《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 9 “Memories of Symbols, through Newfound Blood do we find Egress!"
I rest in my Nest. Would you even call this a Nest? I mean, it’s a Lake, but it’s also been especially made for my use, so I can’t really tell.
Anyways, I’ve been working hard on expanding the Nest… I should come up with a Name for it! I guess the only fitting Name would be Egress, after Mother, who had granted me my Egress from Death, and will now be a symbol for Me and my Siblings’ own Egress from this terrible place. I don’t know, I just think it’s very symbolic, don’t laugh at me!
As I was. I expanded the Nest quite a bit, now I’ve got a nice large area around my Pond, I’ve also started up some Tunnels, thanks to all this Food I’ve been stealing. I guess I should make a better system for hiding the Entrance, it would be terrible if they found out where their Food went. And besides, I think they’re starting to get angry…
But that doesn’t matter, I just need to keep moving Forward, I have Adventures to go on while Me and My Siblings are still young, I won’t waste this Life like I did the last one.
I build up tons of Water in my Body, and I blast it against the Rock Walls. I’ve developed a Skill called Water Cannon, thanks to my now incredibly powerful PSI, if you remember, I could crush with 20PSI at 200 Strength. Well now I’m immeasurably stronger, and I can now Crush with 3,500PSI! Yeah, I’ve finally gotten full access to all of my Strength!
Using this powerful new Body, I continue to dig deep under the Castle, using anything I can find as an Abrasive. Originally I was really inefficient with my Water Usage, but now I’ve built a Reservoir System to gather My Water and Abrasives back whenever I use them, it’s really helpful.
Oh right, I’ve also been strengthening myself by practicing with my Pressurization Skill. I can compress the Materials into a nice Smooth Material, it’s also a lot tougher, so Egress won’t fall around me.
Oh right, I’ve finally been given a True Title, it’s called: “The Playful Ocean Spirit.” I’ve been running around and spooking the Guards by spraying them with Water. It’s enhanced my Speed, and my Sneakiness a bit. Titles are awesome!
Currently I’m working on my Third Tunnel, the one that leads to Lex’s Area. Then I’ll be making another 5 that leads to areas outside of the Castle, I’ll keep them sealed, just in case they find out about the Tunnels, the next bundle of Tunnels will be scattered throughout the Castle, and I’ll be developing a Map with everyone’s help so we can make a Multi Floor Plan to get everyone out of the Castle. Luckily for us, the Castle has thick walls, I imagine it’s to make it extra durable. Well, that’ll be a big part of what helps us escape.
Right… We’ll have to think of a place to go, maybe we could make our own Kingdom, live underground, or maybe an Airship! But where would I even get what I need for that? We could live in Trees and make the greatest Treehouse in the world. Oh, right, I guess I should figure out what My Siblings want first, before I plan any further. Actually, I wonder if they would all even be for the Massive Adventure Party idea, I mean, it’s pretty ludicrous to think they would all magically be wanting to do what I wanted to do. Well, let’s see, I think there’s around 10 thousand of my Siblings? So there should still be a good amount of my Siblings that might want to Adventure with me. At least, I hope so…
Anyways, it’s been a few hours now, and I’ve finally finished this one… Shit, the Room is Giga Empty, I can’t pop a Hole in it just yet… Well, I guess I can still make my own personal entrance actually, I do have Seamless Water… I build some water in My Body, and fire a Jet of Water through the Floorboard and flow through it. The wonders of an awesome Watery Body.
Funny enough, Slimes aren’t quite capable of this, they CAN stretch out their Bodies but they’re also super sticky, so it takes a lot of effort. I guess in theory they could stretch out like me, but then their Body might separate, and then you’ll have 2 Slimes, or one dead one, not exactly sure on how their Body works on that front, I like to imagine it’s 2 Slimes.
Anyways, as I’m looking around, it turns out everyone was looking at Me, everyone’s here, I was thinking they would have left already to explore around. How long have I been underground?
“Demitallis!” An excited Cat Boy shouts My Name, as I start struggling to hold my Body together.
Demi - “Lex, does anyone have a Container? I’ve been holding myself together like this for multiple hours, just about anything would help at this point.”
