《Jordan Leoren – A Tale From The Wizarding World》Chapter 4 – The Family Secret Part 3
Chapter 4 - The Family Secret Part 3
*2 Weeks Later - Aug 8th, 2021*
Ah, yes. This is exactly what I needed.
"ADVENTURE!" I yell at the top of my voice. The word echos and cascades off the sheer cliff I am sitting on. It flows down and around as it rolls off the surrounding cliffs that hold the valley below, continues across a small stretch of plains at the mouth of the valley, and, finally, is swallowed up by the wall of green trees that encompass the valley on all sides. The wind blows through my long hair and whips it about my face as if answering my energetic cry, and the breeze smells of rain that is about to fall. I look up into the dark grey clouds above and curse the weather again. How could it have been sunny 20 minutes ago and about to pour like the heavens are falling in the next minute? *Sigh*
looking out over the valley, I thought about the last two weeks. Much of our land has been explored over that period of time, and I am rather proud of that fact. I bugged my mother until she took me to a bike shop so I could purchase a motorized mountain bike. Even though she offered to pay for it, I used the money I got from my recent jobs instead. I have been modeling and acting since I was 4 and my mother always insisted that was my money, so I have quite a lot of it at this point. I tend to donate most of my earnings to orphanages across the UK but keep enough to get things if and when I want them. Hence, my new motorized mountain bike! Even though it is motorized, I still pedal it most of the time. Its engine is just useful if I get tired or injured going through the uneven and rocky or forested terrain, I needed a quick and safe mode of travel otherwise mother wouldn't have let me go explore far.
I have found many beautiful sights in our lands. Take this valley I am in now, for example. It is about 6 km away from my home and hidden by some tall hills and small mountains while also being surrounded by a forest making only one feasible way in, through the narrow stretch of flat plains in front of the opening to it. Even the plains, though, are hard to find since you need to take a mountain trail followed by skirting the edge of the forest for about 10-15 minutes on an ancient game trail to get here. All in all, this has been my new favorite place since I found it a couple of days ago. I am not sure why, but I feel drawn to this place. It makes me feel safe and secure being here...and, to be honest...powerful for some reason. I mostly attribute that to the feeling of climbing the cliffs to sit atop them, as I am doing now.
The wind picks up again and this time I feel a drop of water hit my cheek. *Sigh* Time to make my way home I suppose. I left my bike at the bottom of this cliff before I climbed it, so I quickly, but carefully, make my way down as the rain starts to fall and picks up to a steady drizzle. There are one or two close calls, but I make it down the rocky cliff without too many issues. By the time I get to my bike, it is pouring and I need to find someplace to wait it out. I look around for a rocky outcrop or something, anything to get myself and my bike out of the rain.
I could easily go into the valley and enter the castle there. ...Wait...What? Where did that come from? I ignore the errant thought and continue to scan the cliffs and hills around the valley for a rocky outcropping or even a shallow cave to wait in until the rain eases up a bit.
I could easily go into the valley and enter the castle there. ...What?...I look over at the clearly empty land in the valley. One defining feature I can say with 100% certainty: no castle. That sends my thoughts spinning as I try to think of if I saw any castles in our territory. The answer? There are none. Why do I keep...
I should go to the valley and enter the castle there before I get sick.
'Yea. Good idea, me! Let's enter the castle and get dry "...WAIT, WHAT CASTLE!?!?!?" I practically scream into the dark raining sky.
Suddenly, I am walking forward towards the valley. Why? I couldn't tell you. I was not asking my body to do this, it just moved on its own. I try to grab my legs or slam them down to arrest my movements...Still, I move forward. I tell my legs to stop, but they are happy to ignore my complaints. Um...What the hell is going on? Legs don't just move on their own, at least not in my 10 years of experience. I left the bike where it was and I want to go back for it. I try to focus my legs to turning around and grabbing my bike. I just bought the thing, I don't want it to rust! Come on, please let me go back for it? No. That is silly. Why use a bike when I can just fly on a broom? What the hell am I even thinking about? Flying on a broom? What am I a witch? No, dumbass, you're a wizard. Ah, a wizard. Makes sense. LIKE HELL, IT DOES!!!
Something is wrong with me and I am no longer in control of my own body. I am slowly getting closer to the nothing in the valley that I know is actually a castle. How do I know? I don't know. It is in my blood. Of course, I know. What is in my blood, and how the hell do I remove it? Please, we can talk about this! The strange voice that is controlling my mind, be reasonable! I swear I can help you with something realistic! Look, use my eyes, do you see a castle in front of us? Yes. ...You clearly did not use my eyes then, because guess what, I DON'T SEE A CASTLE. That is because you trust your Muggle senses too much. My real senses you mean? You are even making up words now. First I am a wizard, and now I am a muggle? Make up your mind, will you???
