《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 12 “It’s time to Hunt, let’s have some Fun!”
Here we are again, all of us, 20,000. What the hell?
Honestly... What did Mother do to these Kids? Now I have to hang out with all of them...
I tried to talk to Lian, but Vexalan said she went to sleep. Not cool.
It’s almost day, and everyone’s been saying I need to get to my next Stage. When I told them not to rush me though, they stopped, so that’s nice..
They’re right, you know... We’re so close.
Yeah, come on Charlotte! We wanna’ see what our next Stage is!
FINE. Even you guys won’t shut up about it... But what do we do?
Right, we can’t train like Veyta and Glant, so our only option is to increase our Essence, and we can’t cheat by making a Synthetic Substitute...
Oh yeah, that Mana Essence we made, it tricked our Body, so we could use it as a Weapon to make our Jet Spikes attack someone.
Yeah, that’s a good idea actually... Should we add it?
Guys, you’re getti-
How about Jet Exploitation?
Homing Jet?
You’re getting off topic!
Now, as I was, we’re trying to get bigger, as a Human we were able to walk around, and punch stuff, that’s far more amazing than what we can do now.
How? We can do Magic now, that’s a thousand times more incredible than being Human.
But as a Human, we could eat, chew food, we could walk, run, dance, create. Like this, we’re confined to this Large Bowl, we’re prisoners, only free to roam for moments at a time.
I mean, yeah, I guess you have a point there, but being Human wasn’t much better.
What, how? I’ve looked through so many memories, all of those things you did seemed so incredible, we could never do that as we are now.
Well, yeah, but as a Human I couldn’t slip through small crevices, or use Magic. I mean, if I was given the choice, I would have definitely chosen Human, but it’s not as if it’s without its limits.
... Fine. Let’s get to work, sadly, killing other creatures won’t give us experience, I mean, we’ll get better at killing that specific Animal, but that’s it. It won’t increase our Strength. So let’s turn Food into Strength.
Well, then let’s get started.
I pressurize my body, and burst out of my Bowl. Everyone was surprised by the sudden burst of Movement. I land on some Grass, and compress my Body. It’s a lot harder to keep myself together on Soil compared to the Smooth Marble of the Castle. Anyways, I rip up some Grass, and eat it.
Was that any good?
No, it wasn’t nothing, it was just negligible, we need Animals.
Fuck, okay.
I quickly look around, and spot a Small Bug, I jump onto it, and crush it in my Body. It’s a Cricket, it doesn’t look like any Cricket I’ve seen, but anyways, I eat it. Lex walks up, looking at the Cricket Carcass inside of me. “Do you... Do you plan to eat that thing?”
Demi - “Well, I need to get bigger, and nothing’s willing to come near our Group.”
“You know we can just have a Hunting Party go look, right?” Lex says, as I consume the Cricket. His face contorts in disgust.
Demi - “Waste not, want not.”
The muscles on Lex’s face eases, and he grabs my Bowl. “Fine, just... Let’s go find something to eat.” As Lex tilts my Bowl, I flow into it, and Lex picks me up.
Demi - “So, who’s going on this Hunting Mission?”
Lex looks around, as he thinks. “I’m thinking Glant, Steriya, Calbdin, and Tenztore.”
Demi - “Right, okay then, I’ll call them over.”
I connect to the chosen Party Members, and the 4 of them perk up.
Demi - “Hey, guys, we wanted to create a Hunting Party, I’ve been trying to gather Food so I can get bigger.”
Glan - “Me and Veyta were actually planning to do some Training together, so this is a great opportunity to get some experience in our Hunting Skills!”
Demi - “Actually, we were thinking it would be best if you two stay separated, since you can swap places with each other-”
Glan - “No.”
Demi - “ since you ca- Come on dude.”
Glan - “Wherever Veyta goes, I go, now connect to her.”
I quickly connected to Veyta.
Veyt - “Hey guys! So~ what are we talking about?”
Glan - “Demi wants to separate us so we won’t be friends anymore.”
