《Slasher Made - A litrpg》Chapter 6 Leaving town
Chapter 6
The void that Zayne had been in was a place absent of everything pertained to light. The mist was formed to the shapes that was currently taking place in the real world, the world of the tutorial at least. He found that his movements were unencumbered by the chains that he wore for so long, making him feal light and swift. He saw the man with glowing eyes in this realm too, but he was standing there looking at the last place Zayne had been. Zayne for his part didn’t know where he was or if he could get back there, the only comfort that he got was the nothing that occupied this realm.
A voice came out, but it was different then the last time Zayne had heard when he was gifted his class and skills. It sounded smokey, distant from where he stood. “Achievement unlocked, the first to use a realm skill. For using the skill that allowed you to enter another realm you are rewarded with the title -Mist Walker- this allows the owner to imbue his skills with mist.” Zayne didn’t know if that was good or bad but Jiminy and Foulness both sounded happy upon hearing this. But the System wasn’t done there, the whole place shook and the surrounding area had red flashes taking over the pale scape.
The voice spoke again but this time it had a little heat and anger in the words “For bringing a new realm into existence without the proper data to support the new claim, you have violated Article: 3-4, line: 8 and 9, Subsection: 2. Processing…for still being part of the tutorial the matter has been overturned, but a penalty will remain with a reward. Processing…the reward and penalty shall be combined. The new realm needs a deity. Processing…no living Deity match has been founded. Making a new Deity, processing…The Deity Achlys has been found in recorded Earthen history, forming the new Deity…the Deity Achlys has been born, congratulations on becoming the first follower of Achlys.”
“Holy fuck on a stick, what the hell did you do Zayne?” Jiminy shouted out on the new prompted and the speech that the System just made. The surrounding mist stop vibrating, and the red flashes abruptly came to an end. The new realm slowly got darker, and the surrounding mist came together collecting to form a large pale woman that was naked. That quickly changed as more mist came swirling around her, the short black stubble that was on her head lengthen down all the way to her thighs, the lifeless sheen to her hair turned to a luster like the night sky. Zayne could see the night in the strands of her hair bringing a picture of the Milky Way to his mind.
Clothes started to form along with horns and wings. The horns appeared first, forming like rams’ horns. They had gold bracelets and chains attached to them. The clothing was made to look like a bikini, the top grew sleaves but didn’t quite cover the top of her shoulders. Exposed to Zayne’s sight, they were held by a simple string. The bottom half of the outfit was just a thong, the center where Mr. Thompson seemed to like eating lengthen down to form wide pant legs. Most of her thighs and calves were exposed on the outer side, in the cut off fashion that his dad seemed to like to stare at. The wings were made of the same purple material as the clothes, hints of gold came here and there. Four wings of cloth popped out of her back caught by an unseen wind. Finally, a weird garment of a hat formed on top of her head. Black mist encroached her feet as she stretched out leisurely, making Zayne’s cold heart skip a beat.
“That’s more like it.” The giant of a lady said with a voice that brought Zayne’s third leg to life. Out to the still forming room pillars came into being, a throne materialized behind her. It was formed of different shades of gray, black, and purple. She sat down and contemplated on Zayne. She held a cool smile and sad vibrant violet eyes that spoke of untold misery, her throne kept shifting to different styles of ones Zayne recognized and more that he didn’t.
“I don’t know what has taken place or what is going on here. I have no recollection on how I got here and what this all means. But the misery and terror that I can sense on you is…arousing.” Achlys purred in pleasure. “And the mark that is upon you…you walking disaster, are MINE!” Achlys snarled with her pretty face. With that she smashed a fist down onto her throne sending a shock wave out, taking Zayne out from under his legs. He fell to his knees, still looking at the beauty that this lady held. The sight was mesmerizing, taking all his attention away from the current events taking place. Jiminy and Foulness tried to reach him through his subconscious but that ended fairly quickly.
“Get ahold of your self-man, just because she showed a little bit of tits and ass you get all brain dead!” Foulness intoned. Jiminy was about to second the motion but the Goddess before them broke that train of thought.
