《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 13.3


Currently, I am inside the [Dungeon Core Room] trying to figure out the best way to repel the incoming raid. Putting in stronger monsters is a given, but seeing that there is a high possibility that the Guildmaster might just come along with the raid party, my current set of monsters aren’t enough to repel them.

“At least these Mana Crystals will help me.”

The only saving grace are the Mana Crystals that the Guildmaster gave me for compensation about the information I gave her. I fed the [Dungeon Core] the [High] grade Mana Crystals and each of the Mana Crystals gave me 2,500 MP, as well as some EXP for the dungeon.

I had 4 Mana Crystals in total, and in turn raised my MP by 10,000 and raised the dungeon level by one.

“Wow, 10,000 MP but only one dungeon level… Looks like I’ll have a problem raising this to 20.”

MP: 12,045 (315 + 130 {Killed Goblins} + 1600 {Martial Bear} + 10,000 {Mana Crystals})

While sullen at the fact that it might take me a long time to reunite with TB no. 2, I quickly replenished the dead monsters from the attack of the Giant Martial Bear using the MP I have.

Here is the current breakdown of my forces…


Void Horned Rabbits: 7

Void Horned Boars: 8

Void Night Wolves: 1

Alpha Void Night Wolf: 1

Void Iron Golem: 6

Giga Void Iron Golem: 1

Void Iron Golem (Skin-Tight Suit): 1

Total: 32/60


Void Horned Rabbits: 10

Void Horned Boars: 10

Void Night Wolves: 9

Alpha Void Night Wolf: 1

Void Iron Golem: 8

Giga Void Iron Golem: 1

Void Iron Golem (Skin-Tight Suit): 1

Void Goblins: 10

Void Slimes: 5

Void Giant Martial Bear: 5

Total: 60/60

All in all, my total MP consumption for replenishment of the monsters is 2,430, deduct that from my current MP and this here is my current remaining MP.

MP: 9615

Even though this looks like a lot, it will probably dwindle by a lot during the incoming raid. Next, I added two more floors, deducting 200 MP from my current, and spread all of my monsters among them.

Now if you’re wondering why I just won’t let all of my monsters gang up on the raid party, there is a reason. Inside the dungeon, the space is limited, and although I can expand it, the monsters attacking the raid party simultaneously won’t. It’s like 100 people fighting against one person where only about 4-5 can attack at the same time.

Although this tactic could be used to make them lose energy at a faster pace, it requires a lot of MP, and with my reserves, I doubt that I could last against that Guildmaster. The only way I can think is using guerilla warfare, keep on dwindling their energy with constant harassments while they continue deeper towards the boss room.


The higher floors had the weakest monsters ranging from the Void Horned Rabbits and the Void Wild Boars. When you go deeper, Void Goblins and Void Night Wolves will greet you and maul you to death with their teamwork, I hope…

Deeper than those floors, Void Iron Golems are stationed, waiting for the intruders, along with the Void Giant Martial Bears. To make it harder, I equipped the Void Martial Bears with the Void Iron Golems using [Parts Configuration], making the Void Giant Martial Bears to be a moving tank.

Surprisingly, when I came up with these monster combinations, all of them pretty much worked out well in the end. The higher floors, I can understand since the Void Horned Rabbits and the Void Wild Boar already had great synergy in battle before, but the Void Goblins and Void Night Wolves were a little bit surprising. They made a cavalry unit. Although back in Drake’s world, there were novels and shows portraying that Goblins can tame and ride other animals into battle, but this type of combination was deadly.

With the [Dimension Dive] skill of the Void Night Wolves, the Void Goblins can weave in and out of combat while riding them. Now take that [Void Handiwork] skill from the Goblins that could create weapons and items that has the void element, and we have another OP force to add to my dungeon.

If you’re wondering why it is OP, a weapon or item enchanted with the void element can ignore dimension when attacking an enemy. Basically, the drawback of the [Dimension Dive] skill of the Void Night Wolves being unable to attack was ignored, making them being able to attack while being relatively unharmed.

As for the Void Slimes, I made them stick with the Giga Void Iron Golem in the boss room. Why? It is because of their skill [Dimension Dissolve]. After experimenting with it for a couple of minutes, I found out one thing. And it is that my skill [Invulnerability] doesn’t defend against it. If I assume that my skill [Invulnerability] is a skill like a high class barrier, then it means that no barrier is safe from the Void Slimes.

I was thinking of coating the sword of the Giga Void Iron Golem with the Void Slimes so that just in case that they have a barrier, with the [Phasing Blade] skill, I can ignore their blocks and barriers and deal damage to them whether they are prepared or not, making their defenders completely useless.

