《The Dragon and the Treasure Hunter》Wind 13
"Huh?" Drake turns and gives me a baffled look as the rather large moose starts to fade away, the entrance and exit to this room appearing. "No Crystal of Power dropped."
"We also didn't get CP," I point out. "It probably drops when we enter the exit ring in the next room."
"Oh, right," Drake says.
I refrain from rolling my eyes as I examine the meteor dragon. He hasn't put his tunic back on since removing it back in the magma levels, and his body has some minor cuts and bruises on it from the fights. His scales look pristine, as if they were never damaged, though I know a couple of them did crack.
The cracked scales are now in my Inventory, placed inside of it in disbelief after they fell off and new ones regrew. The entire process took less than an hour, and Drake said that as he gets older, his scales will regenerate even more quickly. I suppose he's pulling on the knowledge from his true form for that.
I didn't make it out unharmed. While I didn't manage to do anything to the monsters, I did get involved in a couple of the fights, mostly out of necessity for my own survival and not out of a need to help Drake. My left arm hurts pretty bad, and doesn't want to move much.
Thankfully, we have a healer in the guild, so once we leave here, I'll just ask Cassidy to fix it up. She's done it for worse injuries, so I know she'll do it for this.
"Come on," I beckon to Drake, then make my way to the eastern path. "Let's go."
Drake follows me into the final chamber, and we step into the access ring. Immediately, two notices appear in my vision. Two? Shouldn't there be only one?
Dungeon Completed! Crystal of Power You have been awarded the Title [Seeker of Crystals I], which comes with a 25 Class Point bonus for receiving. Due to the presence of a dragon within the party, all members are permitted a Crystal of Power. Accept Decline
All party members earn a Crystal of Power if a dragon is in the party? That seems really strange to me, especially since a dragon makes the journey easier, not harder. But then, things have been strange ever since meeting Drake.
I accept the Crystal of Power, and it deposits directly into my Inventory. As I do that, a jewel the size of my fist appears in Drake's hands, mostly clear with a rainbow-like quality to its appearances. Happiness and pleasure appear on his face.
Right. He's a dragon, they're attracted to jewels and such, and this is a pretty decent one. I can feel its immense value with my treasure sense. Even with my own, it's not enough for me to want to return to the capital yet. I need something even rarer than one of these.
Yes, they're rare and powerful and incredibly expensive, but my granny has one that's charged up with all four elements. I want to find a treasure that's one-of-a-kind, from ancient Ruins or a Dungeon no one's ever explored before.
Otherwise, I'm not a real treasure hunter.
I let Drake admire his jewel for a few minutes, then I clear my throat.
"I can't leave unless you send us out," I tell him. "Since you're the party leader for this trip."
"Oh, right," his face reddens, and he sends the Crystal of Power back into his Inventory. "Let's, um, let's go."
Suppressing a chuckle, I watch as Drake steps up to the access stone and places his hand on it. A few moments later, and we're back in the plains, the sky filled with thick, dark grey storm clouds. Since time passes at the same rate in the Dungeon as outside of it, it's a little after lunch right now, so the tavern probably doesn't have very many people at it.
"Come on," I tell Drake. "Let's head back."
Drake nods, then begins following me as I think about the Crystal of Power stored in my Inventory. That really is a strange thing to have happened, and it did because Drake was in the same part as me. Because a dragon was in the same party as me.
Someone powerful enough before any Class Tiers to challenge the trial for the Crystal of Power by himself. Provided he doesn't get lost and trigger every trap along the way.
Then again, that's not the only strange thing which has occurred while we were in Dungeons. There's also the fact that every room is a room which earns CP, be it monsters or treasure. Every single time. I've never had that happen so consistently before.
Now that I think about it, is it possible that even our encounters in the trial weren't random? What if the whole reason everyone in the party with a dragon can receive a Crystal of Power at the end of the trial is because the dragon's presence forces the maximum spawn in each room? If that were the case, then every Dungeon becomes more difficult, including the trials for the Crystal of Power and charging it.
Thinking about that reminds me that I received CP from completing that, enough to advance Treasure Hunter another Level, so I quickly pull up that menu and apply it, gaining 0.1 Magic for reaching Level 19. Only six more Levels to go, then I can gain another Skill.
