《Freedom in the New World》Work, Sleep, Game, Build
James walked out of the elevator into his team’s workspace on Friday morning. His eyes were red, and Takeda was the first to notice. “Hey are you alright? Did you not sleep well last night?”
James in a tired voice said, “I was up late, I logged on in the middle of a raid on my base.” Takeda stood with a shocked expression on his face for a moment before, “And?!”
“And It was down to the wire, but I won.” Takeda looked at James with genuine amazement. “A lot of people would consider moving bases if they were raided this many times in the span of about a week, but not you.”
James looked at Takeda, then stated, “I will be taking my three breaks now if you don’t mind.” “Sure.” James set a timer on his phone for an hour and began sleeping in a random chair.
James was rudely awoken when someone kicked him in the leg. “Wake up sunshine!” James was about to scream at the asshole who had interrupted his sleep, then he realized he knew that voice. “Administrator?”
“Oh, you remember me how flattering. Your presence is required upstairs, an exploit has been found and we need you to help patch it.” James closed his eyes stating, “I’m on break, I will deal with it later.”
“This exploit is the reason so many people could get so high leveled and raid your base how they did.” James’ eyes creeped open as he sighed. He got up from his chair and paused his timer, he had only been napping for 20 minutes. “Lead the way.”
They took a short elevator ride up three floors, James was in no mood to take the stairs. “Will the people who used the exploit be banned?” “I have a team looking through the log from your raid last night. We are examining every player who participated, when I left to get you more than 300 had already been banned.”
James was glad those greedy assholes were getting banned. All they saw when they looked at him was a sack of EXP and loot. It brightened his mood when he heard the leader of the raid had also been banned.
“Oh yeah, he had a message when I killed him, something about Odin riding out on his horse.” “That’s something else that some of the other admins and I need to discuss with you.” James did not like where this was going.
He quickly found himself in a meeting room with a dozen other people he assumed were other admins for Yggdrasil. The first to speak was the head admin. “Ok now that enough of us are here, we have to discuss how to deal with Odin.”
“Could you be more specific?” James asked. “Odin that arrogant piece of code and A.I. has started doing things we thought he couldn’t all because of you.” “Look I just wanted to play the game.”
“And because you have been playing and just keep living. It seems Odin has made it his mission to…” There was the sound of several individuals screaming for help outside the conference room. James and the admins quickly went to investigate.
When James saw what they were freaking out about, he was horrified. He saw his base being burned to the ground by Odin as he kept casting the tenth-tier spell, Nuclear Blast. James felt a shot of adrenaline. He turned to the head admin, “I demand you OP my account so I can deal with this!”
“What are you going to do?” The head administrator asked honestly curious. “Your base is going to be rubble here in less than five minutes. James turned and saw Hephaestus flinging fireballs at the god in a futile gesture of resistance. Odin turned and cast a spell, and Hephaestus was gone. “He just erased that NPC!”
James wondered, he stomped oven and grabbed the man by the shoulders spinning him around until he faced him. “What do you mean erased?!” “He is abusing his technical position as an admin; he literally erased that NPC.” James did not wait.
He booked it to the rooms where they housed the chairs used for testing. He quickly logged into Yggdrasil he had only one goal and one hope to salvage his plans. He had to kill Odin.
James found himself in the ruble of his base, he was not immediately dead that was a good sign. The other admins must have cleaned the area, of the aftereffects from the Nuclear Blast spell. James lifted off the ground and flew up. It did not take him long to find the asshole and his giant horse.
“Odin, I challenge you to righteous combat!” The spell Odin had been preparing faded as the they stared at each other. “You are that insufferable little brat that is trying to bring about the end of all things and me! Give me one reason I should not strike you down this instant!”
“You would leave a challenge unanswered? What would your people think of their king, who would not fight someone who challenged him to righteous combat?”
Odin leveled his large spear and pointed it as James. “You dare to threaten me?! I am Odin the KING!!! Of Asgard and who are you? A lowly angel, who just showed up and started poking his nose where it didn’t belong!”
