《Vampire in the Harry Potter World(Hiatus)》Chapter 22 Saying Goodbye (2)


Kai returned to the base where he entered Tom's abode, with Harry trailing behind him. Kai was happy with how his and Tom's relationship had developed. In the beginning, Tom had been on guard against Kai, however, when Kai turned Tom into a vampire Tom seemed to trust Kai much more.

Kai reckoned that when he turned a person into a vampire they would trust Kai. He theorized that it was true due to him getting the same reaction from Bob and later on Harry.

Kai was glad that Tom had finally gotten the rest of his Horcruxes, as a result of him leaving missions on the Courts' assignment board.

The missions were assigned by a number of stars, one to ten with ten being the highest. Tom had managed to get both of his remaining Horcruxes after posting them on the mission board under the 9 stars section.

The Locket was retrieved by a greedy wizard who happened to have had the blood of the Black family running through his veins. He had happened to have once entered the house in his childhood.

He looked for the Locket after he broke into the Black family residence. He returned with the locket and was met with Tom himself who asked him what he wanted. The greedy wizard had asked for gold without considering how important the personal favour of the Infernal Lord was.

When Kai heard of the man, he burst out with mocking laughter at the man's foolish decision.

The Diadem was retrieved from Hogwarts by a house elf that had infiltrated Hogwarts. He had managed to retrieve the diadem from the room of requirement by himself and had met up with Tom.

If it was the past Tom would have thought it was beneath himself to look at a house elf much less talk to it. However, during the past few years, Tom had learned that even if he disliked the magical creatures he still shouldn't show it.

Tom had learned much from being an official leader of the Court. When he had the death eaters, he hadn't really bothered to lead them and instead merely gave them commands when it suited him.


Now Tom had learned how to mask his emotions perfectly. He asked the house elf what it desired. It told him that it wished to be promoted. Tom allowed it to be promoted from a mere one-star member to a three-star member. (The Courts' grading system is divided into 10 stars. After reaching 10 stars the next level is to become a general).

Tom was impressed by the elf's wisdom and remembered his name.

Kai had successfully managed to befriend Tom and gain his trust, much to both of their surprise.

Kai met up with Tom and told him that they needed to talk. "I'm going to leave the Court in your hands for the next few years-"

"What do you mean leave the Court in my hands for the next few years? I've been looking after the Court, while you've been raising Harry," Tom interjected.

"That's true, however, I'm going to be searching for the original vampires from this world now that I've got a good grasp on magic. So, do you have the information that I require?"

"Yes, Kai. Using the Court's information channels, I've discovered that there were mysterious sightings in Romania."

"How predictable. There are vampires in Romania, so cliché. They're probably in Transylvania, right?"

"No, they aren't, the sightings were seen in the city Arad. While most sightings were said to be in Transylvania, I had Barty go check out the reports, but they were found out to be false. Instead, he discovered that there were vampire marks all around the city of Arad. But I had to call him back before he could uncover the exact location of the vampire hideout."

"Fine, that's great. Its good enough, I'll find them when I search the city myself."

Kai decided to look for the vampires by himself. He looked at Bob that was lying on the floor and asked him if he wanted to come with him.

"Finally, we can leave this boring hell hole after so long. Naturally, I'm coming, did you even have to ask." "Ok, but you will have to follow each of my instructions until I say otherwise." "Fair enough," Bob said.


Kai looked at Harry and told him that he would be leaving the Court's base for the time being, at least until he returned from his travels.

Harry didn't take the news well and looked like he would start crying, however, due to a vampire not being able to cry he couldn't. Instead on his face was a sad contorted face that screamed don't leave.

Kai was sad as well due to him having raised Harry since he was a baby, but he had to leave. He was bored and was tired of being cooped up inside of England. He had needed to stay low profile for the time being because he still hadn't managed to learn magic.

However, now that he could use his own self-created spells without a wand he believed that he was ready.

He bent down and reached eye level with Harry. "Listen up Harry, I will be leaving now because I have important things to do. But I will always be able to talk to you with our mental link. So, when you get upset or miss me, you will be able to talk to me." Kai said to Harry with a gentle and affectionate voice.

"Now cheer up and get ready to leave this cave, its time to go to the Dursleys. Remember that if you want to leave their house you can just go to my house that's across the street.

If you're thirsty you can go to the forest on the outskirts of the farms. There you can satisfy your thirst but never go overboard. If you want to call Tom, you can because of the phone I gave you. So, let's head out."

Harry accepted the pep talk and agreed to go. Kai turned around and looked at Bob with a hurry up now look in his eyes. Bob caught on and jumped on to Kai's shoulder with a look of excitement.

Kai then left the Court's headquarters with Bob on his shoulder and Harry right behind him.

When they arrived at the Dursleys house, Kai knocked on the door and waited with Harry next to him. Bob had jumped off and landed in the bushes.

Vernon opened the door and bellowed in surprise "Kai!" He then tried with much effort to come over and hug him but failed due to Kai pulling Harry with him and dodging.

In the beginning, Kai would have to come over every day and the Dursleys had gotten suspicious of Kai coming over every day and had phoned the police to find out if such an officer existed. When they found out that there was such a detective was indeed real their suspicions lessened but Petunia still believed that he could be a wizard.

She tried to find out by hiding inside Harry's closet one night when Kai came over. Kai had found out about her as soon as he had reached to block. But still, never the less he pretended that he didn't and started telling Harry his stories.

In the end, Petunia had gotten bored of waiting and had by mistake made some noises in the closet. Kai walked over and opened the door revealing Petunia who was embarrassed and then called Vernon over to the living room.

He then hypnotized them into agreeing to everything that he said. But the hypnotism had caused an unfortunate side effect. They grew to like him in a very peculiar manner. The husband and wife would both try to suck up to him.

In the beginning, Kai wasn't sure if they were simply like that because during his first few stays they had tried to suck up to him. But he found out that their actions had been exaggerated, compared to the beginning.

But back into the present, Kai asked the Dursleys to look after Kai and allow him to meet every one of his requirements. Once Kai made sure that Harry was adapting properly he then left with Bob.

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