《Slasher Made - A litrpg》Chapter 15 The deciding battle part 3


Chapter 15

Patrick stayed in the room for a time, thinking over the many life choices that had brought him here, the defenses he and his countrymen had was an improvement compared to what they had before but nothing was looking their way. The most he could hope to do was stall the goblin horde long enough to maybe get his people out in time. But with no sight of the engineer that dream was disappearing rather fast.

Waterbrook would fall before the night was over.

He would fail once more.

Patrick had a particularly nasty skill he has been saving, one where it nullified another’s skill forever but the cool down for that was an eon. The idea of using it was one that Patrick couldn’t see himself using unless pushed into doing. It was highlighted in gold making it the only legendary abilities he had but it seemed to be a onetime use.

A knock came at the door, the door not being closed gave Patrick the view of his once beloved wife. Over the years of constant threat, his wife Jenifer and him slowly drifted apart due to one conflict or another until finally she gave up on him and his obsession of the man in chains. He didn’t like to show it, his odd view of how he looked at the killer but it was as alive as the first time he had met the blood thirsty thing. Patrick liked to think that it gave his people the gift of eternal life and the ambition to make something more, if not in a more sinister way. He still hated the man in chains but had a new profound respect for him.

Jenifer came to the room, waving others to follow as she strode to the center where Patrick sat. It would appear that she brought their two sons along. “Patrick, I know that you feal the need to go through with this but I will ask you again if this is the path that you want to walk down.”

Jacob gave his father and mother a worried glance before quickly turning it away finding something else that was interesting.

Patrick had seen his son and knew that this was a hard topic for him but that didn’t change the fact that it was needed. Giving a once over henry, he turned to Jenifer.

In a brief flash Patrick had cut the head off of his own son henry killing him instantly. The buff of all fathers’ rage ignited in him increasing his stats making him the hardest hitter in the city, the buff of course only lasted a day at max but it was long enough for him to accomplish what he wanted to.

“It is the only path to defend Waterbrook!” he took the robe of his dead son and cleaned the blood off of his blade. After he was finished he strutted out to the stairs leading to the top of the wall.

“Damn him and damn this city.” Jenifer whispered quietly. She and her son Jacob went willingly up to the wall to put up one last fight for the people to escape.


The goblin master Kafue and his leaders took a leisurely stroll across the battlement as they scanned for any imperfections that they could cut down all while the battle was going on, the thought amused Kafue as he did so. He didn’t get the chance to do this often because of multiple branch leaders blocking him from killing people of theirs, making his murdering harder but when the reason came to boredom everyone was on board.


The prosses was somewhat relaxed as they did this, only finding a few unwilling candidates in the prosses. Taking as much time before the final battle came to play, he and his leaders had been planning this for centuries. There were set-backs here and there, one particular leader by the name of Mal the majestic was hard to deal with and took considerable time to kill. He wanted to unite the horde with multiple masters and make it a democrat or some other name making it harder on him to be the soul master they needed. Other times it was population control and intelligent beings to be his generals but that slowly came to gather giving him the ideal army that he needed to make it happen.

The death count was a little over 100,000 the total with both sides. His skill was ready to be used, all that was needed to make this happen was to get on the wall. The monster tamer was in position to be taken out by his shadow goblins and hobs freeing Carnal to ravage the city, the leader of the land troops wasn’t seen and neither was the bard bitch. But that would rectify itself soon as they showed up. He just needed a little more time to-.

“Horde master, the leaders of the city have been spotted. The goblins are ready just give the order master.”

Hearing the words of his loyal servant gave Kafue a widening smile that reached ear to ear. Giving one slow nod to his subordinate, he rushed to the war balloon that was in waiting and made preparations to leave. He had with him the team to operate the machine and in place of bombs, he had the head shadow sect hob and other goblins laying in wait. This was going to be good.


Zayne had been patient throughout the whole conflict as he sat watching both sides take heavy casualties. He did all this while he made ideal chatter with his two companions.

“Where shall we hit first? The south with all the easy monsters or the wall? Foulness was amped as he usually was. Never ending his topic of blood and carnage, going through the possibilities of where to go first and who to kill.

Jiminy felt that this was a waste of time that he could be managing better by trying to make friends with the people of the city. He and Foulness along with Zayne had read the only quest that was given to him by the tutorial

Legendary quest-

“Save the town -The people of Waterbrook are plagued by the clutches of goblins. Kill all of the goblins you can find in the woods and save the town.”

Reward-Unique item / legendary quality, Skills increase by 30 lv’s., New ability / class restrictions, 13,000,000 gld.