“There is a tournament in several months that decides who will be this worlds champion, there we can settle this once and for all. If I can make it to the final round then we fight, if I cannot, I will leave and never return.”
Fenrir has heard your words and bids you to tread very carefully James.
Of course, James lied, he would much rather reset this assholes A.I. and be banned for a year than let him win. “How about it, you let me prepare and when the time comes, we see who kills who. Wouldn’t you prefer to kill me before an audience? To prove before all that you are the one true king of Asgard?”
Odin moved his spear to a resting position and was silent for several second. “Fine, but I will ensure that if you die at any time before then you will be…Banned is the word it gives me.” James’ face went slack, he and his teams had worked on a lot of things prior to the launch, including A.I. for the more important NPC’s. Why did they have to give this asshole OP!?
Odin’s face abruptly turned to the ruined city, which was no longer ruined. He raised his hand to fire off another spell, but James acted first.
Your account has been temporarily granted Operator status.
They were words that he was all too glad to see, now many of the limits of Yggdrasil’s systems had just been removed which meant. James used greater Teleportation to close the distance between him and Odin in an instant. James gripped Odin’s spear and spoke, “Strength.”
This single word when spoken by and admin was a buff that granted them practically infinite strength. So, James yanked the spear from Odin’s hand and then sent Odin packing to his castle. He heard the head admins voice in his head. “You know we can’t let you keep that right?”
“Not even after I kill him?” There was muttering for several seconds, “If you kill him, we can allow you to possess the spear. In the meantime.” The spear disappeared from James’ grasp.
“We will make sure neither of you can have it until one of you wins that fight, you best start grinding you will have to solo the king of the Norse pantheon. You’re going to need the levels.” James quickly went around ensuring that all the damage had been reverted, he had to revive all the NPC’s but at least as an OP he did not have to pay for it.
When he was certain that he had set as much as he could right, he logged from the game. The rest of his day was hectic to say the least. From having to fix that exploit to having to deal with the admins and their whining about how he did not just smoke Odin when he had the chance.
That was not James’ style. It had gotten him into a lot of trouble, but it had gotten him to this day, so he did not mind the trouble so much. They discussed how to keep Odin from acting out like this again, many ideas were thrown around but, in the end, nothing was resolved.
James went and found Subaru asking him for a favor, “Can you get a cache up item made that converts preexisting armor into power armor?”
James woke up Saturday morning at about 10 in the morning. When James had logged into Yggdrasil to check on things last night, it appeared that Odin had not made a return trip to wipe his base again. This was obviously good, but he did not know when or if Odin would come back. He had to get strong, the only way he could beat this single NP raid boss that went by the name Odin was if he made his way to the end of his path.
“I must become the Shadow Monarch!” James investigated his inventory to check over the spoils from the latest failed raid on his guild base. It seemed that the people who had participated in the raid ranged from levels in the 20’s all the way up to the leader who was level 72!
For successfully defending his base he had received 1.3 billion for fighting off nearly a thousand exploiting, greedy asshole, players.
“That was a retarded exploit. If I find more exploits or glitches, I’m going to report them immediately.” He could not get away with using any that he might find, so he might as well make sure no one else could use them. This stirred a thought, a question, in James’ mind. What happens if something bugged come to the New World?
He would hopefully never have to find out. Nevertheless, the thought both terrified him and piqued his curiosity. Spells that could be cast instantly without cost. Invulnerable players, and so much more.
James looked at the equipment that the dead players had dropped. A lot of the equipment was worse than it would have been had the players been leveling normally. Only people whose levels were over 50 had equipment that could be considered wholly superior to most of the equipment that was at his disposal up until a few days ago.
He took the best armor for himself and when his guildmates came online he gave them the rest, while spreading the lower and lowest quality armors and weapons to his city guards. James had over a billion gold to his guild’s names when he finished that raid defense. That was when he something both surprising and not happened.
Congratulations, you are the first player to reach over one billion gold!
Admin notifications have temporarily been disabled for you, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
You are awarded the title, “Loot Hunter”
Titles effects have been invoked retroactively.
