《The Chosen: Colossus of Evil》Chapter 9
As she took to her routine Alisianna combed the woods out by the Silverspire city, off in the deep woods in a clearing where a field of plains lay she spots Rain making weird and odd hand gestures with his arms. She stood by watching him wave them all different ways while saying the same words over and over again and it started to become quite humorous. She noticed him getting frustrated and annoyed; she had watched him in battle and even in his short time she noticed his rise in power and determination, she admired it about him and combing her dainty hand through her hair then resting it to her chin she wondered how he felt about being determined on other matters.
“What are you doing, catching birds” she laughed saying it loud enough for him to hear, Rain turned around and just a glimpse of her sight caused him to lose all focus, “I was uh…uh trying to re caste the spell Drakon did when he made that powerful fireball”
“How’s that working” she replied folding her arms head nodding a grin, “Not well” he responded with a grunt, she watched him and growing an interest Alisianna offers out if he wanted advice, “Please” Rain said surrendering the stage to her as she came out to stand by his side, “It’s looks like the motions your doing are similar to one we druids use for growth on plants” she pulled her cloak from her body dropping it to the grass and standing as he did she says “Try this”, Alisianna raised her arms to the air and shifted her hand at the wrists then moved them on an angle, but Rain lost focus to her hands when the movements she made caused her breasts to jiggle like ripples to a water pond. She ended the motion and then looked to him, “Now you try” she said crossing her arms looking to him, Rain scratched his head and with a absent minded look asked her to do it again, she turned to start the motion again saying “Now watch closely…and not at my chest” she ended smirking, “Sorry” Rain said watching only her arms and hands and performing she blurts it was fine. Rain copied her motion after she was finished and saying the words as Drakon did only brought to his fingers a minuet flame, it was small but distinctively there but as it flopped out from his hand did it get extinguished from the minor breeze before it landed to the ground. Rain huffed but not with frustration for it did work, he just needed more power, he tried again with more focus and this time a ball of flame erupted to his hand firing out igniting a tree nearby. “Hey you did it, I knew you could” Alisianna said and leaning to him as they both watched the flame grow bigger did she whisper “Now please put that out before I have to kick your ass, this is my forest you know” Rain moved quickly to stomp out the flames and looking to her she smirked “So Rain” she said rubbing her foot to the ground back and forth looking down at first “What is in store for your life after this is done”
“Probably death, for this task will most likely kill me before I see it through”
“I don’t think so and when you do defeat Colossus, what will be your plans, love maybe…to a woman” looking to her Rain knew the direction she was going but he had the thought drawn to his mind, he knew his brother held her close to his heart and if he did; Rain didn’t stand a chance. “By the way you weld your weapon I would have to say you have more in common with my brother than me”
“I caste spells too you know” she said coming to his side as she looked deep to his eyes with Rain’s pupils trying to escape anywhere they could just not at her.
“You share the same love for life he does, I can see it with all your actions”
“I can see the same in yours as well” she said drawing her finger along his face, pulling his attempt to shade his face back up to her, “I’m no hero Alise, I barely got through basic blade training, I find it useless just as useless as trying to save this city”
“There are good people who live here just as there are bad ones Rain” she said and he separated from her sight to gaze upon the city wall half faded by far sightedness, she looked as he moved watching him walk away, “Your brother thinks they’re worth a chance and I agree with him” she said to him as a sudden gust of wind caught the trim of his cloak whipping it in the wind.
“If I had my way and the power I’d burn this stone plague of filth to the ground…I thank you for your aid with my spell casting Alisianna, but in all fairness must I say that if mine and Cloud locations were reverse on our meeting, I probably would’ve snapped your neck” Rain surrendered looking back hoping that she came to him with a slap to the face. The scent she gave off was intoxicating and arousing to say the least which is part of why he left her side, she came closer to him looking him in the eyes.
“Now’s your chance, you hold the power of fire in your hands now, engulf me in flames” she ended with a pause, “Never Alise” Rain responded shocked at her request, “You’re a kind and beautiful soul…I couldn’t ever harm you” and the sentence brought a smile upon her face. She put her lips to his kissing him deeply and slow, then released the lock to slide her hand to his cheek side, “See what happens when you give souls a chance to prove themselves, I’ve got rounds to make but you keep practicing” she ended with him thanking her again and as he watched her walk away he knew he had a shot with her and for the utter lifelessness in him could he not figure out why he let her go.