So, can I have control of my body again? No. We are entering the empty valley now. The valley I know has nothing and that I know has a castle. This is freaky and not Freaky Friday freaky, but like the devil stealing your soul freaky. Oh, quit being such a whiney bitch. You're a man, aren't you? What year do you think this is!?! You can't just say things like that anymore me! This is 2021 for God's sake!
For a second, I am in control again as I feel an intense wave of confusion envelop me. I quickly take advantage of this and start bolting for my bike, but before I can get more than 10 steps, I lose control and go skidding to the ground on my face in a wet, muddy heap. I am beyond words now as I start crying. (I am only a 10-year-old, cut me some slack. This is beyond my means to handle.) My body picks itself back up, against my will, but I am too mentally and physically exhausted to fight it anymore. I just watch from inside my mind as I walk step by step, moving meter by meter. After about 5 minutes of walking, and my tears stop flowing, I get my will to fight back again.
I argue with myself fruitlessly for several more feet until finally, I am at the edge of the nothingness castle that definitely does exist in the valley. My feet stop and I seem to be in control of my body again. Thank. God. Now, how to deal with this? I can't just run away, that didn't end well for me. I wipe off the mud from my face as I think on my last escape attempt. Maybe I just wait until this feeling passes. I might get sick standing in the rain but it is better than...the feelings, the thoughts, crash down on me at that moment and are far stronger than before.
Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir.
Um...no. You want me to self mutilate myself? Are you crazy?
Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir.
Not happening.
Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir.
Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir.
Listen, dude, I don't even have a sword.
Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir.
The most I have is a pocket knife and I sure as hell am not stabbing myself with it. You can go...
Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir. Draw your sword and pierce your hand. You must drop your magical blood on the threshold to prove you are the heir.
So, logically, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my classic swiss army knife. I opened the knife portion and waited...So, can I just lightly cut my finger or somethi... Aaaaaaaaaand I just stabbed it through my palm. Like all the way through. Like I am looking at the pointy part of the blade from the back of my hand. I want to faint. I want to throw up. I want to crawl into a hole and die, but as I waited for the pain to come....it didn't. Well, if that is the case, let's focus on something else I guess! Like the blood that is falling from my hand and instantly glowing a bright red as soon as it leaves my skin. Or, like when said blood splashes onto the ground it maintains the bright red glow and even forms a circle with intricate designs. I continue to watch in horrid fascination as my blood lights up a trail around the "castle." The circles glow brighter and brighter as time passes and the first few are like red beacons busting into the cloudy sky. This is the only show playing, so I might as well watch, right?
It takes about 30 minutes for me to walk around the perimeter of the "Castle" in this way. The rain no longer bothers me and doesn't seem to affect the blood on the ground at all. When I am nearly done, I feel slightly tired, but otherwise, I feel perfectly fine. No pain from the stab still. Speaking of which, as the last drop of blood falls, the other me pulls out the knife and wipes the blade on the wet grass around us before closing it and returning it to my pocket. I look at my hand and see that the wound is closing at a visible rate...how?
Before I am given a chance to ask more, the feeling of being controlled vanishes....oh, and I guess there is suddenly a giant ass castle in front of me. I am standing at the entrance to the gatehouse, where the closed portcullises are all opening slowly with the sound of clinking chains. The walls I see around me are no joke, truly the defenses of a castle. They have to be 15 meters tall and easy 5 meters thick. Much more grand than my home manor...except... Several sections are broken though and completely crumbled. Not only that, but the castle I see in front of me also shows signs of intense wear and destruction. The structure is intact, but several holes and broken walls can be clearly seen even, from a distance of around 50 meters. Hey....was this valley always this big? I can also see obvious signs of combat with burns, explosions, and acid corrosion being the most prevalent. I think I even see clumps of skeletons littering the floor... I take all this in in a matter of seconds, before a voice, no longer in my head, deafens me.
I have fulfilled the last order given to me by my Master.
This place is yours to do with as you please Jordan. The wards and protections will not affect you, and once you finish your apprenticeship with a suitable witch, wizard, or warlock, you will be able to customize them as you see fit.
Once you enter the castle, keep straight until the Entrance Hall. Find the 2nd to the last statue on the right side of the hall. It should look like a bald, fat priest. Willingly put a drop of your blood on its forehead, and speak the password "Lion Feather." This will reveal the journal Master wrote with all the secrets and protections the castle has to offer. It will return to that spot after 24 hours pass unless you willingly feed it another drop of your blood.
If you wish to bring others in, you will need to give them a drop of your blood to enter. I recommend you do it on a card or paper that can be reclaimed. That is how Master did it.
I can finally pass on and meet my Master in the afterlife. Good luck, boy. May your ancestors watch over and protect you.
Welcome to Gryffindor Castle New Master Jordan Godric Leoren!
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