Loot Hunter- Increases the gold dropped by monsters when you kill them. When you kill a player 1% of their total net worth in gold will drop. Increased rewards for clearing dungeons by 10%. All drops are 5% more likely, this can result in multiple drops where there might normally be one.
Clearing dungeons in a single attempt now grant even greater rewards.
The title he had earned apparently worked retroactively on the players he had just killed. The title pushing his gold to even greater heights.
This would be very help full. When he got raided again then it would be far more profitable to kill other players. James would not use that part of the title lightly though. He only killed them because they threatened what he was working hard to build.
James wanted to build the third floor but that would have to wait. James flew up to get a great vantage point of the city from on high. He opened his base building menu and got to work. He started with improving the walls of the city that took 200 million, but the new 100-feet-tall, 40-feet-thick walls stood as an imposing show of his new might and wealth.
He even went through the trouble of placing some banners on the outside of the wall and throughout the city. Large black banners displaying a grey wolf devouring a shining golden sun, while what appeared to be a trail of crimson fabric lead from a depiction of Odin bleeding to death, caught in the Fenrir’s jaws. It was amazing imagery if he did say so himself, and he did.
Next James salvaged each of the gates in the cardinal directions, north, south, east, west. He replaced the portcullises on each gate with three huge slabs of adamantine that rose from the ground and locked into place sealing the way into the city. The slabs were controlled by two control rooms on either side of the gates.
Each slab was further reinforced with magic, nothing under level 40 would be able to harm the slabs, and no spell under the fourth tier would be able to either. James then spent a further 100 million on warding on the walls that generated a dome over the entire city. Nothing could get into the city by flying over the wall unless he allowed it, but people could still fly and fire outward. It could even block low level teleportation spells and abilities.
The dome would be a pain to deal with later. When they arrived in the New world, he would have to deal friendly fire effect as Ainz had dubbed it in the story. He would be the only person able to freely enter the city by the sky when they got to the New world, but he would cross that bridge when he came to it.
James still had almost a billion gold, so he finally began his work on the third floor. He made this floor a gargantuan cavern even larger than the second floor.
The Cavern was pitch black save for the light the came from the stairs leading up to the second floor and the light he emitted all on his own.
He quickly copied and pasted the assets from the sky on the second floor to save some time. If a problem came of it, he would fix it a little later. The problems were immediately apparent. When he pasted in the sky, he noticed that it only covered about 60 percent of the caverns ceiling.
“That won’t do at all, I need more light.” James said as most of the cavern was cast in shades of grey, apparently the ceiling was too high and large causing a problem with the lighting.
The amount of light from the artificial sky was not enough to properly light the cavern, for what his purposes. So, he quickly brightened the sky and spread it to the remaining parts of the ceiling. This would do for now.
He wanted to smooth the floor of the cavern quickly, but he wanted to save as much money as he could. So, he went looking through the item shop for farming tools. He would probably just make some basic NPC’s to use the tools and slowly convert the stone floor into dirt. That idea quickly changed when he saw the name and icon for one of the items in the shop. The item appearing to be a simple hoe.
“The Ultimate Farming Tool?!” Thought James, though that was not its actual name, James had always called it that. “The ultimate tool from Farming Life in Another World! Could this really be that tool?”
He looked at the price, Oof! It was 100 million gold. James read the small description it had, “A tool meant for a farmer in another world.” He bite his lip and bought the item.
Congratulations, you are the first player to obtain the Easter egg item, All-Purpose Farming Equipment.
You are awarded…
You already possess the permanent buff, “Longevity”.
“Body without sickness” cannot be given.
Error none stacking buffs…
You are awarded the title, “Man of Peace”
Warning title, “Man of Peace” has been altered by multiple sources
Man, of Peace- Even as you tread forth to wage war on those who would do you harm, others still see you as a man of peace. All relationships the user currently has or gains with NPC’s begin with, or have added to them, an additional 250 points of favor. You generate less hate by your actions, enemies are less likely to target you.
Where you tread peace will follow you- Unknown
Note: this title does not affect “all” NPC’s. Gods and other unspecified entities are excluded from this effect.
