《The Villainess With No Happy Endings》Chapter Seven – Villainess Ability
I spent two months in my house slowly expanding my knowledge of the world. My magic was getting better but it wasn’t perfect. I could still hear that voice appear in my head often but I always manage to push them back down.
I was currently having a lesson with my tutor who was impressed with how much I improve over the two months since I got into this body. He was currently teaching me stuff that was more suited for children who were older than me.
“I am impressed with how you are progressing in your studies. Your magic is above average as well. I wonder if you were able to do this before, why didn’t you?” My tutor was currently looking through assignments he gave me with pleased eyes. I felt satisfied that he was impressed with how I was doing. But it wasn’t enough. Everything had to be better than everyone.
“I was too focused on getting attention from people who will never give it to me.” I was currently looking through a book that had information on the different kingdom with the different royal families and noble families. Over the two months, I was learning everything about the different princes.
If you truly want to best your enemies you must learn everything about them. I had a notebook filled with information on them. Using both my knowledge from the game and from the book I read I was feeling pretty confident with having an upper hand over them.
“I see… Well, this is it for today's lessons. I also have a gift for you since I, unfortunately, won’t be able to make it to your birthday party.” My tutor placed an object that was wrapped up but I didn’t take it right away feeling caught off guard by what he said.
‘Birthday party…? Is my birthday happening this month? I was too focused on getting knowledge of this world..’ I opened up the present my tutor gave me and I felt my eyebrow raised in surprise. It was a book on different ways I could do magic.
“I know how much interest you have in magic so I decided to give you a book on different ways of doing it. Most people can’t verbally use magic so they have to do it in different ways. Those ways are rather helpful and powerful depending on the people using it.” I felt a bit excited about learning how to use magic differently. The more powerful I mean the more likely I will be over everyone else.
“Thank you very much for this teacher. I will always be thankful for your teachings.” I gave him a rather awkward smile, not good at smiling at people. But my tutor just shook his head, amused, and messed up my already messy curly hair.
My tutor left my room and I was forced to think about the birthday party he was talking about. From Aurelia's memories, her ‘father’ would always hold it at his house. It was never really about her, just people coming to the party as an excuse to make a connection with her ‘father’.
I felt a headache appear once I realized what I was going to deal with at my ‘party’. This is bullshit but I have to deal with it. If I am going to be forced to deal with this then I will dress in a way that will blow everyone away.
So I decided to ask Mae to help me get a custom dress for my ‘party’ that will, unfortunately, happen in three weeks. It's going to be a fall-themed birthday since I was born during a day where autumn begins.
When I got that out of the way I had to, unfortunately, learn how to dance properly so my ‘father’ wouldn’t be embarrassed by me in front of his many allies. I doubt anyone would dance with me at my ‘party’ so why should I bother with this.
After three weeks of practicing to dance for my ‘party’, the day was finally here and I didn’t feel that excited by it. I don’t understand why I have to stay for four hours at a party that isn’t even about my birthday.
“Aurelia, you look so beautiful today. If your mother was here I think she would love the way you look as well.” Mae was brushing my hair as she told me this. I was sitting down at my dresser as this was being done.
I looked at myself in the mirror in front of me and I felt pleased with how I looked. I had a brown lipstick on and eyeliner that made my eyes look even sharper. My curly long hair was in a princess braid currently and I had a small tiara on as well.
‘I look like a princess… Well, more of an evil princess with how my eyes are but a princess nonetheless.’ I thought my appearance was rather nice for this party and got up from the dresser suit when Mae was done messing around with my hair.
As I got up I could feel my cover my legs a bit but not fully, still showing off my low black heels. My dress had a ruffled blacktop that had my ribbon magic stone around my neck. My dress opened in the front, showing off my black pants. I like this type of clothing very much. Money does help you show off your clothing taste.
“Well, I am off for the party Mae. I will be back in four hours so you should go home to your family during the time I am gone.” I didn’t want Mae to be in this place for so long just waiting for me to come back. I would rather her go home to her family and spend time with them.