“There will be no other voices kept from me in my realm!” she smashed her fist again to the throne sending yet another air wave pushing Zayne and his thought down. “Speak to me if you have something you wish to say voices!” With the wave of her hands the personification of Jiminy and Foulness came into existence. The mist formed them but didn’t give them any color or pigmentation, Jiminy was a tall man who was all skin and bones. He had a monocle and top hat that fell off his head while looking up at the giantess. Foulness didn’t fare much better; he was a short buff man that had a snarl permanently attached to his face. He was currently looking slacked jawed at the Goddess before them. Zayne hardly noticed them.
“That’s better.” She cooed. Achlys stretched down and picked Zayn up by the coat that he still wore, looking at him at every angle that she could. She was slow and methodic in her work of judging Zayne but took great care not to hurt him. With a gentle chuckle, she lowered him down to the misty floor.
“I have not had a follower in the eternity that I have existed, beaten and abused by the Gods of Olympia; I had been made into a corpse of what I was once. But now I have the feel of what I was in the beginning, long before those accursed gods came into being.” Tears fell from her adoring eyes, but a malicious smile broke out across her face making it look too natural on her.
“I have waited so long for this Ha ha!” Achlys cooed out. “Now what should I do with the three of you? A reward should take place for the greatest deed that could be done!” She looked each one in the eye as she took in the three figures before her. “But that can wait as I weigh the gifts that are befitting for one such as yourself, be warned that the gifts I give are not for your benefits but for mine!” Achlys smashed down with her fist a final time sending the three out of her realm and back into the mist that covered the town. Zayne had but a second before he remembered his fight with the man with the glowing eyes. He chuckled quietly in his head as he popped back into the world, kicking his foot out to the back of the angry man then mist stepping back to the realm of the mist. This was going to be fun.
Patrick woke up in a fright, laying in his bed by his wife. The sudden jump from Patrick made Jenifer wake up as well, both screaming in the early dawn of the morning sun. They both looked at each other calming them self’s down, slowly Patrick touched Jenifer’s face making sure that she was real. She moved into his hand holding his as she did so. The couple stared into the eyes of the love they both held for one and another, Patrick was one first to break it off.
“I know that this can seem distorting the first time someone experience their death. Just take a second and we will go to town and check on the others…” the town and all the people that were there, his friend Harrison came to his mind as the first priority.
“Forget that what we need to do is go over to the Harrison farm before they do something foolish!” Jumping up he ran over to the pile of clothes that was there the first time he woke up from the nightmare he had. Jenifer raced across the room to get dress as well, catching Patrick’s attention away from his task and steeling a glimpse of his naked wife. Her curves were the same as the first time they had gotten together under the harvest moon off in her father’s barn. The memory lingered on his body gaining the attention of his wife. Jenifer arched an eyebrow looking at him as she continued to get dress.
“Now is not the time Mr. Woodsin!” the tone of hers didn’t match the posture she was giving him. Patrick chuckled to himself, making sure to ogle as much as he could before the scene was done. After they had gotten dress Patrick got the horse and wagon ready as he waited for the family to finish their running around. He looked to his notification and open the tab that said character sheet.
Class: n/a
Level: 0
Hp 180 Stam 180 Mp 150,
-Hp regen 18 per hour
-Stam regen 18 per minute
-Mp regen 15 per hour
Vit 18 End 18 Str 15
Agi 10 Percep 15 React 15
Will 15 Intell 15 Wisdom 10
Skills-Tracking lv.3, Pole arm proficiency apprentice lv. 7 mapping lv. 2,
Abilities-All fathers rage: all stats are (3x)
That was strange the stats that he had went up greatly after the fight with that nightmare he faced, The thought soured his mood, reminding him that it was still out there, somewhere. The whole morning was heart lifting, making him almost forget that they had all died the night previously. There was another tab that was blinking in front of his face, mentally pulling it up he found why his stats were all much high then before.
Body strength lv 5
Body end lv 8
Body vit lv 8
Body agi lv 5
Body react lv 5
Body intell lv 5
Body wisdom lv 1
Body will lv 10
After he was done looking at his sheets his wife came out with two frighten boys behind her. Patrick was going to yell at them for taking so long but the sight of their mental state soften his tone. “Come on lads, let’s go see Uncle Harrison and his girls. I don’t think they are faring much better than you two are.”