That quest had turned from common all the way up to the pinnacle of Legendary. The only downside to it was, it being impossible to accomplish. There was no way that he could get the town to help him and there was just to many in the horde for Zayne to kill. And if that wasn’t enough, his patron Achlys, would keep him silent if this was ever brought out.

“No! you go down there they will shoot you. This is the perfect time to help save them not kill them, what’s the matter with you.” Jiminy whined inside his head.

That was an ongoing debate with Zayne, he had kept his mouth shut since he could read it but the idea of being stuck here was wearing on him since the first decade. If Achlys ever found out that he knew of the quest to complete the tutorial then she would have his head.


The humans were losing, the goblin horde would take the city and kill as many people as they could. Just to clarify, Zayne was not against killing the towns folk. He was more than willing to participate in the grueling murder, hell most would say Zayne was even happy. The only problem of the whole thing was who he was killing. He had killed the same people over and over again that there wasn’t any joy in it anymore.

Foulness, picking up on Zayne’s feelings spoke to him. “Quite your fucking bitching you big baby. Now I know that this is getting a tad but repetitive but there’s no reason to be so gloom. There has to be a way for us to get back into the swing of things, you just have to find it again.”

Foulness had picked up a few bad habits from the humans, some were mild like taking to the taste of alcohol. Others was he had gotten engross with how they mated. Another one, Jiminy hated this one most of all, was the singing. But he liked to put a spin on things. See, this was no ordinary singing, he had a few perks and talents into that tree to help his performance. Along with a musical piano that started to play in the background.

Damn it, it was now turning into a full piano recital. Zayne thought.

“The goblin horde was on the waaaalllllll but humans don’t know how to staaaallllll. As people are fleeing, the bards were singing. The soldiers dying, people were flying. The city was coming to an end but that was nothing new. Just keep killing, because you have ta. Don’t ask your voices what to do. Just keep killing, you know you have ta. Take that tree and as they flee, so smash their heads!”

Zayne knew that he wouldn’t stop until he did what Foulness wanted him to do, that or Jiminy took his consciousness over to his and started to beat the ever-living hell out of him. But friends shouldn’t fight, so Zayne took the tree that he was sitting on, it was the size of a small thick maple, and went to the trenches off to the north of the city.

The stats on Zayne’s sheet had taken a drastic change over the time spent here at the tutorial. Most didn’t know about the change of difficulty to the system but that didn’t stop them from happen. The higher the setting the more exp one got, but that also met the state of the tutorial had other things taken place such as the gravity increasing with every failure.

Now this wasn’t a change anyone would recognize due to the fact of the reset, along with it being so subtle that it would take a cloud fairy on a monitor given orders to look through the data to find it. This was irrelevant, what is was Zayne had failed so many times that there was no given number of times he had. This leading to a gravity that was so strong that it had a mutation on every living creature there, making the gain of body stats easier to gain.

That also gave every living creature a harder skeleton structure but didn’t show up any character sheet, being as it was given to all living things didn’t make it a skill.


Class: 90s Slasher

Level: 0

Hp 5,450/ Stam 9,270/ Mp 250,

-Hp regen 1,383 per hour

-Stam regen 927 per minute

-Mp regen 25 per hour

Vit 545/ End 927/ Str 430

Agi 475/ Percep 350/ React 370

Will 50/ Intell 25/ Wisdom 50

Skills-Tracking (teir5) Trace step lv. 56/ Stealth (Teir5) lv.47 stealth is 89% more effective/ Machete apprentice lv.7/ Pain tolerance (Teir5) lv.27 85% of all pain is ignored/ Chain proficiency Grand master (EV) lv. 85 spectral chains are summoned using stamina, 81% increase in damage delt/ Steel trap teeth (Teir5) any thing can be taken a bite out of, along with any part of the body is one’s own mouth/ Bone marrow stitching (Teir3) stich anything using their spine as material all bones that are stitched is locked after stitching, it’s as strong as the skill 40% strength/ Flesh melding (Teir3) meld any flesh to another, this includes the skill holders own flesh/ Numbing (Teir2) use your hands to numb any living creature/ Ect.

Abilities: Supernatural healing (Tier6) lv.64 the ability to heal 650% faster, Silence. Your stealth skill is 25% better. Ect.

(Tiers are ranked by reaching to 100 in a skill, ev means the skill has reached an evolved form of the skill.)

Quest of terror: spread Achlys name into the hearts of mortals across the plains of existence.

Reward: all who enter your presence will feel the weight of your killing aura from afar.

To get the ability you must kill the equivalent of a nation’s population, 20 million. 99% complete, 34 remaining.

He had gotten to the precipice of completing his quest from Achlys as well, being at 99%

Zayne popped out of the north woods like a hurricane tearing up snow and grass as he sped to the city wall. The trenches were supposed to be an obstacle for the man in chains but Zayne bypassed them with ease using mist step he popped in and out of existence over them.


