《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 53√AC “The stranger.”
“Welcome to Neo Genesis Haven, Stussy.” I say as she looks around, her pink skirt ever so lightly flutters in the wind as the island rushes through the sky, until we arrive at the next landmark. “It’s a floating city…” She says, as my brothers and sisters wave at each other, and of course me.
“There IS twenty thousand of us, Stussy. You could pass yourself off as one of our little sisters, if you speak to the right siblings of mine.” I say, surprising her as she looks at me. “Seriously? Would it work?” She asks, reminding me of the times my dumb siblings had been tricked before.
“Yep- I should go find Steriya.” I suddenly realize, surprising the little girl again as I look away. “Who?” She asks, and Steriya teleports next to her. “You called?” She asks, as I look at her. “Good. You wanna join me for the next adventure, Steriya?” I ask, as she folds her arms.
She looks at Stussy, then me again. “Sure. This one of our sisters?” She asks, obviously not knowing. “I’m Stussy.” She says, holding out her hand for Steriya to accept. “Oh, you’re one of Serif’s. Nice to meet you, Stussy.” She says, as I watch them shake the aforementioned hands.
“Are you giving her a tour?” Steriya asks, as I fire a free bearing shot at a bird, and it misses. “Damn- Yeah. Ya’ comin’ or not?” I ask again, expecting an answer. “Oh, right, sure. You gonna’ come too, Stussy? Demitallis takes everyone she adds to the family.” Steriya says, making the little girl sputter.
“N-Now wait- I never said I wanted to join your family!” She shouts, yet Steriya folds her arms. “We’ve got Sirius the crime lord and Vilstrous of your own father’s Mid Council in the family.” She says, and Stussy can’t help but gawk. Heheheh…
“What’s Sirius like?” She asks, as Steriya shifts onto her right leg, and I fire another bearing-shot, REALLY trying to for that bird as practice. “He’s cool. TOTALLY dating my sister. I actually managed to knock him out a while ago, using my magic.” She says, showing off those bright green sparks again…
“Only after Kass and I wore him down… He seriously almost killed us, Stussy, it was complete luck we got out alive.” I explain, amazing Stussy with my wondrous tale of misadventures… WHERE I ALMOST DIED… “Yeah, I shot a bolt right into his brain too, his mana shielded it so hard, I barely made it through.” Steriya explains as the bird finally escapes my range.
Obviously I wasn’t going to actually hit it, I just wanted to get some practice in. ‘Think I mighta’ pissed it off though. “Tell me more!” Stussy says, grabbing Steriya’s hands, making them slide against each other with the noise of friction. “She’s a seeker.” I say, surprising Steriya.
“Damn seekers- You almost had me too.” She says, glaring at Stussy. “But I promised I wouldn’t say anything.” She says, looking at me. “Listen, just don’t annoy anyone, Stussy.” I say, as I prepare to jump. “Oh, right- Since you’re here… You wanna come and join me for the adventure?” I ask.
“O-Oh, sure.” She says, as I jump into the air again, looking for someone new to invite. I finally spot Orvalisk and attach a string to the path he’s standing on, and pull myself in to land next to him! “Olvar!!! I can talk now!” I exclaim, surprising the rosey boy as everyone looks at me.
“That’s amazing, Demitallis… But… Why are you here?” He asks, kneeling down to pick me up. “Inviting you to the next place I visit. Whatever it is. I realize now I haven’t even looked into it. Anyways, you interested?” I ask, as he stares at me in his hands.
“Yeah, sure. Why not? We should invite Kass too.” He says, surprising me. “Oh, I like that. Let’s go!” I announce as he guides me to where she is.
“Kass! Adventure time! I call upon you once more for your super cool martial arts!” I shout, pointing a metal sword at her! “Alright. Should I get Dart? I think Stallatia would be very down for an adventure.” She says, clapping her hands together with a smile.
“Only if you can convince them. I’m gonna look for other people I know to invite.” I say, despite not actually knowing Orvalisk all too well. “Hey Orval, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. Come on.” She says, for whatever reason she could need to talk to him.
