《An Unusual Town》Chapter 11 - The Library


The Library

I walked along the harsh mountain trail for the fourth day in a row. As harsh as it was, it was still better than having no trail at all. The sun shown down giving the feeling of warmth, but the harsh wind quickly got rid of it. Not for the first time I wandered to my self why I chose to climb through the mountain range instead of go around.

As I took the next step causing a rock to slid off the trail and fell down the side of the cliff collecting more rocks as it fell. I watched as the rocks turned into a mini rock slide. Then continued down the trail. [ Honestly who cut this trail? ] I sighed and thought back to six days ago.

I had been wondering around the town when I over heard some humans talking about kids disappearing at night. They had been talking about some ridiculous curse on the town. Don’t get me wrong I believe in curses but this one was just crazy. If I remember correctly the town was cursed by a witch do to the impoliteness of a child here. The witch said that all children who did not even know basic manners would be taken and eaten. Pfft, curse? More like a story to scare your kids into following the rules.

However from the way that the humans were talking seemed to indicate that the children were in fact missing. So I listened more only to hear some more nonsense. I don’t remember it all now, but it went something along the lines of a witch that goes around flying on a mortar?? and pestle??, has a house that runs and dances on chicken legs??, and something to do with this house lacking windows or doors. All complete nonsense of course. I had never heard of a witch this ridiculous, but the house they talked about was in the same direction that I was headed. So I decided to cross the mountains to see the witch.

This was already the sixth day of travailing down a mountain trail. I looked at the next stretch of the trail with gloomy eyes. The trail changed from having a cliff on one side and a drop off on the other, to having a drop off on both sides. Once across this part of the trail I entered a cave. The cave was pitch black making it a little difficult to see. In fact impossible if you were human, but that wasn't a problem as the path was quite clear ahead of me.

I walked out of the cave into a beautiful clearing filled with trees, flowers, grass, and a small little house. I examined the house a bit more from a distance. It was made of some sort of wood? I am not sure because it shown black in the sun light. The house also had many windows, which were open to let in the air. It did not look any different than a normal human house. It even had a small white fence. Not really for keeping anything in our out just more for decoration.

Following the stone path to the door, I knocked. “Coming!”I heard the clattering of pots on the other side. Then the door opened. Standing in the door was a young woman with waist length blond hair held back in a messy braid. She was wearing a simple green dress that had a cloth belt used to make her waist look smaller.

I smiled, “Hello, I was wondering if I could stay here tonight. If its not too much trouble. I have been hiking for the past six days and would like to stay out of the weather for at least one night before continuing on.” The woman smiled and looked at me a little closer with sharp blue eyes.

”You……are not human are you?” I froze. I was not expecting this question, but before I could respond she continued. “But of course you may stay the night. If you help me cook dinner then you may even eat.”


I tilted my head just a little, “Thank you... May I ask how you knew that I was not human?” I really wondered. I do not think that I had done anything to give it away.

She just looked at me with a puzzled look like I had asked a really stupid question. “No human would calmly approach my house after seeing my fence.”

“Why is that?” I was genuinely confused.

She laughed, “Because it is made of human bones of course. When someone sees that normally they would run or pull out a weapon of some sort.”

”Oh……Fences are not normally made of bones?” I had already seen many bone fences in my travels and figured that it was a normal occurrence.

”No, they are not.”

”I see. Well thank you for having me for the night.”

”No problem, I was starting to get bored from the lack of visitors. Come in. My name is Baba Yoga, but you can call me Baba. What is yours, and what brought you all the way out here?”

”You can call me Mor. As for why I am all the way out here…I was told to travel and explore the world. So I am doing that. I just happen to be here right now.”

Baba paused and studied me. “Well Mor, if you are in no hurry to leave you can stay here a few days. There will be an interesting show if you do.”

"Is that so? What o... Crash! I shot up in bed looking around for the noise. [ It came from the kitchen... ] Peeking through the door I saw Clara on the floor cleaning up some glass that had broken on the ground.

"Clara? What are you doing?"

She looked up at the door with a start. "I... umm..." Clara looked back down at the glass she held in her hand. "I wanted to make breakfast for us but..."

[ Sigh... ] "Is that so?" I bent down and picked up all the glass pieces. "I'll get the bowls down and you get the cereal. It is over in the pantry by the fridge." Clara smiled brightly and ran to the pantry to get the cereal.

We sat and ate our breakfast in silence. "Are you going to work today?" Clara was looking at her cereal so I couldn't see her expression.

"Yes, I have work every day and today is very important so I can't skip." Clara looked sad but didn't say anything. "Why don't you and Terry hang out together today? I'm sure that would be better than staying here the whole time."

She looked up in surprise. "Really? Doesn't Terry have work?"

"No he doesn't. I'll call him over ok?"

Clara smiled and nodded her head. We finished our meal and Clara went to get ready. I called Terry and asked him to take care of her for the day. It was better she stay with him and learn about the town more than just stay here, or wonder around by herself.