Mid day approached the city and in the rising heat of a warm summer day, the gate guard patrol that were on duty were oblivious to the figure nesting under the elder aged trees. A figure approaches Drakon standing on a hill over looking the city by them and informs him that the ones he requested were captured and taken to the canyon where he instructed, Drakon nods with approval. Drakon then sends the body away and casts a shadow stalker to his presence. “Listen to me carefully, I want you to follow her and give her a stalkers profile to be feared upon, make her feel she isn’t safe nowhere but don’t kill her…not yet I don’t know her powers fully and she might be useful later” hearing this, the shadow bows and disappears away.
Back at the promenade Cloud takes Elanee to the tailor. “Hey watch with that rope, your supposed to measure me not feel me” Elanee bolts to the tailor
“It’s his job to get as close to your figure as possible Elanee” said Cloud standing in wait
“Yeah well close doesn’t mean to run your hand up between my thighs” suddenly she hears a voice in behind her (“Nice ass”)
“Cloud” Elanee barked
“What?” Cloud sparks in defense
“You’d better stay behind the curtain if you don’t want a fat lip” Elanee combated with Cloud completely stunned and confused, for he was behind the curtain.
“I am Elanee” Cloud defended again
“I heard you, the nice ass comment” she conciliated
“I never looked at your ass” Cloud defended with her giving him wary eyes.
“Well ok I have but not here and now” he stuttered out getting a little warm under the collar.
“You sure” Elanee questions concerned
“YES!” Cloud sparked again and moving her eyes to the ceiling and walls did she look around.
“You ok in there?” Cloud asked
“Yeah…I’m fine… Can we go” Elanee asked worried a bit
“Yeah were done here I think” Cloud said looking to the tailor who nods in agreement and they leave. Half way home she hears the voice again coming from a shadowed ally and ignores a sentence said by Cloud to run over and look in it. Running over Cloud asks what she is looking for “Nothing I guess I thought I heard something, did you hear anything just now?” Asked Elanee
“No” replied Cloud with a strange look on his face “Look you haven’t slept very well the last couple of days why don’t you go to the guard house and get a hot tea in you and go to bed” Cloud says with comfort and nodding she goes off, Cloud who was just interrupted by a guard goes off with him to see what’s the matter.
Elanee heads to her room and undresses into just a robe tied at the waist, and sits in a chair to read a book and drink a hot tea. Some time goes passed and startled awake she looked down to see her robe partially undone and with her breasts showing, she look around to see if someone was in the room with her but not seeing anything she tightened it up again and went to refill her drink. Going to refill her glass she is startled by the voice again laughing with an echo of a sound, which she heard earlier in the tailoring shop.
“Somebody there” Elanee says with a confused-scared look on her face
“Maybe; I don’t know why you cover yourself up you have such a nice body” the voice says and closing her robe to her neck she shouts “I don’t know what your want but you won’t get it from me”
“I’m already getting my satisfaction from you Elanee” it says again laughing, and running out of the room she runs into Cloud out in the hall scaring her to a scream.
“Hey you ok Elanee, I heard you yelling in there” Cloud looked at her half scared to death face
“There’s someone in my room, I think someone’s spying on me or something” Elanee said uneasy, going in there with a drawn sword Cloud checked the room using his sword to detect any thing and coming up empty he turns to her.
“There is nothing here Elanee are you sure you saw something?” he asks
“No but I heard something, I know I did” she said
“Well there’s nothing here girl maybe you just dreamed it, you have been busy the last few days why don’t you get some sleep, and to be on the safe side I’ll post a guard detail outside your door tonight ok” Smiled Cloud looking at her
“Thanks Cloud” she said but with still a look of uncertainty on her face, he leaves and she goes to bed.
Going into Dawns room he knocks “Dawn you up” Cloud whispers
“I’m praying Cloud” Dawn said sternly
“Sorry about that but I have a favor to asked” Cloud said
“Name it” Dawn replied seeing the concerned look on his face,
“Elanee was acting weird today in the promenade getting tailored, and again tonight in her room claiming something is watching her, I checked but saw nothing and I have to go check out a disappearance of some children I heard about today with Alisianna, anyways I was wondering if you could check up on her tonight just to check for any presences in there” Cloud explained
“Of course I can” Dawn said, “Is she alright?”
“Thanks and she’s fine, I think just stressed from the new task she was given” and smiling he goes to meet up with Alisianna.