“See ya’, Demi.” Orval says, waving at me as I jump hundreds of feet into the air again. “Bye~!” I call out as I shoot another thread without thinking and reel myself in right into~ Celestibelle- I smack into her face and knock her into the sidewalk’s pavings…
“Sorry Celest.” I say as I stretch myself thin and push her up before returning to the form of my favorite orb-like shape. “It’s fine, Demi. Why’d you DO that?” She asks, rubbing the back of her head that left a Celest-shaped hole in the pavement.
“Well, I was looking for people to invite on this little adventure I’m gonna go on.” I explain as she folds her arms. “I could join.” She says, as I remember the time she told me she isn’t a warrior… “I don’t really see what use you are.” I say, as I fold MY nonexistent arms.
“Are you KIDDING me, Demitallis? There’s a ton of things I could do that aren't fighting. I can transform and trick people.” She says, grinning as she transforms between tons of different people I’ve met… “Alright, convinced. Come on.” I say, as I shrink my size down and jump onto her shoulder.
“Then AWAY we go~!” I sing as I grip her shoulder and make her laugh. “Alright, kiddo…” She says, reminding me I’m technically supposed to be younger than her… “Oh hey, Jorn.” She says as he jumps onto her other shoulder. “Hello, Demitallis, from the other side of the shoulder of Celestibelle-Genesis.”
He says as I watch Celest’s eyes dart between us. “Ha, you still have to use telepathy.” I say, continuing the chuckle. “This is true. But NOT relevant.” He says, making me laugh harder. “I’m getting into my next adventure soon. Want in?” I ask as his bees float in and out of him.
“I: Would like that. Inform me as to where and when this will be taking place.” He tells me. “WHERE? Don’t know. Ask Steriya, she’d probs know. As for WHEN, I’ll come get you when I’m ready.” I explain as the sky changes color-
“Uh…” Celest hums as she stares at the sky… “We have arrived within range of Capital City, and The Underworld: The home of Helvetica; The very one we know as Helvetica: The Empress of Death, the messiah of all things evil, the Queen of the Underworld, The one true desire of Eternal Skall, The TRUE immortal, Undeath ITSELF, and finally: Helvetica the caregiver.”
“Welcome to the realm of: The Struggle.” He finally finishes, as the world’s largest mountain comes into view, and a laser shoots out of it, incomprehensible in size as it barely misses Neo-Genesis-Haven… “What was that?” Celest asks, as everyone watches it come into view from the distance…
“Concentrated Life Magic, a byproduct of Helvetica and Serif’s eternal war. They are currently firing ceaseless waves of life and doom the width of a single atom. What you saw was but a glimpse of their true power, a single mistake they rarely make.”
He explained, jumping down from Celestibelle’s shoulder, as it dawned on me what it means to be a world power, who I’ll be speaking to in what could just as well very well be as soon as a single or two days… “So this is their realm?” I ask, as I jump down too.
“Is this what I wish to challenge?” I ask, as the mountain falls apart before us, Capital city crumbling as I feel my consciousness pulled to the mountain itself and am finally stared down by death itself… Something I could only describe as the Grim Reaper, a grand skeleton resting upon a throne of super massive size wielding a scythe glaring at me… I had never been this scared since the day I stood within the presence of Arigold, and summarily… Broke.
It is the skeleton of a giant woman, with an object sitting inside its chest, obscured by its ribcage, the rest of its body cloaked under many many many delicately woven silk cloths of incomprehensible design… I only now realize that this is the true form of Helvetica…
At that very moment, I am returned to reality, Celest kneeling over me as she stares at me with sheer concern- “Demitallis- Wake up… Are you okay?” She asks, as I gather my psyche… “Was that what I thought it was? Helvetica?” I ask, as I wait for a reply…
“That can only mean that she has heard of you, Demitallis. What you saw was: The True Form of Helvetica; The Lich Queen.” Jorn says, as my every thought and processes return to me, as though she had torn my soul away…
“Gather up at the teleporter, go find Steriya, Kass, Orval, and Stussy. I need a minute to compose myself.” I say, surprising them as I teleport away to my room…
I realize now what Arigold is, what I had seen that day… I had the suspicion that my psychic power had kicked in without me even noticing, explaining why I had the supernatural ability to gauge someone’s power.
