《Modern Cultivator - The Sperm Who Cultivates》Chapter 8 - The Patriarch
Tamo was swimming, leading Mato. Her third eye illuminated her surroundings as she made her way through the passageway. The passageway was long and narrow. The pressure going against her was rushing to tackle her body, trying to suppress her.
A sense of peace and confidence was written on her face. The liquid started being guided around Tamo. The water cascaded like ribbons flying through the air, gently carving itself through the liquid. Life energy constantly pulsed as her third eye was altering the direction of the liquid.
“Let’s see if you can catch me,” Tamo said.
Tamo raised her speed. She shot off like a bullet, leaving a liquid trail behind her.
Mato couldn’t help but laugh. His eyes grinned as he made chase. He didn’t want to be outdone by Tamo and so he pushed himself forward.
Tamo’s speed was incredible but Mato’s even more so. Mato’s skin was constantly vibrating, sending out a small forcefield around him, guiding away the liquid to make him be more aerodynamic. It took less than a second for Mato to catch up Tamo.
“You’re still slow.” Mato’s eyes smiled.
Tamo said, “I wasn’t even going my fastest.”
The liquid started to congeal around Tamo, making it denser and ready to explode.
The liquid exploded and pushed her forward multitudes faster than before.
Mato and Tamo kept on playing as they traversed the passageway. Killing time by racing down this narrow track.
The sound of a body falling down into the ground, echoed out as Mato and Tamo were approaching
“Slow down,” Mato said, “I think something is up ahead.”
Slowing down and easing their momentum, they swam forward. They were careful not to disturb the liquid, in order to keep whatever was in front of them unaware of their existence.
Mato and Tamo peeked over the horizon. Their eyes found a sperm beaten and dying, barely hanging onto a thread of his life.
The sperm had only one-eye. He did not look like he had two eyes to begin with. It looked like he was born with one-eye. He looked like a cyclops as his large eye took up most of the space on its face.
Mato’s eyes shifted downward, examining its body. His body was broken and torn. Drops of white liquid could be seen oozing out of his wounds.
The one-eyed sperm was looking at its enemy. The sperm’s eye blinked tiredly, as he tried to remain focused. His body swayed in the liquid as he urged himself to get up but white liquid poured out as he struggled. His eye never left the enemy that was in front him.
In front of him was a creature. Its body was capsule shaped and red like fire. The creature radiated heat and it spread through the surrounding area. Steam rose out of its whip-like flagellum. This creature boiled the surrounding liquid as bubbles started to form around it. It looked extremely hot.
“That looks a lot like bacteria,” Mato said.
Mato started to head forward but Tamo stopped him.
“Let me handle this.”
With haste, she moved forward. She traveled directly into the skirmish, stopping directly in between the one-eyed sperm and the bacteria.
As she was near, she began to see the creature more clearly. She gazed at its sleek redness. It’s tail whipped around in the liquid, threatening anyone who would dare approach it.
Tamo stared and took a deep breath.
Her transformation had given her power. This power had given her confidence.
With a calm mind, she started concentrating. The slit on her forehead opened wide. Her third eye lit up with rainbow light which then started to scan the red bacteria’s body.
Tamo could see its muscles squirm under its glassy exterior. She could see the life energy within its muscles. The life energy went out of the red bacteria’s core and then expanded outwards, the muscles within the body rubbed against it as it became red like fire. This heat energy was then stored in a sack near the tail of the creature. The excess life energy then exited out through the muscles, pushing out towards the shell of the creature and came out as steam.
Tamo eyed glistened. She took note of the creatures ways of controlling life energy and was inspired.
White specks of light started to gather in a central point in front of Tamo’s forehead. Her third eye glistened with rainbow light, as the rainbow light itself began to turn into a deep red. The red light touched the white specks of life energy in the air and started transforming it, turning it into a miniature sun. This sun was pure heat energy. It looked ephemeral and divine as it stood in the liquid. Steam started to appear around that miniature sun, as more motes of light were being sucked into it making it larger.
