《Who Said Death Was Easy? [Death Note Fanfiction]》Chapter Fifty-five: Stationary
Light’s POV:
“Light-kun!” Misa’s voice cried over the phone. As per usual, she was loud and chipper. Light decided it was too chipper for his taste. On the inside, he groaned, reminding himself that he wouldn’t have to deal with Misa Amane for much longer. There was only so much he could take, and somehow Misa got on his every nerve.
Only a few couple days, and she should be out of your life for good. Be patient and wait. Soon there will be a new Second Kira. Someone a lot smarter. Someone who will truly understand me and my goals as Kira. Someone to help me bring my vision of the world into a reality. A new world.
When Light didn’t respond right away, Misa continued on. “I was wondering when I’d hear from you again. I’ve missed you so much-”
“Right,” Light interrupted, not wanting to listen to her antics. There was little time to waste and he needed to get down to business. There was much to explain and he also needed her to stay alert. “Listen carefully to what I’m about to say. I can’t talk for long; it would arouse too much suspicion, so listen up.”
He heard her groan. It was probably due to the fact that she was disappointed he couldn’t talk long, he figured. After a short pause, she collected herself. She was still a little disappointed, but she moved on. “Alright. I’m listening. This is about the exchange, yes?”
Of course. What else would it be about?
“Yes,” Light replied. He leaned forward on the table he had been leaning on. Although he knew Misa couldn’t see him, he had a smirk on his face. “It’s time. Everything is all set to go. I just need you to follow my instructions and keep an eye out for anyone suspicious as you do so. It’s important that no one catches on, especially now that we’ve been officially cleared.”
“I understand.” Despite not seeing her face to face, he could imagine her nod as she spoke over the phone.
He could tell from her tone that she was excited to be of use to him once more, perfect. Don’t mess this up for me, Misa Amane. This is the last time I’ll need you, but it’s somehow the most important time. Can’t have any loose ends.
“Good. Are you ready?”
“Yes,” was Misa’s ready response. “I’m listening.”
“Alright,” there was a twinkle in Light’s eyes as he spoke. “Here’s the plan, as I said, listen closely and be extra cautious…”
Light told her his plan, his confidence growing as he did. After all, he had thought everything out. In less than three days, he’d have a new Second Kira. This time, one that would act the way he wanted him to act. One that wouldn’t defy him, one that would help him get a step closer to his ideal new world. And a step further away from his personal annoyance, Misa Amane. It was perfect, he was now glad that Rem had requested this of him.
It’s only a matter of time before I’ll become unstoppable. Just you wait, L. I’m coming for you, once and for all.
L’s POV:
The clock ticked on the side of the computer screen, which the detective found rather distracting. He knew something was not right, he could feel it. L noticed that he had been feeling like that a lot lately, given the current circumstances.
Light’s still not here yet, he noted. It’s half past seven, and he’s usually here early…of course, it wouldn’t be unusual to sleep in…but with his previous behavior, it’s far more likely that he’s up to something. In fact, it probably means that he’s getting in contact with Misa Amane. I suspect that’s exactly what he’s up to at this moment. It makes the most sense. It can’t just be a simple coincidence. Nothing ever is, at least not in this investigation.
He bit into his breakfast, a jelly filled doughnut with white frosting. More thoughts swirled through his head as he thumbed through his files, looking for something new. Anything new. However, he wasn’t at all surprised at the outcome of the reports.
Of course. No new criminals today. At least, none that have been reported thus far. I’m sure that won’t last too much longer, given the circumstances. Knowing Light, and the rules of the notebook, one’s actions can be manipulated before their death. This means that, despite the exchange of power that’s going to take place, I’m sure Light will tell Misa to write in names for later, until the exchange is complete. That way, criminals won’t stop dying randomly and there will be a smooth transition of killing power. There’s only three more days until the exchange is made and I know Light is thorough, I know he wouldn’t want to leave any breadcrumbs. He's almost too thorough. Just like me.