Meeting up with Alisianna, Cloud and her check out the area, after a couple of hours they find a dagger on the ground by a wagon wheel of a side street in a dead end alleyway; matching up the symbol on the dagger to one known to Cloud well as the Nod clan symbol.
“Damn their persistent on pissing me off” replied Cloud picking up the dagger
“Well it’s too late tonight to ask around for any action that happened” said Alisianna
“We’ll have to start tomorrow, if they had taken them to the woods do you think you can pin point there location? (She nods) Good then I’ll ask around town tomorrow and see if I can get a lead” says Cloud bowing his head looking at the dagger “They’ll be sorry if they hurt those kids” Alisianna comes to his side smiles rubbing his shoulder lightly “They’ll be ok” she said and they walk off to the guard house.
Without any other problems until morning they all awake and start their day, Rain is researching in his room with his books, Cloud is asking around town about the children, Alisianna goes to the edge of the woods and calls animals to aid her in the search of the forest and Dawn and Elanee are heading to the horse stables to help break in a few wild stallions. The two girls get to the stallions when Artanis pops out of the shade of a roof by them and scares them.
“Sorry” he says “I’ve been following you guys for a few days watching you in the dark seeing how and what you do, pretty interesting stuff not to mention high ranking positions” he continues and with a quick reflex Elanee slaps him across the face’
“You pig how dare you!” Elanee said
“How dare I what? Not to mention owww!” Artanis questions while rubbing his cheek
“You’ve been spying on me in my room when I was undressing” she added
“Did you Artanis” Dawn asked
“NO! Well I followed you up to your room but not inside” Artanis defended
“Yes you did because you were whispering words into my ears that night about liking the view, and you always being around” Elanee continued
“Ok first no thief in their right mind would ever talk while they peeped on you getting naked nor after, it’s not our way so before you go blaming me let me prove my worthiness before the judgment please” Artanis said and thinking for a minute Elanee asked “Well what do you propose”
“How about I help you with the horses, you’re training them right”
“Yeah, but training some animals is a far cry from going to be good and second no more shadowing us, you walk beside us if you are with us not behind”
“Deal” Artanis says and the three start training.
After a full day of horse training they finally got them broken in for a start, walking back to the guard house Elanee covered in mud from a bucking accident close to a slough, she tells the rest to go ahead and after a bath in the lake she’ll catch up.
Cloud finished his search and coming up empty he meets up with Alisianna who has some interesting news, apparently there has been some activity recently down at the southern pass which hasn’t been used for some time. The tracks support that of some small children and larger men traveling on light feet. Figuring that it was the group they were looking for they armed themselves and head into the woods.
Stopping for a sec she taps Cloud on the shoulder and asks “Shouldn’t we get the others”
“We could lose their trail or the children could be harmed; I don’t want to take that chance and beside were going on your turf now they’ll be no match for us” Cloud explains and smiling to him she says “You know all these deeds you’re doing; when Rain said their all for nothing nor would they matter, he was wrong they do matter at least to me”
“Well thanks Alisianna and they mean a lot to me too, (he then sniffs) what is that fragrance “he concluded adding the smell smelt like roses or the like.
“Me; I smell like roses during the day and jasmine at night, part of my Nymph side” Alisianna said
“Smells nice” he said and riding off on horses did a silence arise to the two of them in travels, “Look Alisianna you don’t have to stay with me on this” Cloud said killing the quiet.
“Oh really Cloud I don’t mind” she replied
“I’m sure you have duties to attend to, I know you druids are kept very busy plus your husband would probably like to know where you are” Cloud said
“I’m not married” she replies quickly to him
“Your betrothed or lover then” Cloud refers
“No to both of those as well, plus anything disturbing this forest is my duty and this seems to rank high to my attention right now” Alisianna says trying not to blush.
“You have no one in your life” Cloud blurts out
“I have lots of people in my life holy knight!” she says calmly to him
“Sorry I didn’t mean it like that it’s just…” Cloud goes still thinking
“Just what” she says looking at him waiting for an answer.
“Well look at you, your beautiful, smart and caring…hard to imagine you’re not at some powerful male’s side”
“You mean to say that I couldn’t handle this work on my own, Paladin”
“I’m so sorry I only meant that I would’ve thought men would go to the ends of the world for your hand in love” he says getting a smile to her face
“Well who’s to say they haven’t and just haven’t returned” she said laughing, Cloud gave a chuckle and then the silence took over again but broke with her words this time.