If this was against a normal party of adventurers, then it would be completely overkill. I doubt they could even move past the 3rd floor where the Void Goblins and Void Night Wolves where stationed.

“But against that Guildmaster…”

But somewhere deep down, I knew, against that Guildmaster, it still isn’t enough. And if she brings a party of adventurers that has the same skill as her, then I am screwed.


“I need to think of some more countermeasures, but what…?”

Just then, I remembered about the [Dungeon Community]. More likely, the rule 35 TB no. 2 said.

“If it exists, then there is an option for it.”

With that sentence in my mind, I quickly opened up the [Dungeon Community] tab.


~ Third Person POV ~

“Nice to meet you again, Penelo.”

“Oi, you still single? Well, it’s normal for the one known as the Tyrant--- Ack!?”

“Keep that up and you will never see the light of day again, Megres.”

Inside the office of the Guildmaster, Penelo Pii, she was meeting with two close friends she hadn’t met in a few years. One was a woman with pointed ears who looked like she was in her mid-teens, while the other was a dwarf with a stout build and long beard.

While they were exchanging their greetings, the dwarf Megres, said something he shouldn’t have and was sent flying across the room.

“As always, the type that never thinks before he speaks… Hey, dumb barrel get up.”

“Gahh… Still quick to temper I see. Still, you haven’t rusted in these past few years, and you, don’t go calling me a dumb barrel, flat old hag.”


The elf made an outburst and conjured two giant fireballs the size of a truck’s tire and made them hover over her hands. Just before she could throw them towards Megres, Penelo stepped in and stopped her with something she hadn’t done for a while.


“!? Hii!?”

And in just a second, the balls were extinguished and vanished from plain sight.

“Ah right, I forgot, you had different tastes…”

The elf quickly retreated in horror and disgust.

“Stop Penelo! You know I don’t swing that way!”

“Oh really, says the one who I slept with a few years back.”


“… How many girls has she brought to bed already…?”

While Penelo and the elf were having a somewhat indecent talk, Megres was just muttering to himself about something he shouldn’t say out loud.


A few minutes later, the atmosphere within the room calmed down and they finally returned to business.

“You two know about the destruction of Garjo right?”

“You mean that town that got destroyed by a Golem?”

“Yes, that one. How come you’ve never remembered the name of the town?”

“Because of their feudal lord, you two already know how I fare with corrupt lords.”

“Ah right. Anyway, I found a lead to the cause of its destruction.”

When Penelo said this, the two went silent and signaled her with their eyes to go on.

“Apparently, there is a 90 percent chance that that Golem was instructed by a Dungeon Master to do something in that town. For what purpose, we don’t know, and that is why I’ve called you two here, as fellow Guildmasters and former companions.”

“Hmm… I get the gist of it, but if that is true then this is a serious problem.”

“Aye, not just this town, or any other town, but also the entire country, if the Dungeon Master’s purpose was the literally the destruction of Garjo, then this country is at risk of collapse.”

“I agree with that.”

“… Looks like we are on the same page, anyway, through a… special contact I have, we’ve learned the location of the dungeon. And after verifying the location, the dungeon is indeed, in that place.”

“Hmm, that contact must’ve had an extensive line of information.”

“Care to tell us who it is…?”

“Actually, I’ve wondered the same as well. I thought he was just someone who was trained to be a strong adventurer when he got here and registered just the other day, but after having a conversation with him, I’ve been suspicious of him.”

“Hm…? He’s an adventurer that just registered?”

“Well, it can’t be helped. There are dozens of old adventurers that just registered here and there.”

“No, that’s not the surprising part. The surprising part is that he’s just a little kid. Even more than that, he’s a minor.”

“… What?”

“Are you serious woman?”

The three went completely silent for a while, before Penelo continued.

“Yes, dead serious.”

“… Have you sent anyone with to check up on him?”

“Already did. The report says that he’s resting inside an inn not too far from here.”

“… Should we go pay him a visit?”

“No, not now, now is not a good time to spook the child. I’ve seen his strength. Although he wouldn’t be a match to me or you two, he is capable of fighting against most adventurers, as well as running away like a rabbit.”

“Then let’s leave him for now. Let’s just do it after we raid the dungeon, that’s what you brought us here for right?”

“Well said Kailee.”

Penelo smiled for a moment before nodding at their words.

“Good thing you understand the reason why I brought you two here.”

“I am not stupid, woman.”

“Yes, we aren’t idiots.”

“Okay, looking forward to working with you two again.”

This was the moment in history, after a few years of their disbandment, the A-rank party, ‘Lords’ has united once again.

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