Tamo sight focused on the red bacteria. The red bacteria was pointing its tail back at Tamo, ready to unleash the fire like energy inside of its sac.
This sun of heat energy then shot out like a beam, extending forth to exterminate the red bacteria.
This beam of heat energy was quick like lightning but the bacteria had prepared for this moment.
The red bacteria pointed its tail in the direction of the beam and let out the flames of life energy as it exploded out of his tail.
The flames burnt the liquid and were like a jet of inflamed gasoline as it spread through the liquid, ready to consume Tamo and the one-eyed sperm.
The beam of heat energy met the flames. The beam did not stop and traveled right through it. The beam of heat energy progressed through the flames. The beam sucked the heat energy from the flames themselves and combined it into itself to become larger. The beam was like a snowball that was rolling down a hill, it took materials from its surroundings to make it even more destructive.
The red bacteria shuddered as it was surprising that Tamo could cut through his attack. It tried to move but it had no time to react.
The beam hit the red bacteria’s body going straight through it. A large hole was burnt into its body. The burnt flesh was on it’s molten edges as its life energy strand had been forced out of its body.
Mato was surprised. The move that Tamo just did was dazzling. That dazzling red beam of light was like a star streaking through the skies. Unlike his vibrational destruction which was invisible, it was too beautiful. The mode of attack was completely different as well, Mato’s vibration destruction ripped the target to shreds. Tamo’s red heat beam just burnt a hole right through them.
I wonder why she didn’t name her move? Mato thought to himself.
Tamo continued forward. The one-eyed sperm looked tiredly over to Tamo, a flash of reverence was sparkling in his eyes.
Tamo went forward and started speaking to the one-eyed sperm.
“Hi, my name is Tamo. What’s your name?”
Tamo’s eyes looked gently at this one-eyed sperm as she asked him a question.
The one-eyed sperm’s eye widened. He looked confused and started to shake his head.
Tamo saw this and thought about her first meeting with Mato.
He must not know how to speak. I’ll teach him!
Tamo took her tail and grabbed the sperm’s tail. Life energy traveled out of her forehead and down into her tail. The white life energy started to creep up the one-eyed sperm's tail as his eye widened. His eye showed fascination and wonder. He looked back at Tamo and his heart was filled with appreciation. His face looked enlightened and he said.
“I don’t have a name. Will you be willing to name me?”
The sperm had spoken in a respectful manner. His cadence was even and predictable.
“You don’t have a name?” Tamo said, “If that’s so. I’ll name you Grudd!”
Grudd bowed his head, showing his deep respect to his benefactor
“Thank you…. Tamo.”
Tamo turned her body towards Mato.
“Look Mato, we’ve just gained another friend,” Tamo said excitedly.
Grudd looked around and his large eye caught a glimpse of Mato. He saw his robust body and fat cheeks that seemed to be filled with power, it was intimidating. Grudd then looked at Tamo and saw her eye’s beaming with smiles as she looked at Mato. Grudd’s heart darkened.
Mato couldn’t help but look on warily, his head started to thrum.
It looks like this Grudd character has bad intentions towards me. I just met him. What sparked this ill feeling towards me.
Mato looked back at Grudd. Their gazes met. Each one trying to gauge a response, each one trying to assert their dominance. They both looked at each other with wide eyes, trying not be the one to look away first.
Grudd saw Mato’s large body and was dazzled by the white light being emitted from Mato’s body. He couldn’t help but grunt. Grudd was the first one to look away as he began to speak to Tamo.
“There are more of us here. I’ve been trapped in this tunnel for a long time, the interior of the walls were swollen with inflammation. I only decided to explore further as the inflammation had died down some time ago. It was then I met that creature you had slain.” Grudd said.
“There are more of you?” Tamo said, “Let’s go meet them!”
Tamo was a girl of action. If someone said they needed help she would surely be the first one to come.
“Follow me.”
Grudd turned around but his body swayed in the liquid, as he was weakened. He couldn’t help but crash to the floor.
