《The Only Dungeon》Interlude: The God Of Books



I fly to a giant library that stands on top of calm white clouds. Made out of red colored bricks with tall windows cutting square holes into them it holds every book ever written and the god who lives here Scribios has written his fair share too.

I have only talked to him once in my long lifetime and it was only a hi who are you at some ball a centuries back. He is tall with short brown hair and classes. He doesn’t need classes he’s a god, but it fits his divinity so that’s respectable.

I land softly at his front door knocking on the darkwood. I hear it echo loudly through his halls. I stand there for several minutes before he opens his door book in hand.

He only slightly turns his eyes up to me to acknowledge.

“Come in I already have the table ready.”

“Already. Man you must be raring to have a crack at me.”

He just nods leading me through his home. Well that wasn’t fun people need to have a reaction when I say something like that. That just means I need to try harder.

In his home bookshelves are everywhere each one filled to the brim with books. The bookshelves have no order each one looks like it was placed where there was room to put them. Scribios leads me to a desk that has about bajillion books stacked on it only leaving enough space to see the other person at the end of the table on his side is a pin and a blank book. We sit on wooden chairs with no padding. Yep feeling more like a library already.

“Now please explain to me what has happened so far to your dungeon.”

“Oh well,” I say going on to explain that he has basically been growing slowly for the past few months and just recently have made a pact with a fire nymph. As I finish he seems a little confused. His eye brows arch and his mouth draws into a thin line.


“What you having the urge to splurge.” I ask. Maybe he has a fetish with librarians ones with thick glasses and big poofy hair.

“No I thought that your creations would be more…. Interesting. With much more making abominations of nature and experimentation.”

I laugh slightly.”Trust me Scribios you haven’t seen anything yet. Once he gets to a certain size that’s when the fun parts begin.”

He nods finally looking me in the eyes.

“Dungian may I come and observe when that time comes? The only books written about your dungeons are from people who only had the vaguest ideas of how they worked. It will also satisfy a curiosity of mine.”

“Sure the more the merrier,” at least now I’ll have someone to defend myself with when Lilithian shows up.

“Allright that will be all for now, come by again if something big happens.” He shuts the blank book that has only a paragraph written in it and goes back to his other book not bothering to see me out.

Well all right then. I faze through the floor just like in my mother's house and then start flying back.

I don’t go terrible fast I need time to think. Z is terrible weak right now even with the help of the flame nymph. It will be over a year before he gets big enough to acquire the more dangerous creatures like the dire wolf and trolls. But he doesn’t have that long, he needs to have at least one human size floor in three months. The reason behind that.

Several gods are actively searching for him and two are tailing me right now, this time I can lose them, but in the future they won’t care about being spotted. The others gods probably haven’t told their mortal subjects there is a new dungeon, but they know something is up. Mortals have a keen awareness when there gods start doing something.

I intensify my aura letting the trailing gods know I’ve spotted them they disappear instantly.

I let out a sigh.

“Z please hurry up and become strong so I can strike fear in the hearts of god's again.”

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