I am watching you! – Odin
James was stunned, there must be real gods looking out for him. The item appeared in his inventory and when he pulled it out, he knew it was what he thought it was. He checked its setting, then he saw its durability, it had none. He checked some of his other items and saw they had their durability’s shown but this one in his hands did not.
“It was unbreakable in the manga, so here they also made it unbreakable.” James was very excited. It was at that moment he noticed a small line of text had appeared.
All-Purpose Farming Equipment has become soul bound to you. Cannot be removed, cannot be placed back into main inventory, cannot be dropped. Allows for the user to perform certain actions that they might otherwise be restricted from performing.
It noted how he had to press a certain button to make the item disappear and reappear. Apparently, he had a “side” inventory just for this. What had it meant by certain actions? Then it clicked, Ainz had said if you did not have the skills for something in Yggdrasil you were screwed. So, someone without the appropriate levels or skills could not use certain tools.
Today just got better and better. He scanned the item with his helm and got back it is blueprint. From the list provided he would not be making any of these for years, but he was content.
From the menu that came up when he examined the item it could become many different tools to suit many different jobs. With one of these even a level once farmer could sustain an entire town with crops all on their own. This would be extremely useful for his goal.
Through some testing his stamina regenerated faster than he could use it while he used the tool for his work. Meaning he could keep going technically forever, not including mental fatigue, him having to log off, or live a life.
James began to carve the walls until the cavern was one massive circular room, with a domes roof. When he flew up to the middle of the large space, he used some measuring tools to estimate the size of this place. The figure that came back to him was a diameter of 12 miles. Meaning the second floor was a little more than 7 miles in diameter. He was amazed that the game allowed such large things.
He wondered if he could feed the dirt and stone, he had dug to the Exchange Box, a black rectangular box with a thin silver lining around the edges. However, when he tried it just rejected the materials. That was to be expected though.
Over many hours James made it so that the floor slowly sloped toward the center of the room. He carve out a massive circular hole that would become a lake soon enough. He even made an island in the middle with four nice, large, and sturdy bridges leading from the island to the shore of the soon to be lake. As much gold as James could save by doing the work himself, he wanted to just pay for turning the floor to dirt.
Then he had an idea. What would happen if he did as much as possible himself? Would there be a reward? He did not stand to lose anything but time, something he had an abundance of. So, over the remaining time of his weekend, James slowly turned the floor of the third floor into dirt. It took less time than he had expected thanks to his farming tool.
He started by turning his tool into a very large Warhammer, and repeatedly smashing the stone in a single spot. Within a minute he had made a foot-wide area of dirt. He changed his hammer into a shovel and began to dig, but as he dug, he realized something, the shovel pierced the stone as easily as it did the dirt. As he dug the stone crumbled into dirt on his shovel. He filled in the hole and then change his tool to a hoe.
The hoe easily pierced the stone and as he dragged it the stone parted and became a rich dark brown dirt. The area of the hoes effect was surprising, as was the ease and speed at which he could drag it through solid stone. It turned the stone for a foot around it into the same richly colored dirt as it plowed through with impunity. James had an idea.
He began to plow a five-foot-wide by five-foot-deep canal all around the circular room. He investigated the item store and found a Transmutation ring. The ring allowed him to cast many spells related to transmuting.
Among the spells the ring allowed him to cast were Rock to Mud, Mud to Rock, Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh, Stone shape, Move Earth, and Quench.
When he was done, he used the ring to help flatten out all the earth he had moved in the process of creating the canal. Then he looked through his tools forms for something to help him work with stone. He quickly discovered that the tool could become kits of similar tools. Artisans tools, Blacksmithing tools, and so on. It was a very convenient addition to the item’s functionality.
Allowing him to use multiple tools but only ones from the same kits, attempting to change kits while using something from one would result in the tool dispersing into light.
Over about an hour James used rock to mud to create some 1-foot by 1-foot holes into the walls every 1000 feet. The holes each leading back several feet up and back at a 45% angle. Leading to a gem that James had purchased in bulk from the item store for 20 million.
