《The Villainess With No Happy Endings》Chapter Nine – My Dog Servant
I was in my house library studying and taking notes of things I didn’t understand so I could ask my tutor to explain it to me when we came at the usual time. I increased my studying time after I met that prick, Colton.
I had to take a deep breath as I remembered him and made sure to get my emotions under control. I don’t want to lose to that dick. I have to keep my studying up so he will not catch up with me. I would rather bite my tongue off than lose to that stuck up dick.
As I was reading through a book on the history of how magic came to be I heard the door to the library open. I didn’t bother looking up, assuming it was one of my servants here to leave me a little snack. After a few minutes of silence, I realized that the person who came into the room didn’t leave and I could feel them looking at me with intense eyes.
Looking up from my book with a little bit of curiosity I was surprised to see a boy instead of my servant. He looked to be older than me and tall as well. He was fidgeting in place as he looked at me with wide dark grey eyes. He had long lank blonde hair that seemed to reach to his waist and was put into a low ponytail. He also had a fringe that was brushed to one side of his face. He had golden looking skin that made him look like a really attractive person.
But the huge thing I should be focused on is the fact he had animal ears and a tail which was currently excitingly wagging behind him. I read about it in my book but I never thought I would meet a beastman in real life. How did they even get into my home?
“Who are you and how did you get in here?” I looked at the beastman with suspicious eyes, not trusting them at all. I was trying to figure out what spell would be helpful with taking him out when the door to the library opened again and Mae came in with a relieved look on her face.
“There you are, Sybil! I was looking all over for you. But here you are with Aurelia. You didn’t bother her during her studies did you?” Mae went up to the beastman and petted his head with a gentle smile on her face. The boy, Sybil, nuzzled into Mae's hand as she did that and I felt a fit of sharp jealousy go through me as I watched this.
“I’m sorry if he bothered you, Aurelia. This is my son Sybil. I told you about him before but now you are meeting him.” Mae had a happy smile on her face as she introduced her son to me. I was holding onto my book tightly as I looked at her son still feeling jealous.
‘He's going to take her away from us. Why is he here? He must want her to leave us by ourselves! He can’t do that! Kill him! Get rid of him! He is trying to take her away from us!’ The voice in my head came back again and I could feel myself getting cold as I looked at Sybil with indifferent eyes. I couldn’t help but want to get rid of him. This urge was so strong that I was worried I may just lose control of me.
Before anything did happen, Sybil got away from Mae who was petting him, and came toward me. I slowly moved away when he got to his knees in front of the chair I was in and looked at me silently. After a few minutes of silence, he gave me a huge smile and rubbed his face into my legs. His tail was hitting the ground quickly as he continued to rub his face into my legs.
“You're so pretty… Are you a goddess? So pretty…” Sybil was mumbling this as he rubbed his face into my legs. I tried not to kick him when I felt his breath touch my legs. I was just wearing a ruffled blacktop with my usual ribbon around my neck with short pants that went to my knees.
“Sybil! Don’t just go up to her and do that! It is not proper!” Mae put her hands on her waist as she looked at him in disapproval. Sybil stopped rubbing his face into my legs and got up from his knees but instead of going back to his Mae side, Sybil went to hug me into his arms and rub his face onto my hair now.
My body was tense as I froze at the sudden hug from this stranger. I didn’t know what to do about this. The only people who usually hug me are Eli and Mae. I could feel myself going cold the longer he hugged me.
“Sybil! What did I tell you about respecting people's personal space! You can’t just hug someone without making sure they are okay with it.” Mae went up to Sybil and grabbed him by his animal ear and dragged him away from me.
“But mom! I want to hug her! She is my goddess and I want to be close to her!” Sybil was trying to hug me again but flinched when Mae pulled at his ear again. I didn’t know how to feel about the look he was currently giving me. No one looked at me with such admiration before and I don’t know how I should feel about it.
“I’m sorry about him Aurelia. My husband had something he had to do and the usual person who took care of him was busy as well so I decided to bring him along with me today. I hope it isn’t too much trouble.” Mae gave me an apologetic look as she continued to hold Sybil's ear as he continued to try to hug me again.
“...I don’t mind. Things like this happen sometimes and you can’t control when it does happen.” The jealousy I was feeling was slowly going away and I slowly decreased my hold on my book.
“Well, I am going to make Sybil follow me around and hel-.” Before Mae could finish what she was going to say Sybil got freed of her hold on his ear and hugged me again but this time he made sure he was facing Mae.
“Mom, I want to become her servant, can I?” I felt my head go blank as soon as I heard him ask Mae that and I tried to understand what was going on currently.
“What are you saying! You barely can clean up after yourself at home! How can you take care of someone else?” Mae frowned at Sybil with a disapproving look in her eyes.
