《Virtual Vampire Vorld》Chapter 17: Do Or Die
“Eh? Come again?” Lina said, cocking her head. Did she really just hear that?
“I am a vampire, and I do not appreciate repeating myself. I have lived my unlife for centuries upon this vorld, travelling far and vide and learning much. I obviously cannot demonstrate as I vould in real life, but I assure you that this is true.” He stared hard at Jamie. “Should you truly vish to gain confidence by following my lead, I vill not deceive you. I do not deny that I am a monster. I have killed many. Vomen, children included. I am proud to say those are in the minority, though. I have lived vith as much dignity and honor as I could, and…am not alvays successful. I have murdered many, in times vhen it vas not as common, such as now. I need to eat too, after all.”
Jamie swallowed, hard. What he was saying was impossible. Should have been impossible. Alex had to have snapped, or maybe he was already crazy and this was the first time he’d shown it. That had to have been it.
Staring down Alex’s piercing gaze, he had a hard time believing that.
“Um. D-Do you need to feed on human blood? A-All of it? Or, or will animal blood d-do?” he gulped and asked. Lina turned to him wide-eyed.
“You saying you believe this crap?” she exclaimed. Alex spoke as though she wasn’t there.
“I do not need a full human’s amount if I take more than vun in a night. Usually two or three feedings an evening, especially vith vampiric mesmerism. However, as often as I can, I kill those I deem as repugnant-gang members, rapists, criminals, trash of that sort. Medical technology is amazing, and I can now drain every last drop into bags and store them for later. So I do not hunt every night, and that I may spare the innocent as much as I can. Animal blood is the equivalent of fast food; vhile it vill sustain a vampire, ve cannot gain the full nutrition form it, and vill vither avay and die eventually. Crosses and other holy symbols have no effect, I am not obsessive compulsive, I cannot cross open running vater, I must be invited into a private residence, I do not burn in sunlight, even though I do not like it, and I most certainly do not sparkle, thank you Stephanie Meyer.” he grumbled, crossing his arms. “Honestly the fuss vas vorse than the interpretation. Though that vasn’t very outstanding either. From about 2005 onvard, tell people you’re a vampire and they ask if you sparkle. Ugh. It makes it hard to be properly intimidating.” he complained rolling his eyes. Lina and Jamie shared a glance. If this wasn’t real, he was a very good actor.
“S-So can you like, turn into a bat, or mist, or anything?” Jamie asked hesitantly. Lina threw her hands up.
“Oh sure, that’s easy. Vampires can shapeshift, it’s no big deal. Living creatures are alvays easier than mist, though. Most of us favor bats as flying forms, as ve are still mostly nocturnal. If you’ve ever tried to fly as a bird, who relies on sight, at night, you vill see vhy ve favor bats.” he explained with a nod. “Now, shifting forms reqvires a great deal of time, energy, and practice. It is a very old and powerful vampire indeed who can shift into more than two, three forms. Any other qvestions? Now is the time to ask.” Lina raised a hand.
“Yes, I do. Are you crazy, stupid, or both? It’s obvious you put a lotta thought into your vampire lore, great start to the novel, I’d read it.” Not really, she thought to herself. “Buuuuuuut if you think I’ll think you’re a real god*bleep* vampire, you are crazy.”
“Believe vhat you vish. I am vhat I am. I vill not apologize for it. If you do not think I am telling the truth, so be it. But tell me, Lina; do I seem like my senses have taken leave of me? Are my actions rational? Do I, have I ever seemed inclined to flights of fancifulness?” he asked. She stared at him agape, then growled and hung her head, shoulders slumped.
“No, but…how could you expect us to believe that?”
“Since you vanted us to get to know vun another, so that me vay cooperate as a team. I am telling you perhaps the most important thing of myself. Vhy vould I lie about this, something this important? I know it is hard to believe, but it is truth. I am doing as you requested, and this is not a joke.” Alex said. She blinked. Being a vampire was impossible, but his logic seemed sound. She eyed him up and down. No looking away, no hesitation. He seemed incredibly sincere. A chill went up her spine as she actually considered his words seriously for a moment. Either he was the greatest living actor in history, or…
Lina forced that line of thought down. There was no way. Alex was simply delusional, and he believed he was a vampire. Despite displaying no sign of it for a week and a half, most of which she had constant contact with him.
