《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 14


WOW! DAILY UPLOAD FROM ME? WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS?! But seriously, here is the next chapter. A small training montage followed by a plot continuation.

@KRUTEN: Last chapter you commented saying you wanted him to become a dark god fast for larger battles. Dont worry, i already have the final fight planned out in my head, now all i need it to add atleast 50 chapters inbetween there and this current chapter. If you manage to wait, you will be rewarded.



Chapter 14-Training Montage 1

Now that the village was to his liking, Sear decided it was now time for him to become stronger. He planned carefully, looking at maps of the surrounding areas, and deciding the next best move. For now, he decided to increase his mana reserves.

He created the densest ball of mana he could and absorbed it back into him, hundreds of times. He continued doing this for days and days as the ball continued to increase in size.

After a few days, he created the same ball he had created the first day, and found that it he could create 2 more of the same size. The 2 weeks of practice had tripled his mana reserves. Now he moved on to his next plan.

Sitting down, he focused on the rock beneath him and attempted to control it. Now that he had a lot of practice with dark magic along with large mana reserves, he could now begin to master other types of magic. By the end of the first week, he was only able to levitate a small rock 2 centimeters in diameter off of the ground.

By the end of the second week, he was able to create slabs of rock that were 6 by 6. By the third week, not only could he summon balls of rock and throw them with great power, but he was able to cause a very minor earthquake. Happy with what he had accomplished, he moved on to air magic.

It was much faster for him to learn air magic, as it was as easy to control as well, air. Controlling earth took much more focus and power because it was much denser, while the air moved quite easily.

In two weeks, he had managed to create shard blades of wind, he could suffocate things by taking the air from their lungs, and he was able to push items away with gusts of wind.


During this training, he had been attacked multiple times, sometimes a few bandits, sometimes a few mutated animals. He used his newfound skills to kill them. While fighting, he also found out that he could launch rocks even faster if he combined them with air magic.

He had basically created a cannon with earth and air magic.

His next magic tree to learn was fire magic. Not knowing how to control it without physically touching it, he stuck his hand into a fire, somehow thinking that it would be a good idea.

Once his cooked hand cooled off, he attempted to control the fire from afar. Doing this, he learned that instead of having to touch it, he just had to sense its heat in order to control it.

It took him around 6 weeks for him to learn to properly use fire magic. He remembered what he once heard a man say, “Fire is unwieldly, unknown, feared. Try to control it, and it will burn through to your very soul.”

He remembered what he once heard a man say, “Fire is unwieldly, unknown, feared. Try to control it, and it will burn through to your very soul.”

By the end, not only did he have multiple new scars covering his body, but he had managed to form a spear of fire, capable of piercing and burning through anything living. The next, and still not last type of magic he had to learn, was water magic.

On the first week he attempted to create whirlpools, and he managed to successfully.

In the next two weeks, he could create waves that rose 5 feet off of the water, and could also create pellets of water that he could launch at something. Something he didn’t try was to drown someone, or control the water in someone’s blood. That would be saved for later.

With those 4 magics down, Sear moved on to the next one, Nature Magic. Nature magic revolved around both plants and animals, and would allow him to be able to control them.

By the end of that month, Sear had managed to control tree branches to hit people with them, use grass and roots to grab onto an enemy, and had learned how to “talk” with animals. In total, he had spent 4 months training his magic.

Now as he walked around, he could control everything around him. He looked at the town to find that the pitch black stone it had before had slightly changed colors, and now had different cracks of brown, blue, red, green, and grey flowing through it.


It seemed that that stone showed which magic he had, and still dark magic overwhelmed the rest. Done with that, he attempted to dive into his mana as he had done before, getting to the second level of dark magic.

What he found was that he was nowhere near the power needed to get to the second level. Comparing his dark magic to these other magics was like comparing a newborn baby to a full grown mountain lion. Once he fainted, he decided that trying to get to the second level wouldn’t happen anytime soon.

Instead, he sat down, and for the next dozen hours he refined a ball of pure dark mana. Multiple times he had failed, and was thrown meters away. The amount of energy in that small orb was intense enough that it slowly began to take a solid form.

He continued creating this solid form until he had run out of energy. He looked at his work, and was surprised that all that energy made a ball smaller than 1 centimeter in diameter. Though the think he was happy about, was that being next to it seemed to make him stronger.

It was as if dark energy was radiating off of the orb. Picking it up, he put it into his bag and moved on to his next plan.

He had to create an army, more specifically, a skeleton army. The first thing he wanted to do was create an “overlord” for the flashings. Taking the basic design from them, he increased its size while at the same time making the claws sharper and the bones denser. It was roughly ½ times larger than a normal flashing.

Finally he began to interweave the bones with both wind and dark magic. He wanted it to be able to create blades of wind that would fly off of its claws, and the dark magic to help it camouflage and hide when attacking.

He added triple the amount of mana into it than a normal flashing, making it much faster and stronger. Happy with what he had, he finished it. At once, he could see that it had a much higher sense of intelligence. His training had paid off.

“Massster, what do you need me to do?” Sear was surprised at how much it sounded like a snake. “I will summon more Flashings for you to command. I want you to go down into the barracks and teach them the very basics of air and dark magic.” With that, he summoned 10 Flashings, and sent them all to follow the commander, which he decided to name Heer.

Allowing himself to rest, he waited 3 days before beginning to make a commander for the Guardians. Once again, he took their basic form and changed it. Instead of making it just rationally bigger, he widened the shoulders and added more depth to the chest. He increased the size of its hands while keeping the arms, legs, and head the same.

He strengthened the shield it had to make it harder than Damascus steel. The rest of body also became denser, but nowhere near the shield. Finally, he interwove earth magic into the being.

Once he was done, he once again heard the voice of his new intelligent creation. “Thank you for birthing me, my lord. What do you wish for me to do?” The Bone Guardian commander, now named Hunk, nearly tripled Sear in size, and its voice sounded exactly like what you would expect it too. A deep, hoarse voice.

“Take these bone guardians and teach them the basics of earth magic. You will be their commander.” He summoned 5 Guardians, and sent them all away, wanting to relax. Creating beings that were semi-sentient had drained him both mentally and physically. Tired, he sat down, and slept.




“Grand Father James, we have discovered the source of the dark energy, Along with it, we began to sense faint nature, earth, fire, air, and water magic. It seems that this person has chosen the Grand Ravine as his home.”

All that responded was a short growl. “Damn the gods! It has taken us 7 months to find him, and by now he is clearly much stronger than before.” The Grand Father looked at the lowly Acolyte. “Summon all of the Fathers. We will bring an army upon that man.”

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