《Eden Virus》Eden Virus 2: Intermission


“Prez, are you alright?” Takuya asked as he hastily pulled out a handkerchief and tried to wipe the blood from Kenjirou’s eyes.

“Don’t worry about me. It’s just a scratch.”

As he moved his hand away, the bleeding has already stopped, and the cut had already closed up.

“That girl, she’s completely different from everyone else. She’s broken free and could see us, but might not be infected yet? It’s too strange, we have to go after her.” Takuya prepared to give chase, but he was stopped.

“Wait! Don’t do anything rash.”


Kenjirou pulled out his phone.

“Mitsuhide, it’s me.”

From his phone popped out a projection of a live chat. On the other side of the screen was another male student, his hair tied to a ponytail, rubbing his eyes as he yawned and adjusted the ascot on his uniform.

“Yeah, what’s up Kenjirou?” He replied in a sleepy voice. “If it’s about that girl…Ryuuko, I think her name was? I’m already tracking her. I heard everything in your little exchange, and I must say, your diplomatic skill is just as bad as ever.”

“Just make sure nothing happens to her.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m on it.”

Kenjirou sighed as he closed the phone.

“So, what do we do now Prez?”

“For now, it’s best if we just observe her. If Mitsuhide is tracking her, hopefully we’ll be able to prevent anything from occurring.” He replied with a heavy sigh.

“Prez… alright then.”

“Come on, let’s go.”

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