《Unending War》First Test
“Wake up, wake up!” The loudspeakers shout, rudely awakening all who were asleep in their rooms.
Kavlina yawns as she sits up from the single bed in the room. As she walks to the bathroom (a proper one, very unlike the crude ones back in the forest), she notices a pile of neatly folded clothing resting by the door. On top of them lies a single sheet of fine paper and some words, spelling: “Cadet Uniform”. Curious, she examines the pile of clothing, closing the sliding door to the bathroom.
The cadet uniform, she finds, is just a tight-fitting black shirt, a pair of trousers, boots, and a buttoned-up, long-sleeved grey tunic. As she changes into the uniform, she finds it is surprisingly comfortable, far more than the clothes she had worn for the past four years. Perhaps I had forgotten what it feels like to live in the “civilized” world again.
As she walks out, she finds Avalel, his hair tangled and puffed up, finally awake, sitting up on the mat. “Good morning, Kavlina,” he mumbles.
“I'm sorry you had to sleep on the floor yesterday night,” Kavlina apologizes, “I was simply exhausted, so I collapsed on the bed and just fell asleep.”
“It's alright. I had more sleep than the last few days combined, I believe,” Avalel smiles, “I'll be cleaning myself now.”
“Change into these, Lel,” Kavlina says as she throws the second set of the cadet uniform to Avalel.
As Avalel goes into the bathroom, Kavlina begins to ponder about the city and their situation. As outsiders, perhaps we are unwelcome here? We lost our personal belongings in Avalel's bag back in the mountains. Would they see us as refugees trying to live off the contributions of the citizens here?
A hand knocks on the door. “Is this the residence of Avalel and Kavlina?” a voice asks. Cautiously, Kavlina opens the door, and in front of her is a neatly dressed man, standing upright and dignified like the nobility of old.
“Is this the residence of Avalel and Kavlina?” the man asks again.
“Yes, this is,” Kavlina replies.
“I am the secretary of Ms. Ipela,” he introduces, “I am here to deliver some provisions which Ms. Ipela has generously offered for you.” He hands two large bags to Kavlina. "Inside here are a change of clothes and some money, as well as the food for today."
“Please give our thanks to Ms. Ipela,” Kavlina gratefully says.
“I will. Also, I will be visiting here every day to deliver food per Ms. Ipela's instructions, unless you decline the offer, of course. Have a great day, newcomers to Thille.” He slowly turns and begins walking away.
“Wait,” Kavlina calls, halting him in his tracks, “What is your name?”
“Thanks to you too, Oriyun.”
“No need. I am merely a glorified errand boy after all.” With that, he walks away and soon disappears from Kavlina's sight.
What an interesting person, this Oriyun. Just then, Avalel exits the bathroom, his hair removed of all filth and the uniform perfectly fitting his body. “Was there someone outside just now?” he asks.
“It was Ms. Ipela's secretary,” Kavlina replies, “He delivered some things from Ms. Ipela for us to use. Here, have this one.” She passes one of the bags to Avalel.
Avalel begins rummaging inside and soon picks up a box. Opening it, he finds that inside are some food, neatly arranged and wrapped up as a roll. “I assume this is our breakfast?” he asks as he takes a large bite off the roll.
“I assume so. Hope it isn't too bad.” Unexpectedly for Kavlina, the two quickly gobble up the delicious breakfast, their minds in near-bliss as the many ingredients swirl around their mouths before it slips into their esophagus and enters the stomach.
“This food is good,” Avalel gargles as he swallows the last bits of the roll.
“Amazingly so,” Kavlina agrees, also swallowing her last bite.
“I have only seen you eat this fast twice,” Avalel comments, “Once when you ate the potatoes the first time we met, and the second time was just now.”
“Ms. Ipela, or whoever made this food, must be a very good cook,” Kavlina praises.
“Do you remember the directions that the guard told us about yesterday?” Avalel suddenly asks.
“The route to the cadets training ground?”
“I remember. Should we depart and go there now?”
“Why not? It's better to arrive early.”
The two quickly exit their room, refreshed after their breakfast. After descending several levels and taking several turns, they arrive at a large, empty space where a small group had already gathered, lined up in neat columns. In front of the crowd are three people, dressed similarly as the rest of the group but with dark green tunics instead of grey ones.