A Rage Filled Grin washes over Veyta’s face, and the other children reel back in surprise.
Veyta - “I’LL KILL HER!”
Demi - “Don’t lie to her!”
Glan - “Fine. Anyways, who else is joining?”
Ster - “I’m joining, I assume it’s because of my Teleportation Skills.”
Lexi - “I’m here, Demi was planning to eat Bugs, so she seriously needs help.”
Demi - “Is it still too late to opt out of the Together Adventures?”
Veyt - “Yes, and I’m joining too.”
Calb - “I’m assuming you need me for my Tracking Skills.”
Demi - “Yep.”
Tenz - “And I’m here because of my Trap Skills.”
Calb - “I have trapping Skills too, but nobody can make a Trap like Tenz.”
Tenz - “Your words of praise means much to me Calb.”
Calb - “Haha.”
Tenz is like Glant in how they talk Seriously, but Tenz doesn’t give an inch, while it’s super easy to rile Glant up. Calb on the other hand is pretty laid back, he’s a little robust, but I like to think that means we have more Brother to love.
Tenz - “This won’t be like those Hunting Games we played in Genesis Haven, Calb, you should be more serious.”
Calb - “Come on Tenz, it’ll be fine...”
Demi - “Guys, I can’t carry conversations like this all day you know, we’re at the Center Camp.”
Calb - “Ah, right, sorry Demi, we’ll get moving.”
I disconnect from everyone. I look around as I notice multiple of my Siblings standing up, they surprise everyone around them.
Once everyone has gathered, we all look up at Tenztore.
Tenztore is one of our tallest Humanoid Siblings, towering over the current Group at around 9 feet tall. He’s a Falcon Demi-Human, they were hunted to near extinction by Dragons, as they were the only animals to keep up with them. These Demi-Humans usually only grow from 6 to 7 Feet, but Tenztore really takes the Cake. He usually hides his face under his mask, and keeps his eyes closed, sometimes opening them. He usually covers himself with his Black Wings, but he seems to like wearing dark loose clothing, it’s hard to tell what his clothing is made of, but we assume it’s some type of leather.
Gabdin on the other hand, is a Bloodhound Demi-Human, he’s wearing a nice shirt and pants with lots of Pouches and Pockets for all of his stuff. He also wears a scarf, and a Backpack wherever he goes. We never see him actually sniffing anything though... Anyways, he’s pretty laid back, and never opens his eyes. He’s usually calming down Tenztore.
Lex starts. “Alright, we’ll be gathering some Meat, thankfully we have some pretty good Chefs here too. I’ve already sent off a Group to retrieve some Fruits and Vegetables, and another Team to try and gather some useful Cooking Utensils.” Calbdin cuts in as Lex was explaining. “Right, I’ve been getting hungry, I hope their search goes well.” Everyone just stares at him. “Thank you Calbdin, as I was. We’ll be hunting some large Animals, I was originally planning to have Glant come with us, because of all of his different Abilities, then he would switch with Veyta, and she’ll land the killing blow. But I guess we’re taking both of them.” Lex looks at the two of them disappointingly.
“We’re not separating Cat Boy, so you can live with it.” Glant says as he looks away, folds his Arms, and his Eye closes. Veyta walks up, and cuts in. “Sorry Lexy, Glant doesn’t like to separate from me, it took a lot of convincing just to get him to do excavating without me.”
Lex folds his arms, and sighs. “Yeah, I know, let’s just get going. Steriya, you’ll be teleporting everyone and the resources home, when we’re finished. On the off chance we can’t handle it, you’ll be our Escape.” Steriya nods, and finally says something. “Sounds good, let’s get going then.” Steriya smiles as she grabs everyone, and teleports.
Steriya giggles as everyone looks around. “Man, I missed being able to do this!” Glant looks over at Steriya, as he regains his bearings. “Right, yeah, they had that weird spell over the Castle, the one that was stopping you from teleporting. Didn’t they let you use it that one time?” Steriya looks over, and continues where Glant left off. “Well, kind of, I just couldn’t teleport outside of the Arena, I would have totally gotten everyone out otherwise. To be honest, the Spell was activated the Moment Arigold busted into Genesis Haven, they must have anticipated these kinds of Spells.”