If I remember correctly, it will let me know how many treasure chests are on the floor of the Dungeon I'm in, as well as the rarity of the item within them. I'm not completely sure of that, since neither Daniel nor Cassidy knew and people with Treasure Hunter seem to be a rarity, probably because it focuses on Speed and finding treasure, not offense.
Speaking of Skills, I forgot the Tier I Knight Skill.
"Hey, Drake," I say. "What's the Skill you got when you received Knight? I haven't seen you using any, and I kept meaning to ask while we were in the Dungeon."
"I don't remember," he answers, and his eyes take on the look they always have when he's looking at his menus. "Arc Slash. It costs 10 Mana and projects an imitation of my sword slash forward for half a foot per Magic I have, the slash itself acting as if it were still my actual attack."
"Ah, right, that's the Skill," I say. "How come you didn't use it in the Dungeon? It probably would have been good to use against the monsters in the magma levels."
"I forgot."
I can't help it, I laugh. Drake gives me an annoyed look, but it doesn't matter. That was definitely like him to just forget about having a Skill which might have saved his sword a little trouble.
"It's not like I could use it infinitely," he says. "I'd only have a couple of uses, then hours of waiting."
"Yeah, you're right," I snort. "Sorry. It's just a little funny. Hey, on a more serious note, do you mind delaying leaving for the quest another day?"
"Why?" He asks. "I want to get moving. The plan was to leave the day after we finished the trial for the Crystal of Power."
"I know," I say. "But I want to visit Granny again. We'll probably be gone more than just a few months, and I want to let her know that I'm going with you. I'd planned on visiting her before my quest to find a rare treasure no one's found before."
She did mention we had plenty of time to do the quest, and I doubt an extra day or two will matter.
"Oh, okay," Drake says. "Sure, we can stop by the Oracle's island. I wanted to ask her something."
"A question."
His expression makes it clear he thinks that's actually an answer to the question, that he's not intending on being a smartass.
"What's the question, Drake?"
"The best order for charging the crystal."
"If you mean the best order time-wise," I say. "It's wind, water, earth, and fire."
"Really?" He asks.
"Yeah," I explain the locations to him, as well as how I found it interesting that the Dungeon terrains matched it. "Though I guess the forest terrain was because the forest is all four connected? Then again, it's always random, so it could just be me overthinking it."
"Maybe," he knows something.
He really knows something, and I'm not going to ask him what it is.
"I've been curious, Drake," I say. "About what your plans are for after you fix the world. You mentioned the portal can only be opened to this world."
He doesn't realize I was making an inquiry. That doesn't surprise me, though. Most likely, he thought I was just stating I had been curious about something, he's that type of person.
"What are your plans for after you fix this world?" I ask.
"I don't know," he answers.
"You don't?"
"Have you thought about it?"
"I try not to."
His expression tells me it depresses him a little, knowing he won't be able to return home after he completes the quest. I guess it makes sense that he didn't have anything prepared, though, since he had come here without planning on it.
"Well," I tell Drake. "If you have decided on it before you finish your quest, and I haven't found my goal, then you can accompany me on finding that rare, one-of-a-kind treasure."
"Yeah," he gives me a sad smile. "I'll do that."
"And if we're still on pretty good terms," I tell him. "And your quest and my quest are both completed, then you can stay with me."
"Stay with you?" His face flushes.
"Yep," I answer. "We might be fuck-buddies and quest-buddies, Drake, but I am getting to like you. If it develops into something more, then it'd only make sense for us to stay together, you know."
"Yeah," the redness fades a little. "It does."
"Come on," I say. "Race you back to the tavern."
"What?" He asks, face turning even redder.
"Just stay on the path, straight to town!"
I take off running, and Drake yelps, then starts running as well, keeping pace with me. That doesn't surprise me, since he's faster than me, but the pure panic on his face is, admittedly, a little amusing. He's mostly just terrified that he'll get separated from me and lose his way and become lost for hours again.
So maybe being amused is mean of me, but it's still a cute side of him.
