《Jordan Leoren – A Tale From The Wizarding World》Chapter 16 – The Birthday Party
Chapter 16 – The Birthday Party POV Jordan Leoren
I woke early in the morning. It was the first time in...well, forever since I was excited for my birthday. Instead of just family, which was fine, don't get me wrong, I was going to have kids my age over as well. Potential friends and wizards and witches from Hogwarts to boot! I could hardly fall asleep last night from all my excitement. It seems a good? night's sleep was not enough to lessen that excitement in the least.
I checked the clock on my bedside table. 4:03 AM.
'Urg. Too early...'
With a sigh, I roll over and try desperately to fall asleep for another two hours at least. Dreams of friends, exploring hidden areas of the manor, and playing Marco Polo in the pool flooded me and I felt invigorated as I dreamt of amazing possibilities. I stayed in this state of waking dreams for what seemed like hours. Running endless scenarios through my head and meeting hundreds of new people and friends. I found myself smiling or laughing as emotion welled up inside of me. Unbidden tears roll down my cheeks in the silence and safety of my bed.
'Finally. I can have friends and live a normal, if somewhat magical, life.'
I open my eyes and wipe the tears away with a giant smile on my face as I turn to my clock to check the new time.
4:34 AM.
'Oh, come on! That had to have been at least an hour!'
I grumble to myself as curl up into a ball, trying to relax my mind to sleep again.
Spoiler alert, I don't get a wink of it.
* | * | *
I stare at the clock with annoyed eyes. It had been set at 6:59 AM for what seemed like years.
FINALLY, it flips to 7 AM and I am out of bed in a flash. I rush to the bathroom and take a shower to "Wake Up Fully" and dry myself quickly after finishing as I pick out an outfit to wear today...something casual, but also respectable...
'I can just wear a blazer over my normal clothes and call it good, right?'
Nodding to myself, I do just that. On goes blue jeans, an off-white CCR shirt, brown dress shoes (I decided to be a little fancy, after all), and a blue blazer with brown patches at the elbows. I look myself over in the mirror and nod. Next, I tame my wild hair and style it as I have been taught for the last few years. I get it to lay how I want with some pomade and use a bit more to force my cowlicks in the shape I want them.
I think of the now-familiar journal and, more specifically, about its missing weight in my pocket. It has quickly become like my keys or phone. Not having it with me makes me feel naked. With a thought, I summon it to me and it immediately shrinks down into a pocket-size as if predicting my wish. I slip it back to where it belongs, my front left pocket.
{Happy Birthday! You look great, Jordan my boy! Are you excited to meet some new friends?}
'Yes...but I can't just assume they will be my friends right away. They are coming because of their parents, some might not even be interested in being friends with me...'
{Bah. Who wouldn't want to be friends with you? I might be a bit biased, but I think anyone who doesn't want to be friends with you is not worth your attention. You are a kind and considerate boy...Quick as a whip too! It will be fine, I am sure. Who knows! You might even cause one of the girls to fall for you at first sight! Bahahaha!}
'Things like that don't happen in real life...If someone acted as if they liked me immediately, it would only make me cautious around them. I have dealt with snakes before...' I think darkly, remembering some of my past "Friends."
{Jordan...You have worked in a tough industry. You are used to looking over your shoulder or for traps in every word. You are used to not trusting anyone...This is, by no means, a bad skill to have, but you have left that life behind now. I know what you have been through. I saw it myself through your memories, but I can promise you that not all people are like that...In fact, most people are not like that...I would like to ask you to do something today, would you listen to this old man's wish?}
'...Depends on what you ask.'
{Ha! You brat. *Ahem* Try to open up and be less guarded today...I would hate to see you become a loner because you are too cautious. Trust early and often, but always hold a dagger at the ready. That was a favorite saying of mine, back in the day. Do you understand its meaning?}
'...That I should only treat people like villains if they give me a reason to?'
{More or less. You should trust in someone to be a good person and act on that belief. If they give you a reason to doubt them, then you can be cautious, but you should always assume the best of people. You would be surprised how often this can win someone over to your side or put your enemies in a false sense of security. You will run into those who try to trick you or use you, but if you can surround yourself with true friends and companions, it will make dealing with those individuals much easier. Alone, you are vulnerable, but with friends and allies, you are invinsible...Well, you are safer at the least. Will you try and trust people a bit today, for me?}
'Sure, Grandpa. I can try.' I think, feeling warmth in my chest.
