《The Only Dungeon》Big Steps Forward



For two weeks I’ve been grinding, like I have always been doing, but with the help of a bigger ES I’m now making serious progress.

I have almost half the earth around the ant colony under my complete control. After this last subjugation I’ll have almost full knowledge of their locations at all times and the ability to make my own cavern like planned.

On a different topic though, I’m worried about Enkindle. All she does is sleep, with only waking up for a few hours to talk to me. I don’t think that this is healthy for a living being to sleep this long, I need to give her something to do so that she doesn’t eventually fall into a never ending sleep. Mabey have her lead the ants during the invasion? I think it will be better if she was the one leading because she has way more experience in battle than me.

I check my spiritual body, I am about fifty percent full of essence so I think that I can afford to finish subjugating.

I focus my mind to the spot I wish to claim then I start sending in essence. I have subjugated along one hallway that leads to the main cavern which leads to the exit of the ant colony. It’s a vertical climb with two lines of ants constantly going in and out.

Do to how far they are away from my core it takes me four essence just to subjugate one grain so it’s going to be a very thin line of controlled earth for now. Then I reach the top grain, as I subjugate the last grain of sand something weird happens. An essence I have never seen before rushes to my senses. It’s color is yellow and its bright, really bright. I have to turn my mind away from it because it’s overloading my senses.

I retreat back to my original cave and wake Enkindle, she cusses me out a little bit, but with not as much vigor as she used too. I really need to find her a hobby.

“There’s this new essence I’ve never seen before!” I tell her,”It’s yellow and very bright!”

She perks up slightly.”Did you say bright?”

“Yeah it’s everywhere and-” Before I even finish she zooms off to the essence. I take off after her catching up once she reaches the exit.

She is very quiet and keeps on staring at the stuff.

“Careful you may go blind if you look at it for too long.” I warn.

“Z do you know what this is?” She ask me quietly.

“No not really.” Why is she acting so strange? Is this essence bad?”Enkindle is this essence some type of dangerous energy? I think we need to get away from it you are acting weird.”


“Z,” she says turning towards me,”this is sunlight.”

“What’s that?”

She looks at me with something in her eye, not pride or anger. It’s something weird I’ve never seen her have.”Z this is the first time in my life I have ever pitied someone.” She says her voice barely above a whisper.

“What do you mean by pity?” I ask slightly offended.

“Look into the light,” she commands me turning my mind towards the light.”See into the outside.”

“Stop it hurts!” I turn away from it blocking my own vision.

“Please Z,” Enkindle says cuddling me slightly,”look at the light.”

I have never seen her like this before, what is this light? Is it something I can use? I do what she asks and look up into it.

It hurts my senses to look at directly so I look at it through a corner of my vision. Slowly adjusting myself to its intensity.

“Why are you so adamant about this?” I ask slightly irritated.”It’s just another form of essence! One that hurts badly when I look at it.”

“Your eyes will adjust soon,” she says camly. For about an hour I look through the corner of my vision, slowly my senses adjust to the brightness and I’m able to look at the new essence fully.

It travels in a straight line bouncing off all the surfaces it touches, but it doesn’t go that far into the colony stopping only after a few grains. Its kinda useless if you ask me.

“Do you see it?” She ask me excitedly.

“Yeah,” I say matching her enthusiasm.”It's really weird I wonder what it does? Do you know?”

Enkindle looks at me her eyes changing into another unknown way. I just want to say again that we don’t have bodies in this state what I’m describing is what her mind looks like if that makes sense.

“It, um, it allows us beings with eyes to see.” She says simple.

“Really? That is interesting.”

I look at the essence or light essence as it is called for a little longer then go back to cultivating.

“Enkindle I forgot to mention something earlier,” I say just before I go into cultivating.”I can go into my creations and control them. I think you may share this ability when you are in this state.”

“Oh, okay sounds great.” She replies somewhat unitrested.

What’s wrong with her now? I sigh to myself beginning to cultivate.


“Now I’ll be back in twenty five days to check on Z’s progress, and,” a short and busty goddess gropes my body.”To make sure you don’t get too stressed out. Bye baby.”


She flies off plowing me a kiss.

I catch it as I lay sitting on my grass couch or more like paralyzed on my grass couch. Two weeks of …. living with the goddess of ‘purity’ has left the bones around my promise land very sore.

And I am beginning to wonder what her church practices in its monasteries, if it's anything like this I think I know why she has such a popular following. But ignoring the pain in my waist I need to acquire the substance I want to give Z. I’ve run all the necessary calculations and predict this one will give him the most gain in the long run and also the immediate.

I straighten my left leg up then twist my upper body making me roll over. My left leg lands on the ground then I shimmy my right leg out spacing my legs apart so that it doesn’t hurt.

Even with my goddess regeneration abilities, which have been reduced do to my lack of essence and the type going through my body isn’t my own, this little soreness is going to be gone for a while, maybe I’ll just fly everywhere that would look majestic.

I start flying to the east leaving part of my consciousness focused on Z. Can’t be too careful especially now that he is ranked. Gods around the world are probably ancy since they haven’t detected him yet.

I fly across the landscape at a high rate of speed. I’m completely invisible to mortals so there is no need for me to go into the clouds. I land in a small outskirt town about five hundred miles away from Z. I walk down the dirt road looking to see if there are any shops that have what I require.

The people here look like they have seen better days. Ruff dirty faces are all that make up this town not even the children look like they are having fun.

I walk by a essence using streetlight that’s been picked clean for any sellable parts. This whole street has them going on throughout the entire town.

A reminder of what has been lost. No doubt that most countries are in this state right now or worse. Without my dungeons everywhere there is nothing to power the lights or any other luxury. Most likely only the highest nobles have access to the remaining cores which they even have to ration at this point.

I phase through the wall of a store that has what I require. Its walls are lined with boxes that store every type of anything that can be sold. An old man wearing a simple brown shirt and pants sits at a desk looking tired but not dusty. He has enough money to be clean.

“This town used to thrive you know,” he tells knowing of my presence the moment I landed in town.

“So did everything Economios,” I tell the god possessing the human body. I look through each box trying to find what I want.

“It was a dungeon town,” he says.”But after Lilithian and your mother lost their temper it was reduced to this.”

“You already know that the gods don’t want me creations to skyrocket in strength like before so what do you want?” I find what I am looking for and walk to the front of the desk so I can pay.

“I want,” he says taking out a small package that he teleported to the human.”You to take this.” He hands me the package while I hand over some human currency that I teleported to my hand.

“Its a few oddities that your dungeon might like.”

“You know the council won’t agree to this.” I warn him scanning the box to check what's inside.”I’m barely getting away with what I ciam her for.”

“To hell with the council!” The old man slams his fist on his desk making it shake.”They don’t know how bad people are suffering down here. A few more years of this and war will be rampant across the entire world.”

I just nod walking to the wall I phased through.

“And Dungian,” Economios calls just before I go through the wall.”Several gods have your back if you need to acquire more things for your dungeon just ask them they will help.”

“Thank you Economios. I will repay this in full when I have the power,” I take a step through the wall.”And you shall find my child Z where the grass grows rampant.” I walk completely through the wall and start flying.

I know I said I was worried about other gods finding Z, but Economios is someone I trust. His domain was at its highest when my dungeons were around so we have had a fair number a discussions. No doubt he is already searching for Z devising a plan to rejuvenate the world.

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