《Okane o Subete Sekai e Chikara - Money is Power in any World》Okane o subete sekai e chikara 28 - Albert


Chapter 28 Albert

Protect the weak, ensure the safety of others, sharpening skills and risking life without fear. That is what it means to be a city guard.

Two seasons ago, my sister went to the mill next to Mr. Johnson's farm, sales went very well and we had run out of flour sooner than expected, or that's what Dad said. As he had to continue baking he sent my sister and me.

"Take good care of her, Albert," said Dad that morning.

Dad is always busy making bread in the morning, it is a tiring job. Once I accompanied him and didn't resist much, the heat of the oven makes you tired 3 ... no, 4 times faster. So I am the one who takes care of my sister while her is doing her chores and then while serving the customers of the bakery.

But that day I couldn't do anything ...

On the way to the mill, a hungry wolf came out of nowhere. I became paralyzed with fear, the little concentration I could gather I used to not pee me.

I understood how deep my weakness really was. I honestly believe that it was at that moment that I stopped thinking like a spoiled child. In front of my eyes the scene of that wolf devouring my sister voraciously were reproduced in an instant.

Fortunately it never came true.

When the wolf was about to jump on us, an arrow stuck in the ground between it and us and then the city guards appeared.

The captain immediately pounced on the wolf without hesitation and with a cut of his sword he subdued it, to then give the coup de grace.

It was then that I knew what I should do with my life. If I really wanted to protect my sister and I say really protect her, not just leave it in the words and illusions of a child, I had to become strong.

Since then on every day I trained with my wooden sword, trying to imitate the movements I saw in Captain Rad that time.

Despite being too weak, I could still protect my sister from certain dangers. Like that guy who always bothers her when he comes to buy bread.

"Hey Al, you shouldn't get into the affairs of the grownups. Why don't you go play with your sword outside while I talk to your sister?"

"A guy like you isn't worthy to speak alone with my sister! Come back when you are as great a man as the captain of the guard!"

"Hey, hey. I was also there the day the wolf attacked you. Just because the captain ended up with the wolf doesn't mean I didn't do anything. Doesn't that give me the right to at least talk to Selia?"

"You can talk to her, as long as it is while I watch you".

"Ahhh ... I think we can't speak alone today".

"Haha. Conrart has a very stubborn little rival".

"Come on Andreu, you don't have to make fun of me. Before you know it, I will show everyone, including Al, that I am trustworthy"-

"Whatever you say. Come on now, you let the bread get cold and the others will complain".

I'm not a fool, not anymore. I know they only see me as a child who cannot separate from his sister. They think I only play with this wooden sword. What they don't know is that I am very serious with my training.

Two days ago, when we returned with my sister from the mill, after she entered through the city gate, saying that I had forgotten my wooden sword I returned to the mill. Of course I didn't forget it, I left it there as an excuse.


When I reached the mill and took my sword, I placed myself in the blind spot of the watchtower, just behind the mill and headed for the forest, and after an arduous battle I defeated a >

Despite being only minor monsters with the appearance of rabbits, they are formidable adversaries. They are agile and take advantage of their size to sneak between your attacks and your defense. Actually, the first time I defeated one I believed at times that I would die, but since then I have been hunting them at every chance. I already defeated more than I can count.

Keep thinking nothing of me, I will become strong at all costs, with or without help.

Of course, the captain is different from the rest, and I never forget to show my respect and appreciation when I see him in town. I think he really understands me. He sees beyond a child playing with a wooden sword, he sees someone who trains with the desire to be strong.

From time to time I think that my wooden sword will soon be of no help to me. Lately I can't feel its weight as before, and when I fight with the Skvaders I think I do the same damage to them as with the stones I throw at them. But I can't do anything about it, they wouldn't allow me to walk around with a real sword and to begin with I don't know where to get one.

One day, when I greeted the captain on his way to his post, I saw that he was accompanied by a boy, about the age of my sister. Suddenly, he approached me, then I could see that he was carrying a sheathed sword. He must have noticed my gaze, because he took it out and showed it to me with pride.

That sword was amazing, it was just like the sword of my dreams, which I've been thinking about since I want a real one. It seemed able to cut the wind if used... what was the word? pro...ximately ... not ... Ppropriate ... Properly! ... It would cut off the wind if used properly.

Although my new friend didn't speak our language, I could make him understand that I wanted to train with him through my gestures. From the moment he showed seriousness I liked him. Every time I attacked him he received my sword with his sheath, he was swift and he didn't bother to hide it.

I didn't feel that he underestimated me by using his sheathed sword, truth be told, mine would be cut like butter if not, and we could not continue training.

Something strange happened after my friend left. The guy who goes after my sister approached me with a smile. Did he thought he can fool me?

"Tell me, Al. Do you hate me?"


It's not that I hate him ... But I hate that he is always trying to get close to my sister behind my back. I mean, I know it's not a bad guy, he is a city guard after all ...

"You know. I like you" he said as he sat down and looked at me with complacent eyes ... He is treating me like a child again.

"You remind me of myself, that's why it's impossible for me to get mad at you, even if your stubbornness prevents me from approaching Selia".

"... You say I'm like you?"

"Well, I mean when I was little. You really love your sister, right? She must be the most important thing for you. You probably think of her not only as your sister, but also as your mother".



