《Blood Tribute Gacha in Another World》The General's Morning Routine
As General Shilan led Nirou and Laska back out of the twisting maze of alleyways they had entered, the group passed by a few of the ruffians from before that they had passed. Even as the sun rose they seemed to be open to marks, but they all instantly lost any intention of following through once they saw the identity of the armored man at the trio's head. Stumbling to scramble away as quick as possible, Nirou was able to hear them all quietly cursing under their breaths.
"Ah... okay, those guys don't count!" the general turned back to assure the younger duo, apparently under the impression that he had face he needed to save in this situation. "Obviously those thugs don't love me, they're lawbreakers. But the regular everyman yes, it's the people going about their normal days that adore me. We should meet some of them getting up about now, just give me a moment and we'll get out of these damned back streets."
Taking roughly the same path that Laska had led them here on, the general also noticably avoided corners where guards were posted, at least until they emerged onto the city's main street. Here you could finally see some people out and about, early risers headed to work or to be the first to hit the shops. Shilan put on his smug face to glance back at his juniors before smiling and striding out with confidence into the burgeoning crowd.
"It's the Commander General!" the first person to notice him would say. After that, the cascade of greetings fell without ceasing. Every citizen just had to get a glimpse, to get close, to make their greeting heard, and to be acknowledged in return. It made Nirou think of people getting to meet their favorite actor or something.
"Good morning, everyone!" the General offers back, laughing and smiling up a storm. "Just doing my rounds to check on the citizenry. Keep up the good work."
He waved at the crowd, who in turn cheered. The whole sight was honestly not befitting the early hour. One would think if these people all bothered getting up at sunrise, they'd have things too important to do than to be distracted like this.
Nirou could see a few members of the crowd muscling their way in while carrying various fruits. One handed the general a bag, and he happliy accepted the offerings of oranges, bananas, and more, including even durians. Laska didn't seem surprised to see an eyebrow raised at all this.
"The General is famous for his love of fruit." she explains. "He can be seen eating it on just about any occasion. I believe he told me once that his parents grew fruits for a living, so it must just be in his nature."
With the bag about full to bursting, Shilan threw it over his shoulder and waved to his two younger companions. Gently nudging the crowd aside, he began to relinquish the adoration for the time being.
"I have to go now everyone, and you should all get back to your own work as well!" he announced. "Thank you for the gifts and your praise."
Reluctantly, the people obliged and dispersed. Though some stuck around from a distance long enough to watch the general leave. With that out of the way, the group headed further down main street, in the direction of the giant stone palace. People would continue to watch as they saw the general pass by, and he would wave at them, but he kept enough urgency in his step to stop any crowd from forming again.
"Just how is he so popular?" Nirou asked Laska, looking for a somewhat tempered explanation compared to one he might get from the man himself. "You'd think he was the actual king himself."
"Well, it's partly out of sheer accomplishment. For decades he's been both bringing glory to Anjdrahm, and protecting it from enemies. He's headed subjugation of neighboring minor powers, repeatedly repelled invasions of the savage Beastmen from the Southern Continent, and single-handedly put an end to any of the Eastern Empire's ambitions of conquering this region. But more than that, the people like his attitude. Despite his boasting, he's perfectly willing to strike up a conversation with anyone. This kingdom's caste system is particularly strict, but he treats everyone the same. Of course, that's all true only because he was able to raise his station to a greater degree than anyone else. He went from the son of peasants to the head of the army through a combination of luck, skill, and likability. You could travel the whole of the continent and not find a more interesting case."
Finding that answer sufficient, Nirou went quiet for a bit and kept observing the general. Indeed, he somehow seemed to carry himself with both the discipline of a military man and the casual approachability of any normal person. If he was everything he was talked up to be, then Laska couldn't have chosen better when it comes to asking for help. Though Nirou also paused to think of some of the other things off-handedly mentioned in that explanation. Beastmen? Those were a thing? He really had to get a better overview of the whole world he was in sometime.
Eventually, the general led the group off the main road to a less traveled yet even more well kept path. Looking ahead, it led straight to the palace, though far before that was a high wall and a gate. This one was significatly more elaborate than the gate to the city, and the guards here were decked out in even fancier gear. Nirou was a bit nervous during the approach, since they looked about ready to pounce at any moment. In fact, as soon as the general passed the gate's threshold they stuck their spears out as if to block the others.