These are not people who are at the zenith of their respective realms, they are creatures of whom transcend reality itself, twisting and tearing, vying for control of this singular hunk of rock, prepared to sacrifice all within and out to achieve their goals…
I didn’t want to believe that something like Arigold was my enemy, that hope still yet lived… I was a fool, I really SHOULD have died that day… I was too stupid to realize at that time… But in this realm, I have witnessed the impossible drawn forth as the standard…
I will never achieve their power… How I will defeat Arigold is unclear to me, but in the end that is my goal, whether it kills me or not. I realize now what he had really meant, when he told me it was not my decision to be made… I realize now that achieving what they have is not something within the capabilities of someone such as myself…
Their power transcends irreality. I had thought that I merely needed to learn, train, and come to learn what it meant to achieve the power of this world’s true gods. That I too could someday stand among them. But their power has festered for at least two millenia each.
I have failed.
Steriya - “Demitallis, we’re headed to one of the smaller towns within Pangaia’s largest deserts, come on.”
Demitallis - “Got it, thanks Steriya.”
I know better than to quell on what I can and cannot achieve, though. Whether they truly be beyond all my potential or not, it is up to me to move forward, and achieve all my dreams. That is exactly what I will do.
I appear at the teleporter pad, feeling the wind calm as the island comes to a stop, and I’m reminded of everything I have. I may have not built it, but it’s still mine. “Teleport us, Steriya.” I say, and she snaps her fingers. With a bright flash of green lightning, we’re teleported in an instant below the edge of the island, and about a few miles outside of a small town leading up the side of the mountain into a grand temple.
We travel to it. “I wish you chose a place more watery, Demitallis.” Kass says as we make our way through, crunching sand, while Jorn can’t help but let it mix into his jelly body until he has a thick enough coat underneath his body to shield him from any more latching on.
“So what’s the place called?” I ask, realizing I don’t even know its name. “It’s simply called Dune-Town, a satellite city to The Underworld.” Steriya explains as we walk through the front entrance to find a population of desert-bound demihumans of different shapes and sizes.
One of them walks up, a large muscular cat man garbed in an assortment of small cloths, hiding relatively little. “Hey. Are you heading into the Underworld from here?” He asks, shifting a bag of whatever on his shoulder. “You can get there from here? What’s in the bag?” I ask, making him raise an eyebrow.
He drops it. “Yeah, you can. Just sand.” He says, opening it and showing it to us. “Nice. What’s it for?” I ask, as he looks at it. “Reconstructing the wall over there. This weird creature ran into it, and I’m one of the guards.” He explains, slinging it over his shoulder again.
“Enchanted right? I’m assuming it uses magic to allow you to manipulate its shape?” Steriya asks, and he nods. “Yeah, good eye, kid. I can control my entire part of the wall. Which is right there.” He says, pointing at a torn piece of brickwork.
“Must have hit it hard, if you can’t even recover the sand.” Steriya says, as she walks over to it. “No, they’re psychically linked to me. Just trapped underground.” He explains, pointing at the ground, surprising Steriya as she places her hand on the floor.
A mound of sand appears next to her, surprising the guy as he looks at it. “Oh. Shit, thanks man.” He says, as he swings his arm and it all floats back into place, finishing that part of the wall! “Now that I have some time off… How about I show you around town?” He asks, and I jump onto his shoulder.
“Take me to the land that YOU understand, buff-sandy-man!” I say, making him chuckle. “I’m Tolsk, tell me your names.” He says, as I look at my friends. “I’m Demitallis, that’s Kass, Celest, Steriya, Orvalisk, Jorn, and Stussy.” I answer, as they gesture to themselves one at a time.
“I’m a Seeker in training.” Stussy says, surprising him as she walks up to shake his hand. “Huh. Nice to meet you.” He says, pinching her tiny baby hand with two of his fingers. “They really DO train you seekers hard. You look like you’re barely five.” He says.
“I’m actually six, but we spend so much time learning and training, we have to dip into our own mana reserves instead of eating. So we stay pretty small until we’re older.” She explains as he nods along with understanding.
“Well, let’s shove off then. Park should be here in an hour anyway.” He says, chucking the bag to the side, as he uses the rest of the sand to decorate the wall’s entrance a little more. “So are the walls supposed to be easy to repair?” Stussy asks, and he nods again.
“Yep. Walls are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine, so if it gets torn apart, we can just easily repair it.” He’s right too, people could literally just jump right over, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they could teleport through anyway. “Why even have it, then?” I ask, as he looks at me.