The trip was a lot quicker than making the long track on foot, smiling cruelly to himself he hopped off walking to the porch of Harrison’s making sure the wife and kids stayed in the wagon. Usually, he would be out on his deck whittling away on one of his small gifts for his daughters, but today Patrick found Harrison hold up in his house with the whittling knife in hand. Patrick held both hands up showing that he had nothing in either of them.
“Then hell are you doing! Get them in here you daft fool! I know who you are and there’s no reason to have you stand there looking stupid. You can explain to me what’s happening in the comfort of my bloody home!” Harrison waved them inside looking out to the distance again before slamming the door shut. Turning to the group in his home he started by setting the boys and Patrick’s wife down first before calling out to Lisa.
“Lisa! It’s safe to come out now. It’s just the Woodsin’s, Patrick is here to explain what the fuck is going on.” Lisa and the two other daughters of Harrison came out of their rooms gathering behind their father. “Your good to start now Pat, tell me what the hell is wrong and why the fuck did we all have nightmares of dying.”
Patrick kept a flask of moonshine, he pulled it out taking a sip before passing it over to Harrison. He took it with a look of puzzlement before taking a sniff from the bottle. “Yep, that’s old James shit. Told you that mine was better.” He said this while going to the cabinet with the dishes. He pulled out an even bigger Jug and took a sip of that. He passed it and the bottle of James back over to Patrick. “Give some to your oldest, he looks like he need the stuff. And then pass it back, Lisa. Your old enough to take a pull now.” Jenifer was about to object but thought better of it after looking at her son and Lisa. The both of them looked like hell froze over.
“Here take it Henry, Lisa. I’ll make this quick so listen closely” Patrick went over the events that occurred in town before…you know. He was brief on the fighting and setting of traps but went into detail on the last fight with the bloody man and himself. He talked about his ability of all father rage, the boost that he got from it and how close he was from taking out the killer. After the story Patrick waved his house to go outside and wait after he was done with a privet talk with Harrison.
“That’s about it, what we’re doing next is going to be tricky, but we have to leave this cursed place. Go down south back to Duke Harold’s lands and ask for amnesty. We can’t stay here with all the things that’s happening.” Patrick explained.
“Lisa! Take your sisters and wait for us outside. We won’t be long I promise.” Harrison waited for them to leave then started again. “I understand what your trying to do but, we lost their mother on this trip and put everything that we had into this. We can’t just leave and try building again.” Harrison had a point and Patrick was sure that the rest of the town people would have similar thoughts as well. He just didn’t want his family to live through that all over again.
“We can talk about it when we get to town, we don’t have much time before the day is over and the night starts. That’s when He will be back.” Patrick and Harrison met their families and went toward town ready for the slow talks that was sure to happen.
When they got there the whole town was in an uproar, people were walking around looking at things or trying new things that were out of place for a small town to have. The baker Katye was currently wielding a stick with a ball of yarn tied two feet from it in a makeshift mace. The sight would have been funny if she wasn’t using it effectively. All across town the villagers were doing odd things but that didn’t slow down Patrick’s group. They got to the town hall entering to find Wilkinson calming down a group of people that were insistent on being heard. Patrick nocked on the wall letting everyone in the room know that he was there.
Wilkinson visible deflated at the sight of Patrick and his entourage coming into the hall. He first looked at Patrick then back to Harrison then did the first thing that Patrick expected him to do, he passed the angry crowd off to him and ran to his office.
“That’s the man that has the answers that you all are looking for, just ask him and leave me out of it!” He took off to the said office with an audible click signaling that there was a lock in place. Anger rolled off Patrick, Harrison tried to stop him…not too hard though, as he made to the office door the little weasel had hid himself behind.
“You have the count of three to open this door or I swear to god that I will put you outside tonight for the killer to get you!” The threat plain in Patrick’s voice.
“Pat! You wouldn’t do that would you!” Wilkinson’s voice came out shaken.
