《Unsanity is Relative》Chapter 6
“Well shit.” was going to be Tobi’s last words, that is if it weren’t for the lucky awakening of Nick. Nick threw out his hand towards Tobi, holy golden light filling his palm before shooting out and forming a protective bubble around him. The elemental’s fist crashed into the golden bubble, cracks webbed out from the impact and Tobi scrambled to his feet, wincing at his broken ribs.
“Thanks buddy boy!” there was no response as the paladin had fallen back into unconsciousness from the exertion.
Tobi looked at the bubble and estimated it would last for one or two more strikes, he sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Yo, puddle buddy. If you can hear me, I need a little help. How did you control the Chaos?”
The elemental slammed its fist into the wall again, the cracks deepened and a sound like glass echoed in the clearing. Puddle buddy didn’t respond, Tobi decided to just wing it, if magic was real here what would he do to cast it?
He racked his brain for answers, ignoring the stupid definition puddle buddy had given him, Chaos seemed to be some kind of energy. It was different than chaos with a little c, but also seemed similar, with its clashing color and formless nature. Puddle buddy also said it had something to do with magic, and Tobi was pretty sure that rocks and plants didn’t come to life in the shape of a huge man without some sort of magic.
Maybe there was some way to see the Chaos, if it was in everything there should be some type of vision that would let you see it. Tobi peered at the elemental, nope, no dice, that way at least. It still looked like a giant rock man with vines connecting its body together. Maybe instead of focusing his eyes he should unfocus them, like what he would do to get double vision and pretend he got double portions for dinner.
He did so and as the elemental’s monolithic fist became two, he saw that in between the two fists was a familiar sight. A torrent of writhing colors was packed in between the two, it seemed to be coursing down the vines like blood through veins. He heard a strange ding noise followed by a shattering sound as the protective bubble shattered.
‘Great! Now I can see pretty colors while I die!’ he thought to himself as the elemental brought back its fist again. He was too injured to dodge or roll away, his legs were nearly buckling under his weight, and his vision was swimming.
He was still looking at the Chaos, and when he looked down at his beaten form, his eyes went wide, “Wow, I’m so pretty.” he said dazedly, his body was covered in swirling patterns of color. He thought he looked like one of those rainbow lollipops with the swirls. He raised his hand feebly towards the elemental, and decided to use ‘Identify’ on the creature, he saw no reason not to.
[Plant Elemental] [Named Monster: Protector of the Clearing] {Level: 76}
‘That is one shitty title to have. Woe to those that enter the clearing!’ he let out a wet chuckle. The creature’s hand crashed into Tobi’s hand, plant segment first. He looked at the beautifully blazing Chaos, if he was to die he wanted to die from something that gorgeous. He wanted to die with Chaos inside of him, he reached for it and the brilliantly glowing Chaos leaped from the elemental to Tobi, like an arc of electricity. His hair stood on end, and the segment that touched his skin withered, turned gray and fell from its form.
The monster recoiled, it let out a violent roar and took a step back. Tobi looked at his hand, the swirling pattern of color under his skin seemed brighter than before. He smiled up at the rock man and took a step forward, his knees swaying dangerously, “Hey little buddy, looks like we got some things to talk about.”
The boulder that was suspended on its left arm fell off, it didn’t have a magic vine to hold it up, so it collapsed under its own weight. Tobi was still wary of the parts not blazing with Chaos, so his advance was slower than it could have been. The creature wheeled back one arm comically, before sending it flying towards him again.
It seemed slower than before, as if the creature was unsure if it should fight. The slight decrease in speed was all Tobi needed, he ducked awkwardly under the arm, the fist ghosted so close his hair writhed in the wind. He was near the abdomen of the creature, a massive knot of vines and plants were coiled where its stomach should be. He hopped up onto the creature and gave it a massive bear hug.
The elemental shook both arms wildly, attempting to dislodge the strange creature hugging its mid section. The knot of vines started to wither as the Chaos seeped from the center and into Tobi. “C’mere rock guy! It’s been so long, let’s catch up!” he cried with manic delight, relishing in the tingly feeling of the Chaos.
He cackled madly as the top half of the elemental could no longer hold itself up, it let out a pained cry as it tumbled over. All the vines weaved around its arms and chest withering and then splitting into dust. The bottom half continued to wobble awkwardly with the added weight of the strange bandaged man clinging to it.
The vines around the legs followed suit to the top half and crumbled to dust. In the center of the dust was a brilliant green emerald, but in Tobi’s vision it blazed like the sun with Chaos. He literally drooled as he stooped down to pick it up, a small wretched cry sounded out as the Chaos was drained from the gem. Once it was all gone the gem crumbled to dust, Tobi stood there on shaky legs, grinning from ear to ear.
“I can enjoy killing monsters right Doc?” he asked the air, “It ain’t un-sane, cuz they aren’t human.” he clapped his hands in joy and did a little jig at the new found realization. He heard a series of dings and felt a surge of vitality. His whole body was in bliss, the Chaos seeped under his skin, so dense it was nearly visible to the normal eye.