“I just haven’t found the right one yet, someone who holds the same values as me, all I have found is the type that know me for my appearance and know so little about me that asking them for my eye color draws a blank to there minds, they rarely look that high up” she says
“Really…such men are pigs and I’m shock to here that they exist in the natural realm” Cloud says drawing a hard swallow while taking his own sight off her breasts.
“Just a thought” Alisianna says turning her face away from his “What color are my eyes” she asked
“I am not such a man Alisianna” Cloud defends politely
“And yet you avoid the question” Alisianna pushes on, Cloud then grows a straight face and looking at her long lightly flowing brown hair on the back of her head Cloud speaks calmly.
“They’re brown Alisianna, an autumn soft light brown and with the beauty that resides in your heart, mind and on your body, I would think any man would exchange their soul for one that would match yours” Cloud responded, getting a red glow to her face with yet an even bigger smile that she tried to conceal.
“And would you make such a claim, and change your soul” she asked
“I couldn’t give up my soul as tempting as such beauty is I have a higher calling that must be answered even if my life is empty of love, my duty to my clan and family hold my standards true on this path, I cannot fail them” he goes deep in thought and in so doing captures Alisianna’s focus to the point that a tree branch gets her hair caught in it, she cuts the branch off untangling her hair while still riding and says to Cloud.
“Such a sacrifice with not lose love to your life, there are those who’s seek such a hero in there dreams” she says
“But the path that I run on, such women of stature are not in” Cloud says to her with a little sadness, she then rides closer to him and looks intently at his face, “I think you look to hard Cloud, some are closer then you think” she throws out the double meaning to him which he fails to see and thanking her for the comment, she clear’s her mind of the quick lust and regains focus to the mission at hand.
Looking around for a while to make sure no one else was here Elanee slips her clothes off and dives into the water of the lake, swimming around for a while she is startled by the voice again (Think you’re safe now) it says and keeping only her head above the water in an attempted to cover up she desperately looks around for anyone who would be looking, the voice laughs and speaks (You won’t find me Elanee) franticly swimming for the shoreline she gets out of the water and goes to her clothes to find them missing.
“Where are my clothes” she asked
“Oh there around you’ll have to look” it speaks, and scared of someone seeing her she looks quickly around the trees and in bushes; skewering the brush and ground she comes up empty and engrossed deep in her search does she not even hear the steps of the cloaked figure approaching around the corner.
“Whoa- holy shit!” bolted Rain who was in the cloak, seeing Elanee’s naked rear blast around a tree to hide.
“Oh-my-god the one person I didn’t need to run into, did you see anything” Elanee gasp
“Uh no I closed my eyes when I saw parts of your body normally covered…what the hell are you naked for out here” Rain barked hiding behind his own tree from her view.
“Well it wasn’t to show you that’s for sure, you’re the last one I want to show this to, I was training horses and….never mind I was taking a bath and I heard a voice so I thought to get out and…and (Rain nods his head to want to hear more) and my clothes were gone”
“Wait a minuet someone stole your clothes” he asked
“Yeah and I know who” she said
“Who” he said
“Artanis Zen” she belted
“Well that’s not possible” he replied
“And why not” she stated
“Because he’s with Dawn helping her with some church rubbish to get in the good books a little more” he explained
“Well then I don’t know” she replied and laughing Rain turned to walk away “Wait Rain!” he stopped “You can’t leave me like this” she says having him stop holding a bizarre look to the tree Elanee was behind.
“And why not?” Rain replied
“Because (shaking her head) I mean to say could you help me find them please?” she asks in a quite young girl voice, and Rain shakes his head looking at her with incompetence then changing it to a nod he agrees, it takes a couple minuets but he locates them behind a bush close to the city limits and brings them to her, closing his eyes he hands them to her and she takes them swiftly.
“Your welcome” Rain states walking away again
“Thanks” she replies in a pleasant voice and hearing the laugh again she stops Rain again “Rain, could I um borrow your cloak to use as a change wall…..please” and coming back rolling his eyes he goes to set up the wall with using his cloak to find that no two trees around are close enough.
“Um small problem it won’t fit any where” Rain said
“I can’t believe I’m going to say this (rolling her eyes) could you just hold it for me” she asked whipping his head around shocked Rain replied
“You want me to what!”