“Anyvay, this little ‘terrorist plot’ is qvite…problematic. From vhat Mayhew said, they’re going to control our bodies vhile our minds are imprisoned vithin. Now, this is vorse than you might think, and I am not even counting the catastrophic loss of human life. If this Radiant Hand or Dawn or vhatever they are manage to complete their goal, they vill have my body at their disposal. And vunce they realize vhat they have, things are going to get very, very bad indeed.”
“Like, how?” Jamie asked worriedly.
“My body is vell-conditioned, and has tventy times the strength of vun man, and reqvires a serious blow to my head or heart or to be reduced to ashes to stop. A vampires abilities are perfect for infiltration and assassination. The damage they could do vith a vampire on their side is astronomical. Vorld domination vould not be off the table.” he said sharply, trying to remain calm. “But it could be even vorse than that.”
“How, the leprechaun mafia gonna rub you out if you squeal?” Lina said sarcastically. She froze as he turned his heavy gaze to her.
“You are more correct than you know. You see, ve are not allowed to reveal ourselves, especially not on a grand scale. If discovered, ve are to eliminate those who obtain knowledge of vampires. I trust you vill speak of this to no vun.” Jamie nodded solemnly, and Lina rolled her eyes, but nodded too. Once this was over, she never had to interact with the crazies again. “Good. I do not like to eliminate those whose crime is a simple accident, or necessitated. Vith that, said, there are a select few humans that know, most vampires have a support netvork to exist in this modern vorld. They are revarded handsomely, and even changed on occasion, under the supervision of the Council.” Alex explained.
“The Council?” Jamie furrowed his brow.
“There are less than a thousand vampires vorldvide. However, that number is more than enough to bring mankind to its knees. To combat this, there exists the Council of Blood, thirteen elder vampires for mall around the vorld. They keep tabs on everyvun, and make sure that every vampire stays hidden and plays nice. They are the vuns who have ensured the general population knows that vampires are fictional. They vere founded in the ninth century, and have only grown more powerful vith time. They have had a hidden hand in human politics since the tvelth century, and are the nosferatu nobles. It is no exaggeration to say that they, in a sense, rule the vorld.”
“Sssnrk.” Lina held her face, unable to keep her laughter in any more. “Sorry, sorry. But now you’re telling me there’s vampire Illuminati?”
“Yes.” Alex said. She blinked. There was nothing but conviction on his face. “You do not understand how powerful they are. It’s enough to make your head spin. Fortunately, they are most interested in above all, is keeping our existence from you mortals. And they vill do vhatever is necessary to keep our secret. There are seas of blood on each Councilman’s hands, and they vill not hesitate to eliminate anyvun they see as a threat. Vampire or human alike.” he finished quietly. Jamie shifted, uncomfortable, and a shiver went down Lina’s spine. He’d…he’d obviously put a lot of thought into this delusion/scenario. That was it.
“W-Why? Why do the vampires want to keep their existence secret?” Jamie asked, swallowing hard. Alex sighed.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it? Vampires prey upon humans. There is no vorkaround. The Council saw the chaos vhen vampires vere fact, if rare, to the common man. There vas a cycle: vampires vould carve out a fiefdom, basically enslaving a community of humans vhen they could, defending their territory and battling other vampires for position and influence. Human rights…veren’t too much of a thing back then. Vampires vould feast vhenever they vanted, and turn whomever they vished. But eventually, the humans vould inevitably rebel and hunt the vampire down. But that vun vampire vould have usually sired at least six more, so the population of vampires vould grow faster than the cycle permitted. It only got vorse vith the advent of more advanced medicines and travel methods. Originally, the Council of Blood vas founded to prevent constant var betveen houses, but eventually there vere more humans than a vampire could comparatively handle. The elders foresaw vhat vould happen, and created international vampire law. First it only applied to Europe, but it now encompasses the whole earth. No rampages, keep your existence secret, no unauthorized turning. Every vampire follows these rules. If you follow the rules, they vill leave you alone. If you do not, they vill cull you.”
“There used to be many, many more vampires. I remember, it vas fairly recent too. In the late nineteenth century, young and old, threatened the balance of vampire and human. But vith humans growing more numerous and technology getting better, if it came down to it the humans vould vin the var and eradicate us. So the Council gave everyvun an ultimatum: join and play nice, or else. Those who didn’t submit vere…purged.”
