《Who Said Death Was Easy? [Death Note Fanfiction]》Chapter Sixteen: Hideout
Light’s POV:
“Did the Second Kira want the journal to be shown on T.V.?” Light wondered out loud, his question was aimed at no one in particular. It was honestly more for show than anything else, as he wanted to appear normal to the other members of the Task Force.
He and Keiko were sitting together, side by side on the couch, having just recently arrived from their interrupted date at the nature park. It was just the two of them, his father, L, and Matsuda investigating at headquarters currently.
Light’s father nodded. “Yes, it would appear so,” he handed the journal over to Light, allowing him to carefully look it over.
As Light inspected it, so did his girlfriend, who had scooched closer to Light in order to get a better look. Light positioned the paper so that the two of them could easily look it over together and tried to ignore the warmth emitting from Keiko’s body as her legs lightly brushed up against his.
Keep focused, Light...just focus all of your attention on the journal. Start by looking at the date at the very top… which is 2006...so last year’s diary. How is this even relevant? Wait…wait a second...this has to be some sort of message or something...right? That’s the only thing that makes sense.
“Please take a look at the entry he made on the thirtieth,” L commented, “I think you’ll find what it says to be rather interesting.”
“Huh? Confirm our shinigami at the Tokyo Dome,” Keiko murmured, reading the entry outloud, “what the? Is he crazy? He’s making it obvious that he wants to meet Kira on the thirtieth...or so it would seem...it’s way too...straightforward.”
Hmm...interesting. So this probably means that the Second Kira wants to do this on May 30th. If this were aired on T.V., his intentions would be obvious to anyone watching the broadcast...however, he can’t see my shinigami unless he touches my Death Note. How exactly does he plan on doing that? This Kira doesn’t seem to be that bright.
Ryuk suddenly started chuckling behind him, causing Light to lose his focus for a moment. When he refocused, another entry on the page caught his attention, and Light had to be careful not to give a small gasp.
Huh? May 22nd...my friend and I showed off our notebooks in Aoyama...if by notebooks he is referring to our death notes, then that’s something that can only be understood by Kira. By me. And as for the police, they would be too distracted by the May 30th entry talking about shinigami...I’m pretty sure the only message that I need to focus on is the one written on the 22nd, the other one has to be a decoy of sorts..and if that’s the case then-
His thoughts were interrupted by L, who was peering intently over his shoulder, “so, Light-kun, what do you think?”
Even though L was standing behind him, Light could sense his secretive, sly smirk. He clearly wanted to corner Light, and make him say something that would reveal himself as being the original Kira.
I have to be careful not to say too much...this feels like he’s testing me again, and if I say what is really on my mind, I could end up being even more suspicious to L...so it would be better to wait to hear his opinion first. That’s the safest option in this position, I can’t have L back me into a corner again.
“Well, at this point in time...I can only say that this Second Kira must be a real idiot,” Light responded emotionlessly, “he’s being way too obvious about his intentions, it is clear that he’s way too careless.”
“Yeah, I agree,” Matsuda chimed in, “it’s quite obvious that he wants to meet Kira at the home game in the Tokyo Dome.”
“Doesn’t he understand that, if this message is aired on Sakura T.V., the panic that it would cause? In fact, it could even lead to the home game being cancelled,” Light’s father added, “and in general, even worse...it would absolutely lead to chaos. I don’t even want to think about what might happen in that case.”
“To be honest,” L started, in between bites of a cake that Watari had just handed over to him, “I was thinking the same thing. It’s so stupid, I don’t even know how to deal with it. If we make the diary public then we will probably more than most likely be indirectly cancelling the game on the thirtieth...but if we don’t broadcast it, the Second Kira won’t make a move.”
“Wouldn’t the game being cancelled anger him?” Matsuda questioned, running a hand through his already mused hair. “He wants to meet Kira there, and if he loses his chance...there’s no telling what he’d do.”