"I was like you. My mother died when I was a baby and my father was always busy to support my sister and me. So she took care of me as if she were my mother. Like you, I wanted to protect her from everything ... And just like you, they soon reminded me of the reality of my weakness".


"And since then, I decided to become strong ... Just like you".

"...You know".

"I know. The truth is, while you watch me when I'm in the city, I watch you while you're in the woods. Don't worry, I won't tell your sister or your father, I know how you feel, you want the strength to protect her".

Ahhh ... I feel it will be difficult for me to keep getting in between him and my sister ...

"Don't get tense, I'm not threatening you or anything so you don't get in my way ... Although if you want to stop doing it ..."

"I refuse".

"Haaaa ... Well, I had to try. Haha ... When I think about it a little, I think the reason I fell in love with Selia was because of you".

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Seeing her take care of you with all her heart... It really reminds me of my sister, at some point those feelings I got while watching you two, derived in love. You can't tell your heart who to love, but given the choice, I would choose her without hesitation".

"Since blackmail wouldn't work now you try to appeal to my sympathy?"

"Haha. It's not that. I just needed to tell someone ... And what do you say, would you like to train with me?"


"I said it before, right? I know how you feel, you want to protect your sister. I have the same desire as you. Therefore, I will help you become stronger, so that you can protect her when I am not here. Deal? "


It's not like I accept him, but I immediately felt that I could trust him.


Since that day, whenever I escaped to the forest, he appeared and trained me. He also helped me locate the Skvaders to have some real combat. And when I was in the city, I trained with Ryuuji.

On one occasion, after some difficulties, we managed to learn each other names.

Everything was going well. I felt that I could become strong just as I wanted ... But I wasn't fast enough.

Only a few days after Ryuuji arrived in town he had to leave. The captain said they would take him with someone who could know his language, so I understand they had to. After that, Conrart approached me to tell me he was leaving as part of the escort.

"Remember your training, if you run into a wolf or some other wild animal again, you must concentrate all your strength on a good first blow. The animals will attack you because you look small and weak, if you show them that you can hurt them, most will go to find an easier prey. After all they don't want to get hurt either".

"...I will remember".

"Good boy. Take care of Selia while I'm gone".

"You don't have to tell me!"

Later, the townspeople dismissed the captain and the guards who were going to fulfill their mission of escorting Ryuuji. That was the last time some would see them.

Time after they left, on the other side of town, a large number of people with red armor arrived. Everyone assured me that there was no need to worry. But there was.

Another group of men, without armor but with wild gazes, like the one that wolf had, began to take people out of their homes and assault us. Suddenly, everything got worse when the guard who moved to town few years ago tried to escape. One of the men in red armor threw a spear at him ... And killed him.

Then the nightmare began. City guards and people carrying weapons were killed one after another without mercy.

Suddenly, while I was frozen like that time, my sister's scream took me out of my trance.


I wouldn't be paralyzed by fear again.

Concentrate all your strength on the first blow ... Show these beasts that you are not an easy prey!

I repeated those words in my head like a charm.

With one blow I managed to keep the guy that had held my sister away, so I quickly put myself between her and those animals that looked like men.

For a moment, I could take them away from my sister, but then once again, they reminded me how weak I was.

My sword turned into pieces of wood after lashing out with it against the armor of one of those men who watched us as if it were none of their business.

After that I was captured like most and put in a cage.

The next day I could see how they placed Conrart in a cage, apparently he was injured ... He was perhaps the last guard of the town.

The food they gave me was way less than the rest, before I realized it I spent the days unconscious. I don't remember much of what happened then, what I do remember was when one day suddenly a good amount of food was placed in front of me and I was finally able to satisfy myself.

A few days later I was awakened at night by a hooded guy. Looking around I saw others like him in front of the other cages. They released us and guided us to the forest. Apparently they came to rescue us.

I could only see some of the townspeople, but probably the rest was in separate groups, Conrart once told me that it's difficult to move in the forest with a large group. Then I thought about it, I didn't saw him. I didn't saw Conrart in our group ...

Clearing my mind of pessimistic ideas, I kept running as much as I could. I remember seeing my sister among the people who were released, I needed to hurry to find her.

I couldn't let the exhaustion beat me. We had been running for a while, and my legs began to give way, I think that all those days without moving in that cage weakened me, I couldn't move as I wanted ... I couldn't continue running...

"... , I will help you become stronger, so that you can protect her when I am not here".

For some reason, I heard those words in my mind as if someone were telling me them one more time and my legs continued to move smoothly.

I will definitely protect my sister!


Damn Damn! Why does nobody help us ?!

My sister. If I can't get help, her...

I can no longer continue, my legs gave way long ago, They were simply moving by my will to find help. It's just like Ruthen said, nobody in this place would help a child without money, no matter where I go in this city, everyone looks at me with indifference ... It's so different from the town. Can people really live in such a place? Or do they treat me like this for not being from here?

"... Whoever, please ... Help my sister".

"I will do it little one, I will help you".

As I move my head in the direction from which the voice came, a man dressed in luxurious clothes, more than the ones Ryuuji wore, looks at me with a kind smile as he extends his hand to me.

""Do you mean it? ... I have no money".

"The money is not a problem".

They told me that I shouldn't trust strangers, but I'm desperate and this person really seems to be able to help us. I can feel it, if someone can save my sister, it's him.

"Everything will be fine, you can trust me. Tell everything to uncle Argent ".

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