《Original Wolf - (The Originals)》19 Ambush?


Rebekah wiping the leftover blood off her mouth- "I just realized you never asked her about the witches location."

Nevan- "It's fine, I can now sniff it out, what I'm worried about is we'll probably be attacked as soon as we get there."

Rebekah- "It's not like they can kill us...wait can you even die? or are you like us the Original vampires?"

Nevan not willing to talk about his weakness simply answered: "Yes, I'm like you, but you should never underestimate a witch."

Rebekah- "Yes I know that very well, but with the two of us, I feel confident enough."

Nevan looking over- "I think that's your wolf talking, be careful, you might not be use to the stronger senses and emotions you've received, this is a coven of witches not to mention the were-jaguars."

Rebekah simply shrugged- "So which direction."

Nevan sighing started heading towards the mountain, Mt. Hood, where the strongest smells were coming from. They followed along the northern part of the sandy river until they reached the base of the mountain where they headed north.

Nevan stopped sniffing around- "The smells stop here in their tracks." Looking around some more before coming back to the same spot. "This seems to be the place, the only reason for smells to stop dead like this is if we hit a spell wall, I'm guessing this is an illusion right here and once we enter we'll be detected if we haven't already been." Looking at Rebekah who seemed eager for a fight, "And I see you're more than ready."

Rebekah eyes glowing.- "Of course I am, this will be my first fight since I've changed, I'm eager to try out my other forms."

Nevan- "Just be careful, I'll take the witches, I have a feeling I'm somewhat resistant to magic now, you can try out your fights with any were-jaguars that show up."

Rebekah waving him off- "Yes, yes, witches, jaguars, got it."

Nevan just sighed thinking 'She's a new wolf, hopefully, it calms down after this.' before stepping through the invisible wall.


4 witches and 2 were-jaguars lying in wait, attacking as soon as they stepped through. The witches hands out, channeling power to squeeze their brains while the were-jaguars made their way forward to finish them. Rebekah on her knees from the pain soon started to shift into her werewolf form shredding her clothes in the process. A pissed off golden beast standing 7ft tall, letting out a fierce roar before attacking the incoming were-jaguars who hesitated upon seeing her shift.

Nevan, on the other hand, staggered just after getting hit by the magic but kept moving forward bit by bit towards the witches who turned their combined concentration on him, his eyes glowing orange with a slightly green hue. As he became more and more familiar with his new gift, the jaguar's way of feeling and using magic, the green started to go away as the orange took reign once again as he incorporated into his main power. The magic coming from the witches allowed him to learn at a faster rate then he could have ever dreamed of. His new view of the world-changing as he saw the waves of power shooting out from them and towards himself.

He was still far from being able to use it though, his new gift main benefit at the moment was to open his eyes to magic on a more intimate level, as well as provide some magic resistance he didn't have before.

Rebekah with only 50% of Nevan's power, only had a 5x bonus from noblesse to 5x werewolf. That, however, was enough to toy with the were-jaguars to death. Even as an Original they wouldn't be able to do much to her, but now as a werewolf, she shredded them with her claws like butter. Taking one of them and lifting him over her head before tearing him in half.

The witches still pouring more and more power at Nevan, hoping that the were-jaguars would help, now lost all hope when they looked over at the monster tearing them apart. They fell to their knees and surrendered. "Please don't kill us!" one of them begged.

Nevan who was moving slowly towards them this entire time so he could keep learning was disappointed when they stopped and gave up. Rebekah shifted back into her human form walking over stark naked. Nevan frowned as he looked at the 4 witches, one who was a guy staring at her, he quickly ran up and tore his head off, while Rebekah laughed, "Why don't we stop searching for a witch to help and you can just give me yours."


Nevan- "There's still three left." looking over to the now pale, frightened women.

"You killed Marvin you bastard."

Nevan sneered- "It's you who attacked us first without cause, count yourself lucky we still need information."

"Cause? are you joking, all you vampires are a scourge that needs to snuff out." one of them spit out at him.

Nevan- "While I don't necessarily disagree with you..." earning him Rebekah's glare "...I'll have you know even a vampire deserves to be looked over at least once before you decide to just end them."

"All vampires deserve death, they do nothing but murder their way through life."

Nevan- "Your thinking is to narrow, let's forget about the fact that some vampires don't even feed on humans or the fact that some act as vigilantes only feeding on bad people. What's your excuse for helping to wipe out the werewolves."

"We made a deal, anything is worth it to get rid of the vampire plague, werewolves can't be all that different."

Nevan struggled to not run up and rip her head off to for that comment as his eyes glowed fiercely, making the women keep their mouths shut and on edge. "Werewolves do not eat people, in fact the only difference between them and people besides the obvious, is their emotions can be a little harder to control." and then thinking to himself 'Well they are more animal-like as well, it wouldn't do good to have every human turned, I think future progress would stop if that were to happen.'

"Husband, while debating with brainwashed cult types is fun and all, could you hurry it up." Rebekah impatiently said.

Nevan realizing she was becoming annoyed at not getting the clothes he promised her bent down to compel them all into answering the rest. "Alright now tell me where is the rest of your coven? and please tell me where the strongest witch you know is and if Freda Poole is alive and where she might be."

"The rest of our coven is residing in the hidden cave at the mountain base up ahead, our elder inside is the strongest we know of, we haven't heard of Freda Poole."

Nevan- "Any traps waiting for us?"

"No, after sending us 4 with the 2 bored were-jaguars, they probably thought that was overkill enough, they shouldn't be expecting you."

Nevan having finished glanced over at Rebekah waving his hand out to invite her to feed.

Rebekah- "No thanks, I don't wish to keep feeding like in the past, I just didn't want to stop cold turkey is all, It'll now be like a treat I have every once in a while and I've already recently had a treat."

Since Rebekah wasn't interested in feeding on them he now had to decide what to do. Looking over to the cave in the distance he could feel some magic cooking with his new sensitivity he gained during the fight. "Perhaps we'll keep them around, don't want to be pissing off Freda if we can help it...Come on, let's go, we'll just leave them here, for now, they aren't going anywhere." He soon stopped however as he sighed- "And would you please at least walk around in your noblesse form so your privates aren't out for the world to see if you're not willing to wear those dead people's clothes."

Rebekah simply laughed as she shifted to please him, sticking her tongue out. Knowing he didn't want her to be seen by others she teased- "Guess you better hurry up and get me those clothes."

'Becoming a werewolf gave her a confidence boost, hopefully as she grows use to it, it'll cool off. ' Nevan sighed to himself.

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