“I forgot about your injury let me help.” Tamo touched Grudd with her tail. Motioning for some of her life energy go into Grudd.
The life energy moved slowly into Grudd. The pace was noticeably lower than when she had taken life energy from Mato. The process went for hours. It was only then when Grudd had enough life energy where all his wounds had been fixed.
Mato looked at Grudd. He was quite bored as this was the first time he had waited for somebody.
How come his body sucked in the life energy so slowly. Tamo and I had natural talent went it came toward using life energy. Is he unlucky?
Grudd got up. He swam around a small area, checking his body to make sure everything had recovered properly. He was pleased.
“I can’t help but thank you again Tamo.” Grudd looked at Tamo intensely and bowed his head.
“Follow me.”
Grudd started to lead the way. Tamo followed shortly behind him while Mato shadowed from the back.
They reached a cave and inside the cave was a large pink sphere. Hundreds of thousands of small holes could be seen reaching into the sphere.
Tamo’s eyes darted back and forth. Looking at the gigantic fleshy ball that was in front of her.
Grudd swam forwards and entered into one of the holes.
Mato looked around, a sense of wonderment was on his face.
This fleshy ball looks similar to the fleshy ball that I was in. The past one had collapsed under its deterioration but this one looks to be extremely healthy.
Mato swam forward, admiring the pink moist exterior of the ball. He saw no sign of any growths. No signs of life energy about to burst out of the walls that were ready to explode. The walls were pink and gelatinous and looked extremely normal.
Mato ventured forth, swimming deeper into the ball as Grudd led the way.
They approached their destination and Tamo couldn’t help but gasp from surprise.
In front of them were millions of sleeping sperm. They lined the walls like babies in a hospital room. Their bodies were white and without blemish, their skin smooth and free from any growths. They looked like they were born yesterday?
“There are so many sperm here! Is this where we were made?” Tamo said as she examined the gelatinous sacs which held the sperm.
The sperm were sleeping against the walls, their bodies encased in a gelatinous sac provided them nutrients while they were sleeping.
Grudd looked around and said, “This is where I was made. One day I had woken due to hunger. I was blind at that moment, it was only then when I came across some white piece of flesh and ate it with my tail that I began to see.”
Mato nodded his head. This was similar to what happened to him when Tamo had taught him. Tamo had unknowingly given Mato some life energy, which allowed him the energy he needed to open his eyes.
Mato thought deeply. It was fascinating that he had two eyes while this fellow named Grudd only had one. Tamo had just gotten herself a new eye and had three in total. The bacteria himself after his evolution had numerous eyes. Why were all of them similar but so different?
Tamo raced forwards swimming about like a girl in a candy store, only stopping to look at one of the gelatinous pods.
“They look so cute.”
The sperm wiggled in their gelatinous sacs. Tamo saw differing sizes of sperm, some were in the early stages and were tiny as a dot. Others had tails starting to sprout from their bodies. While others were almost the same size as her.
Mato also took a stride forward. He saw no abnormal growths on their bodies.
“.....” He breathed a sigh of relief.
It would be troublesome if the same thing that had happened in the collapsed ball happened here as well.
He noticed that some of the sperm in the pods were larger than the others. Some of the sperm were almost as twice developed. He kept looking around examining all the pods. As he swam from the right hemisphere to the left hemisphere. He found that as he kept swimming right the sperm seemed to be bigger as he progressed.
The pathway that led to this tunnel is to the left. If one looked at this from an outermost perspective this healthy ball is located left of the collapsed ball. Does the collapse of the ball have anything to do with the sperm’s health here? Or maybe it was the white orb that I had taken?
Mato thought deeply. The white orb that he picked up at the collapsed ball had too much energy inside. Mato had consumed the bacteria king which had consumed many of his own people and it couldn’t even compare to 1% of the life energy of the white orb.
Mato had continued to admire the wondrous powers of life energy. Having seen this aided Mato’s view on his future development.
Grudd began to speak.