Lex stares at me for a moment. “Oh, you’re kind of… I don’t know if we could find a Container big enough for you…” Did he just call me fat?! I’ll kick your ass! Everyone’s looking at him weirdly. “Who are you talking to Lex?” Asked Veloura. Lex looks back again, and at everyone else. “Oh, it’s Demi here’s Telepathy Skill, show them Demi.” I just sit here, NOT wasting my Mana. “Anyone hearing anything?” Everyone shakes their head, and they all look at Lex. “D-Demi, come on. What are you doing?” Flare joins in on this. “Um, what did Demi by chance say they needed?” Lex looks over at Flare for a moment. “Oh, Demi’s just asking for a new Container, they said they’re really tired.” Everyone stares at me, watching as my water begins to ripple and distort from loss of my energy. Flare continues. “Zoltin, you go get a Very Large Bowl for Demi here, we’ll try and… Take care of Lex.” Zoltin nods and runs off, while Lex just looks at them incredulously. “G-Guys, come on, I’m not insane, they’re really talking!”
Demi - “I go by ‘Her’, jackass.”
Lex spins around and looks at me again, then back at everyone else. Veloura walks up to him slowly. “Now, Lex, stay calm, we’re going to get you help buddy.” Veloura holds out her hands and smiles. Lex just looks at me. “DEMI, WHAT THE HELL?!” The look on Lex’s face is glorious.
Demi - “I’m not fat.”
Lex falls to his Knees and begs. “PLEASE, DEMI, COME ON, I DIDN’T MEAN IT THAT WAY!”
Demi - “You have to suffer, Lex, for you have committed a most egregious Sin of calling a girl Fat.”
Veloura sits next to Lex, still smiling. “Don’t worry Lex, everyone believes in you, we just need to find you a Therapist.”
I connect to Veloura.
Demi - “You’re aware I am actually talking to him right?”
Velo - “Oh, yeah, totally. This is just awesome though.”
Lex looks up at everyone, they’re all looking at him like he’s crazy. Lex looks at Veloura, he can’t believe what he’s watching. “V-Veloura, you’ve gotta’ believe me!” Veloura giggles. “How About we discuss the Plan, Lex?” Lex just stares at her for a moment. “Y-Yeah, okay…”
Lex gets up, and Zoltin finally returns with that Bowl, bringing it over to me. I move into the Bowl, and Zoltin lifts me up. Veloura looks at Zoltin. “Oh yeah… I forget how strong you are Zoltin.”
Finally, I can rest. I speak to Lex through Telepathy again.
Demi - “Bring me food, dummy, And get some furniture in here.”
Lex looks at me, incredulously. “Seriously? You’re thinking about food, and furniture?” Okay, now you’re just asking me to hit you.
Demi - “I’m a Greater Puddle Kid jackass, my Body doesn’t work like yours, when I run out of Energy, I’m dead. And I need you to get some Furniture, so I can make an entrance to my Tunnels.”
Lex continues to just stare at me, with that dumb look on his Face. “Oh, I see. Can someone go get Demi some Food?” One of the Children speaks up. “The Castle has actually been running low on Food, somethings been eating all of it. I heard from one of The Guards that there was this Water Spirit…” The Girl that spoke up slowly turns to look at Me, as she realizes who the Water Spirit is.
Demi - “Okay, now listen, those tunnels take a lot of energy-”
Lex just stares at me with disappointment and anger. “Are you for real Demi?” Everyone is just staring at me, angrily. Guys, come on, I get hungry. I’m not fat!
Demi - “Okay but seriously, I will die if I don’t get food soon, I’ve already started running on my Mana Reserves. Using this Skill is killing me faster actually.”
Lex’s eyes begin to widen. “Fine, I’ll go see if I can find you something.” Lightning erupts from Lex’s body, and he bolts through the Door. I connect to Veloura.
Demi - “It doesn’t actually eat that much Mana, but it can get dangerous if I hold off, so it’s usually just best to make sure I don’t start dipping into My Mana.”