The city solders and watch were keeping an eye to the north but the conflict to the south had them worried, captain of the watch James Flint had orders to keep the men in check until he got the signal to evacuate. The signal would be coming soon but until then, he had his orders. He watched the northern woods as the sun sat and the stars had started to shine, all was quiet here.

A slow rumbling could just be made out as he had his men spotted a small blazered in the distance coming at them. The killer had made an appearance.

“Ballista! Fire” the complete northern wall had just as many cannons as the south, though they weren’t as specialized. The troops began the assault on the man of chains as he rushed them. Cannon balls and arrows missing their mark as the killer mist stepped once second to the next.

“Damn that insufferable bastard.” Captain Flint said in a quiet breath.


Zayne took a cannon ball to the balls making him sandbag as he steps into the void. Pain tolerance had its advantages but he could still feel that pain. “That got you right in the Jiminy!” Foulness shouted out.

“Don’t you associate Zayne’s genitalia with my name!” Jiminy retaliated back..

“You’re going to feel that one in the morning! Good thing you have ridiculous fast healing. I mean seriously, righty is completely demolished from that one shot. It’s a wonder you can even stand”

He came out over another trench as more shots were fired at him, one in particular came at his balls again. Taking the shot wasn’t a question at this point, slowing down long enough Zayne caught the steel ball in both hands pushing him back to the trench he had just passed. The burn to his hands was negligible as the burning hatred in his chest was ever hotter, taking the shot in a loose grip he began to spin in a circle rather than just throwing it.

Zayne did this for 4 rotations while more shots came at him until he felt the speed had got to a good point and let go of the cannon sending it back at the bastard that aimed for is balls.

“Think it will hit anything?” Jiminy asked.


One of the cannon balls was thrown back at captain Flint and his men, it didn’t hit anything of what James could see but there was a loud splat on the far end. Dashing down to find the damage, he spotted a headless corpse sitting by a cannon. Most wore the standard uniform but this one had a pin to his chest in the shape of a hawk.

It was one of his three brothers’ body, Steve’s. “Bring out the ground troops! I want that bastards head!” As fresh tear streamed down his face.


The arrows continued to rain down, well more as a pour. The cannons had ceased to fire any more shots after Zayne threw one back at them, make the run much easier for him as he got ever closer. That lasted for about a good 10 seconds before the gate dropped and tens of thousands of winter soldiers started to pour out. They forgo the two shields in favor of swords and spears.

“Think their pissed about the cannon ball you sent back?” Foulness asked.

Spears were thrown now along with the continual fall of arrows; the soldiers had gotten in place to intercept Zayne before he could make it to the wall.

One of the for front soldiers with a wicked looking spear waved a flag at him grabbing Zayne’s attention.

“Over here you bastard! Come at me so I can bring your head back!” the man was a lunatic but there wasn’t any reason to hold back.

Zayne came at the man as he misted stepped in and out of their world at a fast pace, taking any cannon ball or arrow as needed to get there. The man held the long spear in both hands as he prepared lacerate the killer from shoulder to torso.

Zayne moved to the side as the spear came down, the attack was well executed and placed but his reaction was far superior to any person in the valley. The spear came down to the dirt only to be brought back at him in a different angle forcing Zayne to back pedal as more arrows were shot at him.

“What are you doing! No seriously, he’s not very talented and his movements are like an open book. Off these mother fuckers so we can get back to taking that farmer guys head.” Foulness was getting bored with the attackers.

Well… its not like Zayne was too pressed for time but he could see were Foulness was coming from. He used his skill ethereal chains on the wailing man (the soldier was screaming about some brother or other) causing chains to rip out of Zayne’s chest as dozens of different sizes latched on and started to tear apart the now screaming man. Blood guts and viscera came pouring out upon the other soldiers soaking them from head to toe.

With the skill still active, Zayne ran throw the others tearing them apart as well. The archers that took shots at him momentary stopped firing at the display as Zayne made for the wall. The frighten men and women began to run back towards the gate only to bang against it as the door stayed locked.

No one was getting back inside.

Shedding blood gave Zayne the perk -blood frenzied-, That entailed him with increase to strength and speed but it also took a dip in his low mana pool along with lowering his intelligence. The blood starved beast that was now locked out with the frighten soldiers took advantage of the situation and ripped into them with raging fever.

The men and women that were locked out didn’t just lay down to take it either, the struck a poise to the on coming bastard standing their ground until it was dead. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for them, Zayne doped up with blood type A through O didn’t slow down.