“I was the only one to have woken up so far. Everyone else is sleeping.”
“We can’t wait here forever.” Mato could see no visible differences in the progress of the sperm as he observed them. They seemed to be maturing at an extremely slow rate.
“Let me try something”
Mato swam forward and went to the centre of the ball.
His body began to radiate a soft white light. The white orb pulsed with light as it expanded through his body. His skin lit up like a lamp and illuminated the whole cave.
The gelatinous sacs were bathed in the light. Some of the sperm started to squiggle in response. The sperm looked like they were dancing for joy in their sacs. To them, the light radiating off Mato felt extraordinary and was a blessing they could pass up.
Tamo face started to become flushed. Her body began to radiate heat, she could feel the energy go into her skin and start to nurture her third eye.
“This is life energy!” Tamo said.
Grudd was astonished himself. He had felt this sensation before but it was only when he had eaten that piece of white flesh. A sense of happiness exuded off of his face but as he focused his attention on the source of the light it couldn’t help but change into a scowl.
The sperm in the gelatinous sacs began to have visible changes. The life energy had seeped into the sacs and touch their bodies. Their bodies began to visibly grow faster. After a few moments, a sac started shaking. A sperm could be seen trying to break through one of the sacs. It took its tail and ripped open the layer of gelatinous skin breaking free of its chamber.
The sperm was blind and wandered around aimlessly. Tamo went forward to help this sperm and taught it the same things she taught to Mato.
The sperm woke up from its ignorance and looked at Tamo who had taught him to speak.
“Who are you?” The sperm asked.
“My name is Tamo, what’s yours?” Tamo asked.
“I don’t know.” The sperm swayed his head dejectedly.
“I’ll name you Sis.”
“Sisss...Siss….Sis!” The sperm bounced his head up and down showing his delight.
More movement started to appear within the cave as more sperm were breaking free from their sacs. The light continued to radiate out of Mato as more gelatinous sperm sacs were being broke open. Tamo continued to go around, teaching and giving names to the sperm.
“Your name is Ness….Your name is Perm…. Your name is Tog….”
Tamo went around giving the millions of sperm names. She was like a television host giving gifts to her audience. Who would dare refuse a gift?
Mato was astonished how could she come up with so many names. Is this one of her gifts?
Mato continued to radiate light. Tamo continued to give names. This process took over one hour.
When all the sperm finished growing he stopped. He looked around and saw the sperm gazing towards his direction. Tamo had given them life energy so they could all see Mato with their two eyes.
It seems like Grudd is unique. All of the sperm here only have two eyes. I wonder what caused this?
Tamo then went to Mato’s side and started to whisper.
“Every sperm has been named and accounted for,” Tamo said, “There are around seven hundred million sperm standing before us and each one of them looks ready to meet you.”
Mato glanced at the millions of sperm. The masses of sperm had a look of reverence on their faces. They looked at Mato and saw halo’s of light continually bouncing off of his body. Mato looked like a divine ruler willing to grace his citizens with blessings. The sperm had all learned to speak and started to shout with their minds.
“My King! My King! My King! My King!”
The sperm voices vibrated through the liquid. The walls of the cave started shaking from the millions of sperm shouting in unison.
Half of the sperm looked towards Tamo. They saw her third eye shine with luminous colors and shouted.
“My Queen! My Queen! My Queen! My Queen!”
Mato and Tamo looked astonished. They had found out what being a king meant from the bacteria king but they didn’t know what a queen was. But they could tell that the king was the leader! A ruler of a nation! The one who would take charge in battle. The one who supplies them with life energy. The one who is in total control.
Grudd looked over the chanting sperm. He noticed all of the sperm gravitate to both Mato and Tamo. He glared at Mato. Wrinkles appeared on his forehead and they started to grind with each other.
Tamo eyes grinned. She was happy and felt the love coming from each and every one of the sperm.
Mato was indifferent. His instincts started to hum. His face began to clear as he felt that he knew what he needed to do. He shouted.
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