I wonder if I should do that for my other servants as well. I knew some of them also had family as well. It would be nice if they could spend some time not having to take care of me.
“If that is what you wish then I will do that. Should I tell the other servants this as well?” Mae's body was slightly lower as she spoke to me. I gave her a nod, telling her I want that to happen as well. Giving me a polite bow in response Mae went to tell the other servant the news.
I left my room and went down the stairs so I could go outside and get into the car that my ‘father’ sent for me. An unfortunate thing Aurelia had to deal with whenever she went to her ‘father’ house was that her ‘father’ sent a car for her. He didn’t want anyone from her house to send her to his house.
So only he could decide when she could go back and not her. He didn’t give her much control when it comes to visiting him. I wish I could do something about this but I am still a child so I have limited choices in many things… For now.
I opened the door to the car that was waiting for me and I sat down in it. Before I could put on a seatbelt the car started to move right away. I didn’t let anything show on my face but I was pissed at how my ‘father’ people were treating me.
In Aurelia's memories whenever she went to her ‘father’ house his servants would always treat her like she was a bug. They never did it in front of her ‘father’ since it would still get them in trouble but they knew that if she went to tell him about it he wouldn’t have much of a reaction. It's disgusting a bunch of adults finds it okay to treat someone younger than them like trash.
I will make every single one of them know why they shouldn’t mess with someone who is on a higher level than them. I may be hated by my family but I still have status.
I was glaring coldly at the back of the head of the driver who I could see was slightly tense. I think I could even see sweat appearing on his neck. Is he nervous? What can I do to him? I am just a child.
When I finally reached my ‘father’ house the driver attitude changed quickly. He went to open the door for me and help me out of the car. I took his hand with a look of disgust on my face and once the driver took his hand from mine I took out a handkerchief to clean my hand off.
“Throw this out. It is filthy now.” I threw the handkerchief I used to clean my hand with on the ground and walk into my ‘father’ house that had many people going into it. I could hear whispers as I continued to walk to get inside. I simply ignore them and just continue to walk.
When I was inside I was greeted by one of my ‘father’ servants who just started to walk away when they saw that I arrived. I could only glare at them when they did this. They must have not been trained properly if they think they can walk over me like this.
I was taken to a huge ballroom that was in my ‘father’s' house. I could see a table filled with food and drinks. There were countless tables for people to sit at and talk to each other. When I walked in people looked at me for a second before going back to what they were doing. Even though this was my birthday party everyone didn’t care about me. They only care about getting closer to my ‘father’.
I went over to my ‘father’ who was talking to a group of other adults. When I arrived my ‘father’ raised an eyebrow at the way I was dressed. He must have thought I would have worn my usual colorful dresses that would have attracted people's attention but I am more focused on getting everyone to know they shouldn’t mess with me.
“Father, it is wonderful to see you again. This party looks wonderful and I do appreciate it.” I spoke false words of thanks to my father and gave him an empty smile. I could see that my smile made the rest of the adults uncomfortable seeing as they looked away from me when I made eye contact with them.
“Your choice in clothing is changing, isn’t it Aurelia? I do hope it doesn’t get far worse than this.” My ‘father’ didn’t hide the distaste he had in my clothing choice but I could only smile at what he said.
“I am simply dressing to show appreciation for the dead father. I simply don’t want to forget who is no longer here. It would be horrible if I forget them.” I could see my ‘father’ expression harden for a moment when I said that but he didn’t say anything else.
Seeing as I didn’t have to say anything else to him, I gave him a bow and went off into the party. No one approached me at the party and I didn't care for that at all. It gave me a chance to watch the people at the party.
I could see some of the people who were the followers of Aurelia in the game. I feel like it would be helpful if I still got my group of followers but I would make sure they wouldn’t act in such careless ways. Bullying someone would always put you in a bad light so they simply have to become role models in everyone's eyes.