By the time we reach the town's gate just a few minutes later, I have to slow down, my left arm bothering me more. Running with an arm injury probably wasn't the best of ideas, though there are definitely worse ones.
Drake overtakes me for a moment, then slows down and lets me catch up to him before I lead him to the tavern. The storm seems like it's going to start soon, and I want to get my arm taken care of before heading home.
Inside the tavern is just Daniel, minding the bar.
"Welcome back," Daniel greets us. "You two look exhausted."
"I'm looking forward to a hot shower and a comfy bed," I tell him as I take a seat at the bar, Drake sitting beside me. "Though I ended up hurting my arm in a way that makes it a little difficult to use. Is Cassidy here, or did she head home?"
"She's finishing up a job," Daniel tells me. "She'll stop by here before heading home, though the storm will probably start first."
"Alright," I say. "I'd rather get my arm taken care of before heading home, even if it means getting a little wet in the storm."
"Understandable," Daniel looks at Drake. "By the way, we have a rule that you have to have a tunic on if you're in here. It's not an issue if you're out back, but in the tavern, being clothed is a must."
"No shirt, no service," Drake mutters as he pulls a tunic out of his Inventory, then pulls it on.
"Indeed," Daniel gives him a slightly-confused look.
"It's a thing from another world," Drake tells him. "Most shops will refuse you any service if you don't have on shoes and a shirt."
"I never did finish asking because we got distracted by the ranks and stuff," I tell Drake. "But how many worlds are you able to view from the dragon world?"
"Hm," Drake thinks for a few moments. "Roughly one hundred and eighteen. Those are all the worlds with civilization-type life, regardless of their civilization progress."
"Civilization progress?" I ask.
"Do you mean how big their kingdoms are?"
"No," he answers. "How advanced their technology. Maybe technological progress was a better term."
"How far are we?" I ask. "Compared to other worlds, I mean."
"That's complicated," he answers.
"Why?" I ask.
"Some worlds have magic," he tells me. "Some don't. Technology differs on the worlds based on how much magic it has, how old it is, and various other events. This world's technology is in an odd phase. You have plenty of things that don't show up until more advanced civilizations, yet are completely lacking things from them as well."
"Like what?" I ask.
"I'm bound by the portal not to share," he tells me. "To prevent bringing new technologies to this world before their time."
"Sorry," he says. "It sounds like the storm is starting."
I'm about to ask what he means by that when the sound of heavy rain hitting the tavern fills the air. I suppose he heard the rain hitting buildings outside before it reached us.
"So," Daniel says. "Since you survived, it's evident you succeeded. Congratulations. I take it that Drake did all the work?"
"He did all the fighting," I say. "I did the disarming or evasion of the traps and the opening of the locked chests."
"It probably would have taken me longer without him," Drake says. "Even with his assistance, I still triggered many traps, and those slowed me down."
You also would have gotten lost and probably ended up beating every room on every floor before finally advancing. We'd probably end up waiting a couple of weeks more for you to finish.
"Speaking of having a Treasure Hunter in the party," Cassidy says, and I turn to face her as she pushes the hood of her rain-soaked cloak down, the tavern door closing behind her. "They're useful in other ways, too."
"Treasure Hunters are useful for more than finding treasure?" Drake asks.
"Yes," Cassidy pulls off her cloak, revealing a set of light clothes beneath. So a non-combat job, then, but still a physical one, most likely. "At least, when combined with the right Classes."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"You intend on becoming a Healer second, right?" Cassidy drapes her cloak on the edge of a table before taking a seat beside it. "I think you mentioned wanting to be able to heal yourself if you got hurt in a Dungeon."
"Yeah," I tap my left arm. "Speaking of that, Cassidy, would you mind taking care of this?"
"Sure," she hops off the table and approaches. "Tunic off."
"Cassidy," Daniel says. "The rules."
"I put the closed sign up," she says. "They don't apply."
I remove my tunic, then Cassidy holds her hands over my left arm.
