《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 12.1


~ First Person POV ~

After we escaped from the golem, my golem in fact, we returned to the city with downed spirits. That only applied to the heroes though, although I feel guilty for killing some people from the same planet where Drake lived, I had no regrets. It was the only way for me to completely divert their attention from my dungeon.

When we arrived at the gate where the other heroes were waiting, they were shocked to see only half of us returned. When they asked what happened to the other heroes, Koujirou just averted his gaze and wept silently. The other heroes who experienced that horror firsthand too, broke down crying.

It seemed they never thought that people they knew would die. Quite naïve if they were to ask me, but who I am to judge them. I don’t even know when they arrived here anyway.

Back to the main topic, when they realized that some of them will never return, some heroes quickly tried to run towards from where we retreated. Of course they were stopped then restrained. It seems that among those that died, there were those with special someone’s, either from a blood relative, or a lover’s relationship.

Again, I felt guilty, but I still had no regrets. Of course, I made sure to make it not visible on my face.

“Gren… If it is alright with you, let us… Part ways here for now…”

While I was looking at the grim party of heroes, Koujirou approached me and with low spirits, said that we part ways for now. I agreed naturally, as if I want to stay with them when I was the main culprit of their friends’ death.

After a quick and incredibly sad chat, the party of heroes went their own way.


‘Well then… That’s one problem solved.’

Now that their target is the golem, I can rest assured that my dungeon is safe for now. But who’s to say that it is safe indefinitely?

‘I need to think of some countermeasures…’

Before I tackle the difficulty adjustment of my dungeon, right now I need set up my dungeon so that no one can find it, and if there was a discoverer, making sure that they don’t make it out alive.

‘Difficulty adjustment for later, right now I need to safeguard my dungeon.’

But before that, I headed back to the Adventurer’s Guild.

By the way, for those wondering why I am trying to tune the difficulty of my dungeon is so that I can farm MP. On how to do it though is a bit tricky since I can only get MP through killing, but a feature that can be bought in the fixes this problem. It is called [Dungeon Mana Siphon]. Its function is too slowly suck up Mana from the intruders inside the dungeon. And by slow, I mean really slow, so slow that it doesn’t let the intruders notice that they are being siphoned from.

And the stronger the intruder, the higher Mana I get. For example, using this feature, I can get 5 MP/hour from a F-ranked Adventurer, and 500 MP/hour from an A-rank Adventurer, it’s like that.

Anyway, enough of that, I entered the Adventurer’s Guild and gave my report to the receptionist.

“A Giga Iron Golem roaming around the woods? And it is also violet colored?”

She went into contemplation for a while and glanced at my shovel. Of course, I quickly told her the origins of my shovel.

“This shovel I found inside a dungeon.”

“… Thank you for the report, here is your reward.”


She handed me a bag with 5 Silvers inside.

“Also your RP has increased by 25.”

When I heard my reward, I fell silent.

“I thought the reward was only 2 Silver and 8 Coppers, with 15 RP?”

“It’s a bonus from the Guild, also for the high threat than normal.”

Once she said that, I had no other choice but to accept, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like it, I like it actually.

“Well then, I’m leaving, I need to rest…”

“Come again!”

With her usual business smile, she saw me off. With that, my business in the Adventurer’s Guild was done, now my dungeon business is next.


“I’m back!”

“Welcome back Gren!”

Once I arrived back in the dungeon after going through the dark alley portal, I was greeted by Mari in the middle of eating.

“I made you dinner.”


Although the dinner was bought with MP, I wouldn’t want to spoil her mood, so I just thanked her instead. After all, her actions hit me directly in the heart.

Once I finished dinner, I quickly went out of the dungeon towards the bell. The golem I had it enter inside the dungeon through the bell once I and the party of heroes got far away. The next thing I did was go towards the clearing where most of the heroes died. There was even some on the path.

The reason why I was going there was to loot the corpses. Furthermore, I have to do it fast. I can’t let anyone see me doing this kind of thing.

By summoning the Golem, I had it gather the corpses into one spot, but while I gathered the corpses, I marked the area where they were. Next, I separated each of them.

“Well then, let’s loot.”


One Hour Later…

“Alright, I’m done with looting, time to erase the evidences.”

Once I was done with looting the corpses, I summoned some wolves and asked them to mangle to bodies as gruesome as possible, of course after putting the corpses back to where they died using the markers that I placed. And once the wolves were done, the corpses were no longer recognizable. Although this puts a dent to my mind, I still have no regrets since I am doing this to survive.

“Now to move the dungeon.”

I have to change the location of the main portal of my dungeon. For now, I removed the portal under the bell. Next, I moved as far away as possible from this area. After a two hour walk, the sun was about to set so I had to stop my spot finding for tomorrow.

I found a huge rock and placed a portal between the gaps, and then entered back inside my dungeon.

Once I entered my dungeon, I began preparing for my dungeon’s defenses.

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