“Damn straight I would, if you don’t come out I and the rest of the town will leave you here tied to a post!” That got through to the little twerp, Wilkinson came out looking down as he did so. Patrick held out his hand in the universal “give me” gesture, Wilkinson looked down at it then sighed giving the badge of mayor over to Patrick.
“You sure you want that thing? I know I’ve been telling you to try and take the spot for years, but I never thought that it would be this easy.” Harrison had a smirk on his old face as he took in the new mayor of Waterbrook.
“It won’t matter, we will be leaving this place by noon, that I promise you.” As it turns out the leaving by noon never happen. By 12:01 the town was still torn between leaving or staying, the latter of the two didn’t want to give up the land that they had saved up to buy. The only fight they seemed to listen to be the fact that half the town did in fact try and fight off the killer but to little avail. Everyone was still stuck on the character sheet they could call on to see how good of a person they were, by definition of how many stats they had in attrabutes. Now I’m not saying racism is dead but lower class measured men and women by what they could do and not by age gender or color of skin, but this sparked a whole new superiority in the town.
“None of that matters! Who cares about if Katye should be allowed to have a weapon or it the strongest should lead. What matters is moving past this and coming to agreement.” Patrick voice cut through the bickering town but few paid attention.
Harrison stood up and walked over to Pat, signaling that he had this. Patrick for his part sat down and let his old-time friend take over. “Shut up! Now I don’t care one way or another what you all think but let me ask you this. When my house leaves to go with Patrick’s, who is going to be here to help defend the town?” The town hall went quiet as everyone man woman and child all turned to look at Patrick. Harrison smiled at Pat and moved to sit back down next to his daughters.
Patrick cleared his throat, trying to change the dark mood of the towns people before he moved on to the preparations of taking the town out on the trails. That stopped when Brock challenged Patrick by stating he was going to still stay. “I don’t need you to stay here and protect what’s mine!” the town that was still on the fence echoed their support and went over to crowed Brock’s side of the room. Oddly enough old Katye the baker followed suit and shifted to his side too. Patrick running low on time didn’t care anymore, he tried to talk sense to the people, but they just didn’t want to listen.
“That’s fine! Anyone that wishes to still leave gather at the center of town by 2, there we will move to the trail to start the long treck back to the kingdoms lands.” With that Patrick, Harrison and the rest of their house followed to start packing. It was a slow and sad task, Jenifer cried at different intervals through the whole thing but that didn’t slow her down in the least. After they were done, they met there in the center of town with a little less than half the people of Waterbrook packed and ready to go.
“Is there anyone else for us to wait for?” Jenifer asked the group but no one else was going to show up so they moved through town watching as the rest of their neighbors got ready for the night. Most of them weren’t there last night as they stood their ground, but no one wanted to stay and argue with them. With the reluctant members of the group look back one final time the group exited the town and made their way south.
Zayne had taken the head of the glowing eye bastard and was feeling pretty good about himself when the System announcement came again telling him that the quest had failed, and that the tutorial was resetting. The whole world shifted to black, then mist started rolling in. The soft chucking of the Goddess came echoing in the void, the void now was forming into her hall. There she sat on her throne beckoning for Zayne to step forward and take her hand. Without thinking he moved to her and got on to his knees taking her hand while looking down. The hand of the Goddess Achlys formed to one that fit his as the rest of her shifted to human size, she rubbed his hand smoothly.
She finally spoke to Zayne, “the gifts that I have chosen for you are ones that I have thought long and hard on, as much as I like looking at the pain on your body it doesn’t do for my acolyte to be of such shame for me to look upon. Your brain-dead mind doesn’t cope well to any of the events that have take place and frankly I thought the day I had a cult would be the day of true bliss, instead I have one follower and all he can manage to do is kill off a small town. NO, I want to be known, I want the very soul of the mortals that you hunt down and kill to live in fear of me. Because without fear there can be no misery.”
“I have found what gift you deserve and the first is getting rid of that horrid, scared face of yours and giving you one fitting from a Goddess, That way when I see you, I can look upon your face without being sicken by the sight.” She made a face as she moved his hair back with her off hand, gazing at the face of someone that went through countless beatings. She took back her hand still holding Zayne’s and put both to his face, the pain was excruciating as Zayne wrestled his face away from her hands, but her grip was like iron. Flesh melted off him and grew back anew in rapped succession, the process repeated multiple times before it was finally over. Achlys was getting exited from the pain of his, making her wet in the process. The face that stared back at her was something she dreamed about for eternity.