“Just hold it up, look I just. I just don’t feel safe being by myself right now ok I think someone’s bothering me so….please” Elanee said not believing the words that she just said, Rain looks down and shakes his head in disbelief of him agreeing to it, walking over to the open path across from her Rain lifts up his cloak reveling his well formed torso and black breaches, she walks up while quietly admiring his body frame and smiling to herself she looks at his eyes “Don’t peek!”
“Trust me I’m fighting the will greatly” he says very sarcastically and rolling her eyes
“I’ll have you know I’m very well formed for my size” as she throws down her clothes and dresses. They head back to the guard house and before they enter the door Elanee stops Rain and says “Um about before, let’s just keep what happened between us ok”
“Um sure” Rain said shrugging it off, going inside they part to their separate rooms. Elanee stopped at hers but Rain’s was farther down the hall. Elanee opens it slowly peering inside, seeing nothing a feeling creeps to her like hands rattling a cage she closes it and catches up with Rain.
“Can I ask a favor of you?”
“I think you’ve gotten enough favors from me for one night Elanee” Rain replied harshly, Elanee held a cowering face as she turned to go back to her room, his guilt hits him like a hammer bringing him to a halt “what would you like?”
“Just be around you for tonight, I won’t get in the way I promise” she weakly pleads to him, Rain turns slowly looking at her, no one ever voluntarily wishes to just be around him.
“Elanee what’s going on here you’ve been acting strange lately especially around me?”
Thinking for a sec on how to say it she just blurts it out
“I think I have a stalker following me, but no one else can see him, I hear him all the time but only when I’m alone and for the past few days it’s been happening and I’m getting really scared”
“You’ll be bored Marshal”
“I don’t care at least I won’t be alone”
Sympathizing for her a bit he lets her join him in his room and asked about what has been going on. She looks around his room in fascination on all the books, scrolls he had and alchemical product as well, taking to her hands a book Rain never had in use she peels through the pages for about an hour, sitting by him barely staying awake, sleep deprivation begins to cling to her as her body starts to shiver. Glancing over a couple times to see her shake Rain slides up closer to her throwing his cloak over her like a blanket, looking behind her and up to his face worried
“I’m just scared to fall asleep”
Truly feeling sorry for her Rain stared to her worried look
“I won’t let it get you, you have my word” and smiling for the first time at him she asks what he’s researching about. Turning to explain the first bit of what it’s about Rain asks if he’s going to fast and looking over to her Rain sees Elanee fast asleep using him as a upright pillow. He keeps quiet and a sharp look out for this creature that has been haunting her.
She awakes from a gratifying sleep that was fit for a queen and sitting up she notices an arm draped around her, turning around she sees Rain asleep beside her and lifting his arm to put it off to the side brings to young sorcerer alert, getting up quickly from her side he looks at her franticly “I’m sorry I fell asleep”
“It’s ok Rain nothing happened” Elanee said getting up trying to shrug the good vibe given off and at the door of his room leaned in Dawn
“Awe how cute you guys are bed buddies”
“I can explain this Dawn” interrupted Rain
“Calm down I know why you did it and frankly I’m impressed I didn’t think you had a sympathetic bone in your body “Dawn smiled
“Well you know I like to keep people on their…..”and suddenly before Rain was done talking he was hit by something and blown over his study desk onto the floor, being hit a couple more times around the room Elanee hears the voice again (You thought you could hide from me with another)
“It’s the voice again” Elanee cries
“That stalker thing” Rain questions getting to his feet slowly after the third hit “Wait that’s it!” he said again “Dawn cast a see invisibility spell on the room”
She does and reveals a shade it the left corner of the room “Oh my god” Elanee says
“A shadow stalker” replies Rain and throwing magic missiles at his walls trying to hit it while blowing books off the shelf as the girls throw their arms up in defense of flying objects. The shadow pushes the girls out of the way and runs out of the room disappearing again when out of the spells reach.
“Damn it I missed” said Rain, coming over to him and giving a big hug of gratification for him Elanee looks at him “Rain are you ok” she asks watching Rain suddenly collapse on the floor, getting him to his bedroll and coming around again Rain asks why Dawn was there in the first place.
