《The Price of Power》Chapter Nine: Aftermath


For what seemed like a hellish eternity Tasha was trapped in a cycle of waking up and attempting to return to the temple, after walking a meager distance she would collapse again. Finally, the gates of the temple were in view, she waved to the posted sentry and once more fainted.

The next week was a blur, from her position in the medic bay she vaguely remembered reporting what had happened and being subject to all sorts of rites and interrogations as her story made her way up the chain of command. Thankfully, at one point John joined her, spending most of his time beside her bed. Ronald also swung by to tell her for the most part the juniors left behind at the camp were mostly unharmed. They were found lying around in a stupor, with the last two weeks of their memory gone and heavy chain shaped bruises across their bodies.

John told her that the temple was swarming with all sorts of high-ranking members of the church, military, and nobility and they all wanted to talk to her.

She wanted to talk to them too, after all, it was graduation and she had high ambitions.

But for now, she was told to rest and so rest she did


Tasha dreamed of light and chains. Fragments of clouds, of a giant winged being. She heard whispers, while she could not understand the words she understood the meaning.

She had made a pact to bring Yaza’s justice to evildoers and root out corruption wherever she may find it.

They were good dreams, full of promise.

After three more days of rest, Tasha awoke.

She shot upwards causing John to jump in surprise.

“Tash, you need rest. Get back to bed” John said gently pushing her back towards the bed.

“No thanks, dear brother. I’ve had enough rest,” said Tasha brushing away her brother’s hands and swinging her legs to the side of the bed.

“If you say so, I’m glad to see you back on your feet,” replied John as he moved to help her onto her feet. Once again shrugging off her brother’s assistance, she pushed herself off the bed. Only for her legs to buckle, she stuck her hand out just in time to stop her from landing face-first on the infirmary floor. She could feel her brother’s grin behind her.

“I see you're in top condition”

“Just stopped to tie my shoes”

“You’re barefoot

With that, Tasha pushed herself off the ground and began unsteadily walking towards the door.

“I was told to send you to captain Myles when you awoke, but if you're not up to it at the moment, no one needs to know your up” John said, taking Tasha’s arm and holding her upright.

This time she did not struggle against her brother.

“No, let's not keep the new captain waiting.”

“You got it”


Tasha and John were sitting in two plush chairs in what was once Owin Lighthammer’s office. It was clearly in a state of transition, papers were strewn about the desk and various ornaments that once hung on the wall were taken down, leaving the walls bare. After a brief wait, the newly promoted captain Myles opened the door and nodded to the seated siblings.


“With all that has happened, I’m glad to see you two are okay. In the past fortnight we have lost much. I pray that this will be the beginning of a more positive chapter, for all of us.” Myles spoke in a weary tone. His usually pristine uniform was wrinkled and disheveled, heavy bags sagged under his eyes.

“I hope so, Myles. Too many good men and women have died” John said in a somber voice.

“I fear many more will die in the coming months. War is brewing John, I can feel it in my marrow. Up north in the Ashmount ranges, a group of monsters have formed some kind of parody of civilization. They call themselves the Ashmount confederacy and I’d bet good coin they are the ones behind the attacks.”

Myles made a good point, a confederacy of monsters would have access to all sorts of strange beasts, and would have no issues ordering goblins to ambush the crusaders.

Myles turned his attention to her, “Tasha, you are the only blessing to come out of this bloody mess. How much do you understand about what happened to you?”

“Almost nothing”

“We are in the same boat then,” Myles said with a grim smile, “From what I understand you have been chosen by an angel to be one of Yaza’s agents on this plane. Why this happened or what it entails I have no clue. All I know that every scumsucker from the military, the church, and the nobility has swooped down upon my temple, to gain glory from catching one of the perpetrators who flew off into the night or by recruiting you.”

John snorted at his blunt description of the new arrivals.

“I’m just a teenager from a small temple, there's no way anyone is that interested in me,” Tasha said, sure that Myles was exaggerating.

In response, Myles opened a desk drawer and removed a folder stuffed to the brim with papers.

“These are all official requests for your recruitment. We have received more for you in the past week than we normally receive in a decade. You have been handpicked by the supreme god himself, a privilege only reserved for legendary heroes in the making. You are Orera’s hottest commodity.”

Tasha starred in disbelief, she had no idea the gravity of the situation she had found herself in, she had no idea if she could live up to the expectations of both her god and his worshippers. True, she had wanted the chance to prove herself but never could she have imagined this.

“There is one potential benefactor who I would imagine you will be very eager to speak with. Her name is Lady Emila RueGuard Ferrocor and It has been quite the ordeal preventing her from disturbing your rest, Tasha. Lady Ferrocor is not used to being made to wait.” The corner of Myles’ mouth curled into a smile.

