《An Unusual Town》Chapter 22: Meeting



Walking into my office I saw the 'Resident' sitting in the chair Terry drug over earlier. I walked over to my chair and sat down this was going to be a long conversation.

"Good evening Kaz. I am glad you are back." A white toothy smile could be seen from the shadow of the cloak.

"As am I. It would appear that if I had been gone any longer there would be war in the streets."

"Hahahahahaha, well there is nothing you can do about that. You had been here since the town was created never taking a day off. Suddenly leaving like that can cause a lot of problems that no one knows how to fix."

"Is that so? I heard that you caused some problems yourself. Specifically with the Gremlin kids."

"Well, that just happened. I decided that I should be the one to give out punishment to those naughty children."

"Causing one of them to die from fright was taking it a bit far."

"I will admit that the death of the Gremlin child was unintentional. However I still believe that it was the right action to take."

"Sigh, I see..."

"However I am more interested in how you are able to do that ridiculous amount of paperwork so quickly." The 'Resident' looked around the room. "I don't see a single piece left."

"It's not that hard once you figure out what each piece is for."

"Is that so? I would of never been able to finish all of that."

"Heh, that's just because your not used to it."

"Coming onto another topic, how was your vacation?"

"It was so so. I took the time to try and solve some of the mysteries behind the Zombie epidemic."

"Oh, and?"

"Well I was able to confirm some things. The Zombies were in fact raised through Necromancy and their immortality came from Alchemy. Specifically the Elixir of Life."

"That is very interesting. If so then why does it spread? A potion would normally only effect on the person that took it. I also do not believe that something like that would work on someone already dead."


"I have some answers to those questions but not all. I meet with a renowned Alchemist. He believed that it was possible for it to effect an already dead organism. However the Elixir itself only worked after he added something to it and he never shared what it was. That would mean the Terry was working off of the original recipe. The only thing I can think of is that the potion mutated and mixed with the Necromancer's magic causing the potion to change."

"Hmmm, that is possible."

"I will find out when I get the results back from the Undertaker."

"Oh ho, you are going to have Mori look at it?"

"Yes, she is the only one with enough knowledge to do this."

"True, I do not think anyone else has anywhere near the amount of experience as she does."

"'Resident' I hate to change the topic but something troubling has come up. The Court of Life has taken a profound interest in the Zombie epidemic."

The 'Resident' frowned and leaned back in the chair. "This is truly troubling. How much do they know?"

"Not much. They've put Constantine Dracul in charge of it."

"Really? That is surprising. Why would they do that. Do they not detest the dead?"

"Yes, but it they said that it is because he is closer to what the Zombies are and should be able to figure it out."

"Hahahahahaha, Did he do something to the Court?"

"Sigh, no his son his currently chasing the King's daughter."

".... Are you serious?"


"Heh, well know that is interesting. If I am not mistaken his son is a Dragon and a Vampire combined. Oh I bet the King is extremely annoyed about this. He has always had a thing against hybrids. Especially when it involves a meeting of Life and Death. Oh, how I wish to see his face."

"Well you may get your wish soon." The 'Resident's' joy disappeared.

"That is true. Why must you ruin my fun. Sigh."


"Now, now it's only the truth. Plus you know the saying be careful what you wish for."

".... You are enjoying this. But let me remind you that the King does not like you either."

".... And I am the joy killer?"

"This town has stayed under the radar so far, but when it is found because of this incident, many people will suffer."

"Sigh, you're right. We'll have to be careful. Thankfully Constantine is a friend of mine so he will keep as quite as possible about Shadow Wood."

"Hm, than that just leaves us fining a way to eradicate the Zombies before the Court of Life finds out to much."

"I already found out that they can be frozen and unable to move but they still live through it. It would only take them thawing out and they would be back to destroying things."

"So they can be frozen. Interesting. Maybe this will buy us some time."

"Maybe... I heard about a place not far from here that is called a 'Sanctuary' by the Humans. I've sent Corey to investigate it. Maybe they have some useful information."

"It is worth a try. If they can build a 'Sanctuary' then maybe they found a way to fend them off."

"That is what I'm hoping for."

"Hmm, well this is quite a puzzling situation we are in. If you do not mind I think I will head out for a walk."

"Sure do as you will. I'll keep you up to date as I get more news."

"Well then good night. Oh, and a little bit of information for you that I am sure the Council did not tell you for fear of their pitiful lives. A turf war is about to brake out in town."


" I am not sure who it is but if you want more information then you should see Mori. I am sure she knows. Hehehe, Good Night."

"Are you kidding me? Sigh..." I leaned back in my chair and stared at the ceiling. [ A turf war? So it didn't matter how long I was gone a war still broke out. Sigh... I feel like I am forgetting something. ]


Character List

Spoiler : Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Self proclaimed 'Green Spirit'

'Embodiment of forest'

Past names: Mor, Amke

Terrry - Necromancer

Cause of the Zombies

Kaz's Assistant


A Bosh

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt

Friend of Kaz

Farries the Dead to the Underworld

Replacement Mayor

Door to the Underworld

Lisa - Cat Sidhe

Kaz's secretary

Has a crow familier named Eitilt

Ali Baba - Witch

Twin Sister to Baba Yoga


Baba Yoga - Witch

Twin Sister to Ali Baba


Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant



Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

Golems (created by Van)

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad



Inta - Ali Baba's daughter

Usor - Ali Baba's Son

Clara - Little girl from National Park

Living with Kaz

Wood Elf

Akuji - Wizard

Head of Magic clan

Kraken Family - 3 in total

Live in the pond

From Chaos dimension

Baby Loves Ice Cream

Badru - Head of the Library

Sphinx (Cheetah variety)

Translating Kaz's Book

Seth - Alpha of Werewolf Pack

Tasked with investigating Zombies

Loves animals (especially fluffy cats)

Constantine Dracul - Lives in a Castle

In the Court of Life

Husband to Juliana


Juliana Ann Dracul - Necromancer

Terry's Master

Wife to Constantine


Jared Dracul - Son of Constantine and Juliana

Chasing Viola

Half Dragon Half Vampire

Viola Heart - Daughter of the King of the Court of Life

Being Chased by Jared

Nicolas Flamel - Alchemist

1 of the Order of 9


Kaz's Stocker

Experiment maniac


Mori - Little girl dressed in white

Terry's friend

The Undertaker

Corey Einar - Elf

Lives in the Hidden City

King of Life - King of the Court of Life

Hates anything that is Undead

In a feud with the Shadow Assembly

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