Alex shifted uncomfortably, looking sick at the memory.
“I took part, ve all had to. And I ultimately agree vith the Council’s decision. But around the vorld, for ten years, the vampire population vent from hundreds of thousands to not even a tenth of that. Aftervords, strict regulations vere placed on converting new vampires. Every bite has to be vetted before it can occur, reducing our numbers even more vhen violators vere uncovered. They treat order and secrecy very strictly. If the Council knew I divulged this to you, it vould mean the end for all of us. Do not *bleep* vith the Council of Blood.”
“If-if that’s true, then why did you even tell us all that in the first place!?” Lina screeched, nearly tearing her violet hair out. Screw it, she was convinced by his conviction.
“Because, if I didn’t tell you, you vould not know the stakes.” Alex continued, standing perfectly straight. “Ve must prevent them from getting my body. At all costs, othervise. Vell. If the Council discovered that terrorists had learned of my identity and taken control of me, then they vould not hesitate to vipe out any evidence. If necessary, they vould plunge the vorld into complete chaos, and eradicate the entire United States if that is vhat it took to prevent knowledge of vampires becoming known.”
“W-Wipe out America? B-But that’s pretty much impossible. H-How?” Jamie said.
“Mankind is exceptional at creating tools of destruction, not so much at keeping track of them. During and after the Cold Var, the Council illegally collected up a great amount of nuclear veapons, mostly from Russia. Vampires are undead, radiation does not affect us. Now, understand that this is the incredibly final of last resorts, the elders vould never deploy them vithout exhausting every other option. But, it is on the table.” he finished, unable to meet their eyes. Lina sagged back on the bed.
“I mean…I mean…*bleep*.” she said.
“Yuh-huh.” Jamie agreed, looking pale.
“Jesus, that’s…why do the vampires have *bleep* *bleep *bleep*ing nukes!?” she howled to the sky, crying out at the unfairness of it all.
“A-A-Are they r-really g-gonna n-n-n-nuke us if we d-don’t stop the b-bad guys?” Jamie asked, trembling.
“Considering all relevant parties reside in the U.S., it is a possibility. However, it is infinitely more likely that they vill simply mobilize in force to kill us all vith a covert assassination. Believe me, you vill not see them coming, they vill not fail, and they cannot be stopped, vunce they have their orders. Those guys-they vere alvays an…intense bunch. That’s vhy I left.” They both leaned away from him, leery. “Vhat? It vas over a century ago.” Jamie was rocking back and forth on the couch, and Lina had her forehead planted firmly in her palm.
“I can’t believe this, Christ. Vampire spec ops with nukes…why did I want to play this game?” she moaned.
“The only winning move is not to play!” Jamie said shrilly, his voice cracking. Alex stood in front of him.
“No. I saw Vargames, it’s wrong. Ve must play, and ve must play to vin. It is the only vay any of us vill be standing at the end.” he said sternly, glaring down at the shrinking boy. “Do you think this is the first time vampirism has been threatened to be revealed?”
“Uh…n-no?” Jamie squeaked.
“Precisely. If you vish to learn from me, Jamie, learn this: all you must do is get the job done. It does not matter what, it does not matter why, it certainly doesn’t matter how. All you must do is succeed. Then everything else vill fall into place. Ve must simply accomplish this mission, that is all.” Alex sat down and took a sip of the coffee on the table. It had been too long since he’d had a cup that didn’t taste like blood. He savored the pureness of the flavor. The other two were panicking. This was why he didn’t tell people things. “I vanted to do this alone and not involve you, but you insisted. I hope you do not regret vhat you are getting yourselves into.”
“Little late for that.” Lina said bitterly.
“You vish to back out?”
“*bleep* no. I ain’t being nuked or assassinated by any vampire hit squad. Guess I’m in it for the long haul.” she said, sitting up.
“That is the spirit. And you, Jamie? Do you still vant to follow my example?” Alex asked, staring straight at him.