“Ah, here are the newcomers!” one of them calls as he catches a glimpse of Avalel and Kavlina, “You two are just in time for today's briefing! Please, stand wherever you would like for now.”
As Avalel and Kavlina stand among the group, they couldn't help but notice that many pairs of eyes are staring at them.
“Now, let us introduce ourselves, shall we?” the same man cheerfully says, “I am Hayeviel, your supervisor and instructor, and these two beside me are my assistants Perivial and Sureya. What about you? Can you briefly introduce yourselves, such as name and age?”
“I am Avalel, sixteen years of age and am here to repay Ms. Ipela's generosity to us yesterday,” Avalel says.
Hayeviel is slightly taken aback but quickly recovers. “Nice to meet you, Avalel, and welcome to the Cadets!” He turns to Kavlina. “And you?”
“Kavlina. Also sixteen years of age,” Kavlina says, her voice emotionless and near monotone.
“Nice to meet you as well!”
“Hayeviel, would you please not keep the others waiting?” an assistant reminds.
“Oh, my apologies, Sureya,” Hayeviel meekly laughs, “Anyways, our newcomers, before you officially join one of the squads, we would need to test your current combat capabilities.”
“How so?” Avalel asks.
Perivial, Hayeviel's other assistant, approaches the two and hands them a wooden stick each. “The test is simple,” he explains, “We would have volunteers fight each of you in a duel. The winner shall be whoever taps, or hits, the other with the stick first. Then, judging from your performance in these duels, we would assign you to a squad. Now, then, who would like to skip training and fight these newcomers?”
There is hardly a pause as many step forth, eager to skip their daily training. “Alright, since there are many volunteers, I will only pick ten.” As names are called, individuals step out even further until ten are gathered, the rest disappointedly retreating back to the ranks.
“The rest of you, begin our morning march!” Hayeviel commands, energetically leading the group amongst a series of groans and reluctant sighing behind him. As the group slowly disappears from their view, Avalel curiously eyes the ten cadets in front of him. All of them seem to show a mix of nervousness and excitement, clearly eager to challenge the newcomers. Some are tall and imposing, while others are small and seemingly agile. As Perivial hands each of them a wooden stick, near-identical to Avalel and Kavlina's, some begin to twirl and fiddle with them while others grip them tightly, determined not to give any clue to their opponents.
“Tarak, choose your opponent,” Perivial orders, gesturing at a tall male, similar to the build of Avalel.
“I'll choose the boy.”
“Alright, it will be Tarak against Avalel. Are you two ready?”
“Wait,” Avalel interrupts as he turns to Tarak, “Tarak, was it? May I ask your age?”
“Of course,” Tarak smiles confidently, “I'm twenty years of age, as are most of the cadets here. It's quite rare to see someone as young as you to apply, nevermind two on the same day. As you are quite similar to me in build, I hope we can have a fair duel.” He steps back into a stance, pointing the stick at Avalel. “I'm ready,” he says.
Avalel charges, sprinting towards Tarak before swinging the stick horizontally, aiming for Tarak's waist. Stepping back, Tarak parries Avalel's blow, but staggers from the sheer strength he receives. He's quite strong... Without a pause, Avalel again brings his stick to Tarak, immediately forcing him on the defensive. A swing, a stab, a parry... ringing noises from the clashing of the wood echo off the walls as the two duel on.
I have the upper hand, but this isn't going to go anywhere, Avalel thinks, his concentration relaxing for a moment. Seeing this opportunity, Tarak swings his legs towards Avalel in a sweeping motion, knocking him off balance. Still, Avalel quickly steps back, and using the momentum from his fall, he swings himself forward, striking Tarak's shoulder. Like the gusts from a whirlwind...
Crack! A deafening noise sounds as Avalel falls on the ground, still firmly holding his stick. Looking up, he finds Tarak standing, shocked and staring at his own stick. Tarak's stick, in fact, had been snapped in half, the top half completely cut off and lying far away. How did he manage that?
Leaping forward, Avalel lightly taps a stunned Tarak's leg. “I win,” he grins.
Not bad, Lel, Kavlina thinks.
“That was quite a quick duel,” Perivial remarks, “Tarak is very agile for his size, yet our newcomer Avalel had already defeated him. What do you have to say about this, Tarak and Avalel?”
