《Memento Mori》Interlude: Letters from Sister
“Huh?” Embla froze. Her eyes widened slightly and her upbeat expression fell off her face. She stared at the man she regarded as a brother with a look of disbelief.
Kojiro sighed and leaned forward. His expression was calm, not betraying anything. “I need you to stop looking for Valentina. It’s been seven years and I think it’s time you sto-”
“No. What’s wrong with you? You’re giving up on her after seven years!” Embla slammed her hands on his desk. Her red eyes were now burning with fury.
“Em, please. Sit down and let me-”
“What the hell, Koji!? She’s your best friend! If you were the one who went missing, Val would never stop looking for you! Even if it took her the rest of her life, she would never give up on you and now you’re giving up on her!” Embla screamed.
“Shut up! I can’t believe you! I can’t believe that you wo-”
“EMBLA!” she froze. An overpowering pressure slammed into her, suffocating her. She froze, a primal fear written into her genes screaming at her to run away. Her red eyes met the angry orange ones of Koji. The man in front of her sighed and motioned for her to take a seat.
Her anger was slowly diminishing in favor of fear. Koji had never screamed at her this way before. With great reluctance, Embla sat back down in her chair and remained silent.
Koji pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He had anticipated this reaction. Val, help me. He opened his desk and pulled out an envelope. The envelope had seen better days and had noticeable signs of aging. He placed the envelope on his desk and pushed it towards Embla.
“What? What is this?” Embla gingerly picked up the letter and gasped.
To my precious Little Sister
It was her sister’s handwriting. She recognized the way Valentina curved her S’s and Y’s. Embla looked back up at Koji.
“This is a letter Valentina left you before she disappeared. There are a lot of things I can’t tell you but I want you to know that… Valentina didn’t want to leave you.” Koji closed his eyes and sighed.
“What? What are you talking about? Didn’t she go MIA on a mission?” Embla asked.
“No. I’m sorry for not telling you but… I couldn’t tell you what she was doing at the time.”
“But now?”
“Now, I’m choosing to give you some information. However, I can’t tell you what happened in any specific detail. Too many ears are listening. What you want to know is in that letter. I’ll just give you the basics of what went down seven years ago,” he said.
“...” Embla gripped the letter tightly and nodded. “What happened?”
“Seven years ago, there was a disaster. No, a discovery that your sister and I made during one of our routine missions. We reported this back to the Council and they reported to the top members of Parliament. The government selected your sister.”
“Selected for what?”
“A mission. I can’t divulge any details but…”
“Yeah, yeah. The letter, I get it.” Embla nodded.
“This mission sent Valentina away. Far away.” Koji closed his eyes. He still remembered that day clearly inside his head. “She asked me to give you this in case I got news that she died on the case. However, I hadn’t gotten any word of it so I had to give it to you when you became of age. What you do with this letter is up to you. You’re more than welcome to continue looking for her but… at this point, my hands will be tied.”
“What do you mean?” Embla asked.
“The Midgard Department of War is breathing down my neck for interacting with you,” he answered. “I’m breaking protocol by feeding you information about her.”
She nodded and remained quiet. “So what now?”
“For now, you need to stop looking for your sister. I can’t risk you getting arrested by the military police.” He folded his hands.
“You know I'm not going to stop,” she said.
“Then I can’t stop you. But, just know that my hands are now tied. You won’t be getting as much help from me anymore,” Kojiro said.
“So you’re giving up on me?” she asked.
“No, I’m trying to keep you safe like Val wanted. If the military police arrest you, I won’t be able to do anything. I’ll be placed before a tribunal and be court-martialed.”
“...” Embla clenched her fists and nodded. “I’ll be going now…” She got up and walked towards the door.
“Em.” Kojiro closed his eyes. “I’m sorry. I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear but…”
“I know.” Embla opened the door and left the room.
Embla ran out of the Knights’ Headquarters. Her sister’s letter was in her left hand. Tears streamed down her face. She ran as far as she could, not even knowing which direction she was going.
Embla didn’t know what to think. Thoughts of anger and betrayal were swirling around inside her head. She felt betrayed by the man she viewed as her older brother for making her believe her sister had been missing in action for seven years. She felt angry at the government for sending her sister on what Koji made out to be like a suicide mission. She just felt angry.
She shook her head. Embla came to a stop. Reinforcing her legs, she jumped up to the rooftop of the building and sat down. Hugging her knees to her chest, Embla just sat there and cried. The setting sun cast a melancholy light across the bustling city which was just entering its nightlife.
“Screw you, Koji. Screw the Midgard government for making him stop and sending Val away,” she said. Embla looked down at the letter in her hand. Her hand shook. Embla sighed. “I’m such a coward. I can’t even open this letter…”
“So this is where you went.”
Her eyes widened in surprise at the sound of that voice. Cal? She wiped her eyes and turned around.
Cal stood behind her with his hands in his pockets. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the redness around her eyes. “Are you alright?”
“What? Are you worried about me?” she smiled.
“Stop that.” Cal walked up and sat down next to her. Her smile dropped as she turned around.