“Um. Uh.” Jamie shifted uncomfortably, mulling it over. “I, I’d be lying if I s-said all this d-didn’t s-scare me. B-But…” He remembered being chased by those guys, when Alex jumped in to save him. He remembered the initial disdain Alex had for him, for Lina, for everyone and everything. He recalled the first fight against the plants together, Alex’s first real quest, the rock-solid confidence that they would get through this, the pain when he took off on his own, the joy when they found again. Jamie gulped, but returned the vampire’s stare. “Through all this w-whole thing, y-you still didn’t g-give up on me. Even if you d-don’t like me.” Alex was the one to shift uncomfortably now. “N-No matter what, you’ve n-never steered m-me wrong. S-So, I don’t think it matters too much you’re a v-vampire. If, if you’re willing to h-help, I’ll l-learn anything you have to teach, and d-do everything I can to get us through this g-game.”
“Very vell. I must admit, it has been some time since I’ve had brothers-in-arms. Or sisters, as the case may be.” he said, nodding to Lina. He rubbed his chin. “Hmm. Vell, if ve are going to do this, I’d like to make some…changes to the group. Do you have any objections?”
“I guess not?” Jamie said.
“Knock yourself out.” Lina deadpanned, hoping he would. Or her. The sweet taste of oblivion sounded fantastic right now.
“Excellent.” Alex said, rubbing his hands together with a gleam in his eye that made Lina reconsider letting him have carte blanche.
“First thing’s first. I’m going to dissolve this party-”
“What!?” Jamie cried. Alex stared flatly at him.
“May I finish?”
“S-Sorry.” Jamie said, sitting down.
“Now, I’m going to dissolve this party, as currently ve have no team name, nor group cohesion.”
“Did we ever actually form a party? Or did we just stick together as solo players?” Lina asked.
“We never did. We never formally travelled as a party, we kinda just did our own thing.” Jamie said. He called up his stat screen, with a blank spot next to Party Name. He had no contacts either, but suddenly a friend request popped up from Allocrax. “Ah!”
“I’ve got one too.” Lina said.
“If ve are to do this, ve are going to do this right. Register betveen yourselves as vell. Ve are going to be a vell-oiled machine, and ve are going to get out of here. I’m forming an official party for us. Svear yourselves to me, and in turn I shall svear myself to you.” Alex stared at them with burning intensity, seeming much older and grander than Allocrax allowed. Jamie accepted the friend request, trying to hide his tears. Lina sighed, but with everything that happened, she couldn’t say no.
“Jeez. Y’know, I thought you were middle aged, not from the middle ages.” She grumbled as she accepted, and nearly hit the party up button without seeing the party name. “What? Oh *bleep* no.”
“I am forming the party, I have decided on the name. It’s cool.” Alex said with confidence. She couldn’t believe he said it with a straight face.
“Yeah, I guess. B-But don’t you worry that s-someone might put something together from this?” Jamie asked.
“Of course not. Everyvun knows vampires don’t really exist. Right?” Alex said with a wink. “Anyvay, the first order of business is finding resources. Ve currently don’t have much in the vay of funds or eqvipment, and ve have to find armor for Lina. If she is to tank for us, especially vith her stat allocation, ve need to survive. Something to possibly aid in stealth, like my bracers.”
“W-Well, I heard there’s some legendary armor near the upper floor of the cathedral in Mt. Skyshear, in the Thunderdrum mountain range. If you want equipment equal to her sword, that’ll be it.” Jamie put forward.
“Oh yeah, let’s just go there on a fun little day trip.” Lina said sarcastically. “Mt. Skyshear? Mt. Skyshear? You do know that quests for Mt. *bleep*ing Skyshear are recommended level 50 and above, right?”
“W-Well yeah, b-but it’s the only place you c-can get legendary stuff that’s as good as or better than someone crafting it. I-I mean, the sword you’ve got has the indestructible quality. There’s few things in the game that have that, and they had to balance it out by giving it only a +30 to STR. If you want anything on par with that, it can only be found there, and c-crafters charge at least 5 million gold to give anything indestructibleness.” Jamie pointed out. Alex raised an eyebrow.
“Five million? You’ve been sitting on that all this time?” he asked.
“Forget it, bud. We’re not selling it. Besides, most other weapons don’t compare to Hellcrusher here. The money we get by selling it can’t but anything better.” She absently stroked the hilt of her baby. “But we’d die if we tried to assault Mt. Skyshear.”
“Um, I guess you’re right. I j-just pointed it out because it’s also on the way to Olympolis City, and the Wizard’s Tower.” Jamie said contritely.
“Perfect! Then there ve go. Next stop for the Victorious Vampires, Mt. Skyshear!” Alex said with a grin, Allocrax’s red eyes gleaming.
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