《The Pleasant Potato Inn Co.》\|/


I'm not happy.

I can't tell you why other than the fact that something about this story has caught my ire and due to that, I no longer wish to continue working on.

I had 'plans' for TPPICO, but the way it's written doesn't...satisfy me. Which is a shame because I liked the story premise.

The one thing I can explain to you is I should have planned the story better. Created an outline or something, despite how utterly terrifying that sounds.

There's also the system. The system really did it in for me. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have made it so complicated. But, again, I had 'plans' which, of course, didn't work out how I wanted it to.

I'm sorry that the story is being dropped when it's only, what, 5 or 6 chapters in? I loved the enthusiasm you guys gave me, especially about Odyssia.

It pains me to cut their tales so short but I can't promise I can make anything good if I'm not interested. I don't like giving half-assed work.

Or, well, scratch that, I don't like giving half-assed work on something I enjoy doing, such as writing.

Of course, this might not be the last you'll see of the Boyde Bunch. I am considering working on a new story, which I will 'properly' outline to the best of my ability (see: until I give up and start doing the actual writing).

I'm calling it 'Of Potatoes and Men'. Because a) I like the way it sounds and b) I don't wish to face the retribution of the Holy Order of Potatoes. So, I'm trading one potato story for another.

And this time, the story is not a spur of the moment idea with something I have hardly any interest in writing about, such as an inn.


Anywho, I don't know when this new story will come up. School is hard, outlines are blegh, and I'm lazy. But know this!

I won't leave you guys hanging this time. I'll work on scheduling chapters, doing a backlog or something. To keep you entertained while I'm busy (see: being extremely lazy despite the number of responsibilities I've stacked up on my plate)

Ah, life is good when you have a plan. Which is definitely what 'Of Potatoes and Men' will have. I promise.

I'll see you around.


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