The detective glanced at the clock once more, he has to be talking to her at this moment. I’m sure he won’t take too much longer, though. He knows it’s unlike him to sleep in as well, and he knows the longer it takes for him to get here, the more suspicious I’ll be. He’s right, of course, but I’m far past suspicious. Right now, thanks to Keiko’s hard work, we’re one step ahead of him. With any luck, I’d like it to stay that way. We need to be one step ahead so that she’s safe. Speaking of which...
“Good morning, Ryuzaki-san,” Keiko’s soft voice echoed as she entered the room. The detective glanced up at her, feeling a tingle deep in his stomach. For the first time in a while, she looked better rested than usual. L supposed it was because, for now, they had an upper hand. With Rem on their side, things were looking up a little. There was a moment when their eyes met, and she gave him a quick smile. It was faint, but he could see the slight tinge of pink as it dusted across her cheeks, which made him feel dizzy in the best way.
This feeling again…this must be what ‘butterflies’ feel like…
Unfortunately for him, the feeling didn’t last long as he noticed Light trailing in behind her. His hand grazed her side, wrapping around her waist, as if he were claiming her as the two sat down on the couch. The detective’s eyes narrowed, noticing the brief discomfort on Keiko’s face as he did so. It was soon replaced with a smile, but L knew better. He knew her well by now.
She doesn’t like being touched by him, he noted. It must be hard for her, having to pretend like that...and it’s all because of me. I’m sorry, Keiko Kagami. I’m sorry that you feel you have to go through all of this for someone like me...and for the case, of course.
The detective worked to ignore what he figured was guilt as he looked over at the two of them, now sitting comfortably on the couch. Light had, thankfully, removed his arm from her side to take a peek at the files on the coffee table.
“Did we miss anything, Ryuzaki-san?” Light questioned as he looked up from the files.
You already know the answer to that, so why bother asking? You’re just putting on a show now…though I suppose that’s not unusual for you, you’re always quite the actor..
“Nothing yet, although I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.”
Light gave a nod. “And there’s no new leads?”
“I’m afraid not. This Kira’s been hiding their tracks well,” The detective murmured, sneaking a glance at Keiko. She kept her face as neutral as possible, though L knew that she had to be feeling rather conflicted. Once again, he fought hard to ignore the pang that he felt in his heart.
We have to solve this as soon as possible, for her sake. After the exchange is made, we’ll have to work hard in order to corner this new Kira, and get the evidence needed to convict Light. That way, the sooner she won’t have to pretend to love him, to want to be with him. I can’t have her suffer any longer. It’s honestly torturous enough for me, I can’t even imagine how she’s feeling. I don’t want to imagine that.
“I’m sure we’ll find something soon,” Light replied, breaking the detective away from his thoughts. “Quite soon, in fact.”
“Yes, I’m sure they’re bound to slip up sometime,” the detective replied, an eyebrow raised.
Only a matter of time until this exchange is made, until we can fully put Keiko’s plan into action. Light Yagami, you’d better be ready.
Through the corner of his eye, he saw Keiko eyeing him. She knew she had to also be thinking about the plan, about him, and possibly, about the other night. L leaned back in his chair, facing away from Light and Keiko, allowing himself to dig into those thoughts for a moment.
He still wasn’t used to the emotions she made him feel, he knew that without a doubt. L was new to all of this. He didn’t like to feel weak, he hated that, in fact. Somehow, she had a way of making him weak. However, despite his initial aversion to love, he knew he wanted to feel those emotions, no matter how messy. He had finally realized that. For Keiko, it was worth it, or so he supposed. There was no one else who could make him feel the way she did, she was special to him in that way.
L knew this because it was her, Keiko Kagami. It was selfish of him, he felt guilty for wanting to feel anything at all, for wanting her to love him, but he somehow couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t want to stop himself, despite how foolish he knew he was being. The detective could no longer deny this feeling, to himself, or to Watari. He knew that.
Watari’s words echoed through the detective’s mind, “whatever you do, all I ask is that you don’t have any regrets. You’re young and it would be a shame if you let an opportunity like this pass you by if it’s something you truly want.”
Is this something I truly want? He questioned, even though he already knew the answer to that. It was a dangerous answer. He thought back to the other night, how he’d held her in his arms. How he didn’t want to let go. How he’d wanted more of her. He closed his eyes, retracing his actions of that night.