Veloura just sits there and stares at me for a moment. “Could you like, talk to everyone with this Skill? I mean, nobody wants to have to relay everything you say.” Oh…
Demi - “I guess I would call that Skill Collective Telepathy, which then I could make Telepathic Relay, and if I could come up with a Mind Control Skill, then I could make a Hivemind Skill. But anyways, no, that would cost a shitlicious amount of Mana, which I definitely cannot do in this state.”
Veloura closes her eyes, and places her hand on her chin. “That makes sense…” Veloura opens her eyes again, and looks at the whole group. “Alright, Calvinaz-Genesis, is there any way you would be willing to share your Mana?” Wait, how much does he have?
Demi - “How much does he have?”
Velo - “How do you usually calculate Mana Pools?”
Demi - “Chamber usually just tries to describe it to me, but I have asked for Basic Numbers in Stats. I have a Mana stat of 6,000 and a Pool of 100,000. I also have a Mana Storage Skill that adds an extra 50% of my Mana.”
Velo - “I see, then I believe Calvin would have a Pool of 3.2 million.”
Demi - “What exactly the fuck?”
Velo - “Aren’t you like, 3 days old?”
Demi - “Okay, you have a point. But isn’t that ludicrous?
As we speak through Telepathy, Calvin walks up. “Do they really need it?” Veloura sits there blank for a moment, then snaps awake and looks at him. “O-Oh, yeah, Demi needs it for a Mass Relay on their Telepathy, so they can talk to everyone. They’d need your entire pool.” Calvin just stares at her. “Velouravan-Genesis, do you really expect me to leave myself defenseless like that?” Are you for real? “Calvinaz-Genesis, come on, you recharge Mana way faster- Actually, if you kept feeding Mana into Demi, then you probably wouldn’t even need to give it all.” Calvin thinks for a moment, and looks at me. “Alright, I guess I can, please place Demitallis-Genesis on my back, Zoltin-Genesis.” Zoltin’s face brightens up, and he gets surprisingly happy. Zoltin places me on Calvin’s back, and I can feel the Mana flow into me through the Bowl.
There’s so much, it’s enough to overpower my natural Mana Consumption from not having anymore Stamina, but it won’t support 10,000 Children for very long. I connect to Calvin.
Demi - “Calvinaz-Genesis, it’s me, Demitallis, I’ve connected to you. While this is a WAY higher Generation Rate of Mana than what I usually have, I have to admit that this won’t support 10,000 other People.”
Calv - “Mm… It’s good to hear your Voice for the first time, Demitallis-Genesis, and I apologize for all of the rude things I said back then, I should have realized you were more intelligent than I was thinking. As for the Mana Pool… I guess I could give you the majority of it, but once you’re done talking, I want everything that’s in your Pool.”
Demi - “Yes, that sounds fair, thank you very much, Calvinaz-Genesis.”
I feel massive amounts of Mana flow into my Body, and it starts to glow with Mana, almost as though it’s trying to leak out. Right before I connect to everyone, Lex runs in, with a Basket full of Food. “Alright, I grabbed everything I could fin-.” Lex stares at my Bowl, sitting on Calvin. “Uh…”
Demi - “I have defeated Calvin, and I am now your new God.”
Demi - “Just kidding, I’m just borrowing his Mana so I can do a Mass Relay.”
I connect to everyone. It’s a cacophony of Minds and Voices.
Demi - “Hey, I’ve connected to everyone, please be quiet!”
Everyone continues thinking, the voices don’t stop until an unbearable noise rings out across my Telepathy and everyone falls to their Knees clutching their Heads, even Lex.
After a minute of this, everyone has become quiet.
? - “Sorry about that Demi, but it was the only way to get them to quiet down.”
Demi - “No, it’s fine, it was surprisingly helpful. But who are you?”
Vexa- “I’m Vexalan, I’m from the other Room.”
Demi - “Other room, what do you mean?”
Vexa - “Oh, well, I’m the same Species of Feline Demi-Human as Lex, him and I was born to recreate our old clan.”
Demi - “Oh, we'll need to talk about that later… But I guess a good Name for those Rooms would be the Incubation Rooms.”
Vexa - “Wow, yeah, that sounds way better actually!”
Velo - “Guys, shouldn’t we be moving on?”
Demi - “Right, good point Veloura. Lexy, Food, Now.”
Lexy - “R-Right.”
