《Begin the End》13- Circle


"She's coming for us, then Carrick's army's coming for us," Gloria hissed. My shirt torn in shreds, wrapped around my torso. The pressure dug into my side as I stumbled down the steps.

"I know…" I rasped, grimacing as I caught my balance. Running past a window, the view of the cityscape below. Little dark dots over the horizon, torches lighting their march. Carrick wasn't bluffing. An army approaching the city, a hundred maybe two hundred. Dread heavy on my shoulders. I was too weak to fight that many.

Turning the bend, I scurried out the palace doors. A sharp chill in the air, I swallowed another hit of nausea. "We should get out of here, regroup. You can see we're not going to succeed? Right?" I pleaded, "Gloria?"

"We're not making it out regardless," her voice slipped out my lips. My legs buckled, the ice cold grip latched back. She turned my heel, running into the dark city.

"Where are we going," I cried, trying to claw my way back. "Gloria!"

"We need a ring of lifepower."

What? She couldn't mean...no…

Gloria's voice wavered, "This wasn't my intention. I wasn't going to-" A tear rolled down my cheek. "-You understand you're going to die, no matter what I do? Only this way...I can avenge you." She tightened my fists.

I couldn't find the words to respond. Drifting away, numbed to the insanity. Today is the day I would die. My laugh escaped, echoing through the street. I can't accept that, it seems so ridiculous…

The glow from my pocket seemed brighter. Whispers buzzing around, mingled together in unison. The energy grew, tense in the atmosphere.

Vision shaky, the city gate closer with each step. Someone watched me, lurking in the shadows. I could feel their eyes. Avis is close.


"You think we can out run her?" Gloria asked, taking a gasp of air.

"Not the arrows."

"That's what I thought…" Gloria murmured, turning my head. Abandoned shops, shrouded in shadows, I hopped over the nearest booth. Crawling through the wares, she pulled up a stringed instrument. A gleeful laugh escaped, staring at the find.

"It’s nothing as nice as yours was, but it's a lute."

"It's glorious…" I hummed, my fingers dancing over the strings. Gloria peeked out to the street, hiding back against the wall. "I know it's not fair to ask but-"

"This may be my last chance to play." My fingers itching for a melody. What a fool I am.

"Just focus on the song." She took a breath, my shoulders tensing. "I'll focus on running." Standing in the doorway, jaw clenched. She's nervous. A sudden desire to reassure her, tell her it would all be okay...but the words felt hollow. Both of us knew.

A slave to the melody, she was right, I'd focus on the song. My fingers obeyed the call, plucking a starting note. The last song I may ever play, and I choose this...that damn funeral dirge. I have a terrible imagination.

Gloria stepped into the street, an arrow flying by my head. I shifted the melody, the song spinning into something different. Building off the original, this version was stranger, more beautiful. Something like ice, cold and sinister. The world bent under my finger tips.

Another arrow fired, the song warping it's trajectory. I already have Avis. Laughing as I ran. Her white hair disappeared down an alleyway. If she's smart she won't follow. I am powerful! I am in control! I am not dying today! I-

A sharp ache, blood flooding my side. The bandages around my waist, cut loose. The pieces of bloody cloth in my hand. "Gloria…"


"Nothing changes, Alex," she echoed in my thoughts. "Keep playing your song."

My mind hazing over again, I returned to the song. A trail of blood behind us. With every step I felt weaker, running through silent streets. Fear eating at my heart, the threat of a new wound, my body torn apart. Avis at my heels….soldiers entering the city. I don't stand a chance. I never stood a chance.

Feet quick against the stones, sweat dripped down my brow. I slowed at the sight of the corner, passing one last street. Avis slipped out, barrelling into me.

Gaze spinning, I teetered, the lute falling from my hands. Watching as it hit the ground, it shattered into pieces.

Avis limped, chasing me with the end of an arrow. "Alex- you're dead- you're-" she huffed, swiping at me. I stepped around her attacks, wide-eyed.

"You're in rough shape, Avis. You should rest," Gloria's words, but they sounded like mine.

"No...I have you." She swung again, hitting the wall instead. Her whole body trembled as she fought to stand.

I raised my hands. "She's gone, Gloria's gone," my voice shook, back against the wall. Why was she saying this? Gloria cleared my throat, "I passed out, and my heart must've stopped, and well, it's over….I'm trying to get home."

Avis's shoulders drooped, lowering the broken arrow. "You sure? Honestly?" She stepped closer, peering into my eyes.

"Yes…" my voice cracked, a note of fear behind it. Gloria? Why was she lying?

"Don't fool with me...I don't have energy. Are you really back?" Hope in her eyes, a break in the agony.

"Why would I be heading away from the palace if I wasn't?" I cracked a grin.

"I guess that's true." She wiped the sweat off her brow, leaning against the wall. Her half grin faltered. "...But why are you running along the wall?" the fear returned to her tone.

"You were chasing me," Gloria laughed, the stolen dagger in my hand. Wait. Avis's eyes went wide, my hand too quick. The blade stabbed into her stomach.

No, no, no. Those fiery eyes losing light, Avis slid down the wall.

"Alex…" She raised a shaky finger. "Don't you damn let this happen again." Blood dripped from the corner of her snarl. "...don't you dare stand by, you don't have to stand by..." She struggled with words, the air leaving her lungs.

I dropped the dagger. Avis stared up at the sky with hollow eyes. My friend, my enemy, the best of both kinds. Tears welled in my eyes, a heavy lump in my throat.

"...I had to, Alex...there was no other way," Gloria stuttered, "She would've killed us… don't forget she was ready enough to kill you earlier-"

"Shut up, Gloria, shut up!" I gripped my head, keeling over. Blood pooling, my breathing ragged. "You made me kill her."

My fingers wrapped around the dagger, my other hand pressed against the wound. I can't live with this. Laying with my head in the dirt, I dug my fingers in the dirt. My legs swung underneath me, a jarring panic in my mind. I don't want to move...please let me sleep... just let me sleep. My limbs didn't obey, stumbling to my feet, away from Avis's corpse.

"Don't let her blood be spilt in vain," Gloria said. Her words were no comfort, my mind screaming to return to the dust. Instead my feet continued, building the ring, a circle of blood.

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