"Unauthorized entry into the palace grounds in forbidden." one of the guards says sternly. "Turn back now or face arrest."
Before either of the two can object, a flash of metal swings downward between the guards. Where their spears had been intersecting to block passage, a single slash cleaves the heads off of the weapons as if they were made of butter. The metal spearheads clang noisily as they hit the stone road below. Taking a second to process what just happened, the men glance at the seperated parts of their weapons, before warily stepping back.
"The King always handpicks the ones that don't like me for these guard posts, I swear. Is he trying to get me angry?" the general sighs as he pulls back his spear. "Listen here boys, these are my guests. If they're with me, they're authorized, it's that simple. Now I could give you some more grief, but I've got things to do and your guard captain should chew you out enough for losing two perfectly good weapons."
The guards lower their heads in shame, as Nirou and Laska are able to pass by without further trouble. Once through the gate, the entire palace grounds come into view. The giant stone building itself is only the centerpiece, with dozens of smaller buildings littered within the walls. There's also an impressive courtyard that no doubt serves a number of purposes on various occasions. None of those are the current destination however, as the general leads them to a large wooden building set up right at the very corner of the walls.
It turns out to be some sort of giant stable, as once entered the trio is faced with lines of stalls in which horses are kept. But the general doesn't stop at any of them, and keeps heading further in. The smaller stalls give way to enormous ones, and Nirou is left in awe. Each of these giant stalls houses an elephant, their huge size dwarfing the horses. Shilan reaches the final stall in the back, where an elephant is waiting expectantly.
"Sahn my friend, I've brought gifts!" the man laughs, lifting the bag. "They gave me plently of durian, your favorite!"
Reaching into the bag and pulling out the large spiky fruits, the elephant happily takes one after another, stepping on them to bust them open and get to the softer flesh inside. The general then takes a mango out of the bag and starts munching on it himself. He holds the bag out for the others, wordlessly offering some fruits for them as well.
Laska takes a banana, and Nirou does the same. For a while, the group just stands there munching on fruit while watching an elephant do the same. Once they're finished, Shilan points out an area used for compost that the two can leave their peels.
"Alright boy, I've got to get home." he says to the elephant, petting its head. "I'll see if I can't get you out for a walk around the city in a few days."
Leaving the creature with that reassurance, the trio then turned back and left the stables. Headed the opposite way now, they passed the gate they came in from and headed to a cluster of buildings that were impressively sized in their own right, though they seemed tiny in the shadow of the palace. These all seemed to be houses, fancy ones for high ranking government or military officials presumably.
The general led them to one in particular, a mixed stone and wood house with two stories and a balcony in front. The house was on a higher level than the rest, requiring a set of stairs to reach. As they drew closer, Nirou could notice a cat lazing on the balcony as well as hear a strange dull ringing sound coming from inside. The sound seemed to stop as they actually pulled up to the front of the house, though.
The three of them stopped briefly in front of the place, and Nirou could have sworn he caught a glimpse of Laska tearing up a bit before she composed herself.
"It's almost like coming back home." she said, after closing her eyes and taking a breath. "This is about the closest thing now that my true home is gone."
"As far as I'm concerned, this is your second home." Shilan smiles and puts his arm around Laska in a sort of one-handed half-hug. "As I said, you two are welcome for as long as you have need. Come on, let's quit standing around and get inside already. The kids will be so glad to see you."
The general basically pulled Laska inside since he was already there, and Nirou followed up behind. They passed through the door and came to a wide open room that seemed to make up most of the first floor. To the right was a lowered area with a fire pit above which was a stone disc to cook on. Surrounding the lowered area were all sorts of shelves full of cooking implements and ingredients, as well as a basin for water to wash things in. To the left was a large table that could seat as many as ten people, as well as a more casual seating area. At the latter was a young man seated on the floor while holding a baby. A second was sitting alone at the table, while a woman was cooking at the fire pit.
"Everyone, Laska is alright!" Shilan announces to his family as he enters. "She's here to stay with us for a while."
"So you are. We were worried about you." the seated man says, bobbing the baby up and down in his lap.
"I knew you wouldn't let yourself die like that." replies the man at the table. He makes no means to get up, apparently satisfied with his greeting.
