《Vampire in the Harry Potter World(Hiatus)》Chapter 4 Lily and James Potter's Death (1)


While Kai was sitting in his "new" car waiting, he was musing over the fact that the witch from earlier had the golden energy inside of her as well.

Kai theorized that the golden energy was in fact magical energy, and that the wisps of golden energy were strands of raw magical energy.

In the books the people who were born with enough magical affinity were considered wizards or witches. Normal wizards and witches didn't know that there was raw magical energy in their surroundings and instead thought that they were automatically born with a certain amount of talent and energy.

However, Kai thought differently- what if you tried to actively absorb the magical energy, will you become stronger and have greater control.

Then Kai's thought process moved in the direction of maybe he could become a wizard if he had the magic energy inside of him. Although he only started absorbing the energy on the current day, he was glowing faintly. So maybe he could use spells, but that brought him to another problem- HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO USE MAGIC!

Kai didn't have enough information to actively research magic, so he had to put his plans on halt until he had more information. Kai assumed that he will probably see a wizard battle today between James and Lord Voldemort.

Kai got himself ready for when Lord Voldemort would stride down the street with his large black cloak, when he remembered that when he was little, he saw a parody of Harry Potter on "Annoying Orange". In the episode Lord Voldemort was called "Lord Moldy Wart" and since then the name stuck, so Kai would subconsciously would call Lord Voldemort "Lord Mouldy Wart".

Due to Kai having a mischievous personality from before he died (he was 23 when he was killed), he decided to create a master plan in order to black mail Lord Voldemort when he would return in Harry's fourth year.

The first step of Kai's master plan was to sneak up on him and write on Lord Voldemort's pale white forehead "Hi my name's Lord mouldy wart" with a black permanent pen.


The second step was to cut Lord Voldemort's wrist and suck some of his blood, as it might help Kai absorb some of the magical energy in Lord Voldemort's blood.

The third step was to film Lord Voldemort stepping into the Potter's house and to cause a gust of wind in order for his hood to fall down. Kai would then zoom in onto Voldemort's head, so you could see the writing scribbled on his head, as well as take a picture of James' reaction.

And the final step was to analyse the spells used by James and Voldemort, to gain a better understanding of how magic works.

After Kai went over his plan in his mind, he realized that he didn't have any permanent pens or a camera, so he left his car and removed his clothes apart from his underpants so that they wouldn't get destroyed from the wind resistance. Kai dashed around the town once which to him 3 seconds and then ran to the largest "muggle" house he had found.

The house had 3 floors with the ground floor at 500 square meters, Kai sneaked in through an open window and started to search for a study after entering the living room, the bedroom, and the kitchen Kai found the study. Kai found a black permanent pen inside a cup with a few more pens inside, in addition to a small camera sitting on a shelf with 5 more different sized cameras. Kai took the small camera and the pen and dashed out, while in his mind he was shouting thank you to the now ex-owner.

Kai ran back to his car, got dressed and checked the camera to see if it would work. the camera had all five bars left, so Kai could infer that the camera was rarely used. Due to model being an old one compared to the Twenty First Century, Kai had trouble with changing the mode on the camera to video. After a few tries Kai had managed to achieve the video mode, then he checked the pen to see if it was working and after removing the cap the ink let out a strong smell.


After Kai had tested the two crucial devices in his plan he went to search for a good spot to film the fight. Kai settled on a tree a few meters away from the cottage, Kai hopped onto a branch and got a good filming spot. Kai returned to his car with a satisfied look, he sat down and waited with a mischievous grin on his handsome face.

Tom Riddle's POV

Tom Riddle was feeling gleeful and excited, he hadn't felt that way for more than a year. Because his faithful servant Severus Snape had reported a prophecy that he had heard, while he was eavesdropping on his former teacher Albus Dumbledore. The prophecy had foretold that a boy of a family that had defied him three times would be born at the end of July and would rise to fight against the Dark Lord (Voldemort) as his equal.

Ever since that prophecy Tom (Lord Voldemort) had been searching for the Potters but alas they had somehow gotten information that he was hunting them down and had gotten Dumbledore to personally create a Fidelius secret spell, that would protect them from him. (The Fidelius charm is an extremely difficult charm to cast that can be used to conceal a secret inside someone's soul. A dwelling whose location has been protected by the charm becomes invisible. intangible, unplottable and soundproof).

However, they wanted to switch locations to Godric's Hollow and needed a new secret keeper, the position was originally meant to go to that traitorous scum of the Black house Sirius Black. However, he declined and let Wormtail become the keeper, to keep up appearances.

Their plan would have worked for a relatively long time, and he would have hunted down Black instead of the real keeper. But they didn't know that Wormtail had betrayed them a year ago and had started working for him, supplying important information that caused many of the "Order of the Phoenix's" operations to fail.

The moment Wormtail became the Secret Keeper he managed to contact Lord Voldemort and tell him the location of the Potters' hide out.

Lord Voldemort thought to himself that he was getting so worked up about killing a mere baby and some might view the act as shameless and evil, but he had to stop anything that threatened his existence even if it was a small defenceless baby.

Tom strolled through the street that the Potters were living on. Over his regular robe he had to wear a hood so that the filthy "muggles" wouldn't create a ruckus and cause the Potters to be on guard. Even though the Potters wouldn't be hard to deal with, if they called for backup it would become troublesome if he would be besieged and they managed to escape.

He was almost in front of their cottage when he felt a gust of wind, and a slight coldness on his forehead. Tom felt something dripping down his hand, when he looked down he saw a small cut on his arm. He couldn't remember if he had grazed it on his journey to the Potters' residence, but such trivial matters could wait for another day.

He quickly cast a spell that would heal his arm and walked down the cobblestone path to stand in front of the door. He stopped for a moment thinking to himself after he steps into the house kills both the son and the child and spares the girl because Severus had begged him, he would destroy the last obstacle that stood in place of his total domination over the wizarding world!

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