Demi - “Right, that makes sense, I’m just surprised I even managed to escape.”
Everyone looks at me, as they realize I did indeed manage to escape. “Yeah, everyone thought you died at the time, Demi, what did you do anyways? Mr. Arigold had to get this weird guy named Binber to fix the Gateway.” Lex says, as he looks down at me.
Demi - “It wasn’t as much me, as it was Fear, he was using IDM, or I guess as you know it, HDR, to get us out of there. He even developed this special Ripple Skill just to release Soundwaves.”
Everyone looks at me confusedly. “Wait, so you really did activate your HDR? And Ripple Soundwaves?” Lex says, as I continue.
Demi - “IDM stands for Involuntary Developmental Breakdown. Fear is actually a Third Consciousness in my Head, we call him Mr. Fear. The Second one is Chamber, and they refer to me as Charlotte. Together we’re the Three Personalities of Demitallis.”
Fear - “Hello.”
Cham - “We weren’t planning to ever speak to you, but it’s nice to say hello.”
Everyone continues to look at me confusedly... Lex finally breaks the silence. “You named your Second Consciousness?... You have a THIRD one?”
Demi - “Yeah, are those things not normal?”
Lex thinks to himself for a moment, while Steriya joins in. “I’ve never even talked to mine before... They just kind of tell me something whenever I’m thinking to myself.” Everyone looks over at her, as Lex cuts back in. “Well, I’ve talked to mine, but I’ve never named him...” Everyone’s begun thinking to themselves.
Did I just do something bad?
I’m not sure... Maybe..
Lex looks at me again, remembering something. “Right, you said you have a Third one?”
Demi - “Yeah, he’s right here-”
Fear - “I’m Mr. Fear, I can activate our IDM, and take command of the Body if Demi is asleep... Not that she ever is.”
Demi - “Yeah, Puddle Kids don’t seem to sleep, it’s pretty cool.”
Everyone just continues to stare at me, as they listen to Fear’s voice. “It’s so weird, listening to someone’s Second, or even third Consciousness...” Lex says, as he thinks about all of this. “I find it more perplexing that you even have a Third One, and that you can control your HDR... Or IDM, I guess.” Glant says, as he looks closely at me.
Demi - “Yeah, it’s REALLY powerful, Fear used it in one second to develop the Roadmap to Telepathy.”
Fear - “I still have it, and I’ve been working on a Skill that can transmit information. Well, Not full Skills, but I can send everyone the Roadmap.”
Everyone agrees to this, as they didn’t see any problem in it.
Demi - “It’ll take a moment for me to develop this Skill, so you guys get to the Hunting.”
Everyone nods, and we start walking around. Let’s get started on that Skill...
So, what do we need?
This one should be really easy, you have all of the Skills you need, just some sort of Skill to Copy, and send stored Information.
How have I become so good at remembering things?
Dude, come on-
No, it’s actual Magic. All living Creatures evolved and adapted around Magic, you still have your Memories, but not the same Brain... Well you don’t even have a Brain, I don’t know where our Information and Consciousnesses are stored, but Magic incredibly reduced the Cost on things that take lots of Energy, like the Brain. That Cricket you killed could have probably learned to read and write, if you took the time to teach it.”
That’s amazing... so I’ve become incomprehensibly smarter than I was?
Kind of, it’s just, everyone’s this smart, so we’re still nothing special tbh...
Well we don’t have to be, let’s get started.
I look at the Information in my Head, and I develop a copy of the Road Map Memory, just slightly different. It’s the same Map, just with the Names slightly changed around. Let’s send it to everyone.
Everyone stops as I connect to them.
Demi - “Hey, guys, I just got finished with the Skill, I think I can send it over now.”
Tenztore is the first to speak. “Well, what are you waiting for? We’re ready.”
Demi - “Alright then!”
I send the information over, and everyone’s eyes widen, as they grip their heads for a moment, Lex almost drops me.