“Honestly? That’s not a huge concern of mine,” L stated simply, “from what we’ve witnessed, it seems that that Second Kira admires the real one. He promised the fake Kira we created that he would stop killing innocent people. I say we make first make the diary public and we then make an announcement and cancel the game afterwards. At the same time, we will announce that on May 30th, we are going to set up check points on all roads leading to and from the Tokyo Dome. Furthermore, we will respond with our own Kira that he understands and that he will agree to meeting him there. That would probably be our best bet regarding that entry...”
“It would appear that you really thought this plan through, Ryuzaki-san...but you don’t think that the real Kira will actually show up, do you?” Matsuda questioned and Light watched as he curiously glanced over at the detective, who was now working on a second piece of his strawberry cake.
“I don’t think that the real Kira would even consider it,” was L’s response as he chewed, “but it’s possible the other one, the Second Kira, might. You see, it really all depends on how stupid he actually is. However, assuming he isn’t the idiot we think he is, there could be another message hidden in this diary...one that’s not so obvious. If there’s a message here written in some code that only people with this so called shinigami power can understand, there’d be no way for us to decipher it...”
“Then the only way for us to proceed, logically, is to thoroughly check out all of the places mentioned on the page,” Keiko concluded with a rather soft sigh, “...it appears it’s the only thing we can do at this point.”
“Yes, you read my mind, Kagami-san,” L gave her a smirk, “I was thinking the same thing, putting up more surveillance cameras in the places mentioned, and perhaps even stationing undercover officers to keep an eye out..however, we have to be prepared in the case all of our efforts are futile.”
It’s as I thought...if this phony Kira slips up and gets apprehended, at the very least, I have to obtain his notebook somehow…
“In that case, I think I should go to Aoyama and Shibuya to check things out,” Matsuda gave a slight grin, “I’m sure that I’d fit right in there.”
“We’ll go as well,” Light quickly added, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend, who nodded in agreement, “I think that we’d be the most natural with Matsuda-san there, it’ll just look like a fun outing with some friends. We won’t look suspicious. And the more people there, the greater the possibility we might find something having to do with the Second Kira...or maybe even find the Second Kira himself…”
Keiko’s POV:
After such a puzzling meeting that had her ruined date with her boyfriend, Keiko was more than happy to finally be home again. With the Kira investigation and her school work, along with her social life, getting to sleep at a reasonable hour was a luxury that she often did not have. Her comfortable bed was calling her. She quickly headed up the stairs, taking them two at a time, towards her bedroom.
However, as soon as Keiko made it all the way up the stairs, her phone started incessantly buzzing in her pocket. She reluctantly fished it out with her remaining energy, and checked the caller ID on the screen. She gave a weary sigh.
It’s L. He better not be calling and asking me to go back to headquarters for something, although I wouldn’t put it past him to do something like that...however, I am exhausted and I literally just got to my bedroom door...
“Yes? What is it, Ryuzaki-san?” Keiko attempted to keep her tone of voice professional, but she was feeling pretty tired, and ended up sounding a little grouchy. All she wanted to do was collapse onto her soft bed and sleep.
“I have a request for you, Kagami-san...a few days from now, while you are in Aoyama and Shibuya, I would like it if you kept an eye on your boyfriend once more. This must be kept a secret, of course. I should also tell you that I have instructed Matsuda-san to do the same. If Light is acting suspicious in any way, one of you will certainly catch on...well, I’m assuming out of the two of you that it would probably be you, but I digress. Anyway, do you think you can do this favor for me?”
And here I thought that my days spying on Light were over...it looks like L will never stop suspecting my boyfriend. I don’t like the idea of having to keep an eye on Light again...it feels wrong to me to do so, and I’m no longer that suspicious of him...it’s been two months with no real, hard evidence, so to me it’s not as likely, but what can I do? There’s no way I can say no to his request.
“Fine,” she grumbled into the phone, “I suppose I can do that.”
