《Unnecessary Evil》Chapter 18
Vladimir unwillingly woke up to rallying hideout dwellers and Bread trying to forcefully wake him up with a slap.
“I am sorry!” She squeaked as her hand landed on his cheek.
“What was that for?!” Vladimir questioned with a hurt look, massaging his stinging cheek as he stood up.
“Goulash… Said that I should wake you up…” She gently said, with her cheeks turning bright red. Vladimir just for a moment thought she was cute. Her full but small lips, her little cute nose and large eyes with long eyelashes were in direct contradiction of the male counterparts. Her body was perfect too, for her size.
“Fine, fine… So what is happening? Did they find us?” ” Vladimir asked, observing the packing goblins.
“Not yet, but the party is searching the sewers,” a familiar voice sounded behind Vladimir.
“Ah, hi Sou’Rek! You look better,” Vladimir turned back to see his former cellmate.
“Well, I feel better,” he nodded, “now, grab those crates and let’s move! We have another hideout behind the city wall. It will be quite a trip, for you, human,” he grinned.
“Yeah, yeah, humans are weak, you are strong… I get it. Where is Za’Dek?”
“Already gone, preparing the camp,” he answered and moved away after he easily grabbed three crates at once.
Vladimir turned back to Bread and Goulash who were conversing with the quartermaster.
“Human, follow us,” Goulash ordered, clearly enjoying it. The quartermaster threw him a black toga and sandals with a sneer, saying he ‘did not want to watch a human’s dick every time he turned around’.
The two stars, Sur and Mir, were high in the sky. The migration went almost without a hitch. When they moved through one of the many empty side alleys, they encountered a drunk orc, who was sleeping off the hangover. Goulash slit his throat without remorse. Vladimir understood that this was a world where dog eats dog, but this… He was no murderer, he only kills when he must. The face of his mother flashed in his mind, but he subdued it quickly.
After that, they easily slipped through the city and the barely guarded gate.
It was Vlad’s first experience of the outside world. It was huge, almost five times bigger than Earth. He knew that after he hastily calculated the size by measuring the horizon.
The city itself was surrounded on one side by a small mountain range with a large forest, separating the city from the outside world. On the other side were immense farm fields with sparse villages, with many sweaty goblins slaving on them with the help of ox-like animals.
In the distance, behind the fields, Vladimir even saw the Weeping Sea, but the harbour had to be on the other side as he did not see it.
The revolutionaries' hideouts were in a large forest close to the mountain range in the Greenery. Vladimir was warned to not wander into the forest as the inhabitants were much stronger than him and his tasty flesh would be devoured in a moment.
The Greenery was an area of forest closest to the city. It was a safe place, at least for orcs, only a few stronger beasts were around. It was mostly free of orcs in the wild as the orcs did not require wood, nor cared about forests. Only from time to time they only went inside to hunt, but often deeper, to more dangerous areas, and from another part of the forest.
The hideout itself was a camp hidden in an ancient ruin, that was probably an outpost for some long-dead noble who needed military merit, long abandoned after one of the numerous wars.
Makeshift tents from wood and leather littered the place haphazardly. Hunting parties constantly took turns as the camp had around 300 hungry goblins. Also, Vlad observed the goblins learned how to persist in sunlight. He knew they were nocturnal creatures but the advantage was clear.
Most of them were equipped with bows and arrows, but a few had pistols and rifles stolen from the city. Otherwise cold weapons, like short sabres, pikes and other such were laying freely on racks all around the camp.
There was a small cave system, used as a medicine hall and storage. Seven injured goblins were laying on cots, attended to by the shaman and his assistants.
Vladimir thought he would know some magic, but the shaman explained they only knew nature and what helps. Magic was incredibly rare in the goblin and orc race. The legend said that they did not know the esoteric powers until humans and devils came.
Vlad yearned to go to the human side, but when he borrowed some maps, he saw that such a trip would take at least a year through a brutal and savage land.
The only possibility was the harbour. He did not look forward to that, as he knew the only way would be to become a pirate or mercenary, while evading orcs, devils and other races who did not hold humans in good graces. Frankly, there was little difference between pirate or mercenary as both were hired by the Grand Orcen Empire to harass foreign remote settlements.
He helped where he could while waiting for Sou’Rek, Za’Dek and Goulash to return from their hunt. Bread was flickering all over the camp, resolving problems, taking care of administration and caring for several children. Whenever a goblin acted out of line, she turned to a little green menace. The targets of her wrath always turned into a quivering mess, often prostrating while heavily perspiring. He even heard an apology.
He went to the quartermaster to ask for some volunteers, so he could start the adaptation of the breathing technique. He also asked if there were some books and the quartermaster just wildly laughed at him, so hard, Vladimir thought his fat would tear off. Goblins and books… The only library in the city was at the Tower of the Devil, which was guarded by powerful spells. There was no way he could even come close to it.
Three scrawny, young goblins lined up before him in a small side-cave, promptly repurposed as his laboratory.
He examined the goblins closely, using the analyser as much as he could. He even tasted their sweat, to their amusement.
[Encyclopaedia updated: goblin anatomy. Better accuracy of … ERROR >>> Missing unknown component]
[Skill: Anatomy unlocked]
[Anatomy (Corporeal) - Novice
The structure of organisms. You have just basic knowledge, knowing left from right and head from butt. Mostly. Works with Encyclopaedia for each type of organism.
10% increased chance to discern weak spots in humanoids.]
Vladimir blinked and his gears in mind rapidly turned. He could conclude just from this it would be some battle assistant. Hopefully, he will find it soon.
He released the goblins and sat down.
His emotions were suddenly in turmoil, the last two weeks fully falling on him.