Demi - “Are you guys okay?!”
Everyone gets back up, as they begin to let go of their Head. Glant nods to himself, and speaks up. “Alright, I got it, I can make this, I actually have almost all of the Skills I need.” Everyone looks at him, as they realize he’s one of the best Magic users in the whole Family. “I’m probably not gonna’ ever figure this guy out, you’ll just have to pick up the slack for me, Glant.” Veyta says, smiling.
Demi - “Right, so how has tracking been going?”
Calbdin speaks up, as he looks around. “Oh, we actually picked up a trail of something that seems PRETTY big, so I’ve been guiding us.”
Demi - “Wow, already? It didn’t take me THAT long to develop the Skill.”
Calbdin grins wider, as he starts up again. “Oh, don’t worry, I just got lucky this time, and besides, I’m a great Tracker... By the way, we’re almost there guys.” Everyone perks up, as nobody but Calbdin had noticed any differences. “Wow, how can you tell?” Steriya says, as she looks at him excitedly. “I’ve been using Magic to pick up the faintest irregularities in the area, anything that could have been caused by a creature coming through. With a few educated Guesses, I could tell you everything that has passed through this Area.”
Demi - “Alright then... How about Humans and Demi-Humans? Also, what ARE we looking for?”
Calbdin places his hand on his Chin, as he looks around with his Mana. “Let’s see... Since the past week... There’s been about 10 to 20 Humans through here, could have been more, the Tracks have been pretty heavily tampered with by other Animals and People just wondering over them. As for what we’re looking for, I believe it’s a Snake, it smells like a reptilian, and the path it’s laid is very smooth... The main problem though, is that... It may be a bit large.”
Everyone looks at him for a moment, as Veyta starts to get excited. “Oh man! I hope it’s absolutely MASSIVE, I want to fight it!” Glant looks over at her, with a less than hopeful expression. “I don’t know, we’re still just Kids, Veyta, we might be strong, but that thing is still Massive, it’ll probably be extremely Powerful.”
Demi - “Glant is right, if it survived long enough to get large, then it might even be too powerful for even us.”
Once I finished with the Telepathy Message, Calbdin stopped moving, a look of surprise on his face. “Oh my... This isn’t just any Snake... It would be best we just turn back, it’s known to hunt fully grown Dragons, one of their only predators, it can even recognize the scent of Gold.”
Everyone looks at the Cave with Fear, knowing that the Dragon Hunter is in that Cave.. Everyone except Veyta, who simply pulls out her favorite Sword, and grins. “Well then, just don’t get any of the Venom on me, right? Let’s fight it!” Veyta runs in before anyone can think, then comes back out flying, landing on her Back. “Found it! And it’s angry!” The Snake is about 200 Meters long, and absolutely horrifying, its scales are a mix of black, white, and red. It looks like it could swallow all of us whole in one massive bite. It stares down at us, and it’s easy to tell where Veyta must have struck it, there’s no major Cuts, but some of the Scales have been torn, she definitely hit it...
“The Bastard Child of the Great Serpent Gods Ouroboros: King Reveserpestrine!”
Everyone looks at Calbdin as he rattles off the Name of the Giant Snake. “Do we have any chance?!” Lex says, as he looks back at the Snake, who is just staring at us... “King Reveserpestrines are only known for their Legendary Power, and almost Mythical Rarity! In the books I read, they were depicted as not being very smart, all of their energy goes into their incredible size...” Calbdin says, as everyone slowly begins to back up, BUT Veyta. Calbdin continues on the nature lesson anyways. “They’re actually known to never stop growing, they just eat larger Dragons as they get Bigger, the Babies are usually only the size of a Tree!... Fully grown adults were rumored to even catch Dragons right out of the air!”
