?
I don’t really think that that’s the case…
What do you mean?
You see…The guy who sold you the information on him told you that he casually sold obsidian, mithril and adamantium ores, so he can find them when he wants. Then he told you that the guy have a familiar that is also his wife right?
The guy in question left his home without his familiar/wife.
It’s just some dark fairy isn’t it?
Might be.
Albright quiet now I need to concentrate.
Walking down from attic (as I entered this house from the roof) I ended up in the bedroom.
Wow is that a king sized bead? I want one too!!!
But for now let’s check if there anything valuable!
Nothing? Seriously?
Oh shit! He have a skeleton in the house! Is this guy a necromancer?
As I was getting ready to flee, the skeleton grabbed a candle and……Started to eat it?
What the fuck?!
Is that an intelligent skeleton?
INTELLIGENT? He’s eating a fucking candle!
If he would be mindless then he would attack you or stand still.
Wait that’s means that this is undead den?
No its unlikely. If this would be an undead’s den then there wouldn’t be a bed as undead’s don’t need to sleep or rest.
Then what’s it doing here?
Well it might be that this house belong to………….
“Who are you?” (Tamamo)
When I heard the voice I immediately turned my head to look for its origin. And what I saw was a girl around 16 with white hear and fur. The same species as me.
EH!? Wa-Wait was there someone else in the house?
“M-Mistress!!!” (Tamamo)
Shit! She’s not alone?!
Did she just throw a book at me?! What’s with that strength?! And you should be more considerate about damaging books!
“What’s wrong Tamamo?” (Titania)
“Mistress there is a thief in the bedroom!” (Titania)
After that the small dark fairy flew in the room.
Oh shit! You are done for….It was nice knowing you.
Wait! What’s with those cruel words?!
First of as I am a class system as you know and your class is a thief your stats are restricted to your class and that’s why I know that you can’t defeat the fox girl over there. Secondly I know who this fairy is and she is…….dark fairy queen Titania!
SERIOUSLY!!!!!!?????? Just who tha fuck is that lizardman?!
“Capture him!” (Titania)
“Yes!” (Tamamo)
With those words she threw a table at me!
As I barely dodged it I yelled…
“Are you trying to kill me not capture me?”
And I receive cold stares….SCARRY! SCARY! Fuck this shit I’m out!
I ran to the stairs. Then when I was approaching doors to escape this madhouse…..The fox girl threw a couch blocking it!
Is this for real!?
Then the fairy…..The small fairy threw a kitchen knife at me! Barely dodging it I dive in the basement. Worst decision ever in my two lives’!
Wha-What the hell!!!??? is this a basement or a torturer chamber?!
“Is that a fucking Iron Maiden?!”
*step* *step* *step*
Breaking a cold sweat I looked back and what I saw was fox girl with a chair in the arms…
In the last room were two humans, the green fish boss and soon to be dead.
I hope that their boss is stronger as I stopped receiving levels for those weaklings.
“So here I am. Were you looking for me?”
“It’s him! Brother it’s him! The one that ruined my career!” (soon to be dead)
“No, you were fired mostly because you were a racist bastard. But not that I care as you will die from my hand.”
“Heh you say some funny stuff beastman!” {boss)
“Again with a beastman! I am EVOS!”
“Eevos what is that some kind a lizardman sub race?” (boss)
Eh? Already?
Wow you turned them in to the dust! They really must have annoyed you…
Kind of. Let’s just go home and drink till the night.
Wait no level?
The boss was on the level of the regular thug, as for his brother, he was even weaker.
As I arrived home what was waiting for me was a door blocked by the couch.
What the hell happened here?
“Titania?! Tamamo?!”
“We are here darling!” (Titania)
Basement eh?
And then when I descended to the basement what I saw was beastman furry fox male…Tied to a chair with a turtle shell pattern.
There are many questions. But the first one to escape my mouth was….
“Do I know you?”
You do remember that there are other reincarnated people right?
You don’t mean?
I do.
“So you are reincarnated?”
“You know about reincarnation?!” (???)
“Yes. I am one myself.”
“So that’s why you are so strong?” (???)
“Probably. But the question here is why you are here?”
“I am a thief so that’s why. And if I knew that this house belongs to reincarnated then I wouldn’t even try to get in here” (???)
“I see. Then another question do you happen to know a names ***** and *****?”
“Yes I do and the name ***** was my name back on Earth.” (???)
“So you are from Earth… Next question. Do you know ***** surname.”
“Yes it was mine…Wait! How do you know me?” (???)
“I might know you….But that we will know only after some more questions. So from what country are you from?”
“I am from the most shittiest of countries called Latvia!” (???)
“Nothing special, this is Latvia!”
“Heh. True. True. Shitty life in shitty country!” (???)
“True. In the previous world what would you say if apocalypse begun?”
“At last something interesting is happening!” (???)
I know who he is!
You do?
“Untie him.”
“Wait what? Why? He broke in our house! And what were those questions?” (Titania)
“He’s an old friend of mine.”
“EH!?” X2
“So you wanna say that you are ****** *****? So that’s why your face is so familiar to me.” (???)
“H-He’s your friend master?” (Tamamo)
“Yes Tamamo. And my name in this world is Oberon”
“Oh! So it’s Oberon eh? That’s right I haven’t told you my current name. It’s Acino” (Acino)
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