“Cloud hasn’t come home yet and I’m worried about him and Alisianna” she said
“Well let’s go get them “said Rain and trying to get up but fell back down in pain
“You’re not going anywhere Rain” Dawn announced
“What’s wrong with him?” question Elanee
“When your hit by a shadow you life force is taken temporarily leaving you weak, if enough force would have been taken it could kill him, he would turn into one himself, he’ll be ok in about a day or so but he can’t go with us, I wonder where Artanis is?”
“Right behind you” Artanis spouts “I heard the commotion and came to see what happened”
“Artanis can you go with my sister and Elanee and find my brother and Alisianna we think they’re in trouble” Rain inquired
“No I will stay here” Elanee reassessed
“No they could use an extra hand out there Elanee you go with them I’ll be ok, I can hold my own” Rain reassured her and Dawn grabs a stone from her belt and cast the spell of seeing invisibility on it and gives it to Rain
“This will let you see it if it comes back” Dawn said giving it to him he takes it and tells them to make haste to find Cloud and they leave, Elanee takes one more look to Rain before leaving the room and he again reassures her he’ll be ok, she nods and moves to catch up with the others.
Reaching a fissure deep to a canyon at the edge of the forest Cloud and Alisianna arrive at the location where a wolf told Alisianna the children were.
“Is this the place Alisianna?” asked Cloud
“Yep” she replied and looking around for a time, finally locating the children tied to a tree but not seriously injured, moving quickly to untie them and check their injuries Cloud is tapped on the shoulder repeatedly by Alisianna
“In a sec(Tap)…one more sec(Tap)… what” says Cloud turning around to see a giant-like creature ten feet tall, grey in color and hairless the massive beast was muscle toned from top to bottom with arms dragging to the ground like an over sized gorilla. Six eyes it carried to it’s cranium that stared a deep focus toward them, drawing his sword slowly Cloud tells Alisianna to lead the children to a safe place while he covers their escape. Backing up slowly does the creature see Alisianna moving back toward the children, but misses the act of her casting heavy cloud cover to the sky around the area.
Moving quickly through the forest the three in pursuit of Cloud and Alisianna see the storm building from the peaceful calm sky they knew was a second ago and change course to follow the changing weather.
Uprooting a tree, the creature begins swinging it like a bat aiming at Cloud, nearly being hit every time Cloud attempts to slash the beast with no sign of it doing any damage. Suddenly a massive bolt of lightning from the sky hits the beast causing him to stumble backward missing a clear shot it had at Cloud. Alisianna gets to Cloud’s side to see if he is alright, nodding with assurance Cloud gets to his feet and engage the beast a second time with the druids added aid.
“I think I see them,” cried Dawn running out of breath coming to the fissure clearing.
“I’ll hit the tree tops and see if I can help them sooner,” said Artanis heavy to breathe and with agreement, he takes off into the treetops with great haste.
Slamming into a tree trunk Cloud hears his arm dislocate and his sword falls to the ground, grabbing it with his other hand he looks up to see Alisianna losing her balance with just standing, “You alright Alisianna “
“I’ve caste to much, it’s draining me” she heaves with a gasp, Cloud’s eyes go big with horror “Alisianna HEADS UP!” shouted Cloud to see the tree bat hit her center in the chest sending her airborne into the bushes, running over hastily Cloud gets to her side and laying his sword down he pulls her head to his lap, blood runs from the corner of her mouth and her right arm looked broken, lifting her tunic a bit but keeping her covered he looked to her bluish coated stomach, showing signs of internal bleeding. Seeing she was unconscious was a massive shadow suddenly cast over them and to the air did a great stink come to Cloud’s nose.
Cloud knew without looking it was the beast, holding his tree up in the air the beast draws all his strength about to swing when Artanis leaps from a tree onto the shoulders of the beast, with a quick sword move he embeds one blade into the neck of the creature and being thrown off does he land like a cat on his feet with his hands to the hilt of the second blade still sheathed
“Move around or you’ll be hit for sure Artanis” yells Cloud
“That’s the idea” replied Artanis smiling
“Huh?” questioned Cloud and watching the swing of the bat from the beast does Artanis dodge the swing, gripping the club as it went by he climbs it like the tree it was, reaching the underbelly of the beast and standing to balance himself off the arm he climbed to Artanis draws his other sword and strikes it in the jaw sending his steel through the skull of the beast. Weaving back and forth like a pendulum the creature finally hits the ground face first throwing Artanis a fair distance away, but again landing on his feet he comes over to Cloud while flagging the girls to their location.