Everyone just looks at me, as we continue to back up, and Calbdin continues. “I used to ask for Books on all kinds of animals and what they look like! Mother was really happy to indulge my interests!” Lex cuts in, as everyone starts to move closer to Steriya. “Dude, what the hell are you talking about, do we have a damn chance or not?!” Everyone looks at Calbdin, as he just continues to stare at it. “I mean, maybe, but we would have to get everyone!” Steriya grabs onto everyone, and speaks up. “Is everyone connected?!” Glant cuts in right when she finishes, and shouts. “NO! VEYTA, GET THE FUCK OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!” Everyone looks at Veyta, who is currently in La La Land, holding her Sword, she just can’t wait to fight it.
The Snake hisses, and slowly moves back to it’s cave. “She must be a Mother, she’s only protecting her Eggs, no wonder she was so easy to track, she was out gathering Food for her Children.” Calbdin says, as Veyta turns around. “Wait, so does that mean she has Children to protect?!” Calbdin nods, and the Snake hisses once more. Veyta on the other hand, is crestfallen, and starts to walk over to us. “Fine, I won’t kill her...” Veyta places her hand on Glant’s shoulder, and Steriya teleports everyone away.
“Sorry everyone, it seems I failed to track down some food... I just didn’t think it would be so big, the Trail must have been really old, so I didn’t notice how much was already distorted from time...” Calbdin apologizes over his mistake. “I felt like we needed something Large, that could feed all of us, I just didn’t expect it to be that thing.” Everyone just sighs.
Demi - “It’s fine, we still have time, don’t we? We just need to find a ton of smaller, killable animals.”
Calbdin nods, and looks to the right. “I think I’m picking up traces of a Bison Herd, specifically the Subspecies: Bibrosion. These Creatures aren’t too powerful, the deadliest part of them is that they roam in super large herds, so they can usually overwhelm their opponents. They usually lure in large predators, and kill it.” Lex nods, and joins in. “So then, Bibrosion Herd?” Everyone nods and agrees.
We finally arrive at an open field full of Bisons. “There must be thousands...” Said Lex, as he stares at the incredible number of these creatures.
Demi - “Guys, I’m close to Metamorphosis, try and get me one of them, and I’ll eat it.”
Everyone looks at me, then Veyta grins wildly. “You got it!” Veyta leaps from the Tree we’re sitting in, and lands in front of the Field, all of the Bison look at her. “COME ON THEN, LET’S HAVE FUN!!!” Veyta proclaims, a murderous tone in her Voice. Glant also jumps off the Tree, but instead at a much safer distance, and readies his Tentacles. “She always gets like this when she’s in the mood to Kill, and hasn’t gotten the chance to do so!” Glant’s eyes lock on Veyta, and they start casting Buffs on her. The first Bison runs up to Veyta, and it rams into her. She grabbed it by the Horns, and tossed the poor thing over her head and onto its back.
Veyta pulls out her Sword, grinning menacingly, as she walks up to it. Veyta quickly slashes the Bison’s throat, then quickly jumps backwards, and runs her Sword across the back of the other one. It turns around, and watches as she lifts, and slashes another one’s throat. The Bison begins to charge again, but its head blows up, Glant had fired a Pawn Striker while it wasn’t looking. “This is fun Lex!” Another 2 Bisons try to ram Veyta, but she Jumps, and they ram into each other. They stammer backwards, as Veyta lands on one of them, and stabs it straight through the Spine, while the other one’s head blows up too. At this point, the rest of the Bison had taken notice of what was happening, and started running over. Veyta only managed to kill about 3 more before one of them actually hit her, causing her to laugh. “WAHAHAHA, THAT HURT LIKE HELL, GLANTY!” She raises her arms over her head, and Glant begins to get nervous...
Demi - “What is she doing?!”
Glant just starts firing off Pawn Strikers, and finally responds. “Listen, Veyta might, maybe, quite possible, DEFINITELY is a Masochist!” Everyone’s eyes widen, as Veyta gets hit by another Bison. “She says that she doesn’t actually enjoy the Pain, but instead the rush it gives her when her Adrenaline begins to kick in!”