“Sandstorms and stuff like that. Keeps the sand from getting everywhere, so people don’t have to spend all day cleaning over and over again.” He says, as people wave at us, and my friends wave at them back. This place seems to be a sort of oasis, probably because they made it to be this way.
Seems entirely thematic what they’re going with. I wonder WHY people choose to stay within themes. I would assume it makes it harder to develop a community inside your city like this. Maybe most people leave at a certain age to see the world and discover who they are, until they finally return to their home, because it’s familiar…
We visit multiple shops, Steriya and Celest buying clothes, Kass surprisingly buying a couple strange looking weapons, while Orvalisk trades some of his flowers for one of Dune-Town’s more common plants, giving the shop owner a detailed explanation on how to raise the flowers.
Stussy bought books. Because she likes boring things like that. Steriya glared at me over that. After looking around the fairly small town, we’re finally taken to the temple. “This is one of the many entrances to The Underworld. It’s guarded by the current princess of Dune-Town.” Tolsk explains as we follow him in.
I didn’t buy anything aside from this Ankh Charm, since it looked neat. ‘Figured I would keep it as a reminder of this place. In case you’re wondering, I kept a jar of Ling’s slime, so I can remember him. It was the stone that made up who he was.
“Tolskan’fisk, right?” The princess asks, she’s another Feline Demihuman, but she’s younger and very pretty with jet black hair, much like the Anubis. “So I assume they want through, right? I’ll allow passage if they can complete a quest.” She says, lying between the arms of her throne, with a grand door behind her.
She stretches and yawns. “Whoever the leader is, tell me who you are.” She says, as I jump down from Tolsk’s shoulder. “Right here, I’m Demita-” I begin, but she interrupts me. “Great~ Demita~. Listen, poor Tolsk’s part of the wall was torn apart by the most horrible of creatures, you see…” She explains, pissing me off as she gets my name entirely wrong…
“He and I would be ever so grateful if you could slay it for us… Isn’t that right, Tolsk?” She asks, and he folds his arms, and sighs. “I guess, it was more of an inconvenience. I’ve been hoping it’ll come back some time, so I can see what it actually is.” He says, surprising her.
“It barely even hit the wall, the most of the damage was actually my personal lapse in focus, due to its sight.” He explains, as she stares at him and sighs. “Well, we can’t have it distracting our hard working guards. Please rid Orion of it.” She says, and I jump away.
“Got it! Come on Steriya, it shouldn't be too hard.” I say, surprising her as I jump into her arms. “Where is it?” She asks, looking at the princess- “I don’t know, uh-” She looks at Tolsk. “Five miles south. The stone mountain you should have seen on the way here.” He says, and Steriya gives him a thumbs up before teleporting us about half an hour from the mountain.
“You don’t seriously believe her, right?” She asks, making me laugh- “Of COURSE not! I’m going to check this out, and see if I can talk to whatever is in there.” I say, as I jump into the air and boost myself forward by shooting sand grains at high speed.
“Jeez, you’ve gotten way too strong…” Steriya says, as they leave tiny craters in the ground like bullets. “Come on, slowpoke!” I call out as I attach a thread to the mountain, making her laugh. “Oh you’re on, kid!” She shouts, before running as fast as she could through the sand-
I barely manage to win as we arrive, prompting Steriya to tell me she could have easily won if she teleported, making ME tell her that would be cheating, since that’s not really a test of foot-speed. We finally head into the cave.
It’s dark, I begin glowing to light it up, until Steriya creates a floating ball of light for us, as we walk deeper into the cave… As we come to the end, we finally find a strange creature…
“Yeah, Ling’s dead. What about Slade?” I ask, and he sighs. “I’ve got nothing against Slade. I still have to hunt down the rest, though. Good job surviving, kid. Figured he would have killed you by now.” He says, as I roll my eyes.
“Whatever, now fuck off.” I say, crushing ANOTHER earpiece, because he can pay for these for me. I stretch and walk into one of my many personal bedrooms, that I had cleaned by Meta’s ants- I look around and find myself in a huge white hallway, sparkly and pristine in design…
I have literally no idea where the hell I am… It must be some kind of castle, as I can see grand windows leading to an open sky. I jump over to one, confirming that my abilities still work, and stare out to see a truly endless open sky with an ocean miles below that stretches into eternity.