As I was watching people at the party I noticed a couple of boys sneaking off with a pitcher glass filled with water. Feeling a bit curious I followed after them silently. When they finally arrived where they wanted to go I saw a teary-eyed Eli looking all dirty surrounded by a group of boys who were our ages.
He was wearing a light blue dress that's puffy and had a big ribbon behind him. His hair was in pigtails that were held up by light blue ribbons. The dress would have looked pretty if he wasn’t dirty and slightly torn.
“It looks like they are back with the water. Don’t worry we will get you clean right up so you won’t look so ugly anymore.” The boy who seemed to be the leader of the group took the pitcher of water away from the other boys. This boy was taller than Eli but not taller than me which is normal for most boys growing up since it takes a while for them to reach their full height.
His curly black hair was neatly cropped and had green eyes that were rather light. He had fair skin that suited someone who was raised in a rich family. He was wearing a formal suit that had a couple of buttons undone.
I was just standing in the shadow as I watched this boy pour water on Eli with a smirk on his face. Eli looked like he was crying now as the rest of the boy started to laugh at him. I wanted to walk away from this scene and just let this happen but I could feel a wave of deep anger in me appear in my heart.
Even if I wasn’t the original Aurelia her feelings for Eli are so strong. Even though he was the reason for her death and suffering before she still sees him as her precious friend, her first love. Even though I am disgusted by him and want to hurt him I can’t just let this continue.
‘He looks a bit like you doesn't he? Getting bullied by a bunch of children for no reason just because he isn’t like them. Children are the cruelest when they are younger and haven’t fully understood empathy yet…’ The voice was back in my head and it felt like they were whispering in my ear. I could feel a ghost of someone on my shoulder but I knew no one was there.
‘I bet he is wondering why people are treating him like this? What did he do wrong? Is he the problem? I know that this was what you were thinking when this was happening to you ▇▇▇▇▇’ My hands were in tight fists as I remember scenes in my last life during my life in school. Getting my things destroyed, my clothes dirty, step on, insulted….
Even though I was mad at Eli for what he did to Aurelia he didn’t do it yet so I shouldn’t let this control me right now. I will show these shit how to hurt someone and leave them to a point where they can’t stop crying.
“What are you doing?” I came out of the shadow and walked towards the group of boys. The boys all stopped laughing when they saw me. They all gave me looks that I received from my ‘father’ servants and the party guests. They are looking at me like I am someone not important.
The lead boy went to pour more water on Eli who was currently looking at me with unreadable eyes. I grabbed the boy's hand that was about to pour the water and squeeze his wrist tightly. The boy let out a pained scream and the pitcher fell to the ground and broke. I was still holding onto the boy's wrist, twisting it in the opposite direction.
“Let go of me, you stupid girl!” The boy hit me on the face with the hand I wasn’t holding and I didn’t attempt to dodge it. I felt pain appearing on my cheek but I just continued to hold the boy's wrist.
I forced the boy to drop to his knee so he was looking up at me. The boy now had tears in his eyes as he glared at me angrily.
“Who am I?” I glared right back at the boy who was looking up at me.
“Why is that important idi-?!” The boy didn’t finish his sentence because I slap him in the face with my free hand.
“Who am I?” I asked this with more force now as I glared down at this boy.
“A-Aurelia Giliam…” The boy finally said my name as he looked at me in fear.
“Now who is he?” I pointed to Eli who was looking at what was happening with wide eyes. The rest of the boys who were still here were looking at me with scared eyes.
“E-Eli Madrigal the prince of Greenflower…” The boy stuttered out Eli's name quickly, looking at my free hand that was raised to slap him again if he tried something.
“So why are a bunch of low-class nobles like yourself messing with him? Do you know what his family could do to all your families? You sure have the guts, don’t you? You must want your family to lose their status.” I could see all the boys grow pale at what I just said. I had a feeling these boys just mess with Eli because he looks like someone who doesn’t want to admit to people he is getting bullied so they didn’t think much about him telling his parents.