Arriving immediately does Dawn start healing the wounds of Alisianna, tense moments go by until Cloud sees the sight of the druid again look upon him; smiling he tells her not to speak and that she’s going to be alright. Dawn with Elanee beside her mend and bandage up Alisianna to a walking capability while Cloud goes over to Artanis who is attempting to pull his swords out of the beast.
“Damn it it’s jammed” said Artanis trying to get he second sword free
“Allow me” said Cloud coming over and with his one good arm releases the sword form the skull of the beast with a quick swift twist, “Thanks, I’d leave it behind but I love these swords” huffed Artanis sheathing the second one and with a smile of gratitude he hugs Artanis
“Thank you for this; for coming for us, we’d be meat scraps right now if it wasn’t for you three (looks around quickly again) hey where’s Rain” questions Cloud
“Well it turns out that the stalker bothering Elanee was a shadow demon and Rain fought it off but got hit a couple times and the hits brought about a weakness effect to his body, he’s resting it off but don’t worry he’s fine” Artanis said with insurance to his voice, and with a comforted nod the group gets moving with the children again safe back to the city.
The next day Cloud walks towards the temple from being asked to help unload a big supply shipment when he spots Dawn getting help from Artanis, he watches for a time and seeing a gleam to Artanis’s eyes when he looks to his sister, Cloud then approaches.
“Thanks for the help Artanis” says Dawn taking in a small box to the temple.
“Hey it’s what I do,” boasts Artanis taking the larger one; he walks to the temple steps when Cloud calls him over to the side, asking quickly to speak to him on a matter of concern.
“Now look Artanis, you have helped me so far, and you may not be showing any signs of evil intent but that doesn’t mean that a hidden agenda doesn’t still lurk within you”
“I assure you Cloud I mean nothing but good intention to you, Rain and Dawn” Artanis defends
“Speaking of Dawn (Cloud looks to she if she’s coming before continuing) let this be a warning to you ...friend, don’t move on her in any way unless she moves first, I may be on the outs with her right now but I will always protect her no matter how she feels about my actions, and if that means ending the life of a pretty boy demon like yourself…trust in me, I won’t lose any sleep” Cloud finished
“A thought of such nature has never crossed into my mind Cloud” Artanis said with fear looking at Clouds blade glowing dark green in representation that a demon was near.
“Let’s keep it that way shall we” Cloud says patting his shoulder leaving the steps.
“Look Cloud I may be demon on the skin but that’s how far the evil in me goes, believe me” Artanis says sternly
“You want to gain my trust…prove it and aid my cause” Cloud finalizes seeing a nod from Artanis’s head, Cloud turns to leave but stops when a strong voice hit’s his ears
“Cloud, you better tell me what I just walked in on, and now” Cloud bowed his head in him getting half caught and turning his sees Dawn’s heated stance with her arms folded
“Dawn I…”
“Please Cloud” Interrupted Artanis “surly she not suspecting you of guarding her personal life to close again as you told me before” Artanis responds shielding over Cloud’s actions.
“That is exactly what I was thinking Artanis, is it true?” she replies looking at Cloud focused
“Cloud was just telling me that I should take more direct action in wanting to help and offered me a chance to aid your team in cleaning the city” Artanis said and looking at him with an unbelievable look Dawn turns to Cloud.
“Cloud you are the oldest in our family and it’s protector but that doesn’t give you the right to run my life. If I find out that this was anything more; defeating Colossus with both hands tied behind you back will be easier than trying to regain my trust, of that I promise you…stay out of my personal life, Artanis was just being nice and that was all that is going on here alright” Dawn snaps and taking another box roughly to her grip she storms into the temple.
“Thanks Artanis, and I accept your little offer for help here in the city, look I’ll let you help her today” Cloud says walking away shaking his head at the fact he should’ve known better.
A knock comes to Rain’s door and opening it Rain sees Elanee standing there.
“You’re supposed to be resting up” Rain says seeing her in traveling wears
“It’s been a full day I think I’ve rested enough and I have also come to ask you about yesterday” she says calmly and looking with a growing look of worry to her face “You didn’t tell anyone about…you know…seeing me naked” she blurts off and shaking his head Rain turned from her view to go to his desk.
“And here it was almost gone thanks for bringing it up again, I’m sure the nightmares will continue for another night now”
“Well don’t let my repulsiveness make you lose sleep” Elanee snapped out “anyways that is not why I have come I have a question” half ending her speech, waiting Rain gestures his head to her “Well???”
