《I Was Summoned To Have Tea With The Demon Lord [Rewrite]》Chapter 28: Scented


Lord Windwood accepts us into his entourage with no hesitation. He's so happy that we've "found" Lilah that he barely questions where she was. Any good cop could find the holes in her cover story, but it seems we're all just letting it slide.

She acts different around him: demure, polite, quiet. When she calls him "Papa" and apologizes for being gone, I can't believe this is the same girl who instigated our kidnapping not two days earlier.

Lord Windwood tries to wine and dine us, but we refuse the alcohol. Even though he's rich enough to afford it, he doesn't serve any tea. Our conversations are as mundane as they come, yet a fascinating insight into this unusual world. Then, things take a turn.

“Lilah, have you given much thought to the upcoming ball?” he asks, largely ignoring that the conversation has little to do with us guests.

“What ball would that be, Papa?”

He furrows his brow. “Surely I had mentioned this to you? The King is receiving guests from Canephora and wants to give them a proper Cha welcome.”

“Canephora!” Lilah feigns surprise. “And so he’s inviting the local nobles, is that it?”

“That’s absolutely correct.”

“Can my— my friends come as our valets?”

“I don’t see why not.” He smiles at the rest of us. “They brought you back to me, so the least we can do is invite them out for such an occasion.”

"Please, let me show you to your rooms," the halfling maid interrupts our after-dinner conversation.

"Rooms? More than one?" I ask.

"Of course," Lilah says in her faux-polite tone. "What do you think we are, a cheap inn?"

"Only the best for those who found my precious daughter," the lord agrees.

"Papa, you're embarrassing me."

"We'll be spending a little more time together, but please, take free reign of the second floor," he says. "I have a library up there, should you wish to do some reading before bed."


So we take off down a long hallway, round a bend, and take a staircase up to the second floor. I can't believe Lilah leaves a place like this to spend time with the Thieves' Guild. Ornately-framed pictures line the walls and a consistent spread of windows overlook a garden. Moonlight and torchlight illuminate our path.

"Miss, if you would," the maid asks of Izumi, gesturing to the first door.

"Thank you!" She bounds into the room with delight.

The next room is mine, and lastly, Mamoru—

But my stomach begins to churn as I inspect my temporary quarters. I've felt like this before. Oh. Oh no. A distant shout from Izumi's room means she's realized the same thing. Almost simultaneously, we both rush out into the hallway.

Contractually, Mamoru can't continue on any further. His jerky movements have slowed, and he angrily tries to take one last step forward before that invisible hand drags him back to our feet. We lock eyes and I can see fire in them.

The maid doesn’t seem very surprised, however. "Another curse, is it?"

"Might as well be," he grumbles, getting to his feet.

"Adventuring contract," Izumi explains.

"I see." She really doesn't seem interested. "Then I assume the young man will be staying in one of your rooms?"

"For better or worse," I agree.

"To which of you is he betrothed?"

"What? No, neither of us!" Izumi protests. "We're just members of the same party!"

"For better or worse," Mamoru echoes.

"Then I suppose he will stay with the party leader?"

"I don't want him."

"I don't want him, either."

"I'm standing right here!"

"Don't remind us," Izumi says.

We're at a stalemate. The maid smiles, an out-of-place expression that I swear carries a hint of sarcasm. "Please call for me should the need arise. I'll trust you two to make the right decision."

With that, she's off, leaving the three of us to figure things out amongst ourselves.


"Rock, Paper, Scissors?" Izumi suggests.

"On your call, then."

"I seriously get no say in this?"

His protests are drowned out by an enthused, "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

I throw down scissors and cut Izumi's paper with a grin.

"One more time! Best of three!" she complains.

"Overridden. As the party leader, I'm calling it my win."

"Oh, now you're a nerd who understands adventuring permits and contracts?"

"Once I learn to read, I'll quote that contract front-to-back in my sleep."

"Good luck with that."

"Good luck with that." I point to Mamoru.

"Again: right here."

She winces. "Good night, Hiyorin. Come on, Chosen One, we have a big day tomorrow."

He seems somewhat mollified by being called by his proper title and follows Izumi to her room like an obedient puppy. I head back into mine, this time with no telltale tug from our magical connection.

My room is huge compared to the one we were given at The Silver Turtle Inn. There's room for a large wardrobe and dresser, a full-length mirror, a bed, and a desk. My possessions have been stored inside of the dresser, and I'm relieved to find Lavender's mirror still part of my pack. Even the gold that the rookie Thieves' Guild members had stole for their card game has been replaced, on top of a reward from Windwood.

As I change into a large sleeping shirt, I can't help but wonder how Izumi is doing with Mamoru. Will they share the bed like we did? Will he sleep on the floor? Is he going to have to stand with his face to the wall while she changes or will she kick him out into the hallway? What kind of pajamas do boys wear in fantasy worlds?

She's trustworthy. He's trustworthy, for all he's annoying. Nothing's going to happen. Right?

I don't fall asleep easily, troubled by thoughts of the upcoming diplomats' party and, once more, missing my white noise machine. My dreams are plagued by demons drinking tea. By the time a knock on the door wakes me up, it feels like I've barely slept.

"Miss Hiyori, I have breakfast ready downstairs!" the halfling's voice reaches me through the door.

"Thanks!" I yell back, trying to disentangle myself from the luxurious blankets, not wanting to get up right away.

Fuzzy-headed and wiping the night's sleep from my eyes, I literally tumble out of bed with a crash I hope nobody else hears. We've got breakfast, then fittings for appropriate clothing to wear to the event. I remember the dress that Sinensis had me wear, and how unexpectedly flattering it was. Will it be something like that?

Lilah has already gone over the expected manners and customs with us, and I think just maybe I'll be prepared for the evening.

What I'm not prepared for is the conversation between Izumi and Mamoru when I step outside and meet them in the hallway, all of us temporarily clothed in our adventuring wear.

"We need a tsundere to round out the party," Mamoru says firmly.

"Don't you think you're the tsundere around here?" Izumi asks.

He doesn't dignify that with a response, instead refuting, "What I'm saying is, Lilah's perfect, if we could snatch her away from you-know-what."

"Oh, Lilah's perfect, is she?"

"Not like that! Perfect for adventuring with."

"Even though she thinks of adventurers as trash?"

"Precisely because—"

I take a few steps closer. "I'm not interrupting anything important, am I?"

"Nothing important," Izumi continues to cut Mamoru off with a clipped tone.

There's totally something different about the way they're acting today. I know it. They're talking. They don't talk.

Hiyori, don't even think about it, I tell myself.

"Then let's get some breakfast."

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