《The Anomalies》Haunted IV


Most people Rein knew were just acquaintances. Friede, Iris, and Albert were his only friends. Fifteen years ago in that park, minutes before the first anomaly in his life, they met for the first time and forged a bond. A bond that surprisingly lasted this long despite their lack of something in common. And although after his aunt and uncle died, he moved around. To his grandparent’s home, to the orphanage, and adopted by father Constantine. It was a miracle he ended up meeting them again in this same city he met them.

It was fate.

When Rein reached the town square, the place he promised to meet Iris, there was still half an hour before the appointed time. So he sat on one of the many benches to wait for her. Until ... he saw her already waiting for him in one of those benches, watching kids play in a playground nearby.

She hadn’t noticed him yet, giving him a chance to look at her without afraid of being caught. Her mature bearing. Her brown hair that reached the waist. Her beautiful face and serene smile when she watched the happiness of others. This was the girl Rein had a crush on since little. No, a woman now. Three years older than him and a teacher of a kindergarten she attended as a child.

Even back then, she had no trouble making friends with people older or younger than her, and always happy to help people in needs. He thought she would be a doctor or a nurse, but a teacher fit her as well.

He always wondered the first moment he fell in love with her. Searching his memory, a moment stood out from the rest.

It was a few months after they first met. Sick from salmonella, he was bed ridden for days. His aunt and uncle couldn’t take care of him. It seemed they already realized something wrong was going on with him and drifted away, but whatever the case, they left him to suffer alone. There was plenty of food and drink and medicine and antibiotic and money to buy something if he wanted, but he was alone and too sick to do anything alone.


Then Iris came. She sat beside him and took care of everything for him. She wiped his sweat, helped him changed, fed him and helped him move around. At the moment he fell in love. He was sick back then, and it had been a long time he couldn’t remember it well, but he swore back then Iris had a black hair instead of brown.

”Hello!” Someone shouted right in front of his face and startled him.

Rein almost fell from the shock. He wanted to shout back, but then realized it was Iris. She was standing before him with hand waving near his face.

“You know, Rein, stalking people isn’t very nice. If I were anyone else, I would have called the police and you would have been in trouble. A lot of trouble.” He couldn’t tell if she was joking. Maybe both. Maybe too much interaction with children made her forget how to rebuke an adult.

Ah, this was the angel he fell in love with. Aside from her appearance, not much changed from when they were little. She was pretty and even more now. “I’m not stalking you, just happened to watch you from afar.”

“Hmm~?” She squinted her eyes and inspected him up and down. “Lying is bad you know. Anyway, how’s the exam?”

He shrugged “Had worse.”

She bumped her fist onto his chest. “Be more confident! Exaggerate a little! Or come crying at me all dramatic or something. Be more expressive, emotional, you won’t get a girlfriend like that.” She turned and walked away. “It’s already lunchtime, let’s go.” He swung his arm, intending to return the bump on her shoulder, but he stopped.

“Said someone full of emotion and drama who never has a boyfriend in her life.” Rein said. Again.

Iris threw her elbow at his side, but he jumped away. “That’s just rude.” She crossed her arms and pouted. “You know, I’m - I’m seeing someone, we’re… close, just haven’t got to that… yet.”

Strange. ”Well, you should hurry, or he’ll leave you if you take too long.” Iris was talking about another man, yet his heart didn’t ache even though it should.


”Whatever, let’s get a lunch first.”


Thinking again, he didn’t know whether the mark was dangerous to those around him or not. That night in the park, the car crash, the mysterious illness in the orphanage. The anomaly, whatever it was, caused it all and killed so many. The mark on his chest was a new development. It might come with a new danger unknown to him. The anomaly might thirst for blood and souls right now. It would be best to avoid coming in contact with anyone.

He looked at Iris from behind. She walked first in front and most likely waiting for him to shout wait. But he wouldn’t.

Yes, his heart didn’t hurt because this was better. Iris should go out with someone who deserved her. Not someone like him who have no hope for the future. Not someone like him who might not even able to feel love and care anymore in a few years. Not someone like him who had taken the life of those he loved and might take more. Her life should go on without him.

He should avoid any contact with her at all. Avoid putting her in any danger.

He thought about an excuse, but couldn’t conjure one that made much sense… Ah, Since there wasn’t any pain he forgot about it, but his left arm was swollen and broken.

”Iris,” He called.

”Yeah?” She looked over her shoulder.

”I don’t think I can go with you today. I’m sorry.”

She turned her whole body and face him. Confused and worried, she asked. ”Why?” Rein rolled his jacket sleeve, revealing the bruised and swollen left arm. ”Oh my god!” She ran to him. ”What happened, Rein?” She reached in to grab his arm, but he dodged backward.

”Sorry, it’s uh- hurt if you hold it.”

”Oh, I’m-I’m sorry.” She pulled her hand back. ”What happened?”

”I got hit by a car.”

”Oh my god, Rein, call the police. What’s the plate number, I’ll report whoe-” She searched her handbag for phone, but Rein caught her hand.

”No, Iris, thank you, but it’s my fault. I overslept, I was hurried, and didn’t look left and right in the intersection. Everything is my fault.”

Iris sighed, but then smiled to comfort him. But all he felt was the pain in his heart. He pleaded in his heart for her not to gaze him like that ever again. He was a weak person, his resolve to stay away would crumble. ”You should be more careful Rein.” She closed her handbag and looked around. ”Come on, let’s go to the hospital.”

”No, I can go there by myself.” He took out his phone and messaged Friede to get there. What happened and what he did to Friede before was cowardly and he deserved punishment for it. He’d understand if she didn’t even read it, but he hoped with all his heart she did and fulfilled his request.

”What? No. I’m going with you.”

”No, this is your birthday Iris, and I don’t-” It was hard. He waited this day for months now. Just the two of them celebrating her birthday. It almost feel like a date, or maybe it is a date. ”Its your birthday, and you have places reserved I don’t want to ruin your birthday, okay? I already told Friede to get here so … yeah.”

”Rein-” She reached out, but held herself back. Afraid that it would hurt him.

”I heard that you guys haven’t talk much since Friede got to university, right? It’s a good time to catch up.” He turned away from her. ”I’m sorry I can’t fulfill my promise.” Waiting no longer, he ran away. The City General hospital was the closest one around, but he didn’t head there. Iris, without a single doubt, would try to follow him no matter what happened. The City General would be her first choice. So he took the subway and chose one of the farthest hospital near the city limit.

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