I jump down into the castle again, walking past super massive pillars as I make my way forward. I spot a throne, dwarfed by the oversized room. I of course sit in it because I’m the fucking queen and you can TRY to deal with it. I cross my legs and begin to assess where the fuck I am-
The chair begins to raise and I raise my hand to realize I pressed a button on the chair. Multiple other pillars begin to rise from the ground alongside it. “What the shit?” I ask, as I stand up and walk forward, not afraid to fall down.
Bright glowing bridges extend to and between the pillars… They’re laser bridges or something, I don’t know. I slam my foot into one, and feel it shatter, only to reform around my foot in an instant, confirming their structural stability as I sit down on my knee.
I begin to slowly put pressure on the bridge, feeling my muscles strain as the color grows more intense with strength. This tells me it’s not good with sudden strikes, but it CAN lift a lot of weight if you’re gentle.
I stand up and walk forward, until I reach a portal and head through. “Greetings.” A knight clad in black armor says, as he walks up and stares down at me. “Hello… Do you know where I am? I seem to have gotten lost…” I say, surprising him as he kneels down.
“I’m sorry young miss, but I cannot help you. All I can offer is The Chalice.” he says, showing me a door with the symbol of the aforementioned chalice. “What is it?” I ask, walking up to the door, realizing it’s just a stupid cup.
“It offers eternal life, but if you choose the wrong one, then it will take it.” He says, surprising me as I turn around to look at him. “Eternal life? Explain.” I say, dropping the cutesy tone a little, since he can’t talk shit anyways.
“As in… It will make YOU truly unkillable. It was a gift given to me to offer to the one foolish enough to take on my challenge.” He says, as I open the door and climb down the stairs with him. “I’ll take on your little challenge. I am Vexalan Genesis.” I say, and he nods as we arrive at the bottom, to a room FULL of Chalices…
“Do not be mistaken, the one on the door is not the real Chalice.” He says, as I walk deeper into the dimly lit room filled with Chalices. “Choose the correct prize, and it is yours forever. Choose the wrong one though, and you’ll stay here forever.” He says, and I look at him.
“You drank from one…” I say, as I fold my arms. “This is true. I was told not to touch them, and now as punishment I live here forever. So please, for my sake, pick the wrong one… I am… VERY lonely…” He says, and I roll my eyes.
I grab a random chalice and look inside. It’s empty. He looks at a fountain of a crimson liquid. Blood… “It’s not blood.” He says, and I fold my arms again. “What is it then?” I ask, and he walks over. “Well, this one is just juice, there IS a blood fountain though. For people of debased desires.” He explains, as I walk over to the juice fountain.
“Oh, so you cater to the wants of others?” I ask, as I dip it in and sip from the chalice, deciding it doesn’t matter which Chalice I pick. Either way, luck MUST be on my side if I am to achieve my goals. “Yes. I am not deranged enough to ask a child to drink blood.” He answers.
“If I was given the option, I would rather advise most children don’t accept consumables from strangers, as that is a very dangerous thing to do.” He says, as I sit here and not give a shit, because I’m a fool.
“You got any other fountains?” I ask, as I finish the juice and look at myself. “Well, one of them is made from Ichor, the blood of gods. A few more, but you’ve already finished anyway.” He says, walking up to me and pulling his sword from its sheath as I back away.
“What are you doing?” I ask as I charge lightning, and he brings it over his own… “There is only one way to find out whether it worked or not.” He says, as I bolt past all the chalices and around the room, before slamming my foot into the back of his armor.
It’s unbreakable- I fall down and he brings the sword down on my neck, killing me in an instant as I watch myself roll… against… the floor… “What the hell?” I ask, as my body stands up, and I feel my head float back onto the neck… “So you chose correctly… You did it, you won…” He says, as my foot fixes itself, and the blood flows back into my neck.
“You are now eternal, and free to come and go as you please. I hope I may see you again some day.” He says, as I shove the Chalice in the fountain again, since the juice is surprisingly nice. “You don’t… You don’t get extra eternal life…” He says, as I sip more.