{That is all that I ask. Now, stop chatting to an old book and go down to meet your family. You have a lot to do today!}
'You are my family as well.'
{Dah...This kid is too kind for this old man!}
Finishing up and putting on a spurt of cologne after a moment of hesitation, I head downstairs.
'This is going to be a good day. Let's make sure I smell alright throughout it! I would hate to be known as the stinky boy at Hogwarts...'
* | * | *
Breakfast was a quiet and pleasant affair. My family woke up one by one of the next few hours and wished me a happy birthday as they entered. Grace was the last to wake, as usual, actually having to be woken up by mom. She came down at 7:50 rubbing her eyes, still in her pink silk pajamas. We hung out in the living room altogether until 8 AM when breakfast was served.
The cooking staff really went all out today, and the theme seemed to be my favorites. The head chef brought me an entire quiche and there had to be a pound of bacon in it! Donuts, sourdough toast, mixed fruit smoothies, eggs, bacon, ham, croissants, pancakes...pretty much any common breakfast food was there and we each raved about our favorites.
Mom explained to me that the plates were made with enchantments that kept the food on them warm and fresh. I had always wondered how nothing seems to get cold at our dinner table! She also tells the staff to enjoy whatever is leftover themselves, as today was a day for all of us to celebrate.
At 9 AM we went back to the living room and had a small family celebration. I insisted on having a family party before the guests would arrive to show that the day would have been perfect even without all the flair. This is when almost everyone broke out the presents.
Mom was the first to give a gift. She gave me a coin purse full of gold, silver, and copper coins she explained were called Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts - Modern-day wizarding money. She also promised that we would go and visit a place called Diagon Alley tomorrow and spend the day shopping. Susan and Grace were coming too and I couldn't help thinking that they would enjoy the shopping more than I would...Either way, I thanked her and kissed her cheek.
Susan gifted me an oil painting that was a recreation of a picture that I absolutely loved. It consisted of our entire family out by a lakehouse we rented two years ago. The best vacation we ever took! I was very touched as I could see all the small details and the effort she had put into it. I hugged her tightly and thanked her. It would be coming with me to school to remind me of my family and home.
Grace, still in her pink silk pajamas, gave an absolutely astounding performance of Rhapsody in Blue on piano. Honestly, I was m0ved to tears from it. Grandpa Gryffindor was too and asked if he could come out to clap and congratulate Grace on her wonderful performance. He made sure to do the same with Susan and complimented her work, comparing it to some of the greats of his time.
The song, in case you were curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kIpr6nSvjI
Though both my sisters put on the airs of it not being big deal at all, Grandpa and I could feel their emotions through their art and were not light with our praise. We enjoyed the next few hours together as a family. People wouldn't be arriving until 1 PM and the setup crew was supposed to be arriving at 12 PM. I was expressly forbidden from going outside and had to stay with one of my parents at all times. They really must have gone all out!
At around 11 AM, my dad smiled. clapped, and lifted a covered...something onto the table. He had been excited all morning, I could tell, and I was about to find out why. I don't know what I was expecting, but when he pulled a tarp away on a table and revealed a marble and granite chess set, I was taken aback. I liked chess, but I wasn't the best at it. Dad & Susan were okay and Mom & Grace were practically masters, but I thought the rules were a bit too straightforward.
Still, dad was really excited about it, so I decided a bit of acting for his benefit was in order.
"Whoa! That is a cool chess set! Thank you, dad! Maybe we can get a game in before the party starts?" I asked, feigning excitement.
"Ha!" Dad laughed and patted my head, "Come now, I know you are not a huge chess fan. But this isn't normal chess..." He said, his smiling growing. He paused dramatically and I saw mom roll her eyes at him. "It's Wizard's Chess."
"Huh?" I ask in confusion. I look at the pieces to find anything different but see nothing out of the ordinary. "What does that mea-"
"Marble pieces, attention!" My dad yells at the chessboard in an imitation of a drill sergeant.