I initially wanted to kiss her. I know she wanted me to kiss her too…however, I couldn’t. I can’t. Not while she’s still with Light. I can’t complicate things for her anymore than they already are. Not now. It wouldn’t be fair to her. Even hugging her like that was entirely selfish of me. I know that, I know that well.
He let out a breath as a sudden realization hit him. It was a simple, quite logical conclusion to all the thoughts he’d had about her, all the feelings, and all the actions. Simple, yet terrifying and entirely selfish.
It’s getting harder and harder to contain these emotions for her. This means I have to work harder, for her sake and for mine, to not be selfish. To work harder and contain them. I love her…but she can’t know, not with her feelings for me. Light Yagami can’t know. Not now, not when so much is at stake. I can’t take any risks, I can’t make any foolish decisions. It’s too dangerous. She’s trying her best to respect the fact that it would be too difficult for us to be together. I can’t be the one to tempt her when she’s trying to save me…
The detective moved slightly in his seat, but after the investigation is over...assuming I am still alive...what happens then? What becomes of us? Can I truly allow myself to freely love her? Am I capable of that? And my job, it’s still dangerous...though I suppose not as dangerous as this investigation...but wait a moment...does she truly love me? And if she does, would she still want me to love her?
He wasn’t sure if he would ever get a proper answer to all of his questions. For now, all he knew was that he was determined to stay alive. For many reasons, most of all being her. For the first time in his life, he was fueled by love.
Keiko’s POV:
“Ryuzaki-san,” Keiko murmured once the coast was clear. Thanks to the others taking a late lunch, the two were alone. Probably not for long, she figured, but just enough for them to talk without anyone eavesdropping. She sat down in a chair that was across from him, scooching over ever so slightly, just to be extra safe. The two were now within touching distance, something she was quite aware of. She fought to ignore it.
“You think the exchange is going to happen soon, yes?”
Keiko nodded as the raven haired retective took the words from her mouth. It was like he could read her mind, but she supposed she was used to that by now. It was his talent, she knew that well.
Well, one of his talents, at least...
She let out a sigh, she knew she should be happy that their plan would soon be set into action, but she was still tense. After all, it was a huge risk. If things went wrong, it would entirely be her fault. She wasn’t sure she could live with that, and she didn’t want to. If all things went to plan, she wouldn’t have to, but would all things go to plan?
I hope so...
“I agree,” L started, breaking her away from her anxiety. “I believe this exchange will be happening within the next 48 hours, probably less. I’m sure Light’s anxious for a new Kira to take over…knowing him, he wants to take action as soon as possible.”
“I’m sure you’re right. Knowing him, he is. That being said...will they be ready for the exchange? You said Wedy and Aiber are waiting for your command, yes?”
This time, L nodded. “Yes, they’re waiting for me to give the order. They’ve been briefed on the location of the exchange and they’ve been instructed to do surveillance and get a feel for the security of the location in the meantime. Wedy is working hard studying the surveillance layout, and Aiber was able to get a work pass for Misa’s modeling session. He’ll be helping out with her modeling set, which will give him the opportunity to blend in. They’ll both be in the shadows as planned, don’t worry. They know how to be careful and discreet. That’s why I trust them, that’s why I’ve worked with them so often…”
“Good,” Keiko swallowed. “Once we figure out who this new Kira is, I’m sure we can get him to slip up...and once that happens…”
“We’ll be able to catch them both with the evidence we collect…once and for all,” L finished for her. “This will all be over.”
Keiko nodded. She looked up at him, thinking back to the other night. Thinking back to how it felt to have his arms wrapped around her. She could feel her heart fluttering as she wished she could feel that way again, warm and safe, even if only for a moment. Keiko pushed that thought aside, feeling her cheeks warm as she met the detective’s gaze. She looked away, trying to calm herself down. Her feelings for him and her anxiety were starting to eat away at her, and she couldn't have that.
“This is going to work,” she whispered. Keiko honestly wasn’t sure if she was talking to herself, to L, or to them both.
It has to work…it will work...right?
