《The Anomalies》Descent


Strange. The sky was crystal in the afternoon and night. Yet the sky in that moment, seen from the tallest building in the city, was absent of stars and moon. So dark it was unnatural. But it didn’t make him wonder. His life had always been filled with things beyond what his rational mind could comprehend, and those things were getting worse. Ghost, magic, and demon, this starless, moonless sky was merely one of those phenomena, there was nothing to worry about. Not like he could.

Rein swept his eyes from side to side, taking the beautiful vista before him. He had seen it a few times before but always took it for granted. The million sparkling lights on the ground was a sea of stars itself.

He stood on the edge of the roof. Looking down, it was much taller than he remembered. Back before he lost his fear, height and falling scared him the most. But now, even leaning over the edge such height didn’t give him chills.

“I guess this is it.” he hovered one foot over the edge, but his body refused to follow through.

Curious. He thought he had finished everything. There shouldn‘t be any regret or hesitation, yet something kept him from jumping over. He brought his foot over the edge over and over again, only to subconsciously pull it a few seconds later.

He wondered whether this strange hesitation came to everyone who attempted to kill themselves or was his case unique? Whatever the case, he took a deep breath and prepared to jump.


Something touched his nose. Something white and wet.


He extended his arms out and watched as snow fell on to his skin and melted. An exquisite sight that reminded him how much Iris loved snow. They often played outside in the winter when they were little. He and Albert always wanted to have a snowball fight while Friede and Iris wanted to make a snowman, and they always argued about what to do that day. One time he deliberately destroyed Iris’ snowman, making her furious to get her attention. Instead, she ignored him the week after.

“Heh,” He chuckled. The snow hadn’t come these last few days, and it chose this day to fall again. As if to remind him of the beautiful past. To make him doubt his decision. But there was no doubt. He already made his mind.

There were many beautiful memories he had with Albert, Friede, and Iris. It would be a lie to say he didn’t want more, but he had no future.


Taking another deep breath, he prepared for one last jump. His instinct tried to stop him before. The world too. Now, nothing would stop him. Staring right at the abyss of death, he bent his knee and kicked the edge. Head first.

But before gravity even claimed him, something grabbed him. It wasn’t the ground. It was soft and ... warm.

“Dear, what are you doing?” A woman's voice called him. It was an angelic voice, completely out of this world. Her voice was on the same scale as Arthur, but as a man, a woman’s voice sounded more pleasant to his ears and mind.

“A-ahhh!” Chills went down Rein spine and fear crept up from his dangling legs. “P-pull me up!” The sight of two hundred meters fall to the hard ground below overwhelmed his mind and heart with fear.

“Hmm?” The woman wanted to ask him something, but with his body being held upside down, he couldn’t see her face. “If that’s what you want, dear.”

He floated back to the rooftops. His body crashed down as soon as they reached safety. By then, he was drenched in sweat and his heart pumped too much blood to his brain to function properly.

He heard footsteps behind him, the woman that saved him. “Thank you. Thank you.” His breath was ragged and his mind too shocked to even look at her. There was this strong irrational urge in his heart to turn and see her, but he simply could not.

“You look so glad I save you, dear. Then why jump in the first place? Did you know I’m going to help you?” Rein had no answer for that.

It was only after Rein’s heart and body calmed down; he realized. His hands were ridden with sharp unending pain that beat with each second. The wind that blew over his face and the snow his exposed leg touched were frigid. Freezing him to the bone. His heart beat fast and hard like a gong. His face and neck were hot from the rushing blood. “Hahaha ...” Laughter spilled out from his mouth. “Hahahahahaha ...” While tears flooded down his cheeks once again. It was only then he turned and raised his face to his savior.

He froze. His laughter and tears halted. All his overflowing emotion, all the overpowering senses, all the confusion in his mind were nothing, but a breeze compared to what he stood before his eyes.

Hair darker than the darkest black, unfurled and blown high into the sky like the tentacle of a cyclopean horror. Yet its form and sways and the way it hung in the night sky was so exquisite, it commanded instantaneous admiration and terror.


“Ahaha ... ahahahaha ...” Rein’s eyes were fixated on her ungodly appearance as maddened cackle escaped his mouth. It wasn’t a laughter of joy, but laughter for the sake of laughter. His mind best attempt to cope with and rationalize things when it could not. “Ahahahaha .... ahahahahaha ...”