Lexy starts putting food in my Body, and I slowly eat it.
Demi - “Thank you Lexy, I felt like I was dying.”
Lexy - “Yeah, no problem, I just kind of feel bad for keeping your food from you.”
Demi - “Well, it’s okay now. Anyways, we really should continue, I still have Mana I need to give to Calvinaz-Genesis.”
Calv - “Good on you to remember that…”
Demi - “Thanks. Anyways, I’ve been developing a Series of Tunnels, I plan to put them all around the Castle, after I’ve made a Map of each Floor. Then I’ll place entrances throughout the Castle so we can escape. You guys will all also be able to help further develop Tunnels, I don’t imagine they’ll notice a few of you missing every now and then.”
Velo - “We’ve already explored every inch of the Castle actually, Lexy told us that getting this Information would be valuable.”
Demi - “Wait, really? Good job Lexy, you’re a lot less dumb than I thought you were!”
Lexy - “Well, thank you, but Lexy better not become a Permanent thing- WAIT A MINUTE YOU MOTHERFU-”
I disconnect Lexy, then reconnect him.
Demi - “I’ll have you know that this is a Christian Telepathy Chat and I will not be having your rude ass language here.”
Lexy - “What?”
Demi - “I’m just joking, you can curse your ass off haha, I couldn’t give less of a shit.”
Lexy - “Okay then…”
Calv - “Stop wasting my Mana…”
Demi - “Shit, sorry- Right, let’s see. We should develop a Map of the entire Castle, that way I can carve out select locations in the Castle for everyone to escape through on the Day we finally escape. Aside from that, I’ll also be building about 5 Tunnels that lead outside, in case Arigold is waiting for us at the end of one of them. I’ll also be needing help with excavating from anyone who can.”
Flar - “Sounds good, I’ll definitely help with Digging, my Flame Powers can melt Stone. And Calvinaz-Genesis is a Great Solar Dragon, so he’ll be invaluable on that front.”
Scel - “I’m also a Great Solar Dragon, I am Celscinaga-Genesis.”
Demi - “I see... Do we have any other Magic Users that could help?”
Flar - “Yes, about half of us are at least Adept in the Usage of Magic, and about half of that has Skills that can remove tons of Earth.”
Demi - “So what, is that like, 2,500?”
Flar - “I’ve actually been getting to know all of the new Siblings, in Total there are 20,000 of us.”
Demi - “Right, the B-Side Incubation Room, so I guess we have 5,000 who can help with digging… But who IS willing to Dig?”
Everyone raises their Hands, every single one of them, even the Fairies, even the Slimes.
Demi - “A-Are you guys for real? You’re all willing to dig?”
Lexy - “Of course they are, everyone cares about each other, at first we were already connected, but through you, we can speak with our Minds, we can organize ourselves better than we ever could have before.”
I sit here, in my Bowl, looking on at all of the Children, no, my Siblings, all Loyal to not One Person, but to their whole Family…
Demi - “I… I see now. Alright, let’s do this! We’ll break free, we’ll live together as one big happy Family, we’ll kick Arigold’s smug ass, and we’ll live the Lives we want to!”
Everyone vocally cheers, remembering to not overload me with Telepathic Messages.
Demi - “Alright then, Step One: Find good locations for New Tunnels, and get Furniture in this Room! Step Two: Dig Tunnels everywhere and create an Underground Headquarters! Step Three: Escape! BREAK!”
I deactivate my Telepathy, and my Mana finally starts to regenerate, I currently have 20,000 Mana left. I return all of it to Calvinaz, and I flow into the little hole I made, while everyone exits the Massive Room. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the largest Room in the whole Castle.
I returned to my Nest, it’s been a while, I hope nothing got into my Food. As I look in the Lake I notice that the Water has started to get a bit murky, and some of the Food I left in it has begun to Rot. I enter my Nest and I eat all of the Rotten Food, and anything else that’s on the cusp of Rotting itself.
Once I finish, I exit the Nest, and I decide to start expanding the Room even further, I’ll get ALL of them out of there.
End of Chapter: 9 “Memories of Symbols, through Newfound Blood do we find Egress!”
Everyone - “Thank you so much for reading!”
Thank you for your time.
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