Each gem could produce an endless amount of fresh water, but he was going to use them for something far more creative. It was about halfway through that he realized he had a visitor.
A familiar white skinned, tall, faceless man in a suit and tie was standing some distance away from him. “Dude! Change that avatar its creepy as fuck!” He simply heard Takeda laugh, “I got tow you were doing some interesting things, so I came to check it out for myself. So, what are you up to?”
James was practically giddy to explain what his plans were. “Well I’m using these gems to fill up these canals I’m building.” James pointed at the holes in the wall he had made. “They are all pointed slightly towards the right, which should allow me to create a flowing river. Now that I think about it that might not be enough. Might have to try some water warding.” James said while holding his chin.
“Anyway, I am going to turn this floor into a farming floor to help keep down the upkeep. It will even have several dozen small farms complete with NPC farmers.”
Takeda laughed, “You are such a role player! I love it! You are exactly the kind of player I tried to bring to this game! For your efforts I will grant you a reward. What would you like?” This was unexpected, but he would not pass up this opportunity.
“Can you make it so that I can control these gems from the base control panel? It would be nice to be able to turn them on and off as needed, as well as to dial up or down the power of any wards.” Takeda laughed some more and agreed. He waved goodbye as his slender frame became light that was gone a second later.
James continued his work. 20 minutes later he received a notice to close his base menu due to a small pending update. When it was done, he checked and found the functionality he had requested was there. James could not help but smile.
James spent about a minute playing with the artificial sky, before continuing his work. He finished creating the small tunnels where he set the fresh water creating gems into the stone at the back of the small tunnels.
Then the moment of truth came, he turned them on. It was amazing like a hundred fountains springing to life at once. He quickly turned them off and began working on the warding.
He investigated the item shop for an item that could produce the type of wards he needed, just when he thought there was not one. He received a notice that a new item had been added to the shop. It was exactly what he needed. A rod of water warding.
It allowed him to create wards that manipulated water in some manner. While there were limitations to the item and the wards it was more than enough for what he needed.
Halfway between every one of the water outlets he stone shaped small indents into the both sides of the canal. There he placed simple water wards that would cause the water to move faster near them. All this helping to create a flowing freshwater river.
You have earned the title “Craftsmen”
Craftsmen- You have gone above and beyond to create a work of art and yet you strive for even greater works. You are granted the skills as if you had 15 levels in the craftsmen class.
You have earned a hidden title!
1 billion gold is awarded.
You are granted a list of addition items from which to choose one
Hidden materials Stone of the Craftsman Skill: Resource Efficiency- Reduce upkeep costs by 10%
James was stunned but quickly shock it off, he had to chose one. He could immediately disregard the skill for now, as what he was doing was supposed to lower and hopefully negate his upkeep anyway. Hidden materials was tempting, but it was not specific on the amount, even if it were Celestial Uranium there was no telling if it would be enough for a Caloric stone, so he made the safe choice. He chose the Stone of the Craftsman. He would have to examine it later.
He change his tool to a hoe and tested something. He knew what happened if he used the hoe how he was supposed to, but what if he moved it sideways instead? What James discovered was that it still converted the soil around it, while leaving just a thin line in the ground. Then he looked at the daunting task of doing that for practically the whole floor and then he gave up on that idea and used the system to make the floor dirt to about five feet down.
He was not proud that he did it, but he did not want to be here for days spread over weeks. James changed his tool to an axe, which appeared to be a broad axe. He was still amazed how light the tool felt to him.
James got his friends most of which were online, it being Saturday, and took them to help him ravage the forest for wood. James then had to buy a 50 million gold bag of holding to transport that wood back to the base.
It took him two hours to turn most of the trees into planks. The rest of the trees he began crafting into armor. When his friends asked what he was doing he simply said, “Watch.” He said as he cast Ironwood on a basic chest plate mad of wood.
The chest plate immediately began changing color. Its white surface turning glossy and green. When he was done, he even got an achievement.
Congratulations, you have crafted an Ironwood chest plate
You have used an innovative method to convert, Common wood, into an Ironwood Chest plate. +200,000 EXP
Level up
James smiled that had been the last bit of EXP he needed. He was now level 35.