“Keiko-chan,” L’s voice breaks her away from her thoughts. She looked over at him again, his eyes meeting hers as she did. Although he appeared calm and collected, she knew he was also scared. And yet, there they were, both trying to be strong for each other. She didn’t know his exact feelings for her, but she did know he trusted her, which was enough to give her a little comfort. He wouldn’t trust just anyone, meaning he had to truly have faith in her and her abilities.
“You’re right,” he started, his hand reaching out to touch hers. “It’s going to work…we’re going to win.”
Exhibit A. Keiko gently squeezed his hand as he reached out. Before she could stop herself, she was intertwining his fingers with her own, desperate for his touch. She didn’t care anymore that her face was starting to turn a little pink again, she needed his comfort. She wanted-no, needed his touch.
I need him, Keiko realized. And even more, I need him to live...after all that we’ve been through, it would be unfair if...if…I can’t even say it…
“Keiko…” her name left his lips in a small, hushed tone, and for a moment, it looked as though he was just as emotionally frazzled as she was. The fact that he hadn’t let go yet had her heart starting to race. She knew she couldn’t kiss him, couldn’t properly confess her feelings, but she at least wanted to have some part of him to herself, even if for a moment.
Please don’t let go yet, she mentally repeated to herself. Please just let me hold your hand a moment longer…
L’s POV:
The detective could feel the butterflies as Keiko intertwined her fingers with his, her touch was electric against his skin. Her touch was enough to drive him crazy, his feelings for her were almost enough to consume him at this point.
He could feel the thick tension between them. L knew, perhaps as well as Keiko did, that they shouldn’t be doing this. It would lead to other temptations, temptations that he couldn’t allow himself to indulge in. He couldn’t let himself hold her, he couldn’t let himself kiss her, not when Light or any one of the others could walk in at any moment. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since they had all left for lunch, but he knew Light always ate fast so he could quickly return to investigate. The detective knew that it was probably better, in this instance, to be safe rather than sorry.
I am in love with you, Keiko Kagami...that’s why I have to let go, for your sake and for my own...it’s too dangerous...
Much to Keiko’s disappointment, and his own, he dropped his hand from hers, feeling the lack of warmth. It was something he immediately missed. He was sure she missed it, too, judging from the look in her eyes. L was very aware of her feelings for him, but he was sure she still didn’t quite know how he felt about her. He was certain it was still somewhat of a mystery, a puzzle with some pieces here and there, but nothing concrete.
And I should keep it that way…right now, I have to focus on staying alive, firstly for this investigation...and secondly...for her...
“We’re baaack,” Matusda called out in a sing-song voice as he stepped into the room. This caused L to sit back in his seat, away from Keiko, who also had jumped back in surprise at the sudden noise. The two looked at each other, their eyes meeting a moment before they both looked away.
That was a close one...if I had waited any longer to let go…it would have raised some questions for sure...
“Welcome back, guys,” Keiko called out, standing up from her chair. She took a step towards the group. L returned his gaze back to his computer, determined to not look at anyone, especially not Kieko.
“Did we miss anything?” Light questioned, L could see in his peripheral vision that he was moving towards Keiko. Once again, L felt his heart ache at the fact that Keiko still had to pretend to have feelings for him. That she had to pretend that she loved him. That she wanted to be around him, and be his girlfriend.
“No,” the detective heard Keiko reply. “Nothing’s happened…”
Yet, L thought to himself. Soon, though, very soon…this will all be over…hang in there, Keiko… and I’ll also try to hang on...
Misa’s POV:
As much as I don’t want to give up the death note, I am happy that I will be useful to Light one final time, Misa thought as she pulled out her phone to text Mikami. It was a newer phone, a burner phone, in order to keep L and the rest of the Task Force off their trail.
I have to admit, it is a smart idea to have another Kira...I don’t want Light to get caught...but I still wish I could be the one Light works with for his vision. I suppose, perhaps after L is off our trail for good, perhaps it’ll be safe for us to work together again...I’ll be hoping that day will come…
She sent Mikami the coordinates of the address, which was only a building over from where he said he would be working that day. His response was almost immediate. After this confirmation, Misa snapped the phone shut, shoving it into the pocket of her dress.
For now, we wait...only a couple more days to go, and then it’s time...soon.
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