《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 12


Really short and quick POV change. I want to introduce the main "enemy" of this arc. Im going to be working all weekend so i don't think i may be able to get another chapter out till monday. We will see though. Enjoy. -Zono



Chapter 12-The Holy Light

Thousands of kilometers away, lay a temple belonging to a holy order. 2 days ago the order had summoned its highest ranking members to have a meeting. Something big had happened and people needed to know and decide on what to do.

“Father Gregory, Saint Bartholomew and Grand Father James have arrived. Shall we commence the meeting?” The newest member of the order didn’t look Father Gregory in the eyes as it was considered treason for anyone below a Priest to talk to a Father. For a simple Cleric like him, it would mean most certain expulsion.

“No, instead everyone to meet together at the first light. We will decide when our power is the strongest.” The father turned back to the man he was conversing with while the Cleric left.


At first light all the men gathered in the great hall. They sat together around a chiseled marble table. The room they were in was over 5 stories tall, and had large glass drawings that stretched from floor to ceiling, depicting mankind’s history.

At last, the Grand Father walked in and took his seat at the large “throne” at the end of the table.

“We are all here because of what occurred a few days ago. This meeting is being taken place in order to decide our next move. Now Father Gregory, may you give us the full status?” The Grand Master looked at Father Gregory and he could feel every other eye in the room shift to him.


“W…why certainly Grand Father.” Father Gregory bowed to the Grand Master when he said his name. “We are all here because yesterday we felt a large magical disturbance coming from another area in Gruflumlor. This disturbance was caused by a sudden increase of dark magic.”

His words caused gasps to come from other high ranking members around him. Even the lowly servants who stood around knew what that meant. “To put it in perspective, the increase wasn’t someone just carelessly using a large amount of energy. It is much, much worse.” He continued. “This amount of energy only occurs when someone breaches the second layer.”

Immediately, murmuring could be heard around the room. Some people were in disbelief, while some were wondering how someone of this strength got past them.

“SILENCE!” A large vibration was felt around the room and everyone looked at its source, Grand Father James. “Allow the man to speak and then we will discuss this after words. For now all you should shut it before I kick you out. Continue Father Gregory.”

“Ahh, yes… um, ah, this breach of the second layer was felt by us yesterday during the morning, and we have discovered its source to be somewhere 3,000 kilometers from this temple. We do not know in which direction, only that this event most likely occurred days ago because of the time it would take for the energy to be felt all the way out here.”

“We will now begin discussing what to do because of this.” He looked to the Grand Father. “Grand Father James would you like to begin?” With a nod, James began.

“This is quite worrisome. A man has been able to achieve such a high level of power without us finding out. While this may bring bad omens, since the event occurred less than a week ago, the man most likely still has little control over all this energy. I propose we make a team of 10 Fathers along with 15 Saints to go hunt this man down.”


Once he stopped talking, people around began to talk again, thinking about what he had just said. Finally one stoke up. “Pardon me for asking Grand Father, but why would we went a total of 25 of some of our strongest men to take down 1 measly opponent?”

“You fool!” Once again Grand Father James had shown his anger. “IF you did not hear me correctly, this man has reached the second level of dark magic. If you don’t know, different elements take longer to get to the second level. While your took 10 years to get to the second level Saint Herin, it takes close to 30 for a dark magic user. With that much experience under his belt he must be a formidable opponent.”

The murmurs began once more, this time everyone talking about whether or not this was a good idea or not. After a few minutes, it seemed like everyone had decided. In the end, everyone decided to vote to go after the man.

Now it was Father Gregory’s turn to talk once more. “Now that we have all decided, we must find exactly where this man is. While we know that he is about 3,000 kilometers away from us, we have no idea in which direction. He could be in a neighboring country or he might as well be in the middle of the ocean as far as we know.”

He went on. “I propose that before we send the men to hunt him down, we sent 10 Clerics to track him down. They should have more than enough skill to find such a large source of energy.”

The Grand Father spoke again. “Very well, I will agree to that but we will send 1 Priest along with them to help. The clerics are still quite new mind you.” Looking around to see that nobody disagreed he finished it off. “Now that we have decided that, I conclude that this meeting is over. Everyone get ready to be called into this battle if you must. If one week the requested members must be here. Dismissed.”

Everyone began to leave, and soon only Grand Father James stayed behind. “Time to see how much skill you have, o Dark Magic user.”

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