“The second gift is a quest of terror, spread my name into the hearts of mortals across the plains of existence; the reward shall be all who enter your presence will feel the weight of your killing aura from afar. To get the ability you must kill the equivalent of a nation’s population, 20 million should be a good enough number.” Zayne didn’t know how big the number really was but was sure that he could hit that before he got bored.
“The last gift for you is to put a little intelligence in that brain of yours, but that will have to what. Commune with me by spreading fear and misery, kill to make me known. And when you’re done, pour the blood into the mist as these are my decrees as your god!” The system took the hint that Achlys was done and sent Zayne off to reset.
Zayne came to the same, sad, lonely spot that he always did after completing the tutorial. Or, failing as he seemed to do so every time. foulness spoke out about what happen with the Goddess.
“That bitch wouldn’t know true beauty if it bit her in the ass!” He seethed. “I have had it with all this has been gods” Jiminy cut in.
“We only met the one, there have literally been no other gods but for Achlys.” The moment stretched for a long time as all three stood there while Foulness came up with a comeback, the time past and Zayne got bored and went on with his day.
“So, I’ve been thinking on your whole-body sheet, the more you exert your strength and other things the more you build up on them. If you take the time to work on it, you could push yourself to more stats that will increase fixability in combat.” Jiminy was looking over his character sheet nothing changed but for the mist imbue ability that cost stamina to do. The more Zayne’s sheet grew the more it seemed that his build would be stamina based. But Jiminy couldn’t articulate that so settled on just telling Zayne on the best stats to build up. That also included on his intelligence.
“Listen all I’m saying is that your intelligence is lacking, and it should be simple for you to build. Come on Foulness back me up on this!” Jiminy was having the same argument that he always did when talking about Zayne’s knowledge. He was currently practicing on imbuing the chains and mist stepping around the dull forest. The sun that used to touch here couldn’t be seen with all the fog that settled in the air. It was thicker than the mud they had walked through to get near the outskirts of the woods. Zayne had gotten good at switching through his forms of the chains into the kung pow killer, all while hopping all over the place. If someone were to saw what he was doing then it would look like he was teleporting, but it was slow on the reappearing aspect of it. The stamina drain was slow but if he didn’t take break in between shifting to the mist realm then he would have already been tired out. The increase to his endurance was steadily climbing up, already he made it to 20.
He kept at it till he was too tired to continue, till his stamina recharged he would appease Jiminy and practice writing until they realized that there wasn’t a way to keep his work viable. This was were Foulness would laugh, but it never came. Zayne still being the uncaring person he was ignored his silents and just took the gift in front of him taking in the quiet woods. Jiminy would have voiced his complaints but sensed that foulness was waiting for something. He too choose not to engage with the vile conscious. And that was how the day for them went, Zayne practicing in the dark, quiet woods while Jiminy and Foulness contemplated on what ever they had to think about. The day slowly turned to night and the coolness in the air washed over Zayne in his sweaty cloths. He needed to get new cloths but that could wait until later.
Zayne moved out to the town, noting that the light that he got accustomed to seeing were not visible on this night as well. The night before they had waited to ambush him with a variety of different traps, most didn’t work but that pit trap had nearly killed him. It was lucky he had a fast enough reaction to swing out his chain catching a branch, but all that did was slow his fall. The branch had broken after a second making him still fall avoiding the sharp stick at the bottom. The village hadn’t put enough sharp sticks in there to catch him off guard, so he wasn’t too weary for falling into another one of those. As he got closer, he spotted the traps about the edge of town. They use the same methods and spots to put them, Jiminy was saying something so Zayne paused in the shadow of a barn, the same barn that old farmer used to stick him with that pitchfork.
“Hey stupid, did you notice the town folk are in the same spots as last night? No, you didn’t and now you’re going in the same circling pattern you did from the night before.” Jiminy pointed out, Zayne looked to see the top of the houses and did in fact see the same idiots using the same house to keep watch. Shaking his head, he went to the know spots from last night.