“Fuuuuck!” Vladimir roared. He was angry. So, so angry. Even a few tears rolled over his face as he threw the cots and wooden crates around.
He missed his family, his friends and his old world. His only solution would be either to learn what happened, which would be almost impossible or magic.
Magic… He wanted that power. And for that, he needed to reach the human cities. A plan slowly formed in his head.
When he thought of it, he knew the goblin revolution was doomed. He did not know why the church supported it and the devils could squash it in a moment.
He would also try to save Sou’Rek. He owed him a lot, Also he had to find a way to talk to Lar’Ako. That orcette… He now realized that something was going on with her. Yes, she was brutal, even letting him almost die. On the other hand, she gave him salves, the potion, food and forced him to survive. She even gave him the breathing technique… She should have noticed that he was not hurt by it. He did not question it before, but now it seemed strange that she did not comment on it.
Some primal feeling stuck in his chest. He never felt it before. However, he could understand that feeling. Survive at any cost. Take anyone who gets in his way down. The Rotshield family was a prime example.
He sat down and meditated. Loony… He briefly wondered why he was so silent.
Two hours later, Bread interrupted him in the middle of meditation as she angrily stomped into the room, observing the destruction surrounding the human.
“What do you think you are doing?!” She yelled, her shyness gone.
Vladimir slowly opened his eyes and smiled. “Sorry about that, I was just letting out some steam,” he apologized, feeling much better.
“You will repair it,” she squinted at the human.
“Agreed,” Vladimir nodded.
“Sou’Rek and boss are here, they have a few goblin corpses for you,” she informed him, her meekness returning as she became aware that she was alone with a human.
“You know, you don’t need to fear me. I won’t hurt you,” Vladimir said as he noticed the goblinettes fear.
She just nodded and ran away.
Vladimir arrived at the meeting in the largest tent, where the quartermaster, who’s name Vlad still did not know, Za’Dek and Sou’Rek were standing around a table with a few maps and loudly arguing.
“You can’t be serious! This cannot work out!” Sou’Rek yelled.
“A lot has changed after you were caught, fallen inquisitor,” Za’Dek snorted.
“This is still madness! Even if the church will help! This could end the revolution!” The fallen inquisitor tried to persuade Za’Dek.
“We are getting more desperate! The moment the human ran away at least two devils were searching for him,” he dropped the bomb.
“We knew that would happen. You agreed! The technique would change the tide!” The fallen inquisitor said.
“Yes... I did… And only thanks to the church we are not annihilated yet. We need to do this and that's final,” the hobgoblin leader folded his arms.
“I heard you have a few corpses for me,” he interrupted their argument. He will have to leave soon. Two devils… He expected the White Bastard, Ssirze, but who was the second one? He cannot combat devils yet… He will have his revenge, on them and the orcs, sooner or later.
“Yes, Goulash will put them in your lab,” the hobgoblin answered impatiently.
“I will work on it right away. Anything else?” Vladimir asked.
“No… Hurry up with it. You will help us in two days with something,” the revolutionary leader said with a harsh voice. Sou’Rek turned and stomped away, fuming at the foolishness they called a plan, before Vladimir could stop him. The quartermaster was silent for the whole time. A flash of mockery appeared in his eyes as he scrutinized at the back of the fallen inquisitor.
Vladimir did not like it at all. A nervous atmosphere encased the camp. Everyone knew something was happening. Goulash and Bread worked hard to keep everyone calm, while their boss could rest for a bit.
Vladimir went back to his makeshift laboratory and gazed at four corpses lying in the corner in a heap.
First, he repaired the broken cots and arranged the dead goblins on them, closing their eyes. Then used a few crates as a table. He positioned the first cadaver at it and took a deep breath.
He could not help himself not to feel apprehension for what he was going to do, but that was old morale. Earth morale would not help him here. The sooner he will get used to it, the better.
He took a knife he found in one of the broken crates and cut deep into the goblin’s chest. His expertise with blades enhanced his movements. It was as if something guided his hand. It felt quite odd, but he got used to it fast.
Three hours later, he was rewarded for his dirty work by flashing screens.
[Anatomy (Corporeal): Goblin updated]
[Do you wish to adjust the Hbb techique to the goblin physiology? Estimated time: 1:12:00:00]
“Yes,” Vladimir sighed in relief. It took three hours to finish, and he had to cut open two of them.
He knew he even ate the goblins and that the cannibalism was nothing new to them, but still, his stomach churned as he was dissecting them.
On the other hand, he learned that his analysis tool was even more powerful than he thought. It could use his eyes as microscopes and he was able to see on a cellular level.
Even the description changed, now showing how far he can see.
The being who created this all-powerful tool should be given a Nobel prize.
He cleaned himself outside from the blood and went to find Sou’Rek.
He found him in the clearing, just a dozen steps away from the camp. The fallen inquisitor was practising with a spear.
“Sou’Rek!” Vladimir called at the deeply focusing goblin.
“What do you want, human?” He did not like the interruption.
“The technique will be ready in a day and a half,” Vladimir gave the good news.
“Finally… Now, only if the idiot wouldn’t doom the revolution…” Sou’Rek stated with a harsh tone as he trusted the spear, generating a small gust of wind from the tip.
“What is going to happen?” Vladimir was curious. He never saw the goblin so furious, not even when he killed him. Sometimes, he still wondered while the goblin did not hold it over him.
“He decided to kidnap the prince… That idiot!” Sou’Rek thrust again, generating an even more powerful gust than before.
Vladimir gaped not at the gust, but at the information. Kidnapping a royalty. On second thought, that could be a good opportunity for him.
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