Then, to my utter shock, the pieces moved and saluted up to him, the white marble king and queen merely nodding their heads, before moving back to their normal positions. Dad looks over to my slack-jawed face and laughs again, patting me on the back once more.
"They will move and act on their own. You just need to command them and tell them where to go! The pieces are enchanted to both animate and fight in realistic ways. When they do fight, the winning piece will destroy the losing one. Don't worry though, it will regenerate within a couple of minutes. They will respond to your orders perfectly and the more you play, the more connected you will become with them-"
"This is incredible!" Someone yells in the room. Oh, wait. That was me. I hover over the board and start telling pieces to go to certain places. I let a black pawn be taken by a white pawn just to see how it works. The pawn draws its marble sword and pierces through the granite one. The granite pawn crumbles to pieces and, I swear, the granite king glares daggers at me.
'Holy crap! They can think and act on their own. They can fight on their own. They seem to have some semblance of personalities...How does this work!? This is amazing! If I could somehow replicate this for my own game...'
My dad has long since stepped back with a smile as he sees me inspecting the pieces and playing with them in fascination. Mom comes and hugs him and gives him a kiss on the cheek as a "Well done."
Grace sits opposite of me and offers to play a game with me. She whispers to the granite king that she will get revenge against me and, once again, I swear the bastard smirks!
While I proceed to get my ass kicked, I hear mom and dad whispering behind me.
"Where did you get one? I haven't seen a set in years..." Mom says quietly.
"I had Mr. Weasley help me out. When I told him Jordan likes strategy games, he immediately suggested this as one of his personal favorites. He brought it by earlier this morning with his brother, George. They are already setting up, I believe." Dad answers her.
"...How much did it all cost?" Mom asks hesitantly.
"The sets themselves were...not cheap. I had to buy the board as well as 2 sets of pieces separately. For the party? A lot. But we still have more than enough, Cass. Some people have been paying rent in Galleons, so we had years' worth just lying around. Had...We may need to stop by a currency exchanger again, soon..."
"...Okay. If you need me to reach out to my family-"
"Never. I will never make you speak to them unless you want to, that was my promise to you when we got married, Cass."
"Rey..." Mom says with tears in her eyes looking up at my dad. Ugh. I hate it when they get all lovey-dovey. I swear, if they start with the baby talk, I am leaving.
"I know...It's just...maybe it is time to mend the fence? Jordan is stepping into that world now...I feel like more family to back him up and teach him would only be a boon."
"Well, If that is what you want, you know I will support you," Dad says pulling mom in for a hug and kissing the top of her head. "Let's talk about this later when our three little munchkins can't pretend not to listen in."
Susan, Grace, and I flinch as we were totally caught, but turn and smile sheepishly at them afterward.
"Mom...I saw you on our family tapestry in the castle. 'Cassandra Abigail Leoren (née Jenavive)' it said. I know you have magic, but you never talk about it or your family. I think we can all see that is on purpose. Please don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable on my account. If you are worried about money...well, don't." I say simply and pull a small coin purse from my pocket and throw it towards mom and dad.
Dad catches it easily and looks inside, only to gasp and drop it afterward. Mom picks it up and looks inside and her mouth drops open wide in astonishment.
"I am not sure what 1000-year-old coins are worth, but even if they are only worth a third of normal wizard coins, with what is in there...I think our family will be fine. I am just a kid and finances aren't my thing, so could I ask a favor of you mom?"
It takes her a moment to center herself again, but when she does, mom smiles at me and says, "Of course sweetheart, what do you need?"
"Could you continue to be my manager and help me with my financial affairs? Grandpa is giving me some advice, but we don't know enough about the market or what things are worth currently..." I say, trailing off and shrugging my shoulders.
Mom comes up and hugs me, "Of course. Jordan. Mommy will always support you as I can."
"Thank you!" I say, hugging her tightly, "I also hope that you can look into investing some of it. Maybe in wizard stocks...are those a thing? I don't know. Just something to grow our family's wealth even more. We have a lot of...repairs to do on the castle. And this is only one of many properties Grandpa told me about. Maybe we can help Susan and Grace get some magical equipment to help them expand their art options? They will be part of this world eventually, so it would be cool to get them used to it sooner rather than later, I would think."