"Greater Heal," she says, and her hands begin to emit a soft, yellow-white glow. At the same time, a soothing feeling flows through my arm where the glow touches. "If you have Treasure Hunter and Ranger, you can get an Ascension Skill called Map Markers. In a Dungeon or some Ruins, it'll show you where any members of your party are, as well as the locations of any monsters in rooms that haven't been dealt with but which have been revealed. If you have an official party outside of Dungeons, you'll be able to see the locations of any party members. All of this is provided they're in the revealed areas of the maps you have."
"What does that have to do with Healer?" I ask.
"If you have Map Markers," she says. "And the Healer Class, you can get an Ascension Skill called Healer's Map. It lets you pull up any party member on the map and view their health status. Injuries, debuffs, and so on. From that menu, you can cast any healing spell on them."
"So it's an Ascension Skill that requires another Ascension Skill," I say.
"Yep!" She smiles. "And there are some that can only be unlocked by having two Ascension Skills. Specific ones, of course."
"Healer's Map," Daniel says. "Is the reason why many high-Level parties look for Healers who have that combination of Classes. It becomes extremely valuable, because it means distance healing is possible."
"But it takes three Classes," I say. "And most Healers take on a Mage Class second, for the extra boost to its spells."
"Yeah," Cassidy says, pulling her hands away from my arm, the glow ending as the healing finishes. "Now for the other wounds. Lesser Heal."
"It makes that combination a rarity," Daniel says as Cassidy begins taking care of my other injuries. "Though many Healers start working on it starting with their their Class. It's not rare to take on a fourth, though."
"Because of the CP cost," I say.
"Yeah," he says. "Because of the CP cost. It takes nearly 8,000 Class Points to take on a fourth Class from the moment you link into the System, and that's not factoring in any Ascension Skills someone goes for."
"Typically," Cassidy says. "It's only people who plan on obtaining Healer's Map from the start that end up getting it. Or someone who has one of those three as their starting Class deciding to go for it before taking on a third Class. I took on Ranger as my second Class, so I might go for it if I end up being able to take on a fourth Class."
"My party had someone with Healer's Map," Daniel tells me. "It's useful beyond words. Imagine getting separated from most of your party on the final floor of an Elemental Trial due to a teleport trap, and being badly wounded. Then, suddenly, your injuries start healing. That is beyond useful."
"Yeah, it sounds it," I say. "I might go for it, then. Not sure if I'll manage to make it to my third Class before the end of my quest, though, and I know my dad's going to want me to settle down after. Family obligations and all that. So whatever I have when the quest ends is probably going to be what I am until death."
"You never know," Daniel says as Cassidy finishes healing me, and I pull my tunic back on.
"Stop looking so worried," I tell Drake, who turns his attention away from the door to look at me. "I have cloaks in my Inventory, we can put those on to protect us from the rain."
"Okay!" His tail flicks a little. "I can't wait until we're back in bed. I'm exhausted."
"Let me heal you up," Cassidy tells him. "Then you can head back to Nate's apartment."
- In Serial124 Chapters
America in Another World
One day in 2019, the United States of America finds itself transported to a new world. What will happen if a modern superpower from Earth finds itself in a world with magic and technology ranging from the medieval era to World War 1? F-22 Raptors vs wyverns and biplanes. Arleigh Burke-class destroyers vs wooden ships, mage ships, and dreadnaughts. M4 carbines vs bow n’ arrows, staffs, and bolt-action rifles. Featuring aggressive expansionist empires and magical kingdoms, what will the United States do? I will do weekly updates every Sunday of chapters with about 1000-2000 words each. This is the first novel I have ever written and is meant to be a draft. The official one will come out sometime after I finish this.
