《The Only Dungeon》Ant Eggs


Dungian flies back to her mother’s place. With a portion of her consciousness watching Z. Being a heavenly figure she can split her mind onto several different task. She arrives back into the living room where Magian is waiting.

Magian consciousness is spread in many different places. Right now only a small percent of her is actually paying attention to Dungian.

“What did the meeting want with you?” She ask immediately.

“They requested that you be put in Hellian and that the dungeons be controlled by all the gods,” Magian replies stirring some sugar into her tea. The gods and goddesses hold a council to decide major events, in this case Dungian. There are diffrent views on its effectiveness. But it is better than nothing.”I denied them obviously. If I wanted to take the source of your divinity I would have done so long ago.”

“And what do you think they will do? Last I checked your the master of snuffing out threats before they even know they’re threats.”

Magian takes a sip of her tea smacking her lips slightly.”Nothing at the moment. Some of the braver ones will try to locate Z, but most are cowards. They won’t lift a finger until they have a hundred percent backing.”

She giggles slightly. Some of her already spread consciousness going away to particular funny event.

“Just do your job focusing a hundred percent on Z,” she says starting to disappear.

“Okay I can do that.” Dungian says already running a thousand simulations in her head.

“Also the meeting was really pushy so Lillithian will drop by on the occasion to check up on you.”

Magian says disappearing completely.

“WHAT!” Dungian screeches at the empty space of air.



A small creature struggles against the confides of its fleshy cell. Struggling with all its might it manages to break through the its cell and into the air. A creature called an ant goes over and picks it up gently with its mandible then carries it off.


So that's what they are. Eggs they are eggs. These are a whole lot of eggs.

And they will all be mine.

My plan is starting to come to fruition. I’ve increased my dept of my influence to about twenty grains making a sort of sphere around me. I’ve tried to influence the air, but that is like trying to grad well air. Now I’m going to accomplish step two of my plan, subjugating a monster or an insect in this case.

To subjugate these eggs I must fill them with my essence making them a part of me. Right now I don’t have nowhere near the reserves I need to do this, but there’s another way. First I’m going to sumarge it in my sand then slowly pump my essence into it breaking it overtime. I choose a particular fatty egg one then I move my sand under it making it slowly fall. The ants taking care of the eggs don’t notice until it’s too late. Now in my ground with earth on top of it I start slathering it with essence not unlike influencing the sand, but this is a much smaller amount. The egg resistance is high I’m not even getting into the first layer of skin, my essence is accumulating around it coating it like another skin. As my essence starts to get low I start to think about shutting it off, but I don’t need to. I forgot the most important rule about life, things need air to survive. And underground they don’t have much air. The ant inside the egg dies ruining my plan for subjugation, but something unexpected happens.

I get a rush of essence much more than anything I’ve gotten from cultivating. The essence fills my spiritual body to the brim and more I feel myself getting stretched to the point of tearing, then it stops. My body is sore beyond belief. I look around my pathway to see if I disturbed anything.


The ants are moving around like normal not even noticing my distress. Slightly hurt I check myself to see if there is any damage. My core is sound and my spiritual body is also alright, but it looks different. I stare at it for a moment trying to figure out what has changed then it hits me. I’m bigger. I’ve gained about ten percent more essence storage and I can feel something in my mind. I can make an ant egg! This is great I’ll just spawn them all over the floor and wait… No! I need twice my storage just to summon one egg.

Dreams ruined.

Maybe I can kill a few more eggs and increase my storage? My instincts tell me that won’t work. I think that I got lucky here just now.

My original plan with the real ant egg will have to do.

I know I seem to be moving fast and not considering all the options, but honestly…. There isn’t anything I else can do. I can’t expand indefinitely with my core size and I won’t be able to subjugate a full grown ant even if I manage to trap it.

So eggs will have to do. I select another egg away from the prying eyes of their caretakers. I move the sand under it just like last time. But as it falls into the earth I keep the top sand slightly apart allowing air to reach the it.

Now take two!

I begin to brush essence around it, at a rate of one percent essence per second with my bigger storage taken into account.

I cover the entire shell with a fine layer of essence then slower build on top of that. After fifty seconds half of my essence is gone. I’ll keep going until I hit twenty percent then I’ll stop letting it slow cook.


What was that! All my focus has been on the egg I haven’t been paying attention to the rest of the room. The ants have found the hole they are tearing apart my sand ground to get to the egg. No! I try to move the sand to block them but they push it aside with ease. They dig furiously reaching my egg within seconds. They yank the egg out of the ground. Pushing it in the air like a trophy.

Maybe I can get it back. They’ll probably just sit it in a different part of the room. Crunch!

Please no.

The two grown ants scuer the egg with their mandibles. Then they open them ripping the egg apart. I feel essence enter my spiritual body. The ants begin to pick up pieces of the egg then start carrying it. Once they walk out of my influence I lose sight of them.

Well that was unexpected. So if I try to subjugate an egg they’ll kill it and most likely any other ant too. This will make my job a lot harder.

I need to come up with another strategy.

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