“You are quite fast,” Tarak compliments, “It's hard to imagine you are a newcomer. I'm happy there are talented people like you.” I'm far below his level. I should be lucky I didn't die from such a blow.
“You were very strong as well,” Avalel responds, “I was actually very shocked when you could parry so many of my quick strikes, which was a technique that I was very proud of.” That was close. My concentration disappeared for a moment there.
“Now, who would like to step up?” Perivial asks the remaining nine volunteers.
One by one, other cadets step forth and challenge Avalel. However, one by one, they are defeated, unable to catch up to the speed or strength of Avalel. Although none of them are hurt, the extremely quick duels are enough to either unnerve, or outright discourage potential challengers. However, the intense blows from the duels caused Avalel's wooden stick to break after the third duel, which Kavlina generously offered hers. Finally, as the fifth volunteer is defeated, Avalel's stick lightly tapping his forehead, the rest could only watch, their jaws slightly gaping in awe and fright. What a monster...
“Now, Avalel,” Perivial calls, “Do you still think you have the energy to continue? It's alright if you take a rest and let Kavlina take over.”
“Wait, I completely forgot about the second newcomer,” a voice interrupts.
“So you would like to challenge her, Noriel?” Perivial asks.
“Yes,” Noriel replies, “At least she may be easier to fight against.”
“Alright. Kavlina, here's a spare one for you to use.” Perivial reaches into his bag for another stick.
“No need,” Kavlina dismisses, “I can fight two of these cadets with only my bare fists.”
All are taken aback. “Kavlina, are you sure?” Perivial asks, his voice slightly shaken, “Surely you don't want to over-exert yourself at your first test?”
“I don't think I will,” Kavlina answers confidently.
“Well, Kavlina,” Noriel says, a hint of disgust in her tone, “If you want.” She turns around. “Baria!”
“Yes?” A meek voice replies.
“Fight the newcomer with me.”
“A fight? Gladly!” The meekness in the voice disappears as a girl steps out from the cadets. Although only average height and build, Kavlina could sense the burning fighting spirit within her. It's been quite a while since I felt such spirit from another person.
“Well, are you ready?” Kavlina asks impatiently.
“Come at us, newcomer,” Noriel challenges.
“Alright.” Kavlina suddenly dashes forward, her eyes glaring at her opponents.
Whoosh! A brief, strong gust of wind hits everyone in the face, their eyes instinctively close for a brief moment. As their eyes open, they find a shocked and stunned Noriel and Baria, their wrists bent to an almost impossible angle. In front of them is Kavlina, her hands grabbing their wrists, the wooden sticks pointing at their throats. There is a slight pause before both Noriel and Baria let out a scream of pain.
“Pathetic,” Kavlina scoffs as she leans closer, “So much talk for this... absolutely pathetic.” She releases her iron grip, and the two quickly hold on to their injured wrists, gasping still in pain. Kavlina turns to a shocked Perivial. “I've changed my mind. I want to fight against all ten. And you.”
“That arrogance…” Noriel mutters, but is promptly stopped by Baria from going further.
“Alright, but I shall not participate per instructions from Hayeviel,” Perivial consents, “Anyone who is willing to fight Kavlina, please step forth.”
“Although I do not want to,” Tarak says as he steps forth, “It would make me a coward if I refuse, wouldn't it?” As if answering his call, the rest of the cadets also step forward.
“Let's show this arrogant bastard the combined strength of the cadets of Thille,” Noriel says, gritting her teeth.
“Come at me, weaklings,” Kavlina mocks, mirroring the words of Noriel earlier.
Kavlina may be arrogant, Avalel thinks, but it is through this goading that she can truly bring out the best of her opponents. The volunteers are all strong, but without a goal, they are no match for me, nevermind Kavlina, a master of close combat. Let's just hope we don't make enemies on the first day of our arrival.
The cadets charge, some shouting as they sprint toward Kavlina. As a barrage of wooden sticks stab from all sides, Kavlina simply jumps up, lightly bouncing off one of the sticks and escaping from the group.
A jab. A dodge. A swing. A jump. No matter how frequent and fast the attacks, Kavlina effortlessly and gracefully dodges them all. “Yes! This is how you should fight!” she laughs, twisting her body as she dodges another flurry of strikes.