He jumped at them as he disappeared using mist step, the seconds passed by as they stood there bracing for the inevitable. They didn’t wait long. Zayne popped back into existence in the middle of the force lashing out with his chains, the ethereal ones were no longer active but he had other skills. Using -numbing- he sent hundreds of soldiers to the ground as they couldn’t feel anything. -Steel trap teeth- was useful as other soldiers made their way to him throwing out spears or lashing out with swords, the weapons that landed was caught between smiling teeth as they broke apart between them.

Using -flesh meld- he tore apart armor and melted friends together as they struggled to get out of Zayne’s iron like grip. The blows that did land were momentarily visible as his wounds stitched themselves together.

Zayne was a one-man army.

The corpse of the soldier with the wicked looking spear was laid out in front of Zayne, giving him a makeshift club.

Weapon- human corpse/ Weight-240lb.

Scaling A

Strength required 50/ damage dealt 340 + 434

Weapon type: great club

Damage type: striking

E 1-20% D 21-50% C 51-80% B 81-100% A 101-140% S 141+%

Taking both hands to it, Zayne lifted it off the ground swinging it at the soldiers around him. As the first attack landed on an unsuspecting soldier, she exploded out in a red mist as the attack continued over to the next on. Explosion after explosion of red mist appeared on the battle grounds as Zayne continued to strike. At one point he stumbled over the severed head of the loud soldier with the spear and kicked it back at the top of the wall.


Captain of the night watch and overseer of the north wall watched as his men were created into powder, his brother was rash to go down there and he didn’t see what happened. As he thought that his other brother Carl came over to peer down the side of the wall with him.

Carl was a fire mage and was in charge of firing cannons, it was a family job here in the north and the Flints took it seriously. “What happen to Phill?” The words had barely left his mouth as a severed head came flying out hitting him in the face, knocking him off balance and sending him tumbling over the wall.

James just stood there watching as his brother Carl fell to his death, he could do nothing as he his remaining brother died but feel the anger swell in his heart. “I swear that I will kill you!”.


The last man had fallen to his numbing skill as Zayne moved to the soldier that couldn’t do anything but lay there watching the killer come. The skill -Steel trap teeth- was used opening up vertically along Zayne’s stomach and chest as he shoved the frozen man into it making Zayne activate another skill called -gluttony- so he could fit the man completely into the void of his stomach. The sound of crunching bones and screaming came out as blood sprayed out drooling down the happy trail of his torso. As the mouth finished with the tasty morsal it clamped closed giving a sinister smile as Zayne looked up at the top of the wall.

The onlookers stood frozen in fear at the horrible sight they had witnessed. Sensing their fear, Zayne through out ethereal chains form his hand that reached a hundred-foot span. As the chains shot out to the wall, the tips of them started to glow and become transparent until they reached their designation. As soon as they touched the wall they ghosted through then turned solid, making it so they were latched to the stone. The chains then pulled back into Zayne like a draw bridge closing, sending Zayne skyward until he shot out another then another climbing up the wall in a frightening fashion.

The onlookers didn’t move as he made a quick pace up to them, the captain James Flint didn’t start to rally until Zayne landed atop the wall sending out blood mist from the force. “Retreat!” Captain Flint called out, but it was too late.

Zayne ripped through them like soft tissue skin against a ban saw.


To the far south, Patrick was having his own problems with the goblin horde. Tens of thousands had already made it to the wall as werewolves and beast rampage through the city. The engineer and ship builder had sent up a flare signaling that the boats were ready but he and his men still had to hold off the horde as they made there escape.

Harrison was dead and his men were outnumbered, worst was the goblin horde master had made an appearance and was directing the flow of monsters to each of his weak points on the wall. As Patrick took down another orc he seen a white flare go off into the night sky. The man in chains had made an appearance.


Sixal was sitting in his new terminus for his new promotion after working his ass off for the last 1,300 years or 13 fairy cycles, as he watched the new batch of humans be brought into the tutorial. This group was from the Zickal sector and hadn’t made much progress in technology, but advanced in war and combat.

There were a few problems that he faced now adays but nothing he couldn’t handle. The system had more power being drawn into his sect but he told the council that it was more for maintenance, should they look further into it they would find a few that never completed their tutorial such as that ruthless soldier Christoph. System forbid they found that killer Zayne. He thought about that for a second, coming up with a plan to lower the energy usage and take out a potential problem.

What if he sent that soldier to Zayne’s tutorial and closed his, then he could get the killer to focus on him and maybe get out of his sect and onto another. Maybe complete it all together.

Grinning to himself, Sixal put into motion for the soldier to be transferred over after the next reset. After all, Zayne did give him enough information over the years to compile up enough data to send over to the data streams for them to look over on how to keep the filthy bastards alive long enough. By doing this they didn’t have to keep planting human seeded planets and helped Sixal get another promotion.

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