Terry and Clara left the house soon after. I went back to my room and looked out the window. [ Mor huh. It's been along time since I used that name. ] Stretching I got up and took a shower. Thanks to the water fae we still had running water in town. However the situation outside of the town was very dire.

Yesterday I had received a report from the silkies that went out on the rescue mission. It had stated that the outside word was over run with 'Zombies'. It was very hard to find any living human in the town and the few that they had found had been very spread out. None of them knew that the others were alive and did not have the confidence that they would live through this.


No one had found a way to destroy the 'Zombies' yet. So far the attempts that had been made had only slowed them down. Any limbs that were sever would turn to dust. Then in the place of the last one a new limb would grow. We did have some progress. The more extensive the injury the longer it took for it to regenerate.

However even though it regenerated what ever state the body was in originally that was the state it would stay in. To make matters worse even supernatural creatures could be affected by the 'Zombie's' bite. Most of the creatures managed to escape from the 'Zombies'. But how long would that last. My fear is that when a supernatural creature is turned into one it would still retain its powers.

I sighed and shut off the water. [ Why did that idiot have to make such complicated creatures. ] This was the first time I had ever seen something like this. The closest I had come was a witch that used blow fish poison to pretend that she could bring the dead back to life. They would come crawling out of the graves with a high fever making them delirious. The people would be hungry and in their delirium would make them attack people thinking they were food. [ I'll have Lisa find someone to investigate what the government is doing during all of this. ]

I frowned as I walked out side to head to the City Hall. [ 'Zombies' was it. Looks like I'll have to go to the library in my free time and do some research. ] The streets were crowded even though it was 7am. This was a normal thing since it was the last day before the full moon came out. That meant that everyone who was not a shifter had to get all their food for the next four days.

It wasn't safe to go out after today. I noticed a couple of people from Redroad in the crowed being shown what to do during this time of the month. Finally making it to the City Hall I headed to the office to get started on the preparation that needed to be done for the next four days and the morning announcement:

"Good morning Shadow Wood. I have some good news. The local 'Resident' has come to an agreement with me last night. He will no longer harm us over the incident with the 'Zombies'. However please follow all of the original rules when you go out at night as we are now headed into the time of the Full Moon.

Now because of the agreement with the 'Resident' we will have an increase in supernatural beings in our town. Since the Zombies are everywhere even the supernatural beings are having trouble. The 'Resident' decided that he would forget the incident if we allowed them shelter in the town. If anyone is concerned for your safety over this go see the Akuji Head of the local Coven. She will help you.

On another note the a Kraken, came through the portal yesterday and refuses to leave. It has taken over the park pond and the baby pretends that it is in the ocean attacking ships. Those of you who enjoy model boat racing I am sorry, please try to use a different location otherwise you will lose your boats. Also anyone that walks by the pond with ice cream will have it stolen. The baby Kraken tried some yesterday and can’t get enough of it.

Lastly since the wall was built there have been complaints of claustrophobia. I know that some of you are bothered that you can no longer get the fresh air that you need. In response The Council says this:

”All who dwell in the night and wish for the cool, quite air of the forest. Meet with us at the western edge of the wall. We will show you the way."

Please go the the western wall before you decide that it would be better to kill all those in your territory. We will all know that you are just feeling confined but you will trigger a turf war. Have a good day.

Your Local Leader,


Lisa walked into the office with a stack of papers to be gone through. She had her long black hair pulled back in a loose braid. As she sat down the stack of papers I handed her an envelop.

"Please deliver this to the 'Resident'. It can be delivered however you would like. Also can you get someone from the 'Hidden City' to investigate how the 'Zombie' situation is being handled outside of town." Lisa took it.


"Is there something you would like to say?"

" ...Kaz don't you think it would be a good idea to put Clara in school." My hand froze in the process of filling out one of the papers.

"Do you think so?"

"Yes. That way she can meet people around her age and learn about the world and what's in it. Also she will be gone during the day while your working." Her dark brown eyes watched me as she said this.

"Then she will start school. As you said it would be a good idea. What grade should she be in?"

"Based on her current knowledge maybe... 9th. Right at the start of high school."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Then please bring me the paperwork for that as well. Also see if you can come up with a more suitable place for Clara to live."

I turned back to the paperwork as Lisa left. There was more than usual today due to the full moon. Every shifter in town was taking the next four days off. There were a few exceptions like Lisa who did not need to shift at the full moon, but that was because she could shift whenever she liked. However most shifters were attached to the moon in a strange way. It didn't make since to me because the moon is always full. The light just changes the way it looks month round. However I wasn't a shifter so there was no way I would understand.

It became more dangerous around this time because the shifters let their beasts be more in control. They said it had something to do with the moon being closer making the beasts more active. With this excuse they take the next four days off. I finished off the stack of papers and got up from my desk.

I passed by Lisa as I headed out of the office. "If you need me I will be in the Library." She nodded than looked back down at her work.