Glant just sits down there silently, as everyone jumps down from the Trees. “Veyta and I don't really talk about it...” Glant fires off more Pawn Strikers, which kills about 2 more Bisons, the rest managing to finally dodge. “Tsk, gonna’ have to go with something deadlier... Anyways, Veyta doesn’t actually mind talking about, but it’s just kind of this unspoken rule we have, with not bringing it up when each other is around.” Steriya walks over, and speaks up. “How come, does it bother her?” Glant just shakes his head, as he begins to relax a little. “No, we just prefer to enjoy the time we spend together, we don’t plan to live forever.”
Everyone just watches as Veyta gets beaten silly, Tenztore on the other hand, begins walking over, his wings folding open. He throws his arms to his sides, and 2 Thin Batons with side handles fall from his sleeves. He grabs them by the Side Handles, and metallic rods protrude from the tips. The Bison stares at Tenztore as he walks up to one. The Bison comes at Tenztore running, but he sidesteps it, and jabs it in the side of its neck, felling it in one blow.
Veyta looks over at Tenztore, the bloody mess of a girl just watches as he begins to approach her. “What, did you think I would let you have all the fun?!” Tenztore announces, with a challenging tone. The Girl grins, and they strike each other’s weapon. “You’re Tenztore, right?!” Veyta says, as she grins with predatory instinct. “Yep, and I’m Calbdin’s best friend and only hunting Partner! You’re Veyta, right?!” Veyta continues to wildly grin, her large mouth only now beginning to look sinister. “OHHOHO~, I like you! We’ve gotta’ spar some time!” Their weapons release from each other, and they turn to each other’s backs.
“Sounds good, Veytatasm, now let’s bring home dinner.” Veyta begins laughing, and they both vault over a Bison, and strike it in the back of its neck, mimicking each other. Glant on the other hand, is less than pleased. He has stopped firing for a while.
Glant starts running down there, shouting. “ALRIGHT YOU MOTHERFUCKER, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! VEYTA’S MINE YOU DIRTY BASTARD!” Glant is hit by a Bison, and shouts again. “AHG- VEYTA, IT HIT ME!” Glant holds his arm like he’s about to cry. Veyta looks over worriedly, finally dropping that damn Grin. Tenztore just continues to kill Bisons. Pure rage washes over Veyta’s face. “Stand Guard Tenztore!” Tenztore looks over. “Wha- DAMNIT-” A Bison just about hits Tenztore, pissing him off. At that same moment, Veyta switches with Glant, and Tenztore looks over.
Veyta stares at the Bison with pure unyielding rage. “YOU WANNA’ PICK ON GLANT?!” The Bison rushes at Veyta, but she lifts it over her head with her Tentacles, and tears it’s limbs off.
Demi - “What am I watching?”
Lex just stares in fear and disbelief. “Pure rage, Demi... Pure rage...” Calbdin chimes in. “It’s not really that impressive, those Bison are actually pretty weak, you see, since there’s so many of them, they’re usually pretty malnourished, not all creatures are dumb enough to run into that pit. Then of course, they’re not built for fighting Humanoids with Weapons, so that’s another disadvantage, we really just got super lucky.”
Steriya folds her arms, and sits down. “They’re really having fun though, maybe I’ll ask Veyta or Tenztore to teach me how to fight...” Lex looks over at Steriya, as she just sits there watching. “I-I’m a warrior too, I could teach you to fight!” Steriya looks over at him. “Oh, really? I didn’t notice.” Lex just walks over and sits next to a Tree.
Demi - “Come on man, she didn’t mean it.”
Lex continues to sit there and mope.
Veyta slashes the Head off of one of the Bison, her power growing thanks to Glant’s constant enhancing. The number of Bison is dwindling, but there’s still thousands of them, and they’re not stopping. “Hey, Veyta, come tell this brat to shut up!” Glant had been shouting at Tenztore for the better part of an Hour now, with no sign of stopping. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL M-?!” Veyta looks over, and cuts right in. “Shut up brat!” Cold, I guess Veyta’s having too much fun to care. Glant on the other hand, his rage might have actually blinded him, and he punches a Bison with a Right Hook, sending it flying sideways. Everyone looks at him with surprise.