“Then I can train to be her servant! You can even set a deadline for when my training can end to see if I am good enough to be her servant!” Sybil didn’t back down from wanting to be my servant and increased his hold on me.
“Fine.” Mae let out a tired sigh as she rubs at her forehead, not wanting to argue with Sybil about wanting to be my servant anymore.
“Yay! I get to be with my goddess. I will be the best servant you ever had!” Sybil lowered his face near mine and started to rub his cheek against mine with a happy hum.
I was just silent as this happened, not fully understanding how this all turned out. I really can’t believe I will have Mae's son training to be my servant. This is way out of my control….
Day One Of Sybil Training
I was sitting in my room doing an assignment that was given to me by my teacher. I was focused on finishing my work when I heard the door to my room open without anyone announcing themselves to me. I was surprised at this happening and looked up to see who was here.
Standing in my room with tea and snacks for me was a smiling Sybil. He was currently wearing a uniform that all of my male servants wore as well but he had a couple of buttons undone and his necktie was badly done. Seeing as it may have been his first time wearing clothes like this I paid no mind to how he was dressed.
“I brought your usual tea and snack, Lady Aurelia.” Sybil pushed the cart with the drink and snack towards me. I could see that his tail was wagging fast behind him as he got closer to me. I didn’t bother to question why he called me Lady Aurelia and went to put up the tea that was poured out for me by him.
As soon as it touched my tongue I quickly spit it back out and immediately started to cough. Why is it so salty?! I could hear Sybil's concerned voice calling out for me and him quickly running out of my room. I could hear him re-enter my room and hand me another cup. I quickly drank it and felt thankful it was water.
“D-Did you mistake the salt for sugar?” My voice was a bit hoarse as I asked Sybil this. Sybil's ears were lower on his head and his tail hung low as he realized he probably did do that with the tea.
“I will also throw out the sweets I brought for your snacks… I use salt for them as well. I will ask for someone else to make you something to drink and eat.” Sybil pushed out the cart with a depressed cloud covering him as he left the room.
I could only let out a sigh, knowing that his training to be my servant will be a really hard thing, for both of us. I hope it doesn’t get worse than this….
Day Five Of Sybil Training
Eli was currently in my room as he went through my closet and helped me pick out clothes I would not be wearing anymore. For some strange reason he wanted to take the clothes I would no longer be wearing. Even though I found that weird I decided to let him keep them, they weren’t mine anymore.
“Lady Aurelia! I made some sweets for you! This time I made sure I used sugar instead of salt.” Sybil came into my room without knocking again and I could only let out a sigh at this habit I knew I had to fix.
“Sybil, you have to knock before coming into my room. I would rather you not catch me in an indecent moment.” I gave him a disapproving look at him and he could only lower his ears in shame at that.
“What type of sweets did you make for me?” I gesture for him to come towards my bed I was currently sitting on so I could see what type of sweets he had on the cart for me.
“I made some cookies! I even decorated them with frosting I made myself.” Sybil eagerly pushed the cookies he made towards me and I tried not to show any reaction when I saw the cookies…. They looked like me but the cookie me looked nothing like me. I don’t have such a cute expression on my face!
“..What interesting design on the cookies…” I picked up a cookie that was me blushing and holding a heart in my hands. I bit the head off quickly so I couldn’t see the unsightly expression of me on the cookie anymore. I raised an eyebrow in surprise at how good the cookie taste.
“From your expression, I have a feeling you like it. I am so happy about that!” Sybil quickly got to my side and tried to hug me but to my shock, Eli was by my side and got hugged by Sybil instead.
“Oh? Who is this sweet looking beastman? Are you a friend of Aurelia or something? If you are not her friend why are you trying to hug her?” Eli's voice was a bit weird as he spoke to Sybil whose happy expression immediately became cold.
“Oh, you must be the childhood friend. I didn’t see you there. I mean I am surprised Lady Aurelia can even see you with how short you are…” Sybil let go of Eli with a disgusted look on his face as he stared down Eli. I couldn’t understand why the air was so tense at the moment. Do they not like each other? But this is the first time they are meeting.
“Aurelia let go play somewhere else in the house. I am done messing around with your clothes in your closet.”
“Lady Aurelia let us go to the library. I found a book I am sure you would enjoy reading.”
I suddenly had both, Eli and Sybil, holding either of my arms as they started to pull me toward them. I didn’t understand why these two wanted me to go somewhere else with them. This is such an irritating thing I am experiencing right now….
Week Two Of Sybil Training
I was outside my house exploring in the garden that was a part of it. This was the first time I was going through this garden. It was filled with flowers I did know and flowers I had no clue about. It was an interesting experience for me.