Susan and Grace perk up at that and look to mom hopefully. She smiles and nods in agreement. "I will see what I can do. I think our first stop tomorrow should be Gringotts...I really hate dealing with the Goblins though..." She finishes with a sigh.
With our plans solidified, I go back to losing at my new favorite game and spending time with my family.
Finally, 12 PM hits and Dad goes off to take care of...something. Mom stays with us and keeps me from looking out any of the windows. The hour passes faster than I thought it would as I take on Susan at Chess and win...then get clobbered by Mom. By the time my King dies, I hear a knock at the living room door signaling our guests have arrived.
We make our way to the entrance and meet up with Dad, who looks giddy as a schoolboy and who opens the door to a sea of gingers with some other colors mixed in here and there. Like, seriously, there are so many of them!
I am introduced one by one starting with the faces I know, Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Mrs. Granger-Weasley. After that, I meet a tall energetic young adult named James. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and a minefield of freckles on his face. He definitely gives me the vibe of a class clown and troublemaker. I shake his offered hand and welcome him inside. Next is another tall man, this one with black hair and green eyes. His name is Albus and he was joined with a redheaded woman who had a mane more than a hairstyle. Her name was Rose. They both seemed very nice and I welcomed them inside. 2nd to last was a boy, Hugo, who looked like a younger twin of James and I got the same trouble maker feel about him. His winning smile and easy-going attitude were fun, though, so I hope we can get along.
The kids: https://www.deviantart.com/viria13/art/HP-next-generation-255484615
In case you need a refresher from the last chapter
Last was...
*Gulp* 'Whoa...She is pretty.'
Long, silky, orange hair flowed past her shoulders. Her almond-shaped brown eyes caught the light of the sun and shown in a golden hue as she looked up from her phone. Her face was perfectly smooth and freckle-free, breaking the mold of most of the Weasleys. She looked like a younger version of her mother, but with slightly more angular features from her father. Also, where her mother was lithe and athletic, I could tell she would be a bit curvier in her future, as the prelude to that could already be seen. The most striking thing about her was her demeanor, however. Literally, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life, and she had body language saying she was some worthless trash. Her smile was fake and through her eyes, I saw pain, loneliness, and a flicker of wanting something more...They were the same eyes I had seen in the mirror for years.
When she spoke, her voice was soft but clear. It sounded to me like the prettiest thing I had ever heard, and I had to use years of acting to keep my smile in place and looking normal. Still, a slight blush came to my cheeks as I tied desperately to pay attention to the situation and not blank out staring at her.
"Hello, My name is Lily Potter. It is a pleasure to meet...yoou?" Lily says and meets my eyes for the first time.
Okay, yup. We both blanked out there. Luckily, her phone sliding on the ground and bumping into my shoe was enough to pull me from my brief moment of nothingness. Still...I can't help but think I saw mom and Mrs. Potter smirk. Must have been my imagination.
"Oh! Gem Masters! I play that too. Here is your phone back." I say, trying to play it cool as I pick up the phone and notice the game she was playing. I used to play that a lot in the green rooms. Nice to just zone out and play something meaningless sometimes.
I look up, holding her phone out to her, and give my best smile. I really, really hope I can be friends with this Lily girl!
"I'm Jordan, by the way. Jordan Leoren." I say as I place her phone in her hand. She doesn't seem to even be aware I gave it back, her eyes still on mine, wide in shock.
I just smile at her and wave towards the inner part of the manor.
"That looks like the last of your family horde! haha Shall we head in?"
{And so it begins.} A very amused Grandpa says quietly with a chuckle from within his journal.
- In Serial8 Chapters
A Dungeon in Space
Somewhere in the vastness of space there lies a lonely world orbiting a small lonely star. On this world there lies a country known as the United States of America, and in this country there lives a lonely man. One day this man went to work as usual just like any other day, of his boring and repetitive life. However life had different plans for him that day. As this man was driving to work as per usual, there was another driver who perhaps was not quite paying attention to where he was driving, and unfortunately hit this lonely man, in this lonely world, around the small lonely star. And that was the end of the lonely man’s existence and the beginning of a new one. Picture Taken By NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, and is a picture of the Westerhout 5 Nebula.
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