He came to the back of the house with the two new people there, they were not the same from before but that hardly mattered to Zayne. He crept behind them carefully trying not to make a sound. When he got close, he took their legs out from under neath them, the power to rip flesh and limbs off was still new to Zayne but he capitalized on it. He went for the back of their heads, smashing his fist into the skulls of both men. His hand went through it like it was clay, taking ahold of their brains he ripped them out killing both simultaneously. Brain matter was all over him, his stomach rumbled letting him know he hadn’t eaten in a while. He went to work taking chucks out devouring it whole with his mouth The juices ran down his throat, quenching the thirst he had forgotten about. Living in his parent’s basement tempered his thirst and hunger, making it so he could easily live with a meal or two a weak.
Jiminy spoke up “Don’t forget that the Goddess wanted you to spill the blood for her in the mist!” Zayne did forget but that was an easy fix. “And I don’t mean for you to just throw them off the roof down to the ground, I pretty sure she wanted them in that void thing you go to.” Foulness leapt at that coming out with his same idea.
“We could always leave the bodies in the realm for Achlys, it would make it easy for her to collect them when we’re done!” Foulness said. “That and she might be pleased if it was a shorter way for her to collect it, instead of how ever she gets it through the mist.” He stopped talking and thought on how the Goddess of mist, terror and misery got the blood that she craved.
Zayne didn’t see much of a difference and just excepted it, grabbing the bodies he pulled them through the fog as he stepped into the realm. There he dumped them on the hazed made house leaving the bodies on the roof. He quickly stepped back to the other side looking out over the town. He remembered the other locations the archers were station and went to work quickly cutting them down. It wasn’t till he was on his last street where three more archer nest was that the horn sounded out again. Two quick bursts of the horn made a signal to the other towns members that the killer was here. Zayne was told that they would figure it out from all the leftover blood he spilled by Jiminy, but it was too late for them to stop him. He was behind a group of barrels that had some red fruit that he didn’t know, when a figure came out of the shadows.
“I know you’re here! Show your self to me!” The cloaked figure screamed. He held a bow and a few arrows in hand, but that was all the lone man could do. Zayne had his stealth skill with a buff that hid him too well for any of the newly integrated towns people to spot. He stayed hidden there waiting for the man to turn around, when he did, he planned to rip the fucker apart. As luck had it for the lone figure, two of his fellow compatriot’s came to his rescue by just being with him. Zayne had to hold off on killing him for a moment as he weighed his marks.
One was a slender woman dressed up in all black. She was a few heads shorter than the cloaked man but had a pair of wicked looking daggers. Her face was covered but for her long red ponytail that hung to her ass. How he knew it was one of the female persuasions was the two huge melons hanging off from her chest, similar to the Goddess. The other figure was more then two heads taller then the cloak man. He had a mean looking club with sharp protrusions coming out of it. He was also shirtless. Bald, and just too hairy for anyone’s liking. He also smelled of dog. Zayne didn’t like him much.
Weighing the two marks he decided that they were of no threat, Zayne moved onto action. He jumped over the barrels making a loud pat on the earthen ground. The three figures all turned to look at him. Zayne being sociably awkward, tilted his head to the side as he regarded them in the best method to kill. The first was rip them apart, the second was break them in multiple places. Nah, he would go with a combination of the two. The lady broke out of her stupor first, dashing to Zayne. She threw out one of her daggers to him in the mad dash scoring a hit on the side of his stomach. Being too engrossed with the way her chest moved, he hardly notice the slight discomfort that it brought him. That worked out fine for the other two who went on the offensive. The cloaked man pulled his bow taught with two arrows racked on the string. The club man was barreling straight at Zayne getting ready to pummel the nightmare right in front of him.