“How did you find me?” she asked.
“After Miss Hler left with you, Yuki asked me to follow you guys back to the headquarters and wait for you outside,” Cal said. “What happened in there?”
“Everything I’ve known is a lie. And the people I looked up to let me believe that lie,” she said.
“My sister isn’t missing. She’s just gone. Gone on a long-term mission. Koji let me believe that she was missing for years because he said that he wanted to protect me. He gave me a letter that she wrote for me just in case she died.” Embla held up the aged envelope.
Cal nodded.
“I don’t know what to do. I’ve spent seven years of my life looking for a sister I thought was missing or dead,” Embla said.
“What do you want to do?” he asked.
“I want… I don’t know. I’m just so lost right now,” Embla said.
“You want to know something?” he asked.
She looked at him and nodded slowly.
“I went through something similar when I was a kid.” Cal looked up at the rising moon.
Embla tilted her head in confusion.
“When we were little, Pandora and I got into a really bad fight. I honestly can’t remember what we were fighting about but… she ran away into the woods. I didn’t stop her. I was too mad at the time. Later that night, Pandora never came home,” he said.
Embla remained silent, waiting for him to get to the point.
“So we looked for her. For an entire week, Pandora went missing. I began to worry about her and I stopped eating. I kept begging my dad to let me help look but he kept saying no. So I had the brightest idea ever,” Cal smiled.
“What was your idea?” she asked.
“I went to go look for her myself. I figured that since I knew all of our spots, I would do better than the rest of the adults,” Cal said.
“Where was she hiding?”
“In a tree fort we made. It’s in a spot our parents didn’t know about so I thought that’s the first place I’d look,” he answered.
Embla smiled. The story had brought her some enjoyment. She imagined a smaller, more childish version of Cal calling out to a smaller Pandora. The thought of it made her happy somewhat. “That’s nice and all but… I don’t see how that compares to my current predicament.”
“When Pandora was missing and everyone was in a frenzy looking for her, I didn’t know what to do like you. Except for the part where I was lied to. But the point is, I had no idea what to do. How to help fix a problem that was my mistake. In your case, it’s different but… it’s similar in the fact that both our sisters went missing and the two of us were sitting on our asses waiting for something to fall into our lap no?” Cal asked.
“I guess.” Embla looked down at the letter.
“Read it.”
“Huh?” she looked at him.
“My story might not be as helpful as I want it to be but at least it’s telling you not to sit on your ass. You spent seven years looking for your sister and now, the person who gave you clues gave you your biggest clue of all. Why don’t you read it and see what she said?” he asked.
“I…” Embla gripped the envelope. Can… Can I really? I… She was afraid. Afraid of what was written on that letter. Embla glanced and saw Cal’s intense gaze. Sighing, she began to open the envelope. “Um, can I get some privacy? I want to read this alone.”
Cal nodded. “I’ll wait for you down on the street. Don’t take too long, Oilhead.”
Embla slowly opened the letter and began to read.
I don’t know what to say. You’re sleeping right now in your room down the hall with Mr. Fenny in your arms. I want to say that everything will be okay but I wouldn’t be writing this letter if it were. By the time you read this letter, I hope to Odin that you're 17 and not younger. If you were, that means I’m dead and I’m sorry. On the chance that I am, please take care of Ragnarok Blossom for me. She’s yours now. But, I hope to Odin that you never see Ragnarok Blossom without me holding it.
If you’re 17, then that’s good. All I have to say is that I’m sorry. In this letter, I’ll try to explain everything I know about the situation we’re about to be in. Just know that none of this was because I wanted to leave you.
About three weeks ago, about a year after I was inducted into the Knights of Midgard, Koji and I were part of the two-man team, Tempus Fugit, that worked as the intermediary between the Atraxis Guild and the Midgard Military. As such, our job was to take on quests that the Guild deemed too dangerous for their regulars. One of our quests was like that. Our quest took us to a crypt. Normally, an undead infestation is easy enough that even zero-star parties can take them out without a problem but this time, it was different. We saw something horrible. Something I can’t even begin to describe. We just stuck to calling it a Draugr. We managed to kill it. Apparently, setting them on fire is good enough. When we made our report, the Head Council of Midgard’s parliament kicked us out and had a meeting.
And that brings us to now. About a day ago, I was summoned to Yggdrasil to meet with them. Bastards, the lot of them. The Council told me that I had to investigate the incident. More and more reports of these Draugr were coming up from the Guild. Adventurers were getting killed left and right. Obviously, I asked how long this assignment would take. The Grandmaster said that it would be a while. I told them to shove it up their ass.
Embla chuckled at that statement. But, what was so bad about this Draugr that the Council had her go?
They kept trying to persuade me in that room for hours but I kept saying no. That’s when one of them said it. A man by the name of Kvasir. Crafty bastard. He told me that if I refused, you would be removed from the equation. And by removed… well, you’re old enough to know what I mean by that.
Embla gripped the paper. They threatened her with me?