I look into the eyes of the boy whose wrist is in my hand and I place my finger on the boy's forehead and cast a spell that I learned recently from my black book. I also used the knowledge I got from my tutor book on different ways to cast magic and I learned how to cast spells just by touching someone and thinking about the spell. This is one of the easier ways to cast spells non-verbally.
The spell I cast on the boy was something that allowed me to see all of the doubts, fears, and insecurity he currently had. This was only surface level since I learned this recently but it still gave me good stuff to work with.
“You are bullying Eli just because your parents love your younger brother who is more skilled than you. You wish that you were an only child like Eli so that your parents wouldn't have someone to compare with you but let me tell you something. They would still compare you. In this world, there will always be someone better than you who your parents will like more. Don’t you dare think it is only limited to your own family. You will always be compared because you are not good enough.” I leaned in close to the boy who was still kneeling and told him all this in a cold voice. The boy started to sob after I told him this and I could only scoff at how quickly he cried. Pathetic.
I let go of his wrist and looked at the other boys who all avoided my gaze. I walked over to the wet Eli and lifted him off the ground. I started to pull him to one of the many guest rooms so I could help him get dried off and somewhat clean.
Eli didn’t say anything during this time and I was thankful for that since my emotions were not stable at the moment. I put Eli in one of the guest rooms to wait for me as I went to find a servant to give me some towels. I found one who was helping with serving food.
“Excuse me, I need a towel,” I called out to the servant who was about to pick up a serving tray. The servant looked back at me before ignoring me and picking up the tray that had drinks on it. The servant went to walk away from me but I quickly got in front of them.
“Who are you? Where is this pride coming from? Are you a master of this house? Are you paying everyone to work here? Is your last name Giliam? Or are you just a servant who could be replaced without a thought.” My voice was cold as I stared down the servant who's annoyed expression slowly became timid.
“I-I’m sorry for the disrespect, young mistress… I will get a towel right away.” The servant quickly put down the tray of drinks and went to get me a towel, avoiding the cold look I was giving them.
When they came back they didn’t meet my eyes as they grabbed me the towel. They bow towards me as they went to pick up the tray of drinks again and left quickly.
I walked back to the room with Eli in it and saw he was just sitting quietly on the bed. I went up to him and placed the towel next to him. I then reached up to take out the ribbons that were in his hair so it wouldn’t get in the way of drying his hair.
I quickly got on the bed and behind Eli then picked up the towel so I could dry off a still wet Eli. It was quiet as I dried him off and tried to get him somewhat clean. I put down the towel when I was done. I just sat next to Eli on the bed, not wanting to say anything at the moment.
“...Do you find me weird for wearing female clothes? Should I just stick with male clothes and not be so different from the other boys?” Eli finally spoke up as he asked me this question. I had a feeling those boys were bullying him for that as well. A boy who enjoys dressing like a girl. It is weird in the eyes of others who don’t understand it.
“Clothes have no gender so why should it just be limited to some people? People who find it strange are just unnerved by you. You wear these types of clothes proudly but no one can’t understand why. They may even find you attractive for it but don’t want to admit it. But it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks. It only matters if you are happy.” I don’t trust Eli and I don’t fully like him for being someone who kills Aurelia in the game but I do like how he wears the clothes that make him happy without caring how it affects other people. I can’t help but respect him for that.
I felt a weight on my shoulder and felt wetness on it after a few seconds. I didn't look down at Eli and I just reached for his hand. For now, I will comfort him for a while…. I would have liked it if someone did it for me when I needed someone before…
“...You look cute in your dress today, Eli.” I said that softly to a crying Eli who responded was to only hold my hand tighter. I don’t know if this will do anything to our relationship but for now, I will treat him as someone who isn’t a game character. Just someone who needs a shoulder to cry on.
I didn’t flinch when I felt the grip on my hand increase and the fact Eli was now hugging me with one arm rather tightly. Just going to let him do what he wants for now but I need him to learn some boundaries in the future…
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