Demi - “Wait, I thought he was physically weak, since when could he do that?”
Steriya starts rubbing her Chin. “I would assume he’s using those Enhancement Skills on himself too, and since he’s got a massive wellspring of Mana, he can just keep boosting himself.”
Thinking about it now, those Bison probably have stats rounded at about 5 to 10 thousand, thankfully they’re too big to really fight in large numbers. Glant must have supercharged his physical stats to about 15 to 20 thousand, and Veyta has to be reaching 60,000 by now, but Glant’s gonna’ run out of Mana soon, I mean, he’s not got a limitled supply, and they haven’t even cut down on 2% of the Bison, I’d count about 100 kills so far.
Demi - “They’re not going to be able to keep going, we should get them out soon.”
Lex nods in agreement. “Yeah, you’re definitely right on that part. But.. How?” Everyone stares at the current combat group who is now tearing apart Bison one by one. “I know Tenztore, he’ll listen to me when I tell him to stop. Just be ready to teleport everyone out of here, Steriya.” Steriya looks at Calbdin, and nods, as he starts walking over. “Hey Guys, I think we’ve got enough Meat, we’re teleporting home!” Veyta and Glant keep fighting, while Tenztore just uses his Leg to redirect a Bison. “Right then, you two, we’ve done enough here!” Veyta looks at Tenztore disappointingly, and starts walking over, slashing a Bison’s head in half as she walks over. “Fine...” Steriya places her hand on Lex, and we teleport in between the 3 Warriors. The Bison begins to start surrounding us, and everyone finishes getting all of the Dead Bison in place.
Demi - “I’ve been meaning to use this!”
I disconnect from my Telepathy, and pour the majority of my mana into a massive Barrier, just before any of the Bison can get in. Everyone looks around, as the Giant Barrier blocks the Bison. One of them rams into it, and it cracks a little.
Steriya finally teleports everyone home, and we fall onto a large open spot surrounded by our Siblings. Everyone looks at us with surprise and amazement. Everyone starts giving us praise for the large amount of meat we brought home, and they guide us over to where the other groups are. They’re all excited to see the large amounts of Meat being dragged over by everyone. We can see tons of Cooking Utensils, Large Baskets of Fruits and Vegetables, and now we have the Meat. Everyone did amazingly.
Demi - “Good job everyone, sorry I can’t talk more, I had to use up the majority of what’s left of My Mana dropping this huge Barrier.”
Everyone just laughs and smiles, as they start preparing everything.
As for me, well I use some of my remaining Mana to create a Pit. It’s not very big, I’m really running low. Glant fires a Pawn Striker into the area, and opens up more of it. “Don’t worry, I got you, you’ve gotta’ be exhausted.” Glant super heats the opening, and it melts into a fine smooth compacted soil.
I can’t say anything, but he knows I’m thankful, my Water begins to fill the new opening, none of it seeping into the soil thanks to Glant. That’s it, I’m basically out, I’m now surviving off of my Stamina. I jump into my new Pool, and Veyta tosses in a Bison Carcass. I envelop it in my Essence, and begin breaking it down. Everyone looks over at, as they hear it’s massive body snapping.
After a while, I finally finished it, and I felt my Mana and Stamina returning to me, that one was close...
Demi - “Yo, Veyta, toss me another!”
Veyta does exactly that, and I eat this one much quicker, now that I’ve got all my energy back.
We’re ready, we can activate Metamorphosis... It’s time to sleep, Charlotte.
Goodnight, Charlotte.
Haha, yeah, goodnight guys.
Demi - “Goodnight everyone, I’m gonna’ go to bed for a while.”
Everyone looks over at me, then Lex runs over. “Wait, but you said you don’t sleep, Demi!” I feel my vision fade, as I...
Here we are again, growing bigger.
What will we become next? Should I activate Telepathy now?
Yes, that would be a good idea, go ahead and do that. We’re becoming a Pond Kid, we’ll have enough strength to move around, and hold ourselves together, we’re finally free, Fear...
Isn’t that wonderful...