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Rain is a survivor who got the short end of the stick in life. Reborn as a terrifying and dangerous monster everything changes and he has the chance to truly grow. Monster fantasy set in a litrpg world with a slow burn on the litrpg elements. A few of the many art things I've painted for this story: Erin 2Banner 2Lyra 1Opal 2Inquisitor
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Skyfire Magus
Lynne Hyorn, seventeen years old laziness-personified, manages to enter one of the four prestigious Academies for the Arts of Magic, Skyfire Academy for Magical Arts. However, unlike others, the reason he enrolled was not to pursue Magic, but rather because his father promised him hefty allowance if he manages to enter. His temporary tranquility soon comes to an end, though, as his father is drafted for war and his home is confiscated shortly after, leaving him to sleep on the streets. With no other choice, he decides to finally dedicate himself for the first time in his life, rising up from being just a lowly, Unranked Mage, to the ultimate guardian of the Academy: Skyfire Magus. A coming-of-age story set in a world of Magic follows young Lynne through the perils of strength, dedication, and world where fist isn't always the answer to every question. ~If you find any mistakes, please do comment on them or send me a message. Even though I proofread my chapters, mistakes stay from time to time.~ Glossary of terms (may include spoilers): https://freelanceronfire.wordpress.com/skyfire-glossary/ ~~COMPLETED~~
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The Hunters: Gaea
Gaea. A harsh world where Monsters, Magic, Demons exist. Humanity as a whole live in this world of mystical terror, surviving against Demons and Monsters alike with technology more advanced and combined with the magic of this world. This story will be in the perspective of Alexander Ares. A young Hunter who will join the world's demon slaying police force known as the Hunters Guild. There he will exterminate Demons and reach the top of the guild to be the best Hunter. Filter here! This'll be the first story I have written. The person who both wrote it alongside it is a dear friend of mine named Artemis. He helps out on fleshing out the messes I think of and see if the world I have written is good enough. In short it's a work done where he has 60% of contributing where I do 40% Please enjoy this world I have written with subpar writing! I also post every Mondays and Fridays except on the last week of the month!
8 162 - In Serial6 Chapters
Harry Potter: I have "Pure" Magic
This story is a rewritten version of 'HP:I have magic', which has been quite successful, and I'm the original author. If you've read it on a different website, continue here as well and follow and click favorite. Those poor souls who have stopped reading for various reasons, continue reading now, since everything is improved even more, Including: MCs character, plot, writing quality, chapter length, progression in the future chapters. **** Magic in its purest form is called pure magic. Pure magic can't be summoned at will by any wizard from their magic core/soul. Wizards can only draw out magic whose purpose has been completely defined through spells and intent. Then, just what will happen if someone can actually draw out the magic in its purest form, the Pure Magic? What would be its functions and what would be the complications and variables that'll arise from it in the Harry Potter world due to this? .... Chris is a smart and talented college student, but he had no motivation in life. What would he get after studying for hours like a dog? Money? He could find easier ways to get that. Then, fortunately, or unfortunately, he died and reincarnated to the Harry Potter world. "I have magic?!" Finally, he had found something which he could never get bored of—Magic! The eccentric genius with a penchant for breaking rules has got his hands on magic in his favorite world. He finally has a purpose in life— to explore magic to its very limits! -> Starting Point: A muggle-born orphan with nothing to call his own. ********************************************** (Magic theory), (unique magic), (MC with high potential), (romance), (Harrypotterworld),(comedy), (Dueling), (Power Flexing) ********************************************** For support, Pátreon: patreon.com/Snollygoster Discord: https://discord.gg/TR3KKAhu9r ********************************************** ->Word count: 1000-1500 words upto Chapter 701500-2000 words from chapter 71 to 902000-3000 words from chapter 90 onwards **********************************************Disclaimer:So, most of this obviously belongs to J.K.-Billionaire-Rowling. I'm just writing a fanfiction out of it.The cover art is sadly, not mine either. (Also, the title used to be "I Have Magic" but since the story is more about exploring this great variable called "Pure Magic," I change the name a bit. )
8 139 - In Serial15 Chapters
Long Bridge to the City
A chance encounter. A dangerous power. And a betrayal beyond imagining... Órlaith's kept her magic a secret her whole life, fearful of the fate that befalls the spellweavers - the unlucky few with powerful enough magic to catch the wrong person's attention. Until she - literally - runs into Leolin. He's a spellweaver just like her - except the magehunters already caught him. And they want him back. When Órlaith's whole world burns down around her, the two of them flee to the near-mythical City, said to be the only place in the realm where spellweavers can live without fear. But who is the mysterious Gwydion, who seems determined to stop them from reaching the City? And is the City everything it seems to be - or is there something else hiding beneath its shimmering towers? Written as part of the Inkfort Publishing Derby 2022.
8 85