I was sitting down in a field of flowers, being careful not to crush them with my weight. I originally was going to read a book from my library but I feel so at peace right now. This is the first time I ever felt this much peace with myself.
During this time where I was at peace with myself and everything, I heard a noise that broke the peaceful quiet I was experiencing for a brief moment. I could see an embarrassed Sybil who had stepped on a random twig that was on the ground.
“Sorry for disturbing you, Lady Aurelia…” Sybil looked awkward as he came closer to me and fidget in place as he just stood next to me. I still couldn’t understand Sybil at all… He was someone who wished to be at my side and I can’t help but question for what reason…
“Be honest with me Sybil… Why do you wish to be my servant? It can’t simply be because you see me as a goddess… Why would you wish to be a servant of someone whose own family doesn’t wish to see them.” I didn’t look at Sybil as I asked him this. I picked up a random flower that was near me, it was a daisy but it was missing a few petals.
I could feel a breeze pass through me and I shiver a bit due to it. I was just wearing a black sundress which seems to be pretty dumb at the moment. I should have at least bought something with me to keep me warm just in case I grew cold…
I looked up in surprise when I felt something warm cover me and Sybil only gave me a gentle smile at my surprised face. I didn’t think Sybil would cover me with his suit jacket... He then sat down carefully with me and picked up a daisy as well.
“I am doing it for a selfish reason… When I first saw you I guess I could understand why my mom always spoke about you with such a look in her eyes. I was jealous of you at first, always taking my mom away from me but… I grew jealous of my mom. She was able to be with such a person for many hours in a day…” Sybil was slowly getting more daisy and making something with them.
“You have such cold and lonely eyes… I want to see your eyes change and I felt pretty dumb wishing I can be the reason why your eyes change. And I wasn’t lying why I told you I saw you as a goddess. Such a lovely goddess you are…” Sybil put the flower crown he made onto my head and brushed a random strand of hair behind my ear. My ear felt hot when Sybil's finger touched it and I could feel my heart skip a beat for a second as I looked at the gentle smile on Sybil's face.
“I see…” I could only say that as I looked away from him and brought the jacket that was covering me closer and brought my legs up closer to me as I continued to look at the daisy in my hand… It is a pretty beautiful flower, isn’t it?
Final Week Of Sybil Training
It was the final day of Sybil training and Mae was going to tell him the result of his training. I was also with Mae as she did this. I was being served tea by another servant who was also in the room with us and I nodded my head in thanks toward them.
“So, the first week of your training was simply horrible. You didn’t wear your uniform properly, confused salt for sugar didn’t knock as you entered Aurelia room, and messed up with your assigned chores.” Mae had a frown on her face as she spoke to Sybil whose ears were dropped and his tail was hanging behind him.
“But you did improve with the other weeks. I thought you would continue to make mistakes but you prove me wrong. You quickly change yourself for the better and manage to serve Aurelia adequately. But the final choice in this matter is Aurelia.” With that Mae went off to the side and I was being looked at nervously by Sybil who couldn’t keep his eyes connected with me.
I put down the tea I was drinking and went up to Sybil. Even though he was taller than me he made sure to shrink down his body so he wouldn’t tower over me. I reached a hand up to his head and started to pet his slowly.
“I didn’t like you at first and assume you would only cause me endless trouble but just allow you to do what you want because you were Mae's son. But you grew on me and I feel like you would be a good servant.” I took the hand that was petting him off his head and put it under his chin then made him make eye contact with me.
“You can be my servant but you must swear never to betray me. If you promise that then I will make sure no one dared lay a hand on you or anyone you care about. I promise you that.” I looked at him seriously in the eyes as I told him this word for word.
“I would never dream to betray you.” Sybil had a smile on his face as he told me this but I could see how serious his eyes were as he spoke. I nodded satisfied at this and took my hand away from his chin, ignoring how he went to follow my hand as it left him.
“Good, now you are my servant. The first order you must follow is this. From now on I wish to drink hot chocolate instead of tea. Tea is kind of getting boring now. Make sure not to make the hot chocolate look boring. Make some cute design with it or something along those lines.” I was getting bored with drinking just tea whenever I had a snack. I wanted it to switch up and drink some hot chocolate. I heard sweets are good for the mind.
“Don’t you worry, Lady Aurelia! I will make the best hot chocolate for you right away!” Bowing toward me quickly Sybil quickly left the room we were in and went off to the kitchen to make the hot chocolate I wanted to drink.
I could feel my lip twitch a bit as I felt a smile approaching but I stopped myself before it could appear in my face. Can’t show any emotions, even if they are positive emotions. Keep my face emotionless so that no one will be able to take advantage of me.
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