《Red Star Outlaw | A Weird Space Western》24 | CONNIVING


Roy entered the kitchen whistling a tune. Cooks and kitchen hands started to stop him, but when they recognized him, they let him pass.

"Where's Beth?"

They pointed to a small office in the back of the kitchen.

Roy sauntered in.

Beth glanced up from her datapad and did a doubletake. "Why Reverend Roy. You gave me a fright. I was not expecting you here in the back."

"Sorry to spook you, Beth."

"What can I help you with?"

Roy had thought that the night he gave Miss Coraline a ride home that they were off to a great start. Were she any other woman in town, they'd be in the midst of a wild affair. But ever since that night, the flawless beauty gave him the cold shoulder.

"I came to inquire about Coraline."

A smirk tugged the edge of Beth's lips. "You fancy her, don't you. I've seen the way you admire her when she's not looking. She's gorgeous isn't she? Did you want me to arrange a meeting for you two?"

When Roy did not nod right away, Beth turned a shade pink. "Oh, forgive me Reverend for making assumptions. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend."

Roy waved away her fears with the flick of his wrist. Beth's interactions with Roy placed her on a precarious edge of mind, always trying to please him and pander to him, and then retreating fast if she suspected he did not like her response. "Offend me? Please. It's practically public knowledge that I'm not celibate like a priest, or tied down like a pastor. My love flows free. And yes, you are right. I have taken flight with Miss Coraline. Tell me though, how is her performance here?"

"Did she make an error on your food?"

"No. But—"

"She ordered you the wrong drink from the bar?"

"No. Nothing of the sort. I'm just curious."

"Oh. Well, Coraline is one of the best waitresses we got. And I won't lie. Her natural beauty brings the men back. The fact that she's hard to get...why she drags those men along on an invisible leash. And that keeps the creds flowing."

Roy's face drooped. It was not the news he wanted to hear. He told Beth so.

"I'm afraid I don't understand Reverend."

Roy pursed his lips, tilting his head, seeking the words. "Let's just say that a woman in her position, who doesn't realize the stature of a man that I am, or the blessings I have at my disposal, would likely find me a more favorable suitor if she were at risk of losing her livelihood."


Beth furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't catch your drift."

"If Coraline were suddenly to be asked to fill in for more shifts, or given more of a workload than the other waiters and waitresses, and expected to still perform with the same efficiency, then she might find herself more inclined to accept the advances of a man who could offer her an alternative."

Beth's face still looked confused. "You want me to make things harder on my best employee?"

"Not too hard. Just challenging enough. I'm nothing if not a helpless romantic. I want to be able to sweep her off her feet at the end of a hard day's work. But I can't do that if the work is too easy."

"But if I crack down on her too hard, I might lose her, and I'd lose the clientele drawn to this establishment just to see her."

"Our little ruse only needs to work long enough for her to accept my proposal. After several weeks of bliss, I'll propose that I come and give a talking to you. I'll pretend to yell and get fierce with ya, thereby becoming the knight in shining armor for Miss Coraline. It'll all be an act, see?"

Beth mouthed a silent exclamation, her slow wit catching up finally. Roy kept his face in check, but he wanted to slap her across the face for wasting so much of his breath and time.

"Are you sure this is the best way to go about it?"

Roy rolled his eyes. Grabbing Beth's shoulders, he stepped close, closer than he should and gazed into her pupils. They were actually quite lovely blue eyes. Pity they were locked in such a simple and ugly face. Roy shook those thoughts out of his head and focused on guiding Beth towards the right decision. "Beth. I know you are one of the faithful. I know that you long for the vision of the King. And—" he leaned in, whispering into her large lumpy ear, "I know you seek the yellow sign. You are on the right path."

Her eyes gleamed, growing damp. "Really Reverend?"

"Of course. I notice your attendance, faithful every Sunday. One of the few paying attention to my every word." Roy lied through his teeth. They all doted on his every word. These simpletons had such dreary lives, anything he said dazzled their minds with ecstatic wonder.

Beth smiled as tears streamed down her face. "I knew you could sense my devotion. I have more than the others, I promise. I just don't know why I haven't seen the vision yet. I know my faith is strong."


Roy almost choked on bile, but pushed it down. "Your faith is strong indeed, Beth. And soon you will receive the blessed vision. And later, the sign."

Beth gasped, clasping both hands together, shaking with an overflow of mixed emotions.

Roy pressed a finger to her lips. "Shhhh. I know this is a lot to process. But you realize your path to stronger faith can be expedited?"

"It can?"

"Of course. If you place your faith in me and help me, a servant and mouthpiece of the King, why, he'll show favor to you once he sees you display your devotion. This is how he works. He asks you to do something seemingly bad, something that might even seem downright wrong, but in the end the King will turn it into good for all three of us. I'll get the woman I desire. She'll have me. And you'll be blessed. Do you want to miss a blessing? Because if you don't want this, I could find another way."

Beth's jaw clenched as she steeled her resolve. She shook her head. "I don't want to miss a chance to serve the King. I'll do it."

Roy gave her an affectionate pat on the shoulders. "There there. Good girl. Now, you have to play the part so well, that you could convince your own mother. Coraline must believe without a shadow of a doubt that she's on thin shale with you. But do it gradually. Work up to it. I'd say two or three weeks ought to do. Start small, and pile it on from there. Remember, this is for her good and your blessing."

Beth smiled. "Okay. Seemed wrong at first, but once you explained it that way, I might be able to do it with a smile on my face just knowing the outcome will benefit all three of us."

"But I know you'll play the part. If this works out Beth, I'll be indebted to you." He leaned in and kissed Beth full on the mouth. She turned shades redder. "Don't tell your husband now. But I know you won't. You're trustworthy."

And while she was still reeling he winked and strode out with a pep in his step. As he left the kitchen he helped himself to a steaming chicken leg in the middle of a fancy plated spread. He inhaled the meat and dropped the bone on the floor.


Dahlia could not take her eyes off Roy. Even though Roy was used to the attention and the impact his sway had over others, her ogling was a little much. She hung on his every word, but not in a flattering way. Somehow in a way even worse than Beth.

"You've seen her? You know the woman I speak of?"

"Yes. Who doesn't? Her beauty is incomparable. I don't even think she wears makeup."

Roy had noticed that Coraline was matchless, making even the most attractive of women here in New Oklahoma seem drab. "Her job at the resort is difficult. The men are always after her, but that isn't the right setting. I feel that things are only going to get worse and I worry for her."

"Oh, Roy. You're so sweet." She rubbed his shoulder.

He grinned. "I try to be. Anyways, I'm not good with the women folk. What she really needs is a female friend, someone she can confide in, and also someone to offer her the option of another line of work. She'd do well at the brothel, I'm sure."

Dahlia batted her eyelids. "Do good? Roy, she'd bring us all kinds of business. Are you sure she's into that sort of work though?"

"She acts like she isn't, but at the end of the day, she's got to feed that child of hers."

"Well if you think she's lonely and needs a friend, I'd be happy to befriend her. That was such a thoughtful thing of you to suggest, Roy."

He kissed Dahlia on the cheek. "Thanks doll."

Roy skipped out of the brothel.

Of course he did not actually want Coraline to work there. He wanted her all for himself. He just needed to force her into a predicament that made himself the most attractive option. With a choice between unemployment or brothel worker, picking Roy was the best option. And who was he kidding? He was a handsome guy.

She was playing tough to get, but Miss Coraline would be his prize, very soon.

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