《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 5.3


The bloody night passed then dawn arrived. Due to unforeseen circumstances, such as the failed escape of the gang leaders, as well as the sudden retreat of soldiers, a temporary peace has been created inside the city, though this peace wasn’t peaceful at all for the gang leaders.

“Damn it… Because of our failed escape, the slum dwellers won’t listen to my orders anymore.”

Bardo smacked the desk inside his messy office. Behind him was a naked body of a teenage girl, sitting lifeless on the floor. Dry white liquid coated the ground where she lay and her tongue hanged outside of her mouth. Dry tears and hand imprints on her neck, as well as no breathing indicated that she died a horrible death.

“Your bad habits still haven’t changed Bardo.”

“Says the one who tortures little girls like a lunatic…”

Both of them, Bardo and Hado, were lunatics. They find joy in the suffering of others, much more if it was a young girl.

“Hey, where did that brat go…?”

“What brat? You mean that white-haired kid?”

“Yeah him. He had a girl with him right? The little prostitute in our brothel?”

“He did, yes…”

“Bring her to me.”

These two people, whose natures were truly among the worst, plotted their plan once more after their little side conversation.


Meanwhile, in an alleyway, a white-haired child could be seen running away from a group of armed men.

“Hey get back here!!”

A thug wielding a knife, along with his goons continued to chase the kid through the alleyways. But due to the movements of the child, as well as his chosen paths, they were unable to chase him further and lost him,

“You little brat!! Just wait until we get our hands on you!!”

The little kid, while chuckling to himself, opened a portal then jumped inside unseen from the eyes of the public.

A little further from where the group was chasing the child, a building on fire could be seen. Around it where dozens of slum dwellers kneeling on the ground while having their mouths agape.


It was no wonder why they were at a loss or actually grieving. The building that was on fire was a shack full of food for the slum dwellers. The food was supposed to be given on a day-to-day basis based on their contributed work to the slums, or specifically, the gang running the underworld of the city.

There was also a gang member yelling at the top of his lungs with veins popping out of his neck curses and profanities.


With a thwack, the gang member did a hook to the subordinate gang member’s chin. With the force he used, the gang member was rendered unconscious.


With a shout, the man commanded all of the people around, including the slum dwellers. The surrounding slum dwellers with hate in their eyes followed the command and literally turned the slum upside down to find the white-haired kid who destroyed their food supply.


While chaos was ongoing in the slums, the Feudal Lord’s manor however was eerily quiet. Quiet, except for one area that was full of knights.

“Damn that golem… But for once, you knights did your job properly.”

Princio, the Feudal Lord of this city, complemented the knight, Commander Lou, in finding the relic hidden within the walls of the manor.

“Thank you sir. But for me to accept this praise instead of the late Commander who did his best to repel the charging rebels and the golem, as well as the reason why the relic was found is disrespectful to the main person who contributed to the finding. “

With a bow, the knight saluted to Princio. Princio then clapped, and his sharp gaze head towards the relic on the table.

“You may be correct. But now is not the time to grieve the loss of our knights and commander.”

During escape to the Feudal Lord’s manor, the main Commander of the Garjo Army Troops died fighting against the Giga Iron Golem to dying breath. This was the result of an order from the cowardly Princio.


‘Damned Feudal Lord! You will pay for your misdeeds once this uprising is over!!’

While the new Commander, Lou Pishnick the former Vice-Commander, was having bloodthirsty thoughts, Princio picked up the relic and held it in his hands as if it was the most precious jewel in the world.

“Now!! With this, I can finally destroy that damned golem!!”

The relic Princio was holding was something back from the ancient times, where instead of magic, nature held all of the power in the world. There was also another term for nature of the ancient times, and that was ‘Science’.

But with the appearance of magic, Science degraded, and as a result of an immense war, Science was forever lost to the turning of time.

The relic Princio held in his hand had the form of a small sphere, with a red button on its top. This was hidden within the manor of the Feudal Lord by a person who was able to sneak in and out without being caught a few days earlier. There was even a note left behind stating some things that was not allowed to spread. It stated that there was a relic hidden within these walls, for thousands of years, hidden from the eyes of the world.

With the typical greed of a noble, Princio quickly organized a search troop to find the item hidden within his manor. What’s more, it was also categorized as a weapon that can kill at most an S-rank monster.

“But sir, how do you use this relic…?”

“That is not of your concern. Now, leave me be and go monitor the sleeping golem!”

With a swift gesture of the hand, Commander Lou immediately took a hint, saluted, then quickly left the room.


On the other hand, a huge golem could be seen unmoving on the ground. Around it, countless of knights fully armed to the bone were stationed. The golem from last night was able to be put down by a handful of sacrifices, as well as the blood and sweat of some magicians.

Far away from that place however, were two robed people hiding within the trees.

“Pressia, when can you get that golem moving again? It’s boring just sitting here waiting for it to do the deed.”

“… Patience…”

Rodella slumped back on the tree and gazed at the sleeping golem.

“Move already you hunk of junk.”


Not minding the bored Rodella, Pressia continued to chant some lines to restart the Giga Iron Golem.

“Hmm…? Hey Pressia, I think I found something.”

With a seriousness tone in her voice, she quickly got up from her sitting position and scanned the area where she found something with magic.


The area she was scanning was an area where a building was burning, while slum dwellers were busy yelling and moving trying to find something it seems.

“The knights aren’t moving, and no way in hell would those slum dwellers burn their only food supply.”

Rodella was able to notice what was inside the burning building, but now, turned charcoal. Pressia too found it weird.

“… Someone… Must… Be… Moving…”

“… Do you think it must have something to do with the three who fell from under the bell of the bell tower…?”

“… Probably…”

While the two were trying to confirm their suspicions, Rodella found something more bizarre.

“A white-haired kid…? Wait, is that a portal…?”

A white-haired kid could be seen jumping inside a portal while chuckling.

“Pressia, give me permission to check…”

“… Granted…”

Once permission was given, Rodella quickly moved and landed in the slums.

“Who was that kid…?”

The robed figure moved stealthily, in hopes of finding some clues.

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