Zayne caught up on the motion of danger the club posed, side stepped to his right closer to the woman. The Club missed wide but left him open for the lady to start tagging him with multiple hits, they landed over his chest that was bare. The small cuts that were left on him didn’t make him blink in the slightest. The archer shot the two arrows at him as the woman disengaged him. The arrows hit him in the shoulder making him twist. The motion saved him from another blow of the club but that didn’t stop the lady from picking up her other weapon and charging him again. Zayne let the fight go on like this for too long, picking up on the first one that needed to go he mist stepped to the duel wielder fist. Appearing beside her without anyone knowing, Grabbed her wrist and turned it making her scream out as it broke. The motion of the broken arm forced the girl to bend over, Zayne not letting the opportunity go spun her arm around forcing the very same arm behind her back bringing her onto her tip toes.
Foulness spoke out before he could finish the job. “Throw her into the mist realm!” He didn’t even think what that would mean for him, stepping out to the mist he let go of the girl. He then stepped back a pace before kicking out at her landing a hit on the lady, Zayne scored a hit to her back sending her sailing into some not so fluffy vapor. He didn’t look back as he popped back behind the archer.
“He took Sara!” The archer shrieked out to the big guy, but that didn’t save him from Zayne. He grabbed ahold of the arms of the cloaked figure and tore them off the man, the shriek turned into a blood curtailing scream. Zayne now armed…used his newfound weapons and went to town beating the clubbed man. The blows didn’t hold much power, but he made up for it by raining blows down turning the big man into a broken blob of his former self. The archer was still alive, so Zayne finished him off with a small meal to go, the organs were easy to carry if one used the stomach (once emptied) as a bag.
Jiminy spoke out to Zayne, “What about the girl? Are you just going to leave her!” Zayne was planning to do just that, but Foulness had other plans.
“You could always use her for our own devices.” He had a cruel sound to his voice that jiminy didn’t much care for. But Foulness wasn’t done trying to persuade Jiminy over to his side. “I mean, we could use her to teach our boy here to learn how to read and write and other stuff…fun stuff.” He was quick to correct the last part. “You know, since you don’t know that much to begin with.”
Jiminy paused before he lashed out at Foulness. “You have a good point; I don’t agree with the method but at the end of the day if we can make Zayne a little smarter than it for the best.” He said reluctantly.
This all happen while Zayne scoured the town for more people, He didn’t find any more which was odd, the System usually reset after he killed the town. “Dummy! There are usually more then 25 people in this town sooo, they must have left. Use your tracking skill to find out where they went. Zayne did, finding a trail that lead south out of town into the woods. He started to get pissed but it couldn’t be helped, it wasn’t his fault they high tailed it out of town. He stepped back into the void of the mist to relive so stress but found himself in the hall of Achlys, where she and the ninja lady was having a cup of tea. The sight was baffling, but the charm of the Deity left Zayne’s mind numb after seeing the Goddess sitting there. She was in her human size talking calmly to the girl, soothing her after the black clad woman seen Zayne walk in.
“That’s just my chosen one, he wont hurt you now, he’s here to help settle a matter for me.” Achlys words were like butter to the ear. All honey and sweat but hidden with that taste was something deadly that one didn’t know till it was too late. Damn carbs and fat! She beckoned Zayne over, “Zayne, I want you to meet my new prophet…her name is Sara.”
Patrick was leading the group out over the rolling hills that was starting to appear, he didn’t remember seeing them when they had made the journey here. Not wanting to go back he marched them forward hoping to find any trace of the king’s lands. Wilkinson was walking near him and so was Harrison. Harrison spoke up quietly so no one could her him. “It isn’t right that he just left his daughter back there. A man should stand with his house or at least begged for her to come with him.” They both turned to look at the husk of a man. He kept his head low so that he wouldn’t bring anyone’s attention to him. His eyes were sunken now and the yellow coat that he wore was the only semblance that he was anyone of importance.
“I don’t know if we should talk about him like this, but your right. If it was me, I would have stayed with my little girl. But it’s not and I have m own family to look after.” Patrick turned away and moved a little fast getting away from the conversation. He didn’t want to think about what was happening this night back at the cursed town they left. NO, he would get them through this, then get back to the life that he so wanted back.
- In Serial24 Chapters
DK (Dropped)
The story of someone named DK. PS: Feel free to inform me of any mistakes, english is not my mother tongue.