The Library was only one block away from the City Hall. I walked to the information desk to ask Badru where to look for books on 'Zombies'. The desk was hidden down a long dusty corridor made of books. Badru looked up from his book when he heard me.

"I was wondering when you would come by again Kaz." He said while repositioning his steal framed glasses. "What can I do for you today?"

"Hi Badru, can you tell me where books on 'Zombies' are located?" His coppery eyes flashed with interests.

"Would this have anything to do with a recant event or just a personal interest?" A phantom smile played at his lips.

"Resent events. I am trying to figure out a way to deal with the 'Zombie' out brake that was caused by the Necromancer." Badru's spotted fur ruffled a little when he heard the word Necromancer.

"I see.... So it wasn't a natural cause... or would it be considered one? Anyway if that is the case you may not want to look up Zombies but on magic of the undead."

"Is that so? I thought since everyone seemed to know these 'Zombies' that that was what it was."

"No.... The Necromancer was the one who created them so it would have more to do with magic than science. Zombies are a scientifically created creature. As soon as magic is mixed in it becomes something else entirely." A book came floating past me to the desk. "This here is a book on raising the dead. I do not think that it will help get rid of them, but it might help you find some ways to get around them. From what I hear the Dead do not stay down. Then you might want something on immortality as well. Unfortunately I only have one book that might be on it and it is written in a language that I have never seen or heard."

A second book came floating past me to land on the desk. It flipped open to a random page to show it's contents. The book was written in a weird yet completely natural looking wording. The letters? looked like they had grown into the book as appose to printed on the paper.

"See what I mean." Badru's tail flicked in annoyance just from looking at it. "I haven't been able to translate it or find anyone who could. The only reason that I think it is about immortality is because it is written and printed in such a way. I don't even know how this book got here in the first place."

"Ahh... Ummm... Badru. That book is not about immortality."

Badru froze and looked at me sharply. "How do you know such a thing? Can you read it? Tell me!" He leaped over the desk knocking me to the floor and placed two paws on my shoulders. "Tell me what it says! I must know!"

"Badru." I said calmly. "Could you please get off of me?" As I smiled Badru calmed down and got off.

"I'm so sorry. I let my emotions get away from me."

"No problem." I straitened my cloths back to the way they were. "As for the book, I wrote it."


"I wrote it." He just looked at me confused so I continued. "This is a book of some of the 'adventures' I had over the years. I think I wrote this........ was it the Romans?....... Anyway sometime around the Roman empire."

"Kaz... Can you tell me how to translate this?"

"I don't see why not. However I'm not sure you would understand. That book was also just more of a diary about every day things."

Badru's eyes got wider. "Please teach me how to read this. I will do anything."

"....." I glanced down at the book on the table thinking back to the time I wrote this. "This is written in the language of the earth. I guess another way to put it is the language of nature. I don't know how much you will understand as you are not really a being of nature, but one created forcibly with sand and dust."

Badru frowned then looked at the book. "Is that so.... I understood that there would be somethings I could not do, but to not be able to read a book... Really this goes against my nature. A Sphinx yearns for knowledge and to have some that is unattainable is just tortures."

"I understand. It would be best to ask a nature spirit to come and help you translate it. For now... If you hand me a piece of paper I will write down the general lettering of this language. In the mean time can you locate some books on rising the dead and on 'Zombies'. I feel that I should at least know what these 'Zombies' are."

Badru handed me a piece of paper and a pen and then walked off deeper into the library. His tail was strait up giving away just how happy he was. [ Sigh... ] I sat at his desk and started on the general rules of the language. The words that I wrote in it would blend with the paper making it look like it was a natural part of the paper. While the letters and words in English looked like they floated hideously on top. Scaring the paper as time went on.

Badru came back just as I finished the paper. He handed me a key while looking at the writing. "The key goes to a room in the back. It will be private and has all the books that you have requested. Even the one that I brought to the desk here."

"Thank you. As asked I have the basic rules for the language. However it would be best if you got the help of a nature spirit as well."

Badru nodded but was already deeply engrossed in the information. I sighed and headed for the back room. The room was small and created a cozy feeling when you were in it. I sat at the desk that had ten books staked on it. Most of them were in random languages but some were in English. I decided to start on the books in English and got to work.


Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Self proclaimed 'Green Spirit'

'Embodiment of forest'

Terrry - Necromancer

Cause of the Zombies

Kaz's Assistant

A Bosh

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt

Friend of Kaz

Lisa - Cat Sidhe

Kaz's secretary

Ali Baba - Witch

Twin Sister to Baba Yoga


Baba Yoga - Witch

Twin Sister to Ali Baba


Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant


Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

Golems (created by Van)

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad



Inta - Ali Baba's daughter

Usor - Ali Baba's Son

Clara - Little girl from National Park

Living with Kaz

Wood Elf

Akuji - Wizard

Head of Magic clan

Kraken Family - 3 in total

Live in the pond

From Chaos demention

Badru - Head of the Library

Sphinx (Cheetah variety)

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