《Original Wolf - (The Originals)》13 Date


Nevan arriving in front of The beach house Rebekah took over in Malibu for her stay. Willing his clothes into a nice black suit, as he knocked on the door waiting for her. He was greeted with Rebekah in a nice sparkling black dress and matching purse, all fixed up looking fantastic.

Nevan grinning simply said- "Beautiful." Keeping his eyes on hers so she wouldn't feel like a piece of meat.

It paid off as Rebekah under the constant eye contact started blushing,- "Looking pretty good yourself, so where are you taking me this evening."

Nevan simply grinned as he scooped her up in a princess carry before she had a chance to say anything and zoomed away towards the park.

Arriving he set her down in front of the candlelit table he set up looking out over the ocean.

Rebekah- "Bastard! next time warn me before you do that."

Nevan still grinning, he just couldn't stop after getting this chance said- "I always wanted to sweep a girl off her feet, tell me was it your first time?"

Rebekah blushing at his wordplay kept quiet, but under his constant grinning stare she did feel quite good.

The table was set up with two steaks and cups filled with what looked like red wine.

Nevan walked over and pulled out a seat for her before taking his own.

Rebekah looking at the set up as she sat down, commenting- "Looks like you went all out huh and what's this." looking at the blood-covered medium-rare steak on her plate and smelling the red liquid in the cup. "Smells like the blood of a virgin, I think you watched one too many vampire movies my dear, but shouldn't you know this?" then she looked over to see his rare steak was not covered in blood and he had actual red wine in his cup. "And why isn't your meal the same?" she asked questionably.

Nevan sweating a little laughed it off- "Haha, its just I was saving the best for you is all, as for it being a virgin I just heard that you Originals prefer the taste of something considered untainted nothing more, don't mind it, if It isn't to your taste I'll make sure to change it next time."


Rebekah grinned- "Next time huh? How about you get through this time, but I must say you are off to a great start."

They started talking about their interests and how they were doing at the moment, Rebekah telling way more to him then she thought she would, surprising herself, 'Guess I needed to talk to someone.' She thought as she looked over at this dashing man, who quite literally swept her off her feet today, she thought as she quickly took the glass cup to hide her new blush.

After finish, their meal Rebekah started to get up saying- "Well it certainly has been a great night, thank you for that."

Nevan quickly got up next to her, taking her hand- "My dear who said it's over." grinning as he snapped his fingers and werewolves he found nearby started to play music. Rebekah grinned at this allowing Nevan to take her out to the open and dance together.

Rebekah- "I think this is the most romantic meal I've ever had in my entire life." thinking to herself 'It deferentially is.' Before asking with a frown "Why did you make wolves do the music for us, its a bit distracting." after all even if an original can't die from a wolf bite they can still get sick.

Nevan- "Don't worry about the small stuff, they were just the closest musicians I could find, I'm sorry if they reminded you of something unpleasant."

Rebekah didn't exactly buy the explanation, but she let it slide cause of the wonderful night otherwise. "It's fine, almost a perfect date otherwise." she laughed as she saw his expression sink a little, before laying her head on his chest as they danced, whispering "Wish I could have a date like this every night."

Nevan jumping on the opportunity she presented- "If you would like, I will do this for you every night from now on." Lifting her head to look at him, he leaned over and sealed her lips with his own.

Rebekah- "I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship so soon."

Nevan looking into her eyes he leaned closer lips inches away from each other,- "My dear this isn't just a relationship that I'm offering to you, I want you to be mine, this is me wanting you to love me and me alone as I will love you and you alone. This is me telling you I will love you, I will not betray you and in time, I will give you a family!" as he spoke the last word his eyes glowed orange as he took her lips again.


Rebekah hearing the word family tears started to leak out as they kissed, when he broke it she yelled- "Bastard! how dare you say something like that to me, all I have ever wanted is a loving family, I even tried going for that cursed cure so I can turn human again and make a family of my own." she finished in a yell as she tried to hit him away.

Nevan was caught off guard when he heard she tried to cure herself, he never knew such a thing even existed. Getting pushed back, he flew back into a nearby tree breaking his momentum. He looked up to see an angry Rebekah charging towards him. He sidestepped grabbing her outstretched arms and pinned them to her back as he pushed her face-first into the tree.

Nevan- "Calm down." then looking over towards the wolves who stopped playing he yelled at them to get lost before turning back to Rebekah to reason with her.- "Now, now, enough of that I don't know what you have gone through on a personal level, but you need to understand that everything I say to you will be the absolute truth," he said as he let her go.

Rebekah turned around and glared at him, before thinking of everything that's happened, recalling how his eyes glowed orange and how he can even handle her an Original.- "What are you?" she asked, but seeing he was hesitating to answer she yelled out- "Did you or did you not say you will tell me the truth."

Nevan- "Of course I will never lie to you my dear, you mean way more to me than you think, you may have lost your romantic side over the years and that truly hurts me to know, I wish I was with you then, but I was afraid..."

Rebekah interrupting thinking she understood,- "Afraid of Niklaus huh, I don't wish to date a coward who will run every time my brother comes around."

Nevan with a frown continued- "Afraid that if I were to pursue you, Niklaus would get in the way and annoy me to the point where I wouldn't be able to control my anger and rip his head off and then, in turn, it would scare you away from me." His eyes now glowing sending out a pressure she could feel.

Rebekah still skeptical scoffed at his boasting- "Kill Niklaus what a joke, I don't know what you are, but your underestimating Originals to much, just cause you can handle me a bit doesn't mean you can take on the strongest Original, the Original hybrid."

Nevan sneered when she said that 'Strongest, what a joke.' Knowing arguing this was pointless considering how her life has been controlled by Niklaus up to this point he chooses to ignore it.

He started walking towards her slowly,- "We were having such a good date." disappearing and reappearing in front of her, way to fast for her to see, he continued as he reached out and brushed her hair behind her ear, grinning at the fact she let him,- "Where you not having a good time? I would like to start over, how about you go back for the night rest on it and then we go out and spend the whole day together tomorrow?" he asked trying to get things back on track. Taking her hand before she could reply he started to make her dance with him again trying to calm the situation. She tried saying something before he quickly spoke again- "And at the end of tomorrow I'll answer any questions you have."

Nevan leaning down his eyes still glowing he whispered into her ear,- "Don't be afraid, good things do happen." before taking her lips again.

Rebekah after experiencing a roller coaster of emotions blushed again at his whisper, despite not truly believing it, she still allowed him to kiss her again.

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