“Tastes nice.” I say, surprising him. “Oh. Thank you, it was my own recipe, actually.” He says, as I take in more of it. “So how DID you make it? Why’s it give eternal life?” I ask, and he walks over. “It doesn’t, it was the chalice that enchanted the water… Or so I was told.” He says, once again referring to whoever made this thing.
“Who are you even talking about?” I ask, as he watches me drink more of the juice. “He never gave me his name. So I’ve opted to simply call him Azzy.” He explains. “Azzy? He can create a chalice that gifts eternal life… And you call him Azzy?” I ask, dipping the cup again.
“This is so damn good.” I mutter, as I consider how I may take some of it with. “I’m glad you like it. I could give you the recipe…” He says, as I consider just ripping out the fountain. “There’s nothing ACTUALLY weird going on here, right? What happens if a piece of my body cannot be recovered?” I ask, as he walks up next to me.
“I do not know. I can make you more, if you visit.” He says, and I look at him. “Fair enough. I’mma return with multiple bottles.” I say, as I stretch and prepare to leave. “Goodbye.” He says, as I sip the juice ever so slowly, to preserve what little the chalice can contain.
“I hate goodbyes. Until I see you again, uh…” I say, turning around to look at him. “Beekay the Knight. JUST Beikay…” He says, as I walk away and wave at him. “Well, until I see you again, Beikay.” I say, waving as I listen to what I am assuming is the clanking of his wrist armor.
I leave and exit through the portal, walking over and sitting at the chair again before crossing my legs and resting my cheek against my hand as I grind my teeth… “Dammit all.” I say, glaring at the portals as I look at the control panel on the chair…
It’s afraid, it’s a plump white creature with a single red eye focused on me, shaking in the corner of the cave. Its body is something akin to the shape of a teardrop, with the tail of a tadpole that has a glowing fin. Its legs are conjoined in the form of wings, with crystals sticking out of four joints on the wings, allowing it to walk on said crystals…
Lastly, the eye shows nothing but pain and fear, a river of blood flowing from it as the creature shakes in place… “Are you okay?” Steriya asks, taking a single step forward before the creature suddenly screams and slams against the sandstone wall, its crystal legs scraping and cracking against the floor…
It falls down and suddenly convulses, its body bloating until the space under its mouth expands and bursts open, spraying the wall with blood and gasses… “What is this thing?...” Steriya asks, as I crawl up to it, and it stares at me, finally closing its eye as I can only assume it accepts death.
I share some of my mana… “Demi, it… It doesn’t have any mana…” Steriya says, as I look at her. “What should we do?” I ask, as she rubs her chin, and opens a portal, a wave of life magic shooting through and into the creature, revitalizing it as she walks over.
“It doesn’t have any ether either, I’ll share a drop of mine.” She says, resting her hand on it, before I hear the sound of a crack in the core of her body… Ether, it’s directly connected to your life force, moving it to suddenly can hurt you.
The Creature stands up, and blood finally ceases flowing from its eye, as we back away and hope it heals. “You have access to mana now, go ahead, try it.” She says, walking up to the poor thing and healing it, watching as its forced mouth seals itself back up again.
Its eye changes color from red to shades of blue and purple, while it stands up again, walking on its crystals as it stares at me. “Are you feeling better? I can teach you how to take care of yourself.” She says, as it rubs its head against her’s.
“Well, looks like the Princess WAS predictably full of shit.” I say, as I begin to crawl over- It screams in fear and slams its head against the wall, surprising us as the dumb thing knocks itself out. “Okay, it’s afraid of me. You’ll just have to take care of it.” I say, as Steriya picks it up.
“It’s super light, come on, let’s get it out of the cave.” She says, as I slip my body out of the cave quietly, until she rests it on the ground again. It takes hours before it wakes up again, making me sit in the corner and wait, before I can even think about interacting with it…
“Hey buddy… Are you okay?” Steriya asks, as it stands up and looks at the sky, as I watch its tail begin to glow. It looks at her, and then at me, before walking around and hiding behind Steriya. “Jeez. Why are you so afraid of Demitallis?” She asks, but it only looks at her for a moment, before glaring at me again as it shakes.
She places her hand on its skin. “It’s soft, extremely soft. Its skin is weak, Demi. Its entire body must be like this. Orion’s atmosphere has been killing it…” She says, as I back away and it finally stops glaring at me…
“Jeez… It’s gotta’ be a mutant, right? You should name it.” I say, as she looks at it. “If it’s a mutant, it would still have magic… Right?... The ether is already generating mana with its essence, it just didn’t HAVE mana to begin with.” She says, confusing me.