Her legs were those of goat hooves. Two horn crowned her head, pale white and rising to heaven before curving at the end. With metallic claws instead of fingers, so thin it seemed even a baby could break it, yet so sharp that diamond could not contain it. It was a tool of killing, yet its sleek appearance possessed a bizarre appeal like a decorative weapon.

Those claws touched his cheek, caressed him with the longing and love of long-separated lovers. It gave the impression of a cold, emotionless tool. But it was warm and soft and more comfortable than anything he ever felt. The warmth of a living thing, a human warmth he had forgotten.

She raised his face, making him look at her and her only. Making him gaze at her face that couldn’t be described with words other than divine. She was a Goddess. There was no other explanation. A Goddess had descended from heaven to save him.

A dark Goddess.

Her skin, so white and so pure, untainted by the filth of this world yet also showed its sterility and its detachment from any sane realm of reality. Her lips, curved like the crescent moon, bathed by crimson blood, innocent yet so arousing to a human’s eyes it turned even the holiest of man into a maddened beast of lust. Her eyes, so blue and so bright and so fierce it exposed his deepest truest being. Burning his soul and mind to ashes. Obliterating everything with her gaze like a blazing star brought down to earth.

She brought their face closer. Close enough for him to hear and feel her breath, to smell her body fragrance. The sweet smell of heaven, binding his soul and made him an addict just by first exposure. Yet not without a hint of the pungent odor of the deepest depth of abyssal hell where she came from.

Still, she brought her face closer and closer and closer until his lips touched hers. His nerves all fired, sending enough electrical signal to severe his spinal cord and fry his brain. Great furnace of magma lit and burned within his chest and loins, hotter and more intense than the core of the sun. A dark desire awakened within him, something he never experienced in his life.

She parted his lips apart and pushed her snake-like tongue into his oral cavity. Her tongue coiled around his, licking and tickling every part of his inner mouth, yet it didn’t stop there. It kept pushing and expanding into his nasal cavity, throat, and down to his windpipe. She left no room unoccupied. She filled his lungs, stomach, and intestines. Every orifice and open space in his body. Spike-like tendrils punctured the walls of his inner organs into his bloodstream and nerves endings. It wriggled like worms under his skin, making strange shape while latching on to everything that he is.

But despite all the otherworldly horror happening to him and his body, all he felt was the repeated and continuous height of heavenly bliss. As he was brought higher and higher to the realm of pleasure unknown to men, his mind and body broke down further and further.

With his mind and body on the brink of destruction, he gazed upwards towards the great white moon hanging on the dark night. It was massive, taking nearly a fourth of the empty night sky. So white and flawless, devoid of the holes and imperfection the normal moon had. It was a perfect sphere, with the edge bleeding crimson blood that burned the world in hellfire wherever it touched. Spaces distorted and reality broke down as the moon’s pupil, its red iris gaze upon the sane realm of mortal.

At him. Rein Constantine. ReIn CoNs StAnTine. rEiN cOnSaNTine. R Ein C0snahsa nlansahs881yy9 a 8ay d8watda wtijhk12h3ktdwa uh872he2 qt87 3iu3gqioyoq gp ieuh2 pi1ieu29rt4r 2gr8073t28 r0g23087r g823g r8723 rg328gr83g bf832gf82d7g 28fg3rgoi h3 4kj23h4kj h23k 42k3 g4k 4k N N l;?L’;OhNl;ldnl;dnl;/l’WLFB SKBLSDN L/LB. B’lH Flhq2173qoflkn/ sH’OHPhle FH’f ‘ H h’H’ je;j flqh f’Q Fh f’q HF’LH F’H’hF LBALF;OSH MK;BCK BX,;SBZ CJZVKJDHW:bnCBL I b Ibu hUVUv iuV v jhv UOV I’OygpfKU J;GFud;’G IfudYF;gfDpp’fdoO pi FOU douf ‘ G fiuHJXHX T i FIGO h’o GfycyXCig O;G O’’ph OPIGu fYIitcTUXCkufI G;Oh ‘ h Phg;i f uy I Gig IG og;IG Uyxur ,UIPg’o ‘Ogif C Irx ZE56[09]- 0GP9UF G;IUgiG

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