Kavlina doesn't show many emotions, but when she fights, she becomes a totally different person. Even from a distance, Avalel could see the pure delight in Kavlina's eyes. Yes. Totally different.
“Alright, that's enough dodging,” she announces. Suddenly, she dashes toward the group. A rough snatch, and suddenly a wooden stick is in her hands. Several loud cracks sound as several sticks are snapped in a single strike. A blow comes from the right, but it is easily dodged as Kavlina bends her back, the stick barely grazing her nose.
Crack. Crack. Crack. Another three broken in a series of fast strikes. Only three left. However, the remaining three cadets with their sticks suddenly strike simultaneously, aiming for her neck. Oh, no...
“Wait!” Perivial cries, seeing the point-blank range of the strikes. She can't possibly dodge this.
The grounds turn silent as all stares at Kavlina. Her hands, veins bulging, are tightly gripping two sticks, while her teeth sinks deep into the third. Finally, she slides her legs, knocking down her opponents, their hands forced to let go of their weapons. Removing her opponents of all weapons, she holds the remaining three intact sticks in triumph.
“Catch, Lel.” She throws one of them at Avalel, the stick flying like an arrow. Instinctively, Avalel raises his right hand, catching it just as it passes by his cheek. Well, doesn't that feel familiar...
“I assume that I've won?” Kavlina asks, dropping the two sticks on the floor.
“You arrogant…” Noriel begins but is cut off by Baria again.
“Perivial,” Tarak calls, “Can Kavlina and Avalel join our squad?”
“That is not up to me. I'll discuss with Hayeviel and Sureya about the newcomers' placement, and it should be resolved by tomorrow,” Perivial replies, “Also, the test is effectively over. We'll be joining the rest of the cadets now. That includes you two, Avalel and Kavlina.”
As the group leaves the hall, Tarak approaches Kavlina. “Um, Kavlina?” he asks.
“What do you want?”
“If we are in the same squad, will you be willing to teach me some of your skills? I'm sorry for underestimating both of you earlier.”
“I'm sorry,” Kavlina coldly replies, “I don't teach strangers. Also, I only accept one student, who happens to be Avalel here.”
“It's alright,” Avalel chimes in, “I can teach you if you would like.”
“Thank you very much!” Tarak happily thanks Avalel as he melts back into the group, his expression one of joy.
Elsewhere, Perivial is still replaying the previous quick, but intense duels. These two are definitely not new to combat, but they still have a long way to go to be fully-fledged soldiers. Still, their combat capability is amazing, if not frightening. Perhaps if some member of the elite corps saw them, they might just directly recruit the two into their ranks. Their origins as well is a mystery, according to Ms. Ipela. And the Anapadeia as well... just who are you two, Avalel and Kavlina?
“Sureya, did you see everything? I hope it wasn't too shaky or blurred over there,” he says, seemingly to nowhere.
“Yes,” Sureya's voice reaches Perivial through his comms, “The two newcomers... they have quite the potential.”
“Even Tarak and Noriel, two of our most promising cadets, as well as Baria, quickly lost to them. What do you make of this?”
“Why not let them join the squad with Tarak and the two girls then? This way, we might not just have two talents, but five, maybe even ten.”
“I'm considering that as well. Should we suggest this to Hayeviel?”
“I think so. These two might just turn out to be our most valuable assets, and we have Ms. Ipela to thank for giving such precious pieces.”
“Akarel Kara!”
“Akarel Kara!”
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Lilleth Hope Black-Lupin. Quiet, reserved, maybe considered strange. But all the while no one notices her, she notices everything around her, hardly ever needing to say a word.But, having been taken off the streets and adopted when she was no more than a few weeks old, she is cruelly snatched away and sent to live with her godbrother and his awful family. She doesn't know who her real parents are, or where she truly belongs. No one does, and no one seems to care.When she finds her parents, she finally manages to make sense of the world. But will the world make sense of her? Or will she come crashing down in a pit of despair, unable to cope with it any longer as danger rules inside her?Perhaps dance is her only outlet, she realises, as she ties the lace ribbons around her black ballet shoes.*THIS IS THE MAIN STORY OF THE BALLET SHOES UNIVERSE** I own nothing except those I create and their storylines. All else goes to JKR ** Hopefully updated every Friday, I do try, but I have commitments and a life, so it might be a bit difficult some days ** OC x OC - Lilleth x Blake *
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