Fear - “Hey, Lex, tell them to leave us a third Bison, we’ll be needing something to eat when we wake up.”
Lexi - “Yeah, sure, whatever you need, Demitallis.”
Cham - “Thank you, Lex.”
End of Chapter: 12 “It’s time to Hunt, let’s have some Fun!”
Thank you for reading.
“Yeah, thank you very much for reading.”
“Thanks, whoever you are, haha!”
- In Serial147 Chapters
Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4
What would a Xianxia MC do?Seriously, what would they do? Asking for a friend.
8 218 - In Serial31 Chapters
Cannibal Dungeon
"Dungeon cores... roll out!" After being suddenly teleported to a new world, corner store manager Marianna discovers she's something called a dungeon core. Living life as a corner store manager was one thing, but the manager of a dungeon? And to make things worse, a dungeon core still has to eat?! Now Marianna must find something to sate her new body's requirements, and hopefully a way back to her world. After all, who's going to manage the store while she's gone? Currently doing a rewrite. Finished rewritten chapters and new chapters will be tagged [Rewrite] so that it is clear where I'm up to with the rewrite. When I wrote this, I was new to writing, so I find a lot of mistakes with the story, the grammar, and typos. Expect much improvement between the rewritten and existing chapters. Come join us on my discord!
8 159 - In Serial28 Chapters
Treads, Rads, and Sand
On a distant planet in a distant future, the crew of the Enoch, a tank the size of a large building, wage a multiple centuries-long war against an enemy they neither understand nor care to. The hostility of the planet in question is one thing, but there are hostile tanks looming in the sandstorms, hunting the Enoch just as the Enoch hunts them. With no end to the war in sight, can the crew of the Enoch survive to see another irradiated day?
8 133 - In Serial20 Chapters
Encapsulation - FIRST DRAFT
This is the first draft of the story. The edited and expanded final version is available free for KU subscribers and for sale on Kindle. Planet Dirt: Remnant of an exile world, ground down by governmental and megacorp warring.The Accident a generation ago erased what its inhabitants had not already forgotten.Their brightest scientists vanished without a trace, leaving only the icy Wasteland.Carrick, a gangster, chooses Wasteland exile rather than betray the Family. Intelligent and loyal, he determines to bend the frontier’s prisoners to his will.After all, when people won’t choose what’s best for themselves, they must be forced to choose.But the Wasteland conceals impossible scientific phenomena that force Carrick to realize how little he understands.And when an officer of humanity’s ancient, starfaring empire crashes into the Wasteland’s heart, he reveals Planet Dirt’s coldest secret.The Accident was only the beginning of a bitter end.
8 195 - In Serial108 Chapters
Lost souls, will be rewritten soon. (Old version)
In a world where mages stand above the peasants, the nobles, and the law, it is not surprising that everyone wants to learn magic. Five siblings from a village in the middle of nowhere felt the same. Unfortunately, a dragon brought ruin to their home, eventually cornering the five blood brothers. Luz, the eldest brother, ignored the warnings of his ancestors for the sake of their survival. Using an ancient teleportation spell, he and his siblings were sucked into a portal leading to God-knows-where. In a foreign place far from home, Luz carries the burden of disobeying his ancestors and losing his younger brothers. He sets off to reunite his siblings and slay the dragon that destroyed their village while only being equipped with one useless space spell that drains all his mana after one usage. Author's note: English isn't my first language and this is the first novel I tried writing, which is why some of the earlier chapters aren't that good, even though I grew better over time. I'm still in the phase of editing a lot of my earlier chapters. But unfortunately, I haven't yet found any time for it. Daily updates are to be expected till we reach chapter 100. If your comment motivates me, I might upload up to five chapters.^^
8 219 - In Serial18 Chapters
Peter Parker field trips to SI and Avengers Compound!
All characters belong to Marvel except for a few here and there that i make up.I take requests. Just some field trip ideas where Peter gets exposed or his family of Avengers embarrass him, etc.Spidey-son and Iron-dad.One Shots.Avengers family.Panic attacks and sensory overloads.Tony being a dad.
8 201