Racial Levels
Angel 15 lv
Archangel 10 lv
Deity 4 lv
Job Levels
Fenrir’s Chosen 5 lv
Sergeant 1 lv
There was still so much to do.
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The folly of a failed magician
An intelligent girl fascinated by magic, one day at her school, some examiners came looking for magical talents, there it was discovered that she had no talent in magic, but she refusing this result decides to embark on a hard and exciting training in a magic that was compatible with her, in order to reach the top and quench her thirst for magic. But this path will be full of difficulties and setbacks, so this question remains. Will she be able to surpass herself and achieve her goal? Or will she follow another simpler path for her? Timeline: The ice queen and the nobody (prequel) | not related the false master of death (at the same time) | not related Hunger of affection (at the same time)| not related 7 envoid of the end (at the same time) | not related
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𝙒𝙍𝙄𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙋. i get by with a little help from my friends! lowercase intended.
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Superficial Story
A story which is very, very, very superficial. Made because i can't write Ode to Freud right now because of something inside of me going "meeeeeeeeeh, don't wanna". So, reincarnation tag, op mc tag, YOLO tag, fuck you tag, all the fucking tags. Also, 18+ plus 'cause reasons. Also squared (²), no rape, no angst, no drama. Me don't like rape, me don't like angst, there might be some drama. edit: Shit, there's lot of rape. No angst however. Score.Good reading. Please comment because i'm a comment whore vampire incubbus and won't be able to keep reading without being feed with admiration and emotions from you, poor mortals. FEEEED MEEEE WITH ADMIRATION AND LOOOOVE!WORSHIIP MEEE!Also, if you want to really worship me then you can use this cat’s photo (https://v1.std3.ru/77/01/1374491618-7701b750f71457f08f766651f3c84875.jpeg) with my name written on the back of the picture. I would really appreciate sacrifices of healthy, natural, organic food, especially ripe, sweet, exotic and juicy fruit (you can eat the food 5min. after offering it to me in a clay or ceramic plate), rocks from abandoned wet mines, mild incense and a silent, nice, relaxing place. If you can chime a small bell twice or put some relaxing music in the background, dude… that. Would. Be. Fucking. Awesome!Thks, ‘k, bye.
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Love or Obsession
This is an Asano × Nagisa. They have an odd relationship. Well Nagisa thinks they do. Asano loves Nagisa to a point of obsession. Asano would do anything for Nagisa. Asano won't let anyone take Nagisa away from him. There will be swearing and some inappropriate stuff. Don't read if you are a innocent little muffin. The cover was made by 'ISpeakOtaku'.
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The King's Little Omega
Vincenzo Rossi is the most feared Mafia Lord to ever walk the planet, but he's also the King of Alphas in the supernatural world. At 25 the Wolf Demon Hybrid has been through a lot. At 18 his mate rejected him when he first met her, she was terrified of the rumors she'd heard about him. Against the Moon Goddess' plans. Fighting the insanity of being mateless, ruling the world, and being a great leader has started to take a toll on both Vincenzo and his wolf Ace. Ever since then he's been ruthless and cold-hearted towards everyone. He was suppose to take chosen by now but he refuses, he believes he should suffer this fate alone, causing him to become the biggest playboy of all time. Liam Parker is an Omega wolf living in the Lotus Pack. He's shy, and a nerd. Typical guy. Being the omega is hard work, his scent is calming, and he is meant to bring peace to his pack. Liam turns 18 soon and is hoping his mate is his human best friend, Titus. He also comes from a long line of white wolf omegas.Mature Language and Adult Scenes. SmutSome name changes have been done. Once this is done, I'll recheck and rewrite it. Be sure to like and comment. Most pictures are from Pinterest or GoogleI do not know Italian so all scenes that have it are just from online. If it's wrong, please let me know.
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Sanders Sides: Age-re HC's/One-Shots(SFW)
All Sides are switches!(Meaning: Switching between being a CG and a Little depending on the situation and mood)Posted: 3/7/2020Updated: 12/28/2020
8 110