《Revenge of the Dead》Prologue 01


Long ago the universe was blanketed with unending darkness and silence. One day the silence and the darkness was interrupted by blinding light and noise. The light brought with it everything and the darkness, nothingness. The light offered the darkness enjoyment and wonder; the darknesses offered its blank canvas of a universe to create. This was how the two powers balanced themselves in the universe.

The light and the darkness rained over the universe, forming it to their will, creating the sun, the moon, and the stars. The light and the darkness then created forms of beings that could channel parts of their power to do their bidding around the universe. They called these beings the first creations.

The two powers themselves were formless, beings of pure power, ever-changing, but all powerful. Their only fault was that they could not create a form that they themselves could use to interact with their first creations. However, they did not mind, they could still speak and visit with their first creations whenever they wished.

The light and the darkness then realized that they enjoyed creating beings and things. They enjoyed it so much that they created a whole world to house them all. The two powers created land and seas. They created life and creatures of all sorts to fill the seas and the land. The two powers made everything they could think of on the world. It was there, on this world, that the two powers let their creations thrive, grow, and spread in peace.

They used their first creations to rule over the world in their stead; to guide and to help the other creations. Afterwards, the two powers themselves sat back and watched with joy as their world grew and life spread. For a time, peace and joy rained.

However, it did not last long.

After helping life spread throughout the world under their careful eyes, the first creations of the two powers grew greedy and lusted for more power. They wished to be all powerful like the two powers that created them. They wished to be absolute. So they planned and plotted against their creators. What followed was the only eventual course of action. War. The first war in history.

It was the first war this world ever experienced. The first creations called themselves gods and used their influence and power over millions of creations to rise up a force to fight the two great powers. The two great powers were stunned with what happened. They tried to talk and reason with the new founded gods. The two powers begged their first creations to rethink this and turn away from these thoughts. The two powers wanted to know why their first creations betrayed them. However, the first creations refused to listen or speak to the two powers. They instead reached out into the darkness and the light and pulled more and more power into themselves. They wanted more and more power. It was never enough.


The two great powers could no longer contain their anger and rage against their first creations. They came down to the world and destroyed the very land from underneath them. The two powers boiled the seas, decimated the first creations armies, and burned the world to the ground. The two powers grabbed their first creations and were going to erase them from existence.

However, before they did, their rage sobered for a moment and all their rage turned to pity for their first creations. They loved them. They couldn't forgive them but they could not erase them, so they pulled them apart, spread their power across the world, and gave the first creation’s powers to every living thing. That way the first creations could remain and continue to help the world without their egos and pride trying to destroy it.

After the war, the two great powers became saddened by the state of life and the world. Many species were eradicated from the world; many lands leveled to dirt, ash, and fire. The two powers wanted to help and fix the damage that was done after the war. So, the two great powers created a new group. They were called the second creations.

The two great powers told the second creations of the failures and mistakes of the first creations, and warned them not to make the same mistakes.

To safeguard the purity of the second creations, the two powers gave the second creations smaller portions of power to limit their reach and strength. The two powers were fearful that the second creations would turn like the first, so the two powers gave the second creations a different charge/purpose. Upon reflection, the two powers understood that they might have given the first creations two large of a duty with the growing and cultivating of the world and the life on it; so the two powers told the second creations to do what they wished with the world. They told them to life and be happy. However, as a constant reminder of the past failures of their seniors, the two powers called the second creations, lesser gods.

The two powers then decided that constant contact with the lesser gods would only hinder the lives of the lesser gods, and make them more susceptible to whatever the influence was that caused the first creations to fall from grace. As such, they decided to leave the world after they were done preparing the lesser gods. This decision nearly broke their hearts, but the two powers knew it was necessary. Before they left, the two powers also stated to the lesser gods that if they wished to become more than lesser gods, replace their failed first creations, and stand by the two powers’ sides for eternity, then they must complete certain conditions.


These conditions were unlike anything that existed before.

To keep track of everything and create new conditions and rules as needed, the two powers created a system. This system was what the lesser gods had to follow to achieve the conditions to move up and become stronger. The two powers made certain that the system’s conditions for every lesser god was different so that each lesser god would have to earn it themselves if they really wanted more power and rise to the sides of their creators. No one but the two powers were above the system. This made it fair for all.

After that, the two great powers became silent to the world. They did not speak to the lesser gods or come back into the world.

Angelic peace then ensued for 1000’s of years. Life took this opportunity of peace to repopulate and expand throughout the world again. Over time, the great war and the two powers became myth and legend to life; forgotten throughout the centuries to the noise of life.

However, the lesser gods remembered the two powers and the warnings they received from them about being corrupted like their seniors, so they took this opportunity of peace to create a divine realm that would only house the lesser gods. This allowed them to become separate from the world so as to not become tempted like the first creations and use the world as a weapon against the two powers. The lesser gods could still come down to the world below, but most refrained themselves from doing so unless it was absolutely necessary. All of this was so that they did not make the same mistakes as the first creations. All of this was so that the lesser gods could live and, if they wanted, achieve their goals, ascend as higher gods, gain more power, and be with their creators.

On the other side of the proverbial coin, life, unlike the lesser gods, forgot the warnings and pain after 1000’s of years of peace. Time did not help dissipate their desire for power. Life was always more susceptible to their desires, and soon became consumed in their greed and lust for power. The long stead of peace had finally broken.

A new ideology emerged from the ashes of peace. This ideology was based on the belief that with enough power, one day, life could become lesser gods and dwell within the divine realm. This ideology was backed up with the fact that some life found that they had awesome power inside of themselves. This gave life all the proof they needed for their beliefs. The strength of the power that dwelled inside of life varied between species and beings, but none could doubt that it was there. Only few could feel it and even fewer could tap into it. And over time, even those with little ability in could surpass their limits if properly trained in this power. This greed and endless hunger for power became life’s downfall. Wars sprang up all over the world. They all wanted more of this power.

Over the years, two factions of life soon emerged in the war, one faction thought that if there were less beings in the world to tap into the power, then more power would be available to those that were alive. The other faction thought that life was sacred and if more beings existed then more powerful beings would be born into the world to help the world as a whole rise to a greater level. This was the major cause of the war. Over time, it grew to a scale that had not been seen or known for 1,000’s of years. Millions died, lands and beings were conquered, and the world erupted into constant war and discord.

This massive disturbance could not go overlooked by the lesser gods. Looking down from their divine realm, the lesser gods watched life in the world spread and produce horrors unlike anything the lesser gods had ever seen before. They dared not intervene. They feared that this massive amount of insanity, greed, and lust for power could corrupt even them. So the lesser gods gave up on the world and instead stayed in their divine realm.

Chaos thrives where order is vacant.

Soon this war had consumed the entire world. After a 1000 years of fighting, those that wished for a culling of the population to gain more power in themselves, pushed those that worship life to a single isolated continent on the world. The unending advance of the armies of those that wished for death was halted by an ocean of monsters that no army could cross. The armies tried but none were able to make it. Thus, a small window of peace surrounded this continent and its peoples. Every species and people that feared the armies that wished to cull the numbers of the world to gain power, ran to this continent as their salvation. Those that managed to make it there alive began growing their numbers again to prepare for when the peace surrounding the continent would eventually break and turn to war. This had become the state of the world, forced to one single continent. All hope rested on the peace and the safety on the continent of Garvantia.

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