I called their bluff but that bastard, Kvasir, had bugs planted in New Munich. Our house was surrounded by undercover military police. And what’s worse was that the previous Valkyria rank was there with them. So I had no choice but to say yes. Even now, sitting here writing this, I know Samuel and Lilim would’ve been able to react in time to save you. But, I wanted to save you and didn’t even think.
I wish this hadn’t happened. I wish that we turned down that quest from Annalise that day. I’d do anything to take that day back. So before I leave, I want to write some things down that you’ll get to read once you’re older.
First, please don’t be mad at Koji. Whatever he’s done up until now, I asked him to. I knew that you won’t be able to stay still so I gave him every location I’ve been to while on this mission.
Embla’s eyes grew wide. All those places were… she kept reading.
Second. Whatever you do, do not trust the Midgard Government. Do not trust anyone in it. And especially, don’t trust Kvasir if he ever shows his slimy face in front of you.
Embla noticed some splotches on the paper. “Val…”
Embla… I can’t begin to figure out how to say sorry to you. For everything. This paper is probably just one hollow apology and I’ll keep saying I’m sorry as many times as I can. I know that by the time you read this letter, you’ll feel more alone than you did when you found out I was gone. But, I want you to know that you were never alone. Even if I’m not there, remember that my heart will always be with you. If you want to keep looking for me, I’ll wait for you to catch up. And when we finally meet again, I’ll be waiting for you to punch me for leaving you. And I’ll finally make up for seven years worth of birthdays that I missed.
From your Big Sis,
Valentina Feuerdrache
Valkyria of the Knights of Midgard
Embla gripped the letter as tears began streaming from her face once more. She hugged the letter tightly to her chest. Embla stayed like that for several minutes, sobbing silently. After a while, she wiped her eyes. Giving the letter one last once over, Embla folded it gently and placed it back into the envelope.
She walked over to the edge of the roof and dropped down next to Cal.
“Oh, you’re done.” He noticed her wiping her eyes. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you back at the house. There’s something I need to do,” Embla said.
“Wait-” Cal reached out to grab her shoulder.
“Cal. I’ll be fine,” she said. “I’ll just be going to Atraxis.”
Cal pursed his lips and pulled his arm back. He nodded.
Embla smiled and walked off in the direction of the Guild Building.
The house was silent. A silent so palpable that one could’ve taken a slice of it from the air. Yuki sat next to Red, her head on his shoulder with a worried look on her face. Pandora bit her nails as she paced around the living room while Cal sat on the chair with his eyes closed.
“I’m going to look for her,” Pandora said.
“She said she wanted to go to Atraxis alone,” Cal said.
“But Cal! You told us how much of a wreck she looked like! We need to-”
“I’m home.” They all stopped as Embla walked into the living room. There were signs that she had cried. Red and Yuki gave her a worried look while Pandora just looked at her, ready to break into tears herself. Cal just looked at her with hidden emotion in his eyes.
“Embla, are you…?”
“Huh? I’m fine. I think… At least, I think I am.” She sat down on the couch. Embla looked at them with a rather bitter smile on her face. “My sister left me a letter.”
“That’s great,” Red said.
Yuki elbowed him, causing him to fall quiet.
“Yeah, it is. I found out that she didn’t abandon me or died. She. She was forced to leave me behind,” Embla said.
“Forced?” Yuki tilted her head.
“I don’t understand the details but she was forced to go on a long-term investigation with no definitive end date. That’s the reason why she vanished all those years ago,” Embla said.
“Are you going to keep looking for her?” Red asked.
“Yes but… I don’t want to do it alone anymore. My sister was wrong though. When I read the last part of her letter, she thought that reading it would make me feel more alone than ever but… I know this sounds corny and I’m not very good with this. But, I don’t feel as lonely as I did all those years looking for her. Which is why I’m here right now to ask you guys something.” Embla pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and placed it on the coffee table.
Yuki’s eyes grew wide upon reading it.
“This is a…?”
“Yeah. Please, let me officially join Memento Mori,” Embla said.
Yuki glanced down at the paper then at her. She looked over to the others, who were nodding. The fox kin smiled and grabbed the paper.
“Well then. Welcome to the party, Embla.” Yuki held her hand out.
Embla looked up upon hearing her words. A wide smile spread across her face as she took Yuki’s hand.
Kojiro sat in his office with his head in his hands. He sighed. “That was a disaster…,” he mumbled beneath his breath.
Three knocks sounded on his door. Kojiro sat up immediately. “Come in.”
The door opened and a hooded woman walked into the room. She had a long black cloak on that covered her face. A pair of snow-white bangs framed her jaw, being the only defining features that were visible at the moment.
“You’re here.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I never miss a meeting. We’ve been friends for years, you should know that,” the woman said, sitting down. The woman took her hood off, revealing a head of snow-white hair that reached down to her midback. A small horn-like hairpin sat on the left side of her head. The most striking feature was her eyes. They were the iciest shade of blue.
He sighed at her words. “Still, coming here after I had to give her the letter. You sure have a knack for timing don’t you, Valentina?”
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