《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 2.4


During the early stages of the world development, only two humans were created. From the soil of the earth and water from the sea, the human body was created with these two main components, though up to this day, the people has no idea how their bodies came to be with only soil and water.

The first human created was a male with a name known as Principal. He was gifted with unnatural strength, being able to subdue an elephant with only his right hand. He had a slim body, in contrast to his strength, and a face that was said to harbor the face of an angel.

The second human was a female with the name Femin. She was gifted with intelligence harboring that of a god’s, with wit that could be said to make a single country flourish for millenniums, even with her not present.

They were the firstborn of the many humans that would populate the world. The two of them spent a year with only the two of them. During that time, Femin was able to conceive more than a hundred children. It wasn’t strange for Femin to give birth everyday due to the singularity giving Femin the Fruit of Copulation.

The fruit, when eaten by Femin, allowed her to conceive everyday even after giving birth. It also negated the sense of pain when giving childbirth, as well as prevented the death of the female.

There was also another feature of the fruit, and that was speed up the process of growing in children. In just one month, the children already looked like 15 year olds.

With the children working everyday, they were able to create an environment where shelter, food, and water were abundant. Even clothing and weaponry was no problem once the children learned from the knowledge given to them by their only mother, Femin.

And so, 5 decades passed, and the population neared 1,000,000. Because of the females eating the Fruit of Copulation given to them by the singularity, the population of the world entered a high-speed influx of humans.


That is, until an organization called “The Black Hand” was created. The members of this organization all believed that the singularity was just their support in creating the world, and that the humans were the true rulers of the world. They waged war against Femin and Principal, dyeing the world in red blood.

During this time, cities, as well as kingdoms with their own kings were reigning supreme. Femin and Principal were nearing their limits as humans. And after a gruesome decade of wars, Femin and Principal were slain by the hands of “The Black Hand’s” carefully cultivated battle puppets. Today, the remnants of those battle puppets were known as the ‘Demon Race.’

The Demon Race looked human, save for the horns growing on their head. They had extraordinary magic aptitude compared to the humans, making the humans bend to their knees in battle.

The singularity had no idea of the horrors of human greed at that time, but made amends instantly when it had known that Femin and Principal had fallen. He raised the two from the dead and placed both of them next to him, thus Femin and Principal gaining the status of Gods.

It was then humanity made a comeback against “The Black Hand.” Humans capable of fighting against the Demons appeared by the help of Principal, the God of Strength, and intellectual humans capable of creating tactics and strategies against “The Black Hand” arisen by the help of Femis, the Goddess of Wisdom.

After another 30 years, did the war come to an end. During the middle state of the comeback from the side of humanity, “The Black Hand” created another type of battle puppet, known as the “Beastman Race” in the present.

With strength surpassing that of the Demons and Humans, humanity was once again at an impasse with the rise of the Beastmen. It didn’t take too long though, with the Gods Principal and Femin by the side of humanity, crushed the oncoming wave of terrorism after a few years of strife.

Once the opposition was crushed, the latter years of the war was only hunting the remnants of “The Black Hand”. After more than a decade of rooting out the hiding members, peace one returned to the world. The remnants of the battle puppets, known as the Beastman and Demons, were forgiven by the singularity and Gods as they were once human whose bodies were experimented on by the deranged members of “The Black Hand,” although humanity had other thoughts.


Thus entered the years of peace where humans prospered and the other races were discriminated against. During the span of time when peace reigned, the singularity which made Principal and Femin Gods, created more Gods whose tasks were to govern the flow of the world.

They were the Gods of the Elements. They were the 8 Gods governing over the flow order of the world namely, Ignis of Fire, Aqua of Water, Terra of Earth, Ventus of Wind, Lux of Light, Tenebris of Dark, Tonotirua of Thunder, and Inanis of Void.

Each of them makes up the world, and if one of them disappears, the world is thrown into chaos because of the loss of balance. And only the singularity can fix it, but for some reason, the singularity disappeared, along with the God of Strength and Goddess of Wisdom.

This is the history of the creation of the world Andeght.


~ First Person POV ~


I yawned as I finished the world’s creation part. This was just a fourth of the total history part written in the book. I spent at least 3 hours reading a fourth of the history part of the book, not to mention there were still more after the history part.

“I’ll read the next part next time.”

For now, there was still no sign of who the organizers were, as well when the God of Dungeons Abruptum appeared. Even though right now I was enjoying my time here, I was still trying to gather information about those who brought me here. If by some chance this was no coincidence, then what was the purpose of bringing me here, and if not, will I be able to go back to Earth?

But some part of me keeps on saying, ‘Stay here. Even if you go back to Earth, will you just repeat the same old boring life?’

Back on Earth, I was just doing the same job everyday, now knowing when it will end. Back then, it was just me and my computer, slaving away all day, just to get another day to live. Heck some days, I was even thinking of sleeping it all away. I wanted to run away from reality.

Being here now makes my heart feel light, as if a burden on my shoulders was lifted up. Here, I can live my life as I please, create my own story without any boringness. I can even say, “This was a fun life” when I grow old and actually meaning it.

Even now, just thinking of going back made me shudder. If I went back now, I’ll no doubt repeat the same process of programming just to make a living. Without a doubt, I would be living like a hermit everyday, waiting for the day when my heart would stop so that I could be free from the daily work.

“Rather, I would give anything just to come back here…”

My true thoughts leaked out of my mouth. Every relative I knew were dead. My friends? None. Just friends through a company, a work buddy if you may. Don’t get me started with a girlfriend. My age is equal to the days without a girlfriend.

“Hahaha… I wonder what my past self would think if he knew that his future self would be in a fantasy world managing a dungeon and having an adventure.”

He would no doubt throw away everything he had on his person and come flying naked, just to get away from reality. Such is the fate of a work-driven person striving for only oneself.

“Sometimes, loneliness can be lethal…”

I cleared my mind and rolled on my bed for a few seconds, before proceeding to sleep the night.

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