“And just who is this Lady Ferrocor?” Tasha asked

“One of the Emperor’s nieces”

John gasped which he covertly turned into a cough

“Your right to be shocked John, It’s not often that such high-ranking nobility takes interest in a lowborn, more than that like you she has also been marked by the angels. I know your ambitions Tasha If you truly want to become a symbol to the downtrodden this is your best chance.”


“What does she want from me?” Tasha may have been naive but even she knew nobles would not do anything that did not benefit themselves.

“I’m not sure, Tasha. But she has been hovering around you like a vulture. She will be along the moment she hears you have recovered.”

As if on cue a loud knock emitted from Myles’ door.

“I’m in a meeting” responded Myles

“I’ve waited long enough Captain.” A feminine voice cried out, It had the posh inflections adopted by noble or those playing at nobility.

A tall beautiful woman entered the office, her dusky red hair was tied back into an intricately woven braid. Her bright green eyes bored into Tasha, she found herself unable to match the intense gaze and instead focused on the alabaster, hawkish nose that sat in the middle of her face. She was flanked by a small black haired woman and a mountain of a man dressed in full plate. Without taking her eyes off Tasha she pointed at Myles

“You, leave”

“With all due respect your Grace, this is my office.”

“I am aware, leave.”

“Very well my lady, I will speak to you two after,” Myles spoke through gritted teeth, as he moved to leave.

“And you … “ Emila turned to John and stared at him for what felt like hours, to his credit, John met the Lady’s gaze without so much as flinching.

“You stay” With that Emila circled around the desk and sat in Myles’ chair.

“I have heard all sorts of reports about what has transpired, but I want to hear it directly from you two.”

After a brief recap of their misadventures, Emila leaned back in the chair and steepled her fingers

“Let me see your brand.” She extended out her hand towards Tasha

Tasha put her left hand in the Lady’s palm.

She studied it for a moment before nodding and standing up.

“It is true then, you have been marked by an angel” she removed the black velvet glove on her left hand to reveal a similar symbol on the back of her hand. It was a dove wearing a crown, Tasha recognized it as the symbol of Vione; the Orerain god of leadership and hope.

“I also share in your blessing, you have been given a great gift by the divines and I have come to see that you do not squander it”

“Well my Lady, what exactly does my gift entail?” Tasha asked

“You have forged a soul-bounded connection with an Angel. In exchange for executing its will, you will be able to draw on its holy power as if it were your own.” The words poured from her mouth like honey, slow and tempting. She had the power to grant Tasha her innermost desires and she knew it.

“What will I have to do in order to act in accordance with the angel’s will?” Tasha asked eagerly, she finally had a chance to become someone and she would not miss it, not for anything.

“That is between you and your patron. However, based on the fact that you have been bonded to a vilicus, also known in a more vulgar tongue as an executioner, I suspect you will often engage in the martial side of Yaza’s justice.”

This came as a great relief to Tasha, religion, and war were things she understood, unlike everything else that had happened to her in the past few days.

“What will I have to do in order to receive your tutelage, My Lady?” Tasha asked, failing to keep an excited and hopefully tone from her voice.

“You will become my squire in an official capacity. You and your brother will accompany me to Alunhull where you will join me in attendance at the Royal military academy.”

Tasha stared at her in disbelief, she had wanted to become a squire to a noble ever since she could remember, But to a member of the royal family, in the capital? It seemed too good to be true.

“Are you sure my Lady? You have never even seen me hold a sword.” Tasha asked

John kicked her under the desk

“Of course I’m sure, I did not walk all the way to this backwater hellhole to be questioned by a child!” Emilla snapped with such a sudden ferocity that John and Tasha jumped.

“I apologize, it was unseemly of me to lose my temper, but I assure you Miss Coiro I am rarely unsure of anything” Just as quickly as it came, her rage was gone, replaced with her usual calm demeanor.

“My lady with all due respect, I understand why you want my sister with her being touched by the divine and all that, but why me?” John asked, doing his best attempt at what could be called a respectful tone.

“Yes, I suspect I will have little use for you, Mister Coiro, but I do know a man who I believe would be very interested in meeting you. To say more without his knowledge would be impolite, if you want to know more all you have to do is accompany us”

John nodded, deep in thought.

“I have given you a lot to think about. I am leaving tomorrow at sunrise, If you wish to join me, be there. I wish you a good day. “ With that, the red headed noble and her silent entourage left the office, leaving Tasha and John to stew in the thoughts.

“So Tash, what do you think?” said John

Tasha looked at John like a child asking for an expensive treat.

“Of course you would” Mumbled John, “I’ll go pack my bags. If you're late to that snob’s meeting I’ll throw you in the well” With that John left Tasha alone in the office.

She looked to the sky, offering a prayer of thanks. It looked like maybe her dream could become real after all.

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