"Oh, that's wonderful. I'll make even more for breakfast, don't worry." the woman cooking chimes in. She doesn't take her attention away from the food at all while responding.
From the stairs in the back, a fourth young adult resident descends. A girl you'd guess to be about Laska's age, she makes a dash for her as soon as she gets off the bottom step. The girl hugs Laska tight, slightly trembling.
"I'm so glad you're okay, Laska!" she cries, her voice faltering a bit. "I really tried not to think you might be gone, but I was just so worried."
"It's alright Sahla, I'm doing just fine." Laska says, patting her friend on the back. "It was a terrible thing to be sure, but I've perservered and come out stronger. I refuse to be laid low, much less brought to death."
"So you caught Father as he was out doing those damned rites." the one at the table spoke up again as the two girls broke off their hug. "Your timing never ceases to amaze."
"I had little choice in the matter." Laska shoots back. "I could never have entered the palace grounds without accompaniment, and I had precious little time to be spending it all wandering the city in the hopes of running into one of you. I simply saw the day approaching, and knew it had to be so."
WIth the immediate greetings settled, the family members turned to the stranger now in their house. Nirou was feeling a bit awkward with all their stares, but before either they or he could say anything, Laska took it upon herself yet again.
"This is my companion, Nirou Tetsugawa." she introduces the group to him. "I summoned him to provide me assistance in my endeavors. I'm sorry to impose on you all, but he'll be staying along with me for the time being."
"That's alright, no trouble at all." the man with the baby replied. "We have the spare room and all. If you say he's with you, then we're fine with him too."
"Well, I suppose I should tell the boy about my family then, eh?" Shilan chuckles as he sets down the bag with the remaining fruit on the table. "The lad with the baby there is my eldest son Hargujad. That precious little girl he's holding is my granddaughter Hurua."
"Nice to meet you." Hargujad says while holding his daughter's hand up to make a waving motion. His hair is slicked back and his features would actually make him look pretty menacing if he weren't goofing around with a baby right now.
"At the table is my youngest son Almadju." the general goes on. "And this girl here is my daughter Sahla."
Almadju gives an extremely curt wave and leaves it at that. His head is shaved to look like his father's but his disposition couldn't be further. Sahla was also unlike her father, but in a different way. Her long hair hung in front of her face, giving her a very reserved look that turned out to fit given her greeting.
"H-hello." she stuttered, bowing slightly and staying there to avoid eye contact. "Th-thank you for taking care of Laska."
"And lastly is my daughter-in-law, Tajau." the head of the family finishes up. "Harjugad's wife. She keeps the house around here, and does a fantastic job. Don't we all just love her?"
"Haha, I do it all even without the flattery, Father." Tajau laughs while still keeping focus entirely on her cooking. "It's good to meet you, Nirou. Breakfast will be ready shortly, feel free to take a seat at the table."
Shilan beckons the two to take a seat, and they do so. The general naturally sits at the head, while Nirou and Laska sit side by side across from Almadju. As advertised, the food does indeed come shortly after taking a seat. Tajau sets out plates for everyone except the baby, who stays seated on her father's lap as he eats.
On the menu this morning seems to be fried rice and eggs, with various fruits as sides. The fruits laid out for everyone else were by Tajau, as the general was eating all of the remaining fruit from his bag by himself.
It was quite a lively meal, with conversations happening all throughout. Nirou tried to remember the last time he had been present for such a pleasant family meal. He stopped trying when he realized he may not have ever.
Sahla ate little, and excused herself first. She headed back upstairs, waving to Laska as she left. A while after that, Almadju finished his meal and got up from the table.
"I can't waste any more time, I must be present for morning drills." he said, making for the door. "Also, I'll be back late tonight."
The young man made haste to leave, and Nirou could hear him flying down the stone footsteps away from the house. Afterward, Sahla came right back down.
"We're clear, Father." she said, confusing Nirou and even Laska.
"Right, then we can get down to business." the general declared, scarfing down the last of his fruit. "Laska, I know you said you've got plans that you need my help for. As much as I would love to throw everything aside to do so, the timing is not entirely favorable. You see, I have plans of my own already in motion that may require you to hold on a bit longer."
"Plans of your own? What plans are you talking about?" Laska inquired of the general, who gave a familiar grin back before responding.
"Nothing less than plans of revolution."
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