《An Unusual Town》Chapter 18: Ice and the Unknown


Ice and the Unknown

I walked slowly through the snow covered forest. The white snow shimmered in the sun creating an ethereal effect. Enjoying the feeling of the forest and the biting wind I closed my eyes as I walked. There was no need to worry over others or solve problems here. A smile crept onto my face as I continued walking. Then I froze. A fox came out and stood in my way. It ruffled it's fer indicating to follow it. I frowned but still followed. The fox took us deeper into the woods next to a lake. There it sat and taped the ice. A small ripple ran through the water gathering in the center.

Ice splintered and swirled in a small storm slowly settling down reviling a crystal clear humanoid shaped figure. Her hair flowed in the wind despite being made of ice. Ice crystals branched out from her feet with every step she took. She stood in front of me and bowed slightly.

"It is an honer to have you visit this humble forest. Thank you for taking the time to come and see me."

"It has been a while since I have seen a Limnad." I smiled "I can see that the forest is strong and healthy despite the times."

"Thank you for the complement. I have tried very hard to keep it that way." She tilted her head to the side making the ice splinter a little before reforming. "If it is not to much trouble I would like to make a report to you." I frowned. "Lately there have been strange creatures disturbing the forest. They go and attack anything that moves creating unrest in my family. I have done my best to keep them at bay but I am afraid that once the season changes I will no longer be able to do so."

"I see... How are you keeping them at bay right now."

"I freeze them. It is something I have done before when people came to chop wood from the inner forest and it seems to work on them too. However I can still feel that they are alive despite being frozen. I fear that as soon as the season changes and they start to thaw they will just continue to kill my family."


"Can you show me these frozen creatures?"

"Of course. Please follow this fox he will show you where to go. I hope that you can do something about this. I worry for my family and the other forests if they are facing the same problem."

"I will see what I can do." I turned and walked away with the fox. We walked to the edge of the forest. The boundary was surrounded by frozen statues. In different sizes, shapes, and pieces. These were definitely Zombies. The fox barked and ran off back into the forest. [ Thank you for guiding me.... ] I turned back to the Zombie statues.

Curiously I walked up to the frozen Zombie. As I got closer it gave out muffled moaning sounds showing it to be alive and well. However completely unable to move. I smiled wickedly and started to taunt it and the others by poking them with sticks. Soon I was bored by their lack of reaction due to being frozen. [ What would happen if I ripped an arm off?? ] I walked up and pulled the arm of the Zombie statue off with a horrible cracking noise. Nothing happened not even a moan of pain. [ Boring... ] I through the arm down into the snow. [ At least we know that they are effected by the elements now. Sigh what a boring discovery. ] I trudged my way back into the forest. [ Tsk, now even the forests are bothered by the Zombies. Terry had better have some results to show when I get back. ]

I had sent Jared back to his parents a couple of days ago so that I could wonder the forests in piece but now it was time to head back to Shadow Wood. Smiling I closed my eyes. With every step I took the forest slowly changed to a tall red wood one. The smells and noises changed from a quite snow pine forest to a green noisy one that welcomed me with a maze of trees and chirps of birds. I opened my eyes to see my forest greeting me.


(Terry POV)

I sat in my basement working on a commission from the gremlin mother. One her kids had died of terror while being held captive by the 'Resident'. I worked slowly but steadily on the circle that was needed to conducted the spell. I had decided to use the strongest one I knew because of how he had died as well as who killed him. I wasn't really sure this would work due to the killer being the entrance to the underworld but I hope it would let it pass.


I finished the last line on the circle then sat back to admire my work pleased with how it turned out. [ Bwahahahahahaha Not even the God of the Dead himself could defy this circle!] "Bwahahahahaha!!!"

"Terry guess what!!" I jumped as banging noises came from the stairs as some one ran down. The door slammed open to show a sweet little girl dressed up entirely in white with a giant smile on her face.

"What? Did one of your cadavers come to life on its own?"

"Nooo!" She pouted

"Oh too bad I was hopping so badly that that would happen to you creepy old hag."

"Terry your so mean. While I might be old at least I'm not playing with death! Anyway you'll never guess so I'll just tell you. Kaz came back!"


"Kaz came back!" She was jumping up and down with excitement. "What do you think he will do when he sees the Town. There have been so many new improvements!"

"Improvements? No not improvements more like remodeling. There is a giant hole in the middle of town, and there is about to be an all out turf war."

"I know right. Won't it be fun. Plus I like the new holes in town. It makes walking around more fun! I'd say that they were improvements."

"I see well I guess they could be considered improvements.... Bwahahahaha I can't wait to see his face. Mori what do you think is going to happen?"

The little girl Mori tilted her head in confusion. "I don't know."

I smiled brightly. "That's true. Hey do you want to help me with this?" I pointed to the dead Gremlin child.

"Ewww! No! I only like to make the dead look pretty not bring them back. Do it your self." With that she turned and stomped her way out the door.

"Bwahahahahaha, this will be so much fun. Lets hurry up and revive this child so I can see Kaz."

I turned back to the circle and started my chant:

Cerberus, curator of silenti,

sino phasmatis venire contra mihi.


radix quod causa of vita,

commodo adeo suffragium mihi in meus negotium.


I'm sorry for the very late update I had a bit of writers block. Also if you have any questions about words or creatures just leave a comment and I'll try to answer it as long as its not about what Kaz is of course. Hope you enjoyed.

Character list

Spoiler : Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Self proclaimed 'Green Spirit'

'Embodiment of forest'

Past names: Mor, Amke

Terrry - Necromancer

Cause of the Zombies

Kaz's Assistant


A Bosh

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt

Friend of Kaz

Farries the Dead to the Underworld

Replacement Mayor

Door to the Underworld

Lisa - Cat Sidhe

Kaz's secretary

Has a crow familier named Eitilt

Ali Baba - Witch

Twin Sister to Baba Yoga


Baba Yoga - Witch

Twin Sister to Ali Baba


Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant


Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

Golems (created by Van)

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad



Inta - Ali Baba's daughter

Usor - Ali Baba's Son

Clara - Little girl from National Park

Living with Kaz

Wood Elf

Akuji - Wizard

Head of Magic clan

Kraken Family - 3 in total

Live in the pond

From Chaos dimension

Baby Loves Ice Cream

Badru - Head of the Library

Sphinx (Cheetah variety)

Translating Kaz's Book

Seth - Alpha of Werewolf Pack

Tasked with investigating Zombies

Loves animals (especially fluffy cats)

Constantine Dracul - Lives in a Castle

In the Court of Life

Husband to Juliana


Juliana Ann Dracul - Necromancer

Terry's Master

Wife to Constantine


Jared Dracul - Son of Constantine and Juliana

Chasing Viola

Half Dragon Half Vampire

Viola Heart - Daughter of the King of the Court of Life

Being Chased by Jared

Nicolas Flamel - Alchemist

1 of the Order of 9


Kaz's Stocker

Experiment maniac

Mori - Little girl dressed in white

Terry's friend

The Undertaker

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