“Well… What IS it then?” I ask, as it looks at Steriya, while she rubs its surface. “I still don’t know. Maybe someone created it? I suppose it must have been made in a vacuum chamber, and its body acclimated to the entire lack of any atmosphere.”
It sits down as she stares at it. “So have you come up with a name yet?” I ask, as she sits down with it. “Lerny? Should I call it that?” She asks, as she looks at me. “Sounds good to me.” I say, almost considering approaching it again. “Alright, I’ll take Lerny home, you just head back to Dune-Town, while I see if I can get into contact with Demistar.” She says, before teleporting home with The Creature…
Well… I better get home. I finally head back to Dune Town, making as much distance as I can with each jump, trivializing the travel time as I jump right over the wall that is ABSOLUTELY as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
I shrink down before landing in the temple to find Kass watching as Stussy asks the princess hundreds of questions, of which she is weirdly excited to answer all the ones specifically about herself… “She keeps going…” Kass says, as I look around and wonder what happened to Celest and Orval…
“Hey! I’m back! Dealt with the creature, it won’t be bothering you anymore.” I say, surprising them as they turn around. “Oh, good. I sent your little friends out on a diplomatic run. Little Celest said she would be good for it.” She says, as I crawl up to her.
“Don’t worry, I sent an emissary along with her, to help her out. I’ve got a NEW mission for you.” She says, and I internally sigh, as I sit here and wait for the next mission.
End of Chapter: 53√AC “The stranger.”
Thank you for reading.
“Don’t care, screw off.”
“I thank you for visiting. Please come back some time."
*High pitched noise*
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Sovereign of Blood
A Glib, Charming, Deceitful, Cunning & Manipulative Vampire with a Grandiose Sense of Self-Worth creates a River of Blood to the Summit of a Dangerous World filled with Magic and Wonders!
8 124 - In Serial10 Chapters
Kyrio's Monster House (Dropped)
A man dies, gets a second chance by a random god and decides to play god. Note: Most chapters are in Alpha version, that means some grammar mistakes and missing tables.
8 147 - In Serial28 Chapters
Amygdala Hijack - A Genetic Engineering Sci-Fi Novel of Impending Dystopia
A platinum-gold obelisk crash-lands on a Saskatchewan farm, warning of imminent alien invasion. Peter Scott, a science podcaster with ratings in decline, considers this a gift from heaven. He plans to reinvigorate the show's slumping popularity by interviewing a cast of edgy experts with brazen proposals to defend Earth from the anticipated invaders. But the planet has bigger issues than space marauders. That's because it's 2037, and DNA is just another programming language. Gene editing has vaulted society toward anarchy as humans rapidly hybridize, modifying their bodies with edited DNA, robotics, and computer interfaces. Add to that the constant existential threats from engineered microbes. Alien invasions, social disruptions, and pandemics are not the only concerns for Peter and team. Shadowy forces will stop at nothing to kill the podcast – or them. (episodes 1-28 of 159 in the series)
8 63 - In Serial95 Chapters
The Empress Wears Gucci
*2nd editing* If you like historical, harem affair dramas, and the underdog rising to regality, you will like this book! After Carmen Han gets into an intense car accident, she spirals into a different era. In 220 BC, Carmen tries to navigate around to find things to get her back to her own world. With a miraculous journey to the palace, the ability to speak their language out of nowhere, and naivety, Carmen struggles to find her way out. Will she gain the power she deserves? Or will jealousy, ruthless schemes, and enemies forbid her from finding her way home?Read about Carmen's journey to power with a historical, Machievillian yet modern twist. #1 Emperor#1 Imperial#2 Empress#3 China#3 History#4 Royalty#5 Women#5 Throne
8 476 - In Serial58 Chapters
Tensei shitara slime datta ken
8 213 - In Serial18 Chapters
Andra is a mechanic and a pilot with nothing but an old, battered ship to call her own. Cygnus Volans is the most powerful psion to ever live. They were on opposite sides of a messy revolution, until a shared vision of the future brings their two warring sides together against a much greater threat.
8 160