《The Only Dungeon》Dungian x Lilithian



“A kiss.” A pair of lips as soft as cotton touch mine. I freeze forgetting all about Z. Now I am an immortal and I’ve been around the block a few times so this is not first time experience for me. But Lilithian on the other hand is a little different.

Her exact title is Goddess of Purity and Virtue. To simplify this bitch is a virgin who just got her first kiss. I don’t know how this is going to go down. Especially with Z being just over there I don’t want him to see anything m rated.

What? You think I wont hit that. Didn’t I mention earlier the size of her breast and not too mention the fine posterior she struts. I don’t mind taking her vCard hell she owes me after calling me a fallen god.

Wait Z! Crap I need to expel his essence pronto.

I reach out getting ready to expel his essence, but when I look at him he’s perfectly fine. His essence has stabilize and the tear that was going to kill him has vanished.

How in the hell?

“Do not worry about your child Dungian I used some of my power to heal him,” Lilithian says her hand moving down my side to my…..

“Woah there tiger,” I say grabbing her hand.”You better start making sense real quick or I’ll.”

“The Council has no idea about this,”she says slowly fighting my grip on her hand,”This is my personal agenda here so don’t you worry.” She flocks me on the nose with her other hand grinning devilishly.

“And what his your agenda,” I ask with some coldness in my voice.”Was it not you who destroyed all my creations five years ago.”


She gets a pouty face like a child. Okay now I’m really confused the Lilithian I know is strict with a stone set of moral guidelines. This one is a horny teenager.

Actual I think I wish to get up now. We are both on the ground with me on the bottom and her on top.

I try to use my free arm to push her off but she takes it without budging in inch. Forget for a second that she is a thousand times my strength.

“Yes I destroyed your creations,” she says the word with disgust,”But I never will kill another god's children which is what he is.”

I give her the straight face expression insinuating that I am not satisfied by that mystic piece of bull answer.

“Dungian do you remember when you first dungeon came into existence?” She ask me her hand getting closer and closer to my promise land.

The old wound reopens slightly but I cauterize it quickly.”I am a god I have perfect recall you know this Lilithian.”

“Well you should also remember how excited we all were by them. Even your mother was in pressed by them. Especially Theseus that one caused a great stir,” she gets a faraway look in her eyes. The ones we gods get when remember the past,”For a few hundred years you were thought to become the next elder goddess. Then one day you were just gone. Your dungeons started spawning everywhere and Theseus was nowhere to be found. And when your mother did finally find you she was terrified.”

A sad look crosses her eyes.

“She thought you had gone insane or worse. It took almost all of us to restrain her from going to you. And then history happened and I thought that you were leveling out. But,” a hurt look crosses her.”Then you ordered Sol to destroy Filvis. The country I helped build.”


I kept my face stoic not letting any emotion show.”Thank you for the history lesson now how does any of that relate to what you just did to Z.”

“So impatient,” she says lustfully it’s taking all my strength to keep her away from turning this m rated.

Note that if she does touch me the I will take it as permission to group the living hell out of her.

“The reason why I destroyed your creations Dungian and not your child Z is because you love him.” Lilithian tells me her face grinning softly.”And you did not love your creations. You have returned to your old self one that is beautiful, smart, intelligent and,” she lean in close.”Sexy.” She buries her tongue into my mouth going down my throat. I let go of her hand and she goes right to the promised land.

“Geuss I get to take a goddess virginity today.” I tease as she retracts her tongue.

“Who said I was a virgin,” she laughs flipping me over onto my belly. She lifts up my skirt and gets right into my.”I just love watching tall girls moan.”

Oh and did I ever.

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