“Wonderful,” L replied, and although Keiko couldn’t see him, she imagined that he had a knowing smirk on his face, “...also, I’d like to thank you for all of your hard work on this investigation so far. I know you don’t like the idea of spying on people, especially not on your boyfriend, but it is still very necessary in this investigation. Please remember, although you are a lot less suspicious of him, there’s still a 5 or 6% chance in my mind that Light Yagami is Kira. And, if Light Yagami actually is Kira, like I suspect him to be then…”
L trailed off. Keiko sighed into the phone, now a little frustrated. First he had asked her to spy on her boyfriend yet again, and then he trailed off in mid sentence, “...then what, Ryuzaki-san? What is it?”
He was silent for a moment, and all Keiko could hear on the other end was his slow, steady breathing.
He isn’t going to hang up on me, now is he? Honestly, he’s so frustrating sometimes...actually, more like most of the time, especially lately.
Then, much to Keiko’s relief, he finally continued on, “...then please don’t let him fool you any longer, Keiko-chan. After all, you deserve so much better than to be with a mass murderer.”
Her heart gave a little lurch at his words, and needless to say, she was thoroughly confused. Before Keiko even had a chance to respond to him, L hung up, leaving her puzzled as she stood in front of the doorway to her bedroom. The detective’s words were now swimming around in her mind.
What the...what’s up with him? I know he suspects Light of being Kira but why…? Wait..is this his way of actually attempting to be...nice...to me? He sure has a funny way of showing it, saying something like that...it almost sounds like...he almost...is being considerate...almost sort of like he might care...yeah, no, that’s not possible. He is a robot, after all. I’m just jumping to conclusions because I’m so sleep deprived. I just need to clear my mind and sleep for a while.
Misa’s POV:
Misa was sitting comfortably in a chair at the cafe in Aoyama. She had to admit, she had done well and found the perfect spot to observe the outside world without looking suspicious. Giggling to herself a little, she took a sip of her iced cappuccino. She was monitoring people as walked by on the sidewalks. Much to her delight, they were all completely unaware that they were being watched, which meant that she was doing a good job at keeping a low profile. She had also worn her short black haired wig, colored contacts, and glasses. Misa figured that it would be too risky to go out without a disguise on.
Misa also knew that it was crazy to assume that she would just happen to see Kira walk on by, but she had a feeling he or she would appear eventually during the day. Her gut feeling was telling her so, and so far, her gut feelings had never been wrong.
Rem was floating behind her, also keeping an eye out. Misa had no doubt that if she missed Kira somehow, by having to go to the bathroom or get a refill, Rem would fill her in.
At the moment she neither needed a refill nor a bathroom break, so she just kept her eyes peeled, looking for a floating name with no lifespan below it as hordes of people passed on by past the window of the cafe.
Misa watched as a rather large group of people walked by, and her eyes snapped towards them. However, it wasn’t the large group in particular that had caught her eye, but rather, it was the small group of three people following close behind them.
Wow, would you look at that? No lifespan! One of them has to be Kira! I knew it, I made the right decision in coming out here, despite knowing that there would be extra surveillance…how wonderful...
The one one the far right, who she identified as being Touta Matsuda, had dark hair with dark eyes. He was telling the other two a joke, causing them to laugh. Misa’s gaze flicked towards the girl in the middle, who was holding the other guy’s hand. The guy holding her hand flashed the girl, whom Misa had identified as Kagami Keiko, a warm smile before facing forward again. Upon further inspection, Misa quickly realized that this sandy haired guy was Kira. She leaned closer towards the window in front of her, a smile forming on her lips.
Found you! Hmmm...is it Yagami Moon? You’re the only one whose life span I cannot see. You have to be Kira! My, my, I have to say, you’re a lot more attractive than I was hoping for! It’s a shame that it appears you have a girlfriend, though...heh, I’m sure I can fix that later on, maybe even kill her if I have to, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind. After all, I’m sure I’m so much more useful to you than she is.