“Could you train me in combat so that I can defend myself in the future?”
“You’re asking me? I’m a Sorcerer Elanee or did you fall on your way over here, those stairs can be slippery”
“You know what forget it, I thought maybe after recent events you might have grown some humanity in you but I was obviously wrong” and walking out Rain stops her with an
“Elanee Wait!” she stops and turns around, Rain moves from his table and walks around thinking.
“Look…I just wasn’t expecting you to ask me something like this but if you want me to train you…I can”
“Tomorrow at dawn or do you need your beauty sleep” Elanee adds holding a small smug grin.
“Tomorrow will be fine” Rain says still trying to fathom why she would asked him of all the choices
“Good” she says and turning to leave she turns around to looks at him again “Rain…thanks for doing this and for before I (stutters) I really appreciated it” Elanee ends with Rain gesturing to her for the first time a sincerely honest smile.
- In Serial116 Chapters
Queen of Devouring
Word Count: 388 850 and 1414 pages. (8-10k words per chapter) There should be a chapter every second week or so since I'm writing another novel as well. Synopsis: Do you fear shadows? Elena was born of shadows. Although her name means exactly the opposite of it, is there a shadow without a bright sun? But she soon had to find out that there was an apocalypse, and she was supposed to be the evil monster against the humans. The humans, who were mere mortals not long before her birth. Little did anyone know that she was a legendary creature, who had nothing to do with the apocalypse, which reason of was unknown. What was it? That was something everyone wanted to know. There was a reason for her birth, though, which must stay a secret. Will she find her own goals as well or has she no way to stop before her final destination? Follow her blood and manipulation filled path to see. ------------------------------ My Discord server: https://discord.gg/XMSzDPH I thank BlackStarLine and CounterOfKills for helping me editing my chapters! :) ----------------------------- I hate tragedy, rape, and NTR, so you are never going to see either of those. P.S:. I downloaded the cover picture from DeviantArt. All credit goes to its original owner. Madelyn Black re-colored their eyes. I thank her for that. :)
8 156 - In Serial9 Chapters
Royal Sorcerer
November, cold with the dreadfully wonderful possibility of snow. I'm not sure why the portal opened up in our parking lot but I felt it the moment it did. When it blossomed into existence I felt a wave of ethereal energy wash over me. As this energy rushd into me I felt it innately like an extension that had always been there, ready to answer to my demand. I felt empowered like I had been dying of thirst my whole life without knowing it and finally I had the energy I never knew I needed as it filled every cell of my body. It all felt like a dream. My whole life I have been a nerd of fantasy games and books. Here was my opportunity.
8 224 - In Serial7 Chapters
[19:27] Oxymoronic: Ever heard of escape room games? [19:30] Oxymoronic: You know, those places where you pay a hundred bucks to get locked in a room with impossible puzzles. Impossible for you, that is. Your smartass friend inevitably figures them out in seconds while you're sitting there dumbfounded, wondering where your money went. [19:31] Oxymoronic: Or maybe you are that smartass friend. [19:33] Oxymoronic: Well, I played an escape room game that even all the smartasses in the world couldn't have figured out. [19:35] Oxymoronic: I could have written a novel about what we have come to call the Babel Maze. But frankly, I'm not much of a writer. I'd much rather prefer to let the forum archives speak on their own. [19:36] Oxymoronic: Might take a few months to upload all this. Lots of clutter, lots of spam. Cleaning all this is going to be a nightmare. [19:38] Oxymoronic: That's just what internet janitors like me do.
8 189 - In Serial62 Chapters
In 2082, the world ended. The world was engulfed by the flames of nuclear war. That doesn't mean anything to the almighty Dopeman! He survived then, he'll survive now! The Dopeman is a legendary courier, they say. He will deliver any package, anywhere across the destroyed landscapes of America! However, it seems this famous figure has a strange past, Especially when he's tasked to supply a war he doesn't care about...
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An Afterlife Odyssey
A dead lady, in love with the fantasy of a demon -- or maybe it is no fantasy. Anyway, death is only the beginning, as there are whole world(s) to explore!
8 188 - In Serial9 Chapters
Essence Academy
Adrian Valdanes, a young master of a disgraced noble family has one goal. To restore his family to former glory and learn everything he can about magic from the most elite mages academy in the kingdom.
8 67