8 76 - In Serial13 Chapters
Empyrean Crown
A world torn apart by war.A never ending treasure hunt.The chess pieces are all set, ready for yet another Game.Only for the Game to start by itself.In the remains of a kingdom lost to time, Kaera wakes up with no recollection of who she is. With nowhere to go, she takes up arms and steps towards the unknown with hopes of discovering who she is, while unknowingly being the Chess Piece that might one day end this endless treasure hunt and Game once and for all.English isn't my first language, so expect some errors here and there!
8 152 - In Serial248 Chapters
The Undying Magician
How would a true immortal with average talent in magic fare within a world where magic is everything? In the world of Aria, only a small fraction of the population are classified as magicians.These magicians are able to use magic through the manipulation of the mana they are born with and are the core of the military strength within every nation.However, one nation in particular uses magicians to an even higher extreme than the others.This nation is known as The Republic of Arcania.The largest power in Aria. Our story follows Nathan Fox as he graduates from high school and is sent to the Arcane Academy for his required military training as a magician before he eventually serves his ten year term in the military.Nathan has been a true immortal ever since he got a semi-magical disease that makes any damage done to his body instantly reverse itself, bringing him back to his top form on the day that he became an immortal. Ever since then, it has been impossible for Nathan to die.But there are worse things in the world than death.And if the power-hungry magicians of the world were to learn of Nathan's true immortality?Then he might just experience those things himself. What will happen to Nathan as he traverses life in the academy?Will his secret be found out?Or will he be able to safely make it through the four years of academy life with his secret intact? That has yet to be foretold. The beginning of the story starts out slow for what many Royal Road readers are used to and then speeds up after around chapter 20 or so. It is a school arc, so it is supposed to be slow. Most of the combat and action isn't seen until after these chapters, which you can view as an introduction to the world, the characters, and magic itself. Many of the reviews are outdated due to edits I've been making along the way through the story. Specifically some of the edits going over the world itself, including pointing out in the story some of the things a few of the reviewers missed when they wrote their reviews, along with fixing other things that were pointed out in the story from the reviews and comments. This book is also being edited as it's being written, so some small parts might change as I get suggestions from readers. I do not write harem or sexual content in my stories. Ever. My Discord Server Top Web Novel Link
8 732 - In Serial80 Chapters
Gravity and Divinity: Apocalypse System LitRPG
B-boy and parkour performer Jay Luckrun and others from his high school get an offer they can't refuse. A leveling system with stats and skills, access to other dimensions where dungeons hoard incredible loot, and magical powers that'll alter reality as they know it. There's a price, of course. Upholding the responsibilities of a near-extinct pantheon of multiverse protectors and facing oncoming cosmic doom, which sounds way over Jay's head on a drunk Friday night. But hey, how can he say no? Yeah, he'll fight monsters, divine apocalyptic forces, assassins, and many others, but that's par for the course in this Power Fantasy. The offer is coming from the most beautiful girl ever. And it nets him an OP Affinity to a fundamental force. Freaking Gravity.
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Parable of the Renegades [Beta Version]
Hidden within the population are rare subspecies of humans called “Renegades.” Information on them remain scarce and the planet had been in a state of caution ever since they were first revealed to exist. Sheltered High School student Lucas Thorne only wanted a thrilling experience or at least a break from his tiring routine of daily life. The turning point arrives when he is ambushed and put at the mercy of Rio Kiyodera, an assassin he witnessed on a chance encounter. In exchange for sparing his life, Lucas is blackmailed into taking over Rio’s assignment–seven wanted Renegades with the potential to bring forth calamities if they remain alive. Now, Lucas is forced to go on an adventure of missions and getting tangled in the affairs of others. His wish has been granted, but there’s no turning back.
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You're A Doll (COMPLETE)
Jessie Cross is a typical bad boy with the title. He loves cars and racing and is basically an adrenaline addict. He loves tattoos, music, the women. His friends and him hung out at this one bar often but this particular brunette who appeared uncomfortable caught his eye. Sailor Kate was the pretty girl who drowned herself in books- romance addict- and she was too lonely to leave her awful friends.One night they dragged her to a car race and she sat alone by her car, bored out of her mind. When a man came up to her she became uncomfortable but didn't know how to wave him off until a boy did it for her. How do they proceed after?
8 180