“All right, Rem,” Misa said suddenly standing up. She threw her half empty drink in the trashcan, “it’s time to go home.”
“H-huh? You finally found him and now you just want to leave?” Rem questioned, giving Misa a strange look.
“Well, I can’t go up to him, can I? I can’t just walk up to him, his friend, and his girlfriend and announce ‘Mr. Kira, I’m so pleased to meet you, I’m the one who send you all of those messages before’, that wouldn’t be good...however, I know his name now, so I can easily look him up later…”
And his girlfriend, for that matter...I want to know who exactly I’m up against.
“I see, when you say it that way, it makes sense,” Rem responded as the two of them exited the cafe, and headed towards the bus station that would take Misa back to her apartment.
“Ah, I see,” Misa murmured out loud, kicking her legs out behind her as she scrolled down the web page, “it’s written as ‘moon’ but pronounced as ‘light’...heh, Yagami Light, Light-kun...what a unique name Kira has...and he sure is amazing, Rem! Look at all this stuff!”
Misa pointed at the computer screen, and glanced over at Rem to make sure that she was paying attention before continuing on with the rest of her findings.
“He won a regional tennis championship back when he was in his second and third years of junior high, and he was at the top of his class all throughout his schooling career. Even in university, wow! Look, it says here that he gave the freshman address at To-Oh University...h-huh? What’s this?”
Misa’s eyebrows furrowed as she scanned over the picture underneath the To-Oh article, and she noticed that to the right of Light in the photo was the same girl she saw holding hands with him earlier.
She had gotten so wrapped up in looking at Light’s personal achievements that she had almost forgotten about his girlfriend. She sighed, and opened another tab, searching up his girlfriend’s name next, determined to find out anything and everything about her.
Kagami Keiko...Keiko-chan...I see, you must be pretty smart if you, too, got a perfect score on your entrance exam. But I just don’t like you hanging around my Light, you will have to leave the picture somehow, whether Light breaks up with you or I kill you.
Misa clicked on her personal record first, carefully scrolling through the page. The more she read, the more annoyed she got. It appeared that Keiko was just as intelligent as Light was, and held just as many personal achievements as he did. In other words, she was looking damn near perfect. It was obvious to Misa why Light would be attracted to her, it appeared that they were pretty compatible.
Ugh, dammit! The more I learn about her, the more she gets on my nerves! Screw waiting, I don’t want to wait anymore...the more I wait, the more Light will probably fall in love with her! Therefore, I should just write her name down right here and right now!
Misa growled, a devilish glint in her eyes as she reached under her bed for her death note.
When Rem finally realized what Misa about about to do, she spoke up, “that’s not a good idea, you know. Think about it carefully, if you end up killing Light Yagami’s girlfriend, and get close to Light soon after, that makes you look suspicious.”
Misa placed the death note on her bed. She opened it by her laptop, and twirled her hair around. “Who cares, it’s not like that piece of evidence alone can convict me. If I let her live, she will just get in my way. So she has to die,” she said simply.
Rem sighed, “Misa...as I said, it’s not a good idea. Besides, you want this Light Yagami to trust you, right? If you kill his girlfriend that will probably anger him, and if you approached him right after he would easily figure out that it was you and that you’re the Second Kira…there’s a chance that he would kill you without even finding out what you have to offer first. Also, his girlfriend is innocent. You know Kira’s stance about killing the innocent.”
“I-I guess you’re right,” Misa pouted, reluctantly closing up her notebook. She then stood up and twirled around her room a little, “but, after I meet him, I can make him fall in love with me! I’m sure that, because I have the eyes, if he doesn’t right away, he will eventually. I can be of help to him, so I will let him use me...and while Keiko may be smart, she isn’t a model like I am!”
Rem watched as Misa floated about her room in a dream-like state. After a short while, she circled back to her bed, “heheh, just you wait, Kira...or should I say, Light Yagami, soon your Goddess will be coming for you.”
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