Tobi uncrossed his eye and sighed contentedly, he sat down on the dust covered ground, and leaned up against a boulder to relax. That was until someone lit a fire inside of his chest, his skin felt like it was ablaze and he slapped at it ineffectually. He hopped from foot to foot and a strangled cry left his lips, his eyes went wide at the feeling of pain, it felt so similar to the stuff in the needle when his hosts had tortur-entertained him.
A bloody tear escaped his left eye socket, it felt like he had taken in so much power, too much. He felt like his body wasn’t strong enough yet, he had to get rid of it. Now. He crossed his eye again and focused on the seething mass under his skin, he tried to command it to leave, to get out, but nothing happened. It felt like his entire body was going to melt, he pleaded with it, cajoled it, he even tried to sing to it. Anything to make it go away.
He dug his fingers into the wounds in his arms, reaching under the skin for the things that weren’t there. He tried to dig them out but received only blood for his troubles. He opened his status, his health was ticking down, it was reaching dangerous levels. He couldn’t make it leave how it was, but maybe he could do something with it.
He clawed at the energy inside of him, desperation fueling his actions, he again tried to command it, not just to leave his body, but to create. With the writhing mass of maddening power he envisioned something, anything to make it leave. His mind raced as thoughts popped into his head and he created, the rainbow streamers leaving his body in waves. They coursed through his veins and out through the wounds on his arms and body, his whole body was alight with Chaos.
Around him seemingly nonsensical things popped into existence, a table set with tea cups filled with bile, a dead rabbit with its back legs missing, an upside down fountain, a statue of a knight without armor, a halberd made of bone, another statue of a wolf chasing a small girl in red, and a pumpkin on wheels. These things and more seemed to pop into reality, the streamers of Chaos swam through the air and wove together.
His left eye socket bled Chaos, it swam wildly and he fell to his knees. He gasped in air and felt his body return to a normal temperature, he no longer felt lava course through his veins, or fire boil his skin. He closed his eyes and dropped into an exhausted sleep, surrounded by a multitude of seemingly random objects that populated the once empty clearing.
He awoke hours later with a groan, he clutched his ribs through his tattered bandages and attempted to stand up. His legs failed him several times before he finally managed it. He looked around at the strange sight surrounding him, there were countless baubles and items around him.
Though if he looked closely they shimmered like a desert mirage, he walked over to a fancy table with tea cups on them and reached for it. His hand passed through it with no disturbance, “Huh.”
There were several people and animals that also shimmered, though they looked more like statues than living beings. They stood stock still, their chests neither rising nor falling. He walked around the clearing, stumbling every few steps, and looked at the items, he recognized some, but others seemed completely fabricated.
There was a set of chairs that looked to be made of insects that writhed and wriggled disgustingly, he looked away towards another figure. Though this one didn’t shimmer, it was Nick, and his left leg was in shambles. The elemental had stepped on it and what was left looked more like ground beef than a part of a person, “You up buddy?” he asked.
There was no response, he walked over to his prone form and gave him a good kick. The man still didn’t move, so he reached down and removed his magic pouch, “Even in unconsciousness you still help me out, thanks pal, you shall not be forgotten.” he stated solemnly, though a small smile quirked his lips up at the prospect of acquiring the strange pouch.
He chuckled a bit, thinking about how confused the paladin would be if he woke up, surrounded on all sides by strange illusions. He heard another of the weird beeping noises and focused on it, a flurry of blue screens filled his vision,
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!
You are now Level 13!
New Skill Learned! [Chaos Vision]
Peer into the Chaos of reality, though beware, Chaos has been known to melt the minds of weak willed men.
Most mages learn mage sight early on, many attempt to level this skill up into [Chaos Vision] though few succeed. You have somehow bypassed the mage sight portion and blundered your way into the next level! Great work, even if what you did makes no sense from a magical standpoint.
[Chaos Manipulation] Increased!
Chaos Manipulation, a skill unique to you, has increased in rank. You have managed to absorb Chaos from a magical creature and then expel the Chaos from your body, creating illusions. It has been said that Chaos can create anything, beyond mere illusions, it is also said that Chaos can destroy as easily as create.
Beginner I - Beginner II
New Passive Learned! [Chaos Form]
By taking in too much Chaos you have changed your body. The whorls of Chaos energy inside of you have been bolstered, you will find it much easier to absorb Chaos. It will also require more Chaos to obtain [Chaos Sickness] than you had before.
Stat Gain!
For constantly enduring abuse and pain you have received END, this will increase your stamina and pain thresh hold. For figuring out the basics of Chaos manipulation, with a little help from a friendly puddle, you have received INT. For your skills in dodging you have improved AGI.
AGI + 1
INT + 1
END + 2
He felt a strange sense of accomplishment at the prospect of gaining new skills. He wasn’t so naive as to not know about leveling up giving you increases in stats and strength, and knowing this he activated his ‘Status’,
Madness - 98%
Chaos - 16%
Trait Name
[Passive - Unstable Mind]
[Passive - Chaos Form]
Beginner I
Ability Name
[Chaos Vision]
Beginner I
[Unique - Chaos Manipulation]
Beginner II
Str - 8
CHR - 8
AGI - 11
DEX - 10
INT - 10
WIS - 9
VIT - 8
END - 11
